In this episode Amy and I recap our 2023, the ups and the downs that brought us to tears and then built us up and made us stronger. This one is all about the Family Dynamics.
Turning 50 can be a big deal. Now that I'm here, it's not as old as I thought it was when I was younger. In this episode Rylee, Mason and I talk through turning 50 and we even call a few people live and get their advice.
#WhatsinYourCup #motivational60
What could happen in your life if you were 1% better today over yesterday? Take a listen to todays episode with Grover and start to strive for 1% better.
#whatsinyourcup #motivational60
***New Episode***
Season 2 is officially underway with todays episode, "Stopping the cycle of self-doubt"
In this episode Mason and I share a few of our own experiences and how we pushed through them and got past the fear.
#whatsinyourcup #motivational60
In this episode Jacob and I talk about the possibilities that come through challenge and how often your biggest opportunities for growth come disguised as uncomfortable feelings.
#whatsinyourcup #Motivational60
In todays episode Jordyn Burns, Spencer Guerrero and I discuss our experience with the Unleased Race and the need to slowdown and purposely connect and listen to the world around us.
#WhatsinYourCup #Motivational60
If you heard last weeks episode you know about UNLEASED, we set out this morning to conquer the stadium...every single step.
#whatsinyourcup #Motivational60
With the popularity of our 75 Hard episode and the engagement from our listeners, Jordyn Burns and I decided to revisit 75 hard, 4.5 months after completion and talk about what has changed.
#Whatsinyourcup #Motivational60 #75Hard
You've got a friend in me
***New Episode Alert***
Mason is back and we breakdown being a good friend and learning from yesterdays mistakes.
#WhatsinYourCup #Motivational60