Wellness Paradox Podcast

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Wellness Paradox Podcast A podcast dedicated to bridging the gap that exists between healthcare and fitness.

2 years ago today, episode  #37 dropped! Read more below ⬇️ If you don’t have profits you, you don’t have a business, yo...

2 years ago today, episode #37 dropped! Read more below ⬇️

If you don’t have profits you, you don’t have a business, you have a hobby – period! As uncomfortable as that statement might be for fitness professionals it is objectively true and critically important. So many fitness professionals enter and leave the field quickly because they can’t make a stable income. In many cases this is because fitness pros approach their business from a caregiving-centric mindset, rather than a business-first mindset. The reality is if you can’t make a living, you can’t keep caregiving for long enough to help anyone. Once fitness professionals realize this business-first approach opens them up to leading a long, sustainable, and financially stable career; the entire game is changed for them and the people they help!

Much like all things that fitness professionals learn, business and marketing are skills that are acquired through knowledgeable teachers and mentors. In episode 37 we have an incredibly knowledgeable teacher who not only talks the talk, but walks the walk, in his own successful fitness business. Marc Morris comes from a nutrition and fitness background, not from the boardroom or a business school, which makes his teaching even more understandable and applicable.

In this episode we’ll discuss actionable strategies, tactics, and techniques to effectively market fitness businesses of all sizes (from the single personal trainer to large fitness departments in health clubs). More importantly than anything else, this episode has many easily implementable suggestions that you can start using today to make you business better, reach a larger client base, make more money, and ultimately help more people.

Today, episode  #114 dropped!Unlock the door to a calmer you with the help of Dr. Matthew Lederman as we navigate an are...

Today, episode #114 dropped!

Unlock the door to a calmer you with the help of Dr. Matthew Lederman as we navigate an area that is often overlooked by fitness professionals - the parasympathetic nervous system. Imagine achieving a serene state of mind amidst the chaos of your daily life; this episode is your guidebook. Dr. Lederman returns to the Wellness Paradox podcast, amplifying our prior insights with advanced strategies for harmonizing our body's restful processes. We'll dissect the intricate dance between breath control and wellbeing, and I'll introduce you to webe kälm, an innovative tool created to enhance your path to better health. Our dialogue extends beyond theory, showcasing practical steps to seamlessly integrate breathwork into the rhythm of your daily routine.

The topics discussed in this episode are enlightening in two ways. First, we'll discuss how breathwork can assist fitness professionals' clients in achieving better levels of recovery, health, and connection. Secondly, we'll explore how breathwork can be a potent tool for our own recovery, focus, and wellbeing as fitness professionals trying to care for others. Although many listeners likely haven't put much thought into the parasympathetic nervous system, this discussion makes clear its important role in improving the health, fitness, and wellbeing of our clients.

Listen to the episode at the link in the comments below!

One month until the IDEA & ACSM Health and Fitness Summit! Learn more about the event and register at the link below.Rea...

One month until the IDEA & ACSM Health and Fitness Summit! Learn more about the event and register at the link below.

Read more about my lectures ⬇️

The Fitness Value Proposition for Healthcare Systems & Providers (2/23 1:10pm)
- Fitness professionals often approach healthcare providers with a referral-focused mindset, hindering potential partnerships. Shifting this approach is crucial. Emphasizing a value-driven perspective, rather than being referral-centric, is essential for success. Understanding contemporary healthcare economics and policy is vital. Crafting an appealing value proposition tailored to healthcare's needs is foundational. This lecture offers a framework, developed through real-world engagement with healthcare executives and providers, to effectively establish and expand collaborations between fitness professionals and healthcare providers; ensuring mutual benefit and sustainability. The framework merges healthcare economics, policy theories, and practical experience, serving as a roadmap for forging successful partnerships.

The Power of Collaboration: How the Fitness Industry is Strengthened (panel, 2/22 5:30pm)
- Collectively making great things happen by working together just as ACSM and IDEA have done for the 2024 Summit. Collaboration is working together to level up, innovate, and strengthen business presence and practices. Listen, learn, and engage with collaborators who have proven fitness business success because of smart and impactful collaboration.


This Wednesday, episode #114 drops! Check out this teaser clip with Dr. Lederman for a sneak peak!

2 years ago today, episode  #36 dropped! Read more about the episode below ⬇️ Mental health is becoming an increasingly ...

2 years ago today, episode #36 dropped! Read more about the episode below ⬇️

Mental health is becoming an increasingly important topic to discuss due strain the pandemic has placed on all of our lives. Despite most thinking of COVID-19 as a physical illness, it has resulted in significant social disconnection from the things we love and care for the most. As social creatures’ human beings need these social connections to thrive and be mentally healthy. Many of those social connections have been absent (or diminished) since March of 2020, as a result nearly one-third of Americans now report some type of mental illness (and many more are just struggling with life).

All is not lost however! Fitness professional have a critical role to play in the mental health of our broader population. Not only are health/fitness clubs’ great places for people to make those all-important social connections, but fitness professionals have the direct ability to improve self-efficacy and autonomy in their clients that can further contribute to mental health. Beyond all of this, is the well-established physiology benefits of physical activity on mental health.

Episode 36 takes a deep dive into the role fitness professionals can play mental health with Akai Jackson, who was recently voted America’s Favorite Mindfulness Coach. This discussion extends far beyond mindfulness to explore many areas that fitness professionals can help improve our client’s mental health. For so many years fitness pros have been focused on what we can do the body, we didn’t realize what we were doing for the mind and the spirit was even more impactful. This great conversation with Akai will discuss how fitness professionals can ensure they are engaging with their clients in a way that intentionally and compassionately improve their mental health. Great actionable takeaways from this conversation!

Be on the lookout for this insightful episode dropping next Wednesday with Dr. Lederman!

Be on the lookout for this insightful episode dropping next Wednesday with Dr. Lederman!

Learn more and register for the mParks Conference & Trade Show at the link in the comments! Read more about the lectures...

Learn more and register for the mParks Conference & Trade Show at the link in the comments!

Read more about the lectures I'm speaking on below ⬇️

Preparing the Exercise Professional of the Future (2/29, 11:15am)
- There is a robust advocacy and professionalization effort underway in the exercise profession. Many groups, once siloed, have come together in an effort to advance the exercise professional to the status of Qualified Healthcare Provider. Much of this momentous effort has been undertaken with limited awareness from the frontline exercise professional. This exciting glimpse into the future of the exercise profession will create awareness and understanding of the multiple prongs of the ongoing professionalization effort. Most importantly, it will prepare exercise professionals for a future where they will be elevated to the status of Qualified Healthcare Provider.

The “Greying of America” Opportunity for Parks & Rec (2/29, 2pm)
- By 2035 there will be more adults over the age of 65 than there will be kids under the age of 18. By any objective measure our population is aging. This is a testament to modern medicine’s ability to help us lead longer lives. While modern medicine does allow for leading longer lives, it can’t ensure we lead better lives as we age. Fitness professionals, are well position to address this growing public health concern, while at the same time take advantage of a significant business opportunity.
- This lecture will explore the underlying physiological and anatomical decrements that occur with aging and how appropriately prescribed strength and power training can mitigate these decrements. The discussion will focus on research highlighting the importance of higher load and higher velocity for aging adults. Importantly, we’ll discuss how exercise professionals can approach program development in a progressive, periodized, fashion to ensure optimal outcomes and enhanced safety. Lastly, we’ll unpack the business opportunity that exists working with the aging adult population and how organizations and individuals can effectively monetize this type of service in their business model.

Make sure to listen to our latest episode "Challenges & Opportunities of Anti-Obesity Drugs for Fitness Professionals," ...

Make sure to listen to our latest episode "Challenges & Opportunities of Anti-Obesity Drugs for Fitness Professionals," with Dr. Rogers, if you missed it last week!

2 years ago today, episode  #35 dropped! Read below for the episode description ⬇️ For the past 40+ years the fitness in...

2 years ago today, episode #35 dropped! Read below for the episode description ⬇️

For the past 40+ years the fitness industry has largely succeeded in getting the fit fitter. That may sound like harsh statement for an industry that is all about making the public healthier, but it is an objective reality. Only 15-20% of the American public regularly goes to health/fitness clubs, leaving the other 80% to flounder in an attempt to become more active, improve their fitness, and better their health. Given the fact that 80% figure has not changed for decades, maybe it is time for the health/fitness industry to rethink its approach to getting our nation more active and healthier.

Enter Dr. Michelle Segar, who has been talking and writing about this different approach for years. Dr. Segar is (among many things) a sustainable-behavior-change researcher that focuses her research on physical activity and movement. Her book, No Sweat, provides a framework and language that makes physical activity much more desireable for the many Americans who do not engage in any physical activity, let alone consider going to a health/fitness club.

This podcast will take a deep dive into Dr. Segar’s framework. In doing so, we’ll explore a paradigm shifting model of how to encourage sustainable physical activity for all individuals – not just the 20% of Americans who go to health/fitness clubs. Many industry leaders believe Dr. Segar's work is crticial to reaching this other 80%.

The answer to solving many of our largest public health problems start with increasing physical activity. Furthermore, the answers to transforming the health/fitness industry, both in terms of public health impact and economically, most certainly begin with engaging the 80%ers. This podcast episode is a masterclass in how to do just that.

Today, episode  #113 dropped!Anti-obesity medications (like Ozempic) are quickly and dramatically shifting the way weigh...

Today, episode #113 dropped!

Anti-obesity medications (like Ozempic) are quickly and dramatically shifting the way weight loss is approached. Lifestyle interventions involving calorie restriction and high-volume exercise, once viewed as primary tools to treat obesity, now seem inadequate next to these potent drugs. Furthermore, the oversimplified mantra of “eat less, move more” seems far less relevant given how these medications work.

As fitness professionals have been heavily involved in the “move more” part of that mantra, it is understandable why some in the industry view these medications as challenges to overcome rather than opportunities to embrace.

Our guest in episode 113, Dr. Renee Rogers, brings a unique perspective to this topic. As an obesity researcher and a former fitness professional herself, Dr. Rogers understands both the challenges and opportunities fitness professionals face with these medications. In this conversation, we’ll gain insights from Dr. Rogers into how these medications work and what the latest research tells us. We’ll also unpack the very real challenges these medications present for fitness professionals.

More importantly, and constructively, Dr. Rogers concisely lays out the opportunities these drugs open up for fitness professionals. Using this opportunity-oriented lens, Dr. Rogers shares how fitness professionals can still have a very meaningful impact on individuals taking anti-obesity medications. You won’t want to miss this informative and perspective-shifting conversation on how fitness professionals can embrace anti-obesity drugs.

Listen at the link in the comments below!


Stay tuned for the first episode of the New Year coming out on Wednesday! Super excited to welcome Dr. Renee Rogers back onto The Wellness Paradox to discuss the "Challenges & Opportunities of Anti-Obesity Drugs for Fitness Professionals."

Two years ago, today, episode  #34 dropped! Check out the episode description below ⬇️Episode 34 of the Wellness Paradox...

Two years ago, today, episode #34 dropped! Check out the episode description below ⬇️

Episode 34 of the Wellness Paradox Podcast brings us to a discussion I am incredibly passionate about – leadership and building a strong culture within an organization. What it takes to be a great leader and to build a strong organizational culture is often misunderstood. Furthermore, in such a “young” industry, like fitness and wellness that’s identity is continuously evolving, leadership and culture can be a challenge.

To address this topic and provide actionable solutions, we’re joined by Luke Carlson from Discovery Strength. His background is a unique combination of evidence-based exercise science and evidence-based leadership/culture building. Not only does Luke lecture around the country on the topic of leadership, he has built his own high performing organization, with a strong culture of leadership, evolution, and growth! Luke is not someone that just talks of “leadership theory,” he lives and breathes it every day in his business!

This conversation will spark not only inspiration, but action. Many people are long on ideas, but short on action – not Luke. This is a value conversation for all aspiring leaders, looking to build a strong organizations culture, not just in fitness, but in any industry!

Happy New Year from The Wellness Paradox Podcast! We appreciate your support and look forward to continuing to explore v...

Happy New Year from The Wellness Paradox Podcast! We appreciate your support and look forward to continuing to explore various aspects of wellness and the fitness industry with you. Stay tuned for more engaging content in 2024 as we work to close the gap between fitness professionals and the medical community!

Two years ago today, episode  #33 dropped! Check out the episode description below ⬇️ For years the health and fitness c...

Two years ago today, episode #33 dropped! Check out the episode description below ⬇️

For years the health and fitness club industry has viewed itself as a trusted and essential community health resource. Despite this internal view from the industry, being declared a non-essential business at the beginning of COVID, and then being categorized with bars and casinos upon reopening certainly suggests there’s dissonance with how external stakeholders view our industry.

Clearly medical, public health, and government officials do not hold the same view the health/fitness industry believed they held. There is rallying cry from inside the industry to change this view. Dr. Amy Bantham is one of leading voices of this rallying cry. Her professional and academic background make her incredibly well-suited to assist our industry in changing its perception in the eyes of critical stakeholders. Dr. Bantham has worked as a front-line instructor in the industry, worked for the national trade association for health club (IHRSA) for many years, and now holds her Doctorate in Public Health from Harvard.

Dr. Bantham, and her company, are intensely focused on the action steps health/fitness clubs need to take operationalize our industry as an essential and trusted community public health resource. With the pandemic not waning any time soon, mental illness on the rise, and chronic lifestyle conditions reaching pandemic levels in our population; there is no more important time to hear this message. Indeed, the health of country hangs in the balance.

Today, episode  #112 dropped!As we bring 2023 to a close, we acknowledge we’ve learned quite a bit about addressing the ...

Today, episode #112 dropped!

As we bring 2023 to a close, we acknowledge we’ve learned quite a bit about addressing the Wellness Paradox this past year. This knowledge was driven by our amazing guest that all provided insight and actionable to address the gap that exists between fitness professionals and the medical community.

In episode 112, we summarize the collective thoughts of expert guests from this past year about how to address the Wellness Paradox. We trust that you’ll find their insights even more enlightening when combined together than they even were when you listened to them independently at the end of every episode.

We sincerely thank our guests for sharing their time, expertise, and passion this past year. We thank all of you, our listeners, for engaging with us and taking what you’ve learned to frontline of healthcare, everyday. We look forward to providing more insight, actionables, and inspiration in 2024.

Check out the link to the episode in the comments below.

Tomorrow, episode  #112 finally drops! You won't want to miss this extra special episode with all of our amazing guests ...

Tomorrow, episode #112 finally drops! You won't want to miss this extra special episode with all of our amazing guests from 2023. Stay tuned!

Happy holidays! We wanted to take a moment to send warm wishes from the Wellness Paradox Podcast. We hope you're enjoyin...

Happy holidays! We wanted to take a moment to send warm wishes from the Wellness Paradox Podcast. We hope you're enjoying the holiday season and finding ways to prioritize your well-being.

We also wanted to remind you about our upcoming special episode, "Addressing the Wellness Paradox in 2023: Expert Guest Insights." This episode is packed with valuable information and perspectives from industry experts. We can't wait to share it with you!

Love this quote from Ryan Glatt on his thoughts on closing the Wellness Paradox!

Love this quote from Ryan Glatt on his thoughts on closing the Wellness Paradox!

2 years ago today, episode  #32 dropped! Read more about the episode below ⬇️ Many fitness and wellness professionals st...

2 years ago today, episode #32 dropped! Read more about the episode below ⬇️

Many fitness and wellness professionals struggle to coach their clients on nutrition. Indeed, nutrition is a very complex area of health behavior change and requires a significant amount of time investment on the part of the practitioner. Often this is time fitness and wellness professionals don’t have. Beyond that, coaching nutritional behavior change requires an operational knowledge of not just the physiology of nutrition, but also psychology, as many clients’ relationship with food is complicated (and in some cases boarders on pathological). To that end, this may not be an area of coaching fitness and wellness professionals can “go it alone.”

Clients who require significant nutrition behavior change, beyond just healthy eating, may benefit from working with a registered dietician, in collaboration with their fitness/wellness professional. Episode 32 of the Wellness Paradox Podcast explores this collaborative relationship between fitness/wellness professional and registered dietitian (RD) as we’re joined by RD Allison Mankowski.

Allison has significant experience in several different settings coaching clients on nutrition-related behavior changes. In this conversation she’ll provide insight into where a fitness/wellness professionals’ scope of practice starts, and stops, with regard to nutrition. Moreover, she’ll also provide an actionable framework for fitness/wellness professionals to collaborate with local registered dietitians to help their clients get better results, make their job easier, and build a more sustainable business all at the same time.

Great advice on how to solve the gap between fitness professionals and healthcare workers from Dr. Natalie Grinvalds.   ...

Great advice on how to solve the gap between fitness professionals and healthcare workers from Dr. Natalie Grinvalds.

I'm thrilled to share that I was a guest on Dr. Chamoun's podcast! Be sure to listen at the link in the comments and rea...

I'm thrilled to share that I was a guest on Dr. Chamoun's podcast! Be sure to listen at the link in the comments and read the episode description below ⬇️

Join us as we welcome Michael Stack, a faculty lecturer at the University of Michigan’s School of Kinesiology and the creator of the Wellness Paradox Podcast, who shares his transformation from an exercise physiologist to a health entrepreneur and fitness industry advocate.
This episode delves into the pivotal role of fitness professionals in health management, the impact of exercise on chronic disease, and Michael's unique perspective on why the medical field needs fitness professionals. He brings to life success stories where fitness interventions significantly restored health, highlighting the key elements that led to these triumphs.

In our engaging conversation, Michael offers his outlook for 2024 and beyond, touching upon emerging trends and technologies at the crossroads of fitness and medicine. This episode is a compelling exploration of the interplay between physical wellness and medical care, offering valuable insights for both healthcare providers and fitness enthusiasts.

One day closer to the release of episode 112!

One day closer to the release of episode 112!

9 days until our 2023 recap episode drops!

9 days until our 2023 recap episode drops!

10 days until our year recap episode airs! Stay tuned to hear all of our 2023 guests' insights on how to solve the welln...

10 days until our year recap episode airs! Stay tuned to hear all of our 2023 guests' insights on how to solve the wellness paradox.

2 years ago today, episode  #31 dropped! Read more about the episode below ⬇️ Episode 31 of the Wellness Paradox Podcast...

2 years ago today, episode #31 dropped! Read more about the episode below ⬇️

Episode 31 of the Wellness Paradox Podcast brings us to a unique conversation about the importance of collaboration. Clearly the public health crisis of chronic disease that the health/fitness industry is attempting to address is bigger than what we can alone handle. Indeed, collaboration between multiple sectors will be necessary to address this ongoing public health crisis in our country. One unique and important area of collaboration exists with local parks and recreation departments, which is exactly what today’s conversation will explore.

For this discussion we’re joined by Clay Summers, the Executive Director of mParks, the state association for parks and recreation departments in Michigan. Clay has a unique perspective on the parks and recreation ecosystem, as he started his career working at local parks and rec departments before heading to run the state association. This conversation will highlight the similarities in goals between our two respective industries – to make our communities a healthier place to live, work, and play!

Although we’ve had this same goal for years, traditionally our two industries have not collaborated much in the past. The pandemic has changed this, like so many things. Parks are looked at as a safe and accessible place to be physically active, to not only improve physical health, but also mental health. Many fitness clubs and trainers have used parks for workouts in the past 18 months, with members greatly enjoying these experiences, which I suspect are here to stay.

Workouts in parks are just the scratching the surface of the opportunities for collaboration between our two industries. As Clay will layout in this episode, there are many creative ways for parks and recreation departments, health/fitness clubs, and individual trainers to collaborate on a number of programs to make our communities healthier. Clay will provide some actionable steps for all stakeholders in this equation to improve overall population health at the community level. We’re headed in the direction of a collaborative approach towards improving public health and a collaboration with parks and rec represents a very fertile opportunity to make a real and immediate difference in our communities.

Today, episode  #111 dropped!What happens when a razor-sharp attorney meets the world of fitness? This dynamic episode w...

Today, episode #111 dropped!

What happens when a razor-sharp attorney meets the world of fitness? This dynamic episode with Hasson Barnes, a seasoned attorney from Baltimore, promises to unfold the intricate layers of legal liability for fitness professionals. We dig deep into the nuances of liability, from criminal and civil facets to professional and general liability. Hasson’s meticulous legal perspectives will guide you through this complex territory, highlighting the dire consequences of high exposure.

Navigating the labyrinth of legalities doesn't end there! We delve into the crucial role of liability waivers in safeguarding your fitness practice. Drawing from Hasson's wealth of knowledge, we underscore the importance of specificity in these waivers, and the protective measures of forming an entity and securing the right type of insurance. We delve further into the implications of virtual training and the pivotal role of liability waivers in shielding fitness professionals.

Taking a turn into the realm of practical application, Hasson provides invaluable advice on working with clients with specific medical histories. He equips us with strategies on assessing a client's fitness level, dealing with workout struggles, and the inherent risks involved. The disparity between the perspectives of medical and fitness professionals on client health and fitness becomes apparent as we explore these potential risks. This conversation is loaded with practical insights to protect and enhance your fitness practice by minimizing your liability. Discover how to arm yourself and your fitness practice against legal dangers in this enlightening conversation with Hasson Barnes. Don't let this legal masterclass pass you by!

Check out the link to the episode in the comments below!


Stay tuned for episode #111 dropping this Wednesday!

2 years ago today, episode  #30 dropped! Read more about the episode below ⬇️ In episode 30 we’re discussing a very impo...

2 years ago today, episode #30 dropped! Read more about the episode below ⬇️

In episode 30 we’re discussing a very important public health topic, the role of strength training in preserving muscle mass and function as our population ages. Given the fact we’re living longer, due to modern medicine, we need to ensure our population lives as functionally as they can during this longer life. This is where strength training becomes a critical component of a plan for vitality and longevity. For this conversation we’ve connected with an expert in the field to discuss this topic further. Dr. Joseph Muñoz is a coach with Team Biolayne. Biolayne may sound familiar to some of you, as this is the company founded by well-known coach and educator Layne Norton.

Dr. Muñoz brings a particularly interesting perspective to this discussion as he blends both a strong academic knowledge and knowledge of the evidence base, with a significant amount of real-world coaching experience working with middle-aged clients. This combination of clinical knowledge and practical experience adds texture and depth to our discussion. Most importantly, it provides a lot of actionable takeaways for those of you who listen carefully (you might want to take some notes from this episode).

Keep in mind, a longer life doesn’t always mean a better life, but performing progressive resistance training that is properly prescribed, during the aging process, can significantly reduce many of the negative effects of aging. Indeed, as we’ll discuss in this episode, age has a lot more to do with what your body is capable of functionally versus the number of candles on your birthday cake. Simply put; strength train, maintain muscle tissue, strength, and power (or maybe even increase all three a little bit) and clients can not only age gracefully, but they can live independently well into the last years of their life. There is no better gift we can give another human being than the gift of independence and autonomy!



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