Tickets to Midnight Vol 3 Call for submissions.
Pure Sleeze Press is on its knees in anticipation and thirsting for your hot throbbing poems, we want to feel the friction of your fiction, and we want you to art in our faces.
What do we want? I don't know. That's a good question. Three years ago somebody sent crudely drawn photos of demons having s*x and we didn't publish them and we regret that now. So maybe try that. We like filthy language and raw s*x and brutal murder, and stories about drug use, gambling, any vice really. We also like just real s**t, ya know.
Also if you're going to send us pictures of n**e women or men then send some kind of documentation that they're cool with it, a release form with the photos. Don't make us ask for it later. We are honestly probably not going to publish photos of n**e men or women but you can still send them. You never know. People do it every year.
Also this press is LGBTQ friendly which seems like a weird thing for anyone here to have to say in the year 2024 but people ask.
Submissions will be open from October 1 to Dec 31 2024.
Pay attention to the email address because it changed. We are ditching Yahoo.
Please send all submissions to [email protected]
For poetry please send no more than five pieces attached to an email in a word document (.docx) file
For fiction no more than 2,000 words
attached to an email in a word document (.docx) file
For artwork just send a high resolution image as a JPEG
Include a bio that is no more than three or four lines
Simultaneous submissions are accepted however if it is accepted elsewhere you must notify us immediately and we will withdraw your entire submission and you may submit new material.
We will try to respond to your submissions in a timely fashion but like you we work jobs. So you're going to have to give us leeway on what timely means.
This is not a paying publication but all contributors included in the book will receive a contributor copy.
Plans to release in February completely subject to arbitrary and capricious change