The Tea on Sustainable Living

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The Tea on Sustainable Living Spilling the tea on living sustainably in a world on fire.

AKA the stuff Hannah’s “not very good at.” In today’s episode, we’re rounding out our sustainable travel series with the...

AKA the stuff Hannah’s “not very good at.”

In today’s episode, we’re rounding out our sustainable travel series with the third and final episode all about what to do after your trip. We try and answer questions like, what should we keep in mind for the future?

How can we plan our future trips better? How can we bring travel into our everyday lives?

We also chat about trip-specific clothing, leaving positive reviews for restaurants and other businesses, and a note on souvenirs (because we ran out of time in the last one!).

So grab some tea, get comfy, and hit that play button.

Note: This episode is less edited than usual.

Find this and previous episodes at

Do you like to travel like a local or a tourist? Or a good mix of both??In today’s episode, we’re continuing our sustain...

Do you like to travel like a local or a tourist? Or a good mix of both??

In today’s episode, we’re continuing our sustainable travel series by chatting about what to do while you’re actually on your trip. (And if you haven’t already, go back and listen to episode #28 first!)

Join us as we discuss traveling like a local versus a tourist (and what that even means), tourist traps, David of Michelangelo, neighborhood impact, swimming with dolphins, and more.

So grab some tea, get comfy, and hit that play button.

Find all episodes at

Are you planning a trip this summer?? (And if not, still read and listen for future you!)With the summer holidays just a...

Are you planning a trip this summer?? (And if not, still read and listen for future you!)

With the summer holidays just around the corner, we thought taking a deeper dive into sustainable travel would be fun (and hopefully helpful).

We’re breaking it down into stages, and in this first episode of our three-part mini-series, we’re talking about the planning stage. As in, what can we do in this stage to decrease our impact and have a more sustainable trip?

From carbon offsetting (check out our previous episode, #7, on flying) to choosing eco-friendly accommodation options, we can do a range of things in the planning stage to lessen our impact on the planet. We also discuss the importance of bringing money to local communities and supporting the local economy over those bigger travel providers.

So if you're going on holiday soon (or any time), grab some tea, get comfy, and hit that play button.

And stay tuned for part 2 of this series tomorrow!

In this episode, we go beyond the immediate impact of our daily purchases to talk about the impact of the money we have ...

In this episode, we go beyond the immediate impact of our daily purchases to talk about the impact of the money we have in our savings, investments, and pensions.

Banking investments can have a significant impact on promoting sustainable development and combating climate change. But do we go for a green bank or stick with one of the major players? Why do we make the banking choices we do, and how do we overcome difficulties in changing banks?

Grab some tea, get comfy, and hit that play button.

Show Notes:

Were you taught about climate change in school? Are you feeling a bit worried about the state of the climate crisis now?...

Were you taught about climate change in school? Are you feeling a bit worried about the state of the climate crisis now? Is there a connection between those two questions? We don’t know; we’re not psychologists or mental health experts.

But, according to a 2001 report, 84% of 16-25-year-olds feel worried about climate change, with 45% saying that their feelings negatively affect their daily life and functioning*. Today, we’re looking at this statistic through the lens of education and discussing whether the current approaches in education are supporting children and young people.

After all, feeling anxious when faced with climate change is an entirely rational response. But young people are being given the most information about climate change through school curriculums and yet also have a more limited possibility to respond to the issues. (Cue Brandee’s favorite quote: we can’t all be Greta.)

Can we find a balance between the necessity of teaching about such a massive challenge while supporting children and young people's mental health?

Grab some tea, get comfy, and tune in to episode 26 over at:

(*See the Show Notes linked above for the article referenced. And lots more!)

Agree? Disagree? Let us know!

Agree? Disagree?

Let us know!

What makes you angry?

What makes you angry?

It’s time to feel the love! This Valentine’s day, we chat about all the things we love about our planet. From people to ...

It’s time to feel the love!

This Valentine’s day, we chat about all the things we love about our planet. From people to bacteria to planes, we share some of the things we find awe-inspiring about the world we call home. We believe that finding our love for the earth can help us find the why behind our climate activism and conservation.

We also hear from a few of our listeners, who’ve shared the things they love about our planet. (Thank you, listeners!)

Ready to feel the love? Grab some tea, get comfy, and hit that play button.

Because if you buy fewer things (or none at all), then you’ll have less to declutter later.(And I’m talking about noness...

Because if you buy fewer things (or none at all), then you’ll have less to declutter later.

(And I’m talking about nonessential items here.)

Share this post if you agree!

Like donating coats in early winter. Or donating seasonal clothing in general.Whatever it is, the idea here is to be con...

Like donating coats in early winter.

Or donating seasonal clothing in general.

Whatever it is, the idea here is to be conscious of who is actually going to need or want the thing you’re decluttering.

And is now the best time for it.

What other examples can you think of??


Feeling overwhelmed by the accumulation of another year's worth of stuff?

You're not alone! January is the time for fresh starts, but there's nothing fresh about that pile of bags that’s been hanging around since last year's new year's resolution.

We discuss how we can recycle or reuse old items in our houses, where we can take different materials….and when to say f**k it and just throw it all in the bin.

So grab some tea, a bag to sort through, and hit that play button.

For full episode and show notes:

Share if you agree!

Share if you agree!

What's one new climate-friendly action or habit you'd like to bring in next?

What's one new climate-friendly action or habit you'd like to bring in next?

What brings you joy? What is the climate work that needs doing? What are you good at? If you can answer all 3 of those q...

What brings you joy? What is the climate work that needs doing? What are you good at?

If you can answer all 3 of those questions (and find a common theme), you’ve just identified your unique climate action. Yay!

In today’s episode, we’re taking a closer look at Dr. Ayana Elizabeth Johnson’s Climate Action Venn Diagram to (try and) determine the climate action that makes the most sense for us. You’ll hear us share our answers to the above questions and help each other find where they overlap. (You’ll also hear Brandee’s noisy neighbors because these walls are thin!)

So grab some tea (and maybe a pen and paper), get comfy, and hit that play button.

To listen and check out the show notes:

What brings you joy? What is the climate work that needs doing? What are you good at?  If you can answer all 3 of those questions (and find a common theme), you’ve just identified your unique climate action. Yay! In today’s episode, we’re taking a closer look at Dr. Ayana Elizabeth Johnso

And just like that, 421 minutes later, we're at the end of 2022! We're pretty proud of managing to put out 16 episodes t...

And just like that, 421 minutes later, we're at the end of 2022! We're pretty proud of managing to put out 16 episodes this year, and we can't wait to see what next year brings.

Join us as we look at our stats for this year, update you on some of our key episodes, and share our hopes for next year. We also respond to our first-ever voice note (thanks, Alison!).

We're still hoping to hit 1000 downloads, so grab some tea, get comfy, and hit that play button. Who knows, maybe it will be a new year's gift to us!

PS. Please pardon the audio issues from around the 8:00-11:00 minute mark.

Link in bio or head to

Are you team good or team bad?

Are you team good or team bad?

What do you think??

What do you think??

Would Amazon and convenience exist in your utopia? What would that look like? We surprise ourselves as we delve deeper i...

Would Amazon and convenience exist in your utopia? What would that look like?

We surprise ourselves as we delve deeper into the Amazon problem. At first, it seems clear that Amazon is definitely in the naughty corner, but maybe there is more to it than meets the eye.

Today we’re exploring the need to add friction to our purchases, whether Amazon’s efficiency is commendable, and even taking a look into Hannah’s Amazon history.

So grab some tea, get comfy, and hit that play button. And if you have to hit pause to collect an amazon delivery (Hannah did!), we won’t judge…

In this episode, we chat about:

-Whether we should feel “bad” about Amazon
-The convenience of Amazon, good or bad?
-Could we (and the planet) benefit from a bit more friction before making purchases?
-The sheer volume of products and waste of products (and is it unique to Amazon?)
-Ways to prevent ourselves from making unnecessary Amazon purchases Amazon
-Ways to prevent ourselves from making unnecessary Amazon purchases

For all links and resources mentioned in today’s episode, check out the show notes at


Would YOU throw soup at a Van Gogh painting? (If you have no idea what we’re talking about, keep reading! Or just go ahead and hit play already.)

In today’s episode, we discuss some recent examples of climate activism (yes, including the soup mentioned above), how we feel about them, and what our climate activism barriers are.

Because there’s no one right way to tackle this climate crisis, but does that mean we can’t contribute a bit more to these organizations? Even if it’s just starting conversations? And what even is the goal of activism groups like Extinction rebellion? Are we getting too caught up in the acts themselves? Join us in today’s episode to hear us work through our answers.

So without further ado, grab some tea, get comfy, and hit that play button.

In this episode, we chat about:

-COP27, Extinction Rebellion, and Just Stop Oil (and what exactly is going on at the moment)
-Recent direct action involving paintings, soup, and bridges
-Would we throw soup at a Van Gogh painting?
-Our climate activism barriers
-How the “what” or the “how” is less important than the “why”
-The need for dialogue and healthy disagreements

Is your lack of sleep harming the planet?How many climate-UNfriendly decisions do you make because you lack the energy?O...

Is your lack of sleep harming the planet?

How many climate-UNfriendly decisions do you make because you lack the energy?

Ordering takeout instead of cooking at home?

Driving instead of walking?

Not going to that climate change rally?

What if you prioritized sleep a bit more and then take note of the decisions you make? You might be surprised.

Just something to think about!


“Sleep More, Save the Planet?”This is the title of an article that spurred our latest episode, where we discussed the re...

“Sleep More, Save the Planet?”

This is the title of an article that spurred our latest episode, where we discussed the relationship between sleep and the decisions we make (and more, like air conditioning).

Head over to the resources section at to read this article and learn more about sleep and how it relates to climate change.

And while you’re there…

Scroll to the bottom of the show notes page to sign up for our email newsletter.

We’ll send you the latest episodes so you have all the links, resources, and ways to listen in your inbox.

Tea you later!

-Brandee and Hannah

And we need to change that.Our planet, and therefore our livelihood, depends on it.We talk a lot about environmental sus...

And we need to change that.

Our planet, and therefore our livelihood, depends on it.

We talk a lot about environmental sustainability, but maybe we need to have more conversations around regeneration.

What are your thoughts? What would you like to hear about?

-Brandee and Hannah

Leave us a voice message and be featured in an upcoming episode!Let us know your thoughts, sustainability struggles, que...

Leave us a voice message and be featured in an upcoming episode!

Let us know your thoughts, sustainability struggles, questions, or whatever else you'd like to share :)

Head over to (link also in bio) to leave your message.

Tea you later!


Are we trapped within our current systems? No, but we’ve got some work to do.This doesn’t seem like a set-it-and-forget-...

Are we trapped within our current systems?

No, but we’ve got some work to do.

This doesn’t seem like a set-it-and-forget-it type of thing.

And most of us don’t have the option to (or don’t WANT to) quit modern society and go live in the woods and live entirely off of the land.

So how do we break free from feeling like we constantly need to consume things?

Let us know your thoughts, tips, or tricks in the comments!


So what does buying things have to do with climate change?Well…“Climate change is a problem of a growth economy that req...

So what does buying things have to do with climate change?


“Climate change is a problem of a growth economy that requires an endless supply of resources in a world in which those resources are finite.”

And with that endless supply comes a lot of greenhouse gas emissions.

And not to mention what happens to all these things when we’re done with them (you know, like in the image above).

I could go on, but I wanted to share a helpful resource,

Their YouTube video was the first time I even learned what a linear economy even was.

And given my recent spending spree (go listen to episode #16 to hear more), I could probably do with a rewatch.

So maybe this post is as much for me as it is for you.

If you’ve seen it, what are your thoughts??

Tea you soon!



This caption used to be about spending stats (and debt).But I couldn’t quite make it work. (Let’s just say that it’s a l...

This caption used to be about spending stats (and debt).

But I couldn’t quite make it work. (Let’s just say that it’s a lot, at least in the US).

So instead I’ll just ask you this, what are your spending habits like? (No pressure to share!)

And this, have you ever stopped to reexamine them? As in, what makes you spend the way you do? Do they change throughout the year?

And one more, how does the environmental impact of your purchases influence your spending?

Just some food for thought!

Enjoy your weekend :)



Have you ever bought something simply because you wanted it? Yeah, we thought so. (Well, we’re assuming so.)

Or maybe you’re like Brandee and occasionally go on spending sprees.

In this week’s episode, we’re diving into the wave of guilt her recent spree has brought on, what makes us want to consume in the first place, and whether there’s a way to consume that is more ethical.

So grab some tea, get comfy, and hit that play button.

For all links and resources mentioned in today’s episode, check out the show notes at

📢Did you know we have an email newsletter?Basically, you’ll get each episode (and all links and resources mentioned) in ...

📢Did you know we have an email newsletter?

Basically, you’ll get each episode (and all links and resources mentioned) in your inbox for easy access. Or just a reminder that we have a new episode!

And while we haven’t done so yet, you may also get an occasional email from us if there’s something going on sustainability-wise that we just can’t wait to tell you about in a podcast.

Subscribe over at our website,

🍵Tea you soon!



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