This is fate update for 15th July
Kritika hugging Prithvi question when did he come back, Prithvi exclaims how could he have not come when she missed him, Karina exclaims he has given a pleasant surprise, Prithvi replies this is what he desired and did not even inform Kritika as she cannot keep a secret, he then seeks the blessings of both Dadi and Rakhi, Kritika introduces him to Sonakshi and Rajat, Prithvi shaking the hand congratulates Rajat and Sonakshi on being married, he then congratulates Karan, also saying the same to Preeta, then the entire family. He asks Sherlin if she is okay, she is recalling how he came to save her exclaims she is fine.
Archala jee asks asks Kritika to come and have the Mehndi applied so she leaves, Shristhi coming is shocked to see Sherlin exclaiming she thought someone has taken her away so they would be free from her but she is still present, Dadi calls Shristhi to come to her.
Sherlin replies he desires Preeta to leave Karan so that she comes to his life, Sherlin replies that he is a really idiotic person, Sherlin exclaims he also thinks of Preeta, Prithvi questions her to be on one side as she sometimes talks of Preeta or Karina, Sherlin replies that Kritika is her enemy because he married her but he always thinks of Preeta, Prithvi replies she still is thinking wrong of him, mentioning she is the only one in his heart as he saved her when she tried to kill the child of Preeta and her child, he also saved her when she was trying to burn the kitchen so he is always there for her but she only thinks wrong of him, had he not saved her she would have been thrown in the jail, he exclaims that it is not right and he is leaving her just like she tried to breakup with him on the phone, she stops him saying that he also knows she only loves him, they both hug each other, Mahesh comes with Mr Harshvardhan, they both are shocked to see the scene.
The Mehndi function is progressing, Rakhi thanks the waiter saying it seems now he has put the dried fruits in the milk, she takes it to Preeta but is worried how will she drink it as she is having the Mehndi applied on her hands, Karan says there is nothing to worry about as his hands are free, Shristhi exclaims if he feels like helping Preeta drink then should sit and do it properly.
Rajat says after what Karan is doing now it would be really difficult for him to impress Sonakshi even after he is taking the advice from him, Sonakshi signals, he apologizes exclaiming he made a mistake as he should not have revealed it openly that he is taking advice from him, Sonakshi would now always scold him, Karan assures nothing of the sort would happen, he must ask her to make circle tortilla which he is sure she would mot be able to do, Sonakshi asks karan to wait till her Mehndi is dried as she will then show him she can make round tortilla. He would be left stunned, Rajat questions if she can make it, Sonakshi asks him to wait and see as if he can take lessons from karan then she would also learn from Preeta.
Sonakshi asks Preeta if she would teach her but Preeta replies she would surely teach her but not today as it will ruin her Mehndi, Sonakshi assures it is no big deal as she will not make it for her husband all her life, she just needs to prove a point, Preeta agrees to teach her tomorrow, Sonakshi warns Karan and Rajat to wait and see but Karan replies he knows she cannot make it, Dadi exclaims the boys are really optimistic but do not know Sonakshi can do it all, she is just like Gold, karan asks if she is his girlfriend or her.
Rakhi says Preeta is a really good teacher so can teach anyone, Kritika mentions Preeta is surely really amazing as she has taught her a lot in life and even the kitchen, Shristhi exclaims then she is her sister, Kritika says that this idea would not always work.
Shristhi is standing when she sees Shrikant so thinks he is really wired so knows something which the entire family should know, she thinks Rajat seems nice but is he really like Karan or the copy of Prithvi who is only good from the front, but she thinks she felt Prithvi was bad from the start however it is not the case with him, she decides to test him.
Shristhi greets Rajat who accepts Karan advised him to take her help, but she did not answer his calls in the night, Shristhi replies that these talks are done face to face, Shristhi says that he would have to pass her test if he needs to get her tips, Sameer exclaims he is stuck but Rakhi stops him, Rajat asks what would he have to do, Shristhi says she will not ask him to do the work of a labourer but would ask some question, she asks if he is really honest, Rajat replies that he sometimes lies that do not cause any sort of harm, he clarifies that he sometimes lies if he wants to leave the party, they exclaim he is a mama’s boy, he mentions it would be good for Sonakshi as he will also treat her with the same respect, Kritika replies he is right as Karan is the same so treats Preeta with the same respect and love.
Mahesh is with Harshvardhan when they question what both are doing, Sherlin immediately hides, Mahesh is shocked thinking he is alone, he then advises Prithvi to be careful as it is a resort and public place, Prithvi apologizes exclaiming they both know how much he loves Kritika, so they were not able to resist after seeing each other, Harshvardhan leaves with Mahesh.
Karan asks what sort of questions if she asking as it seems he is being questioned, Shristhi replies she is just asking what is in his heart which no one knows, Rajat accepts he also has a secret and exclaims he would not hide it but will reveal the truth today in front of everyone.
Rajat replies that since Shristhi has asked him a question so he would surely reply it as no one has ever asked him such questions before, he will surely reply it, Preeta asks Shristhi to stop making it so weird for them all, she requests Rajat to not take anything seriously, Shristhi mentions she is really serious, karan also asks Rajat to not be worried because it is just a question, Preeta asks why is he taking Shristhi’s side.
Rajat replies that he will surely reveal the secret explaining they all think he is a really nice person but he had a secret and it was that he was not worthy of Sonakshi so three years ago he saw her coming out of the hospital in London, he fell in love with her so tried his best to make himself worthy of her so he worked hard to further his business empire then after being successful and winning the business man of the year award, he sent the proposal to her father through their common friend, he is still trying to win Sonakshi’s heart, the entire family is really moved with his love story, Karan exclaims Shristhi managed to make him reveal the secret which was in his heart, Rajat replies that it is nothing to be worried about but they all have to be careful of Shristhi as she knows what is in everyone’s heart so they would have to be careful of her, Shristhi thinks he has told a secret but it was not that which she desires to hear as that secret is still hidden.
Shristhi sees uncle leaving and so follows him, Preeta is asked what would she name the child, Dadi and Rakhi suggest the name but Karan also suggests a name, Kritika requests to just as he thought the name to write it on her hand, Sonakshi also asks Rajat to write the name thinking that it would be nice when she searches for his name while he would search for her name, Harshvardhan je enters with Mahesh and they have brought the band with them, suggesting that since it is a Punjabi wedding then there should be dance.
Shristhi is following the uncle and secretly sees that he is meeting with someone and also gives him an envelope, Shristhi asks the uncle who the person he just met but he categorically denies even meeting with anyone, Shristhi is sure that he met with someone but the uncle warns her to no interfere in his matters as she doesnot know him at all so should not worry about what he does, Sonakshi comes to Shristhi, seeing her the uncle leaves, Shristhi asks if Sonakshi feels Rajat’s uncle is strange, Sonakshi doesnot feel the same, she asks Shristhi to come and have the Mehndi applied on her hands.
The entire families are dancing and really enjoying themselves, Preeta also joins the dance with Karan, Prithvi seeing the opportunity goes to her forcing her to dance with him, Sherlin gets mad seeing him dance with Preeta who is also not comfortable so she hits him hard in the feet, Prithvi is not able to stand still, Kritika manages to hold him asking what has happened, he looks at his feet and sees Preeta dancing so leaves making an excuse that he has to make a call, Preeta continuous to dance with Karan.
In the night Prithvi is on the mobile with the employees scolding them asking why can they not do any work by themselves and call him on every problem, he asks them end the call so he will send the quotation.
Kritika coming from behind questions where is he going he replies he is going to their room, she mentions he is going at the wrong direction, she takes him to the room where he is worried, Kritika assures him it is their room, asking him to see her mehndi, he replies without even looking, she making him sit replies that the first letter of his name is hidden in her mehndi since they were not able to do it at their wedding night, it is a really tradition which implies the husband always knows what is in the heart of the wife, Prithvi replies if this is the case then he would surely find the letter so starts searches the hand, Kritika asks what is he doing as it is really tickling, Sherlin walking outside the room gets really mad seeing them both smiling, Sherlin texts Prithvi to come and meet her otherwise she would enter the room of Kritika.
Prithvi gets really tensed seeing the message so tries to make an excuse but Kritika is not at all ready to let him saying insisting that he should talk with her by his aside, he replies it is really difficult to talk with them, he sometimes has to yell at them which he doesnot want her to see, Kritika explains she is really impressed with his skills to convince others. She agrees to let him leave.
Karan mentions he lives in this room with Preeta but he doesnot know where she is when his parents want him to take care of Preeta and even feed him milk but they don’t know where she is, Rajat replies she is with his wife Sonakshi as he knows that no one is able to convince her so she is with Preeta, he throws the ball, Rajat turns to pick it when Preeta enters with Sonakshi, she asks Preeta to tell Karan the line which she told her, Preeta replies that when the colour of the Mehndi is so dark it means the future husband would love her a lot, Sonakshi also replies she feels Rajat will really take care of her, Rajat from behind explains that he will promise it, Preeta is stunned when Rajat comes to take Sonakshi’s hands, karan is shocked that she is feeling shy exclaiming she was never like this.
Sonakshi asks him to see her Mehndi Karan doesnot understand, she says he told her she will never get any good husband, Sonakshi then asks Preeta if they should leave, Karan asks where are they going, Preeta replies they are going to the roof as everyone is playing the games there, Karan asks Rajat what game should they play, Rajat advises they should play a game of carrom.
Kritika is in her room, Shristhi comes asking her to come with her because they are going to have a lot of fun on the roof, Kritika requests her to let her stay as she will come with Prithvi jee.
Shristhi asks her to call him, but Kritika replies that he is not answering his calls. Chacha jee signals them to the room, Kritika wonders what he is doing in Sherlin’s room. Do follow and like Zee fastest update for more 🤗🤗🤗