Sharing War Stories with our Software Architect (we started working together 17+ years ago)
This is a behind-the-scenes peek into a #software company that is working to roll out ShowPlatform 1.0 next week. In this video, I talk to Salil Kothadia, the ShowPlatform Software Architect. We started working together 17+ years ago and in this interview, we share war stories of projects we've done over the years. #softwarearchitecture #SoftwareProjects
Are you curious about IT outsourcing to India? Would you like me to share some mistakes and lessons learned? In this video, I explain where we opened our first India office many years ago and why we did NOT like that location. I explain where our India offices are located now, and why we chose those locations.
Here's a behind-the-scenes tour of our "war room" in Rajkot India as our super-talented team of developers, designers, QA testers and DevOps engineers are working hard to get ShowPlatform 1.0 launched next week.
How to Monetize Your Customers’ Passions
How to Create Great Marketing Messages
How to Use the Five Whys Method (LIVE STREAM)
How to Find Your Customers’ Passion Statements (LIVE STREAM)
Funnel Hacking Live 2021 - Day 2 Key Takeaways with Nathan Gwilliam
Funnel Hacking Live 2021 - Day 1 Key Takeaways with Nathan William