Yadra Mai Viti

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Yadra Mai Viti A country without knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without its root

"Koi Qwali"Oqo na kawa ni tamata Qaqa mai na colo kei Navosa, era valuti ira na matanitu koloni ena valu ni lotu mai Nav...

"Koi Qwali"

Oqo na kawa ni tamata Qaqa mai na colo kei Navosa, era valuti ira na matanitu koloni ena valu ni lotu mai Navosa. Rawa ni kunei ira talega e so na koro I Nadi kei Nadroga ena vuku ni tawa vanua.

Many of the Yadra Mai team are hurting with what going on. While casualties and have and are happening on both sides. No...

Many of the Yadra Mai team are hurting with what going on. While casualties and have and are happening on both sides. No one fully understands how powerful these Zionist Jews are. Israel is a very new country that has taken over Palestine for years. While we have met Palestinians and European Jews what we hear from them proves the media is yet again not telling the truth. Israel have been cutting off aid, food, water and electricity to Palestine ( or what's left of it) for years now.
There's no outrage!?
Because it's not on the news.

Regardless of what side you stand with, let's try and learn something about the media especially over the last 3 years. Whoever controls the media controls the mind.

People are so easy to 'stand' with something they know very little about, most people couldn't even stand up for their own freedoms during covid!

Please please do your own research and think for yourself 🙏

Prayers and love to everyone affected 🥰🙏

❤ Veilomani❤

Free Palestine

Free Palestine

Bula! Apologies for the lack of content recently. Sometimes we forget we also need a little break and most importantly.....

Bula! Apologies for the lack of content recently. Sometimes we forget we also need a little break and most importantly..... breathe. The awakening journey isn't an easy one and just as you start to feel comfortable you are hit with another uncomfortable truth.

We will be back spreading love and truth ❤

❤ Vinaka Veilomani❤

Religion is like a tree with many branches, each one is reaching for the sky. We should respect all of the trees branche...

Religion is like a tree with many branches, each one is reaching for the sky. We should respect all of the trees branches, even if we only choose to climb one 🤙🏾

Love conquers all

❤ Veilomani ❤

Qo dau Matau vei keda na I-taukei na mataqali bula vaka oqo. E Sega ni ca na vaka Sega!

Qo dau Matau vei keda na I-taukei na mataqali bula vaka oqo. E Sega ni ca na vaka Sega!


Sai oqo na levu ni vola era Sega ni biu ina Volatabu. Eda na vakatataro na cava na vuna e vunitaki kina? E tukuni talega ni vunitaki tiko mai Roma(Rome) Italy ina Vatican.

Book of Enoch 1, Book of Enoch 2 / The Secrets of Enoch - ***, and Enoch 3 - #
Book of Esdras 1 and 2
Book of Maccabees 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5
Book of Tobit
Book of Jasher
Book of Judith
Book of Esther — Missing sections
Book of Ecclesiasticus / Sirach
Book of Jubilees
Book of Baruch 1, 2, and 3 - *** (Only Baruch 2 and 3 are pseudepigraphic)
Book of The Shepherd of Hermas
Book of Wisdom / Wisdom of Solomon
Book of The Psalms of Solomon - #
Book of The Odes of Solomon
Book of Giants - #
Book of Adam and Eve 1 and 2 / The Conflict of Adam and Eve with Satan

The Gospel of James / The Protevangelion
The Gospel of Peter - ***
The Gospel of Thomas
The Gospel of Nicodemus / Acts of Pilate - #
The Syriac Infancy Gospel / Infancy of Jesus Christ - #

The Epistles of Jesus Christ and Abgarus, King of Edessa
The Epistles of Clement
The Epistle of Barnabas
The Epistle of Aristeas - ***
The Epistle of Jeremiah
The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Laodiceans
The Epistles of Paul the Apostle to Seneca
The Epistle of Ignatius to the Ephesians
The Epistle of Ignatius to the Magnesians
The Epistle of Ignatius to the Trallians
The Epistle of Ignatius to the Romans
The Epistle of Ignatius to the Philadelphians
The Epistle of Ignatius to the Smyrneans
The Epistle of Ignatius to Polycarp
The Epistle of Polycarp to the Philippians
The Epistle of Herod to Pilate the Governor
The Epistle of Pilate to Herod
Others — Chapters, pieces, special works

Assumption of Moses - # / ***
Apocalypse of Moses - #
Testament of Abraham - ***
Apocalypse of Abraham - ***
Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs - #
The Acts of Paul - ***
The Acts of Paul and Thecla - #
The Apostles Creed
Psalm 151 — Missing chapter in the Book of Psalms
Story of Susanna — Missing chapter in the Book of Daniel (Chapter 13)
Story of Bel and The Dragon — Missing chapter in the Book of Daniel (Chapter 14)
Story of Ahikar
The Prayer of Azariah and the Songs of the Three Holy Children — Missing piece in Chapter 3 in the Book of Daniel
Prayer of Manasseh — Missing piece in Chapter 33 in the Book.

Sa voleka tuqo na sota levu ni Rakavi e vuravura sa baci mua tu kina na yalodra kei na vakasama na lewevuqa. Me na qai b...

Sa voleka tuqo na sota levu ni Rakavi e vuravura sa baci mua tu kina na yalodra kei na vakasama na lewevuqa. Me na qai bale vakacava o papiloni ni se bula vinaka tu na nodra dai(trap). Ni qaqarauni na vanua o ni biuta kina na nomuni vakanananu.

"Give them bread and circuses, and they will never revolt"

This phrase originates from Rome in Satire X of the Roman satirical poet Juvenal (c. ... Roman politicians passed laws in 140 CE to keep the votes of poorer citizens, by introducing a grain dole: giving out cheap food and entertainment, "bread and circuses", became the most effective way to rise to power.


Kevaka o dau caka vinaka! Na vinaka ena drodro tale mai vei iko.,kei na nomu vuvale.

❤️Veilomani ❤️

E dua na Turaga loaloa ni Merika a veitaratara tiko mai ena nona vuku ni vadidike me baleti Amerika(Makawa), ni Sebera y...

E dua na Turaga loaloa ni Merika a veitaratara tiko mai ena nona vuku ni vadidike me baleti Amerika(Makawa), ni Sebera yani o ira na kau lotu kei na koloni. Ka tukuna ni ka Vakaloloma e yaco vei ira na nona Qase, ra saga na koloni ena gauna oya mera kawa boko laivi, ka veisau taki talega na nodra I tukutuku dina(history) mera vakabauta ni ra vu mai Aferika. A tukuna talega o Turaga ni Amerika qo ni o ira na i-taukei ni vanua o Amerika dina era yago Loaloa.

Levu ni nona vadidike me baleti ira nona Qase
a qai raica ni tautau vata Sara na nodra taratara ni Vale makawa kei Viti Makawa. Era vayagata talega na Bure Kalou vataki ira na tubuda e liu. Na taratara ni nodra bure kalou e toka ena dua na delana vataki keda. Dua na ka qai tukuna okoya ni o ira na nona Qase era lako mai na vanua ni cadracadra ni siga.

🙌🌟🙌💚 Veilomani 💚


💚 Veilomani 💚

Kevaka sa matai ni cadradra ni mata ni siga o VITI. Ia na matai ni veibuli e caka I VITI!Cava na nomuni nanuma?

Kevaka sa matai ni cadradra ni mata ni siga o VITI. Ia na matai ni veibuli e caka I VITI!

Cava na nomuni nanuma?


Laurai tiko qo na sa toso cake na wiliwili ni Vat ki na 15 na pasede %.. Toso cake na vei sau ni kakana ina vei saqata, sega ni dodonu me da loma leqa na kawa I-taukei, baleta eda taukena tu na noda qele. Eda rawa ni susu manumanu vaka I vuqa me kana kina na vuvale kei na koro ena vo ga. Sa kua so na vakasama ni vakamenemene kei na qiqo ni rai. O keda na I-taukei eda dua vei ira na kawa tamata vutuniyau I dela ni vuravura qo baleta eda se Taukena tiko ga noda qele kei na wai tui.



Oqo e dua dina na Turaga e lomani ira na nona kawa Itauke! AVOLOSI RALAWAKI NAWAI, nona tu ka saga mera vutuniyau ena butu rara ni Bisini na kawa I taukei ena gauna oya. Ra qati koya na matanitu koloni ena nona rawa ka kei na nona veiliutaki vei ira na nona tamata. A lai qati koya talega o Ratu sukuna kei na Vei Turaga era mai buli ena gauna ni koloni.

"Lucifer Incarnated in the flesh Ni**od"

"Lucifer Incarnated in the flesh Ni**od"

Levu vei ira na kawa Itaukei ena gauna nikua sa ra vakabauta tu ni ra kana tamata na nodra Qase e liu. Qo na lasu ra mai...

Levu vei ira na kawa Itaukei ena gauna nikua sa ra vakabauta tu ni ra kana tamata na nodra Qase e liu. Qo na lasu ra mai tukuna na dau kau lotu. E Sega ni nodra I tovo na Qase e liu mera vei kanikani. Oqo e dua nai vola me baleta e dua na anthropologist ka mai tini vakacaca na yabaki I na vei ulu ni colo kei viti levu, a tukuna tiko ni Sega ni raica nai tovo ni vei kanikani(Cannibalism) vei ira na kawa Itaukei ena gauna ya.

Never underestimate the power of a SKILL!!!In the "developed world😒" people are so educated many no longer have basic li...

Never underestimate the power of a SKILL!!!

In the "developed world😒" people are so educated many no longer have basic life skills. (Education is the ability to remember and repeat).
Cooking, cleaning, running a home, raising children, fixing a pipe, fixing a light bulb, building and farming is getting more rare overseas.

People are tied to a lifetime mortgage/ rent for average $2000fjd, car on finance, holidays on finance, pay on average $375 fjd for a weekly foodshop, fuel, cleaner, childcare costs average $1500 fjd per month with the average wage of $2600 fjd (Europe).

Never forget the basic lifestyle us fijians have! We have land, we have shelter, we have nutritious food, endless amounts of seafood and most importantly family/community. We have the skills to live, the grass isn't always greener.

❤ Veilomani ❤

The Amish Community are the healthiest people in the western world. No vaccinesNo GMO'sNo masksNo TVNo autism No myocard...

The Amish Community are the healthiest people in the western world.
No vaccines
No GMO's
No masks
No autism
No myocarditis
No sudden infrants death syndrome (sids)
No sudden adult death syndrome (sads)
No cancer.

A community that was mocked for years for not following the crowd,yet now the healthiest.

Never be afraid to stand alone 🙌

❤ Veilomani ❤

Most doctors are salesmen for big pharmaWhen do doctors send you home telling you to take bed rest, recommend lifestyle ...

Most doctors are salesmen for big pharma
When do doctors send you home telling you to take bed rest, recommend lifestyle changes, take herbal medicine?
There's no profit in nature 💰🏥💳💶😞

❤ Veilomani ❤

Only those who know how to plant will be the ones eating 🌾🥥❤ Veilomani ❤

Only those who know how to plant will be the ones eating 🌾🥥

❤ Veilomani ❤

Recruitment for the British Army....As many Fijians wanting to go overseas to live and provide for those back home it's ...

Recruitment for the British Army....

As many Fijians wanting to go overseas to live and provide for those back home it's easy to understand why so many people would sign up. With personal emotion taken out, as Yadra Mai Viti who's job it is to promote, encourage and protect the fijian people and true culture. Without being too political its hard for us as a team not to share some truths.

How much does the UK mean to you for you to put your life on the line for the British government?

Do you regularly check the www.gov.uk website to see what the future plans are for the British government?

Do you know how you obtain a UK visa for once you have finished your service?

How many fijians have died during service for the British Army?

What do you owe the UK government and monarchy? Are you aware of what the Monarchy have done to Fiji and Fiji's culture?

If you can't answer these questions, maybe it's best you do lots of research so you know what/who your really fighting for.

⛔You get hailed for killing their enemies yet jailed for killing your own.⛔

The flight for Fiji to England which may I add the militarily are NOT providing although they have a budget of 51.7 BILLION 💰
The average flight from Fiji to the UK is £1756 - $4951 FJD.

How can anyone afford 4951 for a flight when when average wage is 4 FJD an hour?

"Eight Fijian-born soldiers who served in the British Army have been unsuccessful in their latest legal fight to remain in the country after a High Court ruled that they are not entitled to Indefinite Leave to Remain. The eight soldiers in question attest that they were discharged from the military without being made aware of their rights in this regard. In the words of Esita Tuimanu, from Commonwealth Neglected Veterans, the eight veterans are victims of “institutional discrimination” from the Home Office and Ministry of Defence"

What price are you willing to pay for the pride of sending money back home to make your family feel proud?
According to the institute of national statistics the UK is the 33rd most expensive country to live in while fiji resides at 88.

We ask as a team for you to always DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH.

An ex paratrooper Ricky James once said himself outside the BBC during a protest " I will never point a gun at another man for someone wearing a suit"

We hope you make a balanced decision.

Going OVERSEAS can also mean OVERSEEING what's right infront of you ( family, land, resources, good mental health, bio home grown foods and our culture)

❤ Veilomani ❤


Why was fiji colonised by the British monarchy??

It was because native fijians did not need roads.
They did not need money.
They did not need schools.
They did not need hospitals.
They did not need technology.

So they lived happily without needing to pay taxes, and were free from control.

Also the close knit families and communities, with the deep spiritual connection with nature.

Which meant that the native fijians 'were' the antidote for the New World Order....

Know your roots


Before any more control comes our way. It's good to know our rights!!!Have you ever noticed our rights where never taugh...

Before any more control comes our way. It's good to know our rights!!!
Have you ever noticed our rights where never taught in schools?
Why would that be??

Make today a great one!!!

Stand firm 👊🏾

❤ Veilomani❤

🤔🤔🤔Something to think about.❤ Veilomani ❤


Something to think about.

❤ Veilomani ❤

While many of us no longer practice what our ancestors did. We now live in fear or hell/ social elimination. Think about...

While many of us no longer practice what our ancestors did. We now live in fear or hell/ social elimination. Think about thinking for yourself, think about spending time with what God created for us 🌿. Let's uphold each other and thrive in our culture and knowledge which is so rich and decolonize our minds 💫💥🌎🏝🛶

Many are following the beast system/ false light without knowing it. Just because you find out one thing is a lie doesn'...

Many are following the beast system/ false light without knowing it. Just because you find out one thing is a lie doesn't necessarily mean the next peace of information is the truth.

We are at a very vulnerable time in humanity.

Use your OWN mind, make your OWN decisions.

Pay attention to what God/our creator gave us and what's man made.

Veilomani 💜✌

Back to basics 🙌

Back to basics 🙌

How the modern system is valued.Social status over being a good soulMoney and greed over sharing and loving Vanity and s...

How the modern system is valued.

Social status over being a good soul
Money and greed over sharing and loving
Vanity and social media over humble lifestyles

Veilomani 💗


American Biologist Tyrone Hayes Turaga loaloa ni Merika ka dau ni vadidike. E Wasea tiko ina na video me baleta nona lakovi koya yani e dua na kabani Levu ni wai ni Mate ni dau vamate co
Yacana na Syngenta Crop Protection..ratou kerea vua me vadikeva edua na nodratou wainimate(chemical) yacana na ATRAZINE..

Ia o Tyrone Hayes e frog specialist dau vadidike ni boto talega.. Ka mani vadikevi Sara me biu na chemical qo na Atrazine vei na boto. Qai kurabui na Turaga qo ni kaukauwa ni wai ni Mate qo e vukica saraga na boto tagane me yalewa.. E valailai taka nodra testosterone yaco mera sa va kato ni gone tale.

Ia sa dua na gauna Balavu e dau biu tiko na wai ni Mate qo na Atrazine ina Kakana kei na wai ni gunu mai Amerika, va talega kina vei so tale na matenitu.. Rawa ni da tukuna ni o Viti e wili tiko kina baleta sa rui levu na vakasalewalewa e Noda. E tukuni tale tiko ga na video ni chemical qo e vaka vuna na Breast Cancer vei ira na Marama..ra Sega talega ni va luveni rawa o ira na tagane...e valailai taki na nodra s***m count.

Ni sa kurabui na Turaga qo o Tyrone Hayes qai via biuta na Lawa baleta ni sa kaukauwa qai Ca vei keda na Tamata na wai ni Mate qo.. Qai mani ratou Sega ni talei taka na Kabani Levu qo na Syngenta.

System cici tuqo e Noda dela ni Vuravura e Sega ni system Vakalou!

Ecclesiastes 4

I saw the tears of the oppressed
and they have no comforter;
power was on the side of their oppressors
and they have no comforter.
And I declared that the dead,
who had already died,
are happier than the living,
who are still alive.
But better than both
is the one who has never been born,
who has not seen the evil
that is done under the sun.

Da yadra tiko ia meda yadrava talega na ka eda dau biuta e yagoda!! Kana mai na were!! Toso qo e gadrevi Valevu na yalo me kaukauwa tiko.

Ni Sarava mada yani.


Whoever controls the media controls the mind.From a young age we have been suppressed by the education system, sit down,...

Whoever controls the media controls the mind.
From a young age we have been suppressed by the education system, sit down, stand in line, do not speak unless spoken to, don't ask questions... After school it's work, the same, do what your told, don't question your boss and listen to authority.

We are a generation of weak minds that struggle to think for oneself.

Know GOD, know YOURSELF, know your SOUL and you will feel what's right, you will feel the truth.

❤ Veilomani ❤




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