Twat Talk

Twat Talk Does society frustrate you, well it frustrates me also. These are my rants about society.


I can fix society in one executive order. Are you ready?

All lobbyist funding goes into a general fund that all participants in the elections get an equal % of said lobbyist funding.

There, I put an end to special interest groups and funding of extremist ideas.

This would have the single largest impact on our election system!


The internet ruined journalistic integrity. How? Because you can delete your post. In the old days, you put it on paper and delivered that paper to millions of homes. When it's in print, your screwed if you jumped the gun on reporting. If you were wrong, you had to print a full page apology the next day.

Now, you just delete your Tweet, or remove your video from the internet and hope no one took a screen shot or downloaded your video.

This is happening all the time, and there is no accountability for these errors that major news organizations make.

If you do not have to be held accountable and can just delete your post, your integrity has no value.


Someone asked me today, "What should Israel do?". This is a great question, and I decided to put this in terms of the USA's response to a terrorist attack, but taking population and military might into consideration.

First, we have to adjust for population.

1 out of 5,200 people were killed in Israel (1,800) during the attacks. In the USA that would have been 67,000 people killed in the USA using the same population model.

When 9/11 happened 3,000 people lost thier lives, and the United States went to war on terrorism. It's estimated that 4.5 million people have died as a result to the war on terrorism. That is what the USA did for 3,000 people. Could you imagine what our response would be is 67,000 people lost their lives in a single terrorist attack?

Israel is claiming that 100's of people have been kidnapped, tortured and an unknown number have not been found. I am going to give this a number of 300 for now. In relation to population, that would be 11,000 people, US citizens kidnapped, tortured, beheaded, mutilated, (you get my point?) and an unknown number killed.

You think Israel's response is irrational? You think that they should cease fire or "hold back" because of civilians?

Let me ask you, the US citizen. If we lost 80,000 people in a single terrorist attack would you be in the streets protesting the US military? Would you be calling for a cease fire? But do you know what would happen?

Their would be assemblies in our country giving praise to Allah and the death of these US citizens, they would be chanting "God is great" because of our Freedom of Speech laws, there is nothing we could do about it. It would expose how poorly our immigration system has been ran and it would show society just how poorly we have managed our national pride, our patriotic oath.

So... what do I think Israel should do? Well, if 3,000 people lead to the killing of 4.5 million people after 9/11, in proportion to what the United States response was is what Israel should do. What would that look like in the middle east? Scorched earth policy. Level all of Gaza, make an example of Hamas and the world will know how Israel deals with terrorist, because... that is what the USA would do if we were in their shoes.


Each day I read the news and each day I find myself asking, "is this real?". I have to go look up on second news resources just to verify that it's not fake news. It's not, and then mind starts to have seizures over how stupid people are.

So, let me be clear. Israel has a right to defend its self, and remove the terrorist who attacked them. Just like the USA did after the 9/11 attacks that took so many lives, the USA started a war over that, that lasted years. How is this any different?

Terrorists, cause terror. They harm people, kill people and do everything they can to make sure their goals are achieved at any cost. Why should Israel be told to stand down? Cease fire? Has anyone told Hamas to quit throwing rockets at Israel? Has anyone told Hamas to release the prisoners, or we cannot help you? No, they have not. Yes, several countries have told Hamas to release the prisoners, but that's it. There has been no other offer to help them, to warn them, to issue a word of caution. Something like, "release the prisoners "or else" statement. Its as if the whole world is afraid to upset the terrorist, lol.

But, in the same voice... the whole world want to condem Israel for thier precision attacks on the Hamas infrastructure? Because Israel is being a bully? Well then, Hamas should not have picked a fight with the bigger war machine, that was just dumb. Also, I am sure that Israel would quit its precision attacks if Hamas were to release the prisoners and quit firing missiles at Israel, however the Gaza "ministry" (Hamas) refuses.

So Israel is being a bully, shooting up the Gaza strip with no concerns of civilian population, at least that is what social media wants you to believe. Noting could be further from the truth, and that is where we have our problem. Social media has no consequences when they misrepresent what's actually happening. The have no consequences, no accountability and are allowed free reign to misinform a society of idiots who are spoon feed biased reporting.

So, put the shoe on the other foot and imagine if you lived in Israel.


Do you know what sucks about our society?

I use to pull over when I saw someone who needed help, I would get out and help with changing a tire, buy some gas, etc.

Now, I am to worried about it being a robbery or carjacking when people park on the side of the road and look like they need help.

How did our society in less than 30 years go from, let me help you to... I am not risking my life to help you?


If time cannot exist in absolute nothing, then... can god exist in absolute nothing?

Time has always been and always be... even before the cosmos, time existed. However, the statement that god has always been and always will be would indicate that is in time. In order to exist, you must have a time or place to exist in. Thus... in absolute nothing, does god exist?

What happens if we discover that the cosmos was/were created from absolute nothing? Lets say the big bang, was the release of absolute nothing. Would that indicate all of creation both physical and spiritual was "born" at that time?

Food for thought.


Oh my God, I just had a revalation.

I know what's wrong with our society.

Society is more worried about Trump as a human being, not the policy or legislation he made/introduced. They are worried about his indictments, criminal charges, the "grab her by the p***y" comment made 50 years ago or his pay off to a point star. They have labeled him incompetent to be president.

Yet, Biden hides wherever he hides from society, has no criminal charges (yet) is not a womanizer, and has never been indicted. But his policy is absolutle crap, horrible and if not stopped will created decades of problems for future presidents.

People are voting on the "person" not the "policy".

Now, do not misunderstand me, a persons character should be weighed if they are going to run the country. However, a person should not be judged without a criminal conviction or being sentenced to a crime. How a person feels about another, is just that... their feelings. You cannot feel someone into jail, sorry.

AOC is a great example of people voting for the person, not for the policy. The mayor of New York, another great example of people voting for the person, not for the policy. The mayor of Chicago, another great example.

When did people quit voting for the policy that someone wants to change, and started voting for the celebrity status of said politician?


Did God God give us what we wanted, or what we needed? Our time here in the cosmos is suppose to be divine, and yet I find myself wondering is this what God's design was suppose to be?

What happens if there is more? What happens if the Bible was not about what we wanted, but more about what we needed?

The execential being or spiritual guide we are all bound by... is our creator a creation himself? Not to take away from his divinity or fortuitous powers, however, would it be so far to reach that the spiritual guide we have been given (Bible) was intended to manage us? To guide us? To control us? Do other species, planets, races, humanoid areas of the cosmos have the same spiritual guide/book? If so, does it have the same message?

Does God, have a guide or book that he has to follow? That was given to him? Or, is God "everything, everywhere all the time?"

I think there is some additional thought that should go into religion, in that we have simply been given what we needed, and how come we are not asking for what we wanted?


So, read that "history" was made today with a woman playing safety on a men's college football team. All the women and liberals were giving her accolades and praise.

I hope that she can fill the role, I hope that the league didn't do this as a publicity stunt, because if (very big if) she gets seriously hurt, someone needs to be held accountable.

For the rest of society who thinks that she is brave, breaking the glass ceiling, strong, and proud of her. I hope that you understand your role in this.
You were the one that contributed to her eventual demise, injury and fall from greatness. Society as a while should have condemned this, they should have said hell no, and forced the team to remove her. Again, if she gets seriously injured... I blame society for this!


Anyone watching NY unfold right now? People are blocking streets, stopping busses, and taking to the streets in protests about the huge influx in illegal immigration.

So you know why this happened? It's because people vote poorly.

In a different post I made mention of people's poor choices, and people continue to tell me to quit complaining about how people vote, and that is not going to fix anything. These people want the problems resolved, but refuse to accept that it's how they voted that got them this mess in NY.

How do people not connect these two things? How is it that they want the "problem" fixed, yet refuse to acknowledge that it's the political leaders who created this mess?

If people are not going to take responsibility for thier actions or who they voted for, then nothing will ever get fixed.


2-repeat allele of the MAOA gene is greater in men that it is inside women, thus... men are at a greater risk for aggressive/violent behavior.

Now... some scientist want you to think that this Warrior gene is in everyone and that anyone is predisposed to violence when forced. However... violence across the world is constantly shown to come from men especially the gross or mass violent acts (like mass shootings and acts of "overkill").

Do scientist just ignore those fact/statistics? I mean, are women capable of violence, hell yes they are... but are they capable of gross violence? No, and statistics will show that woman are not and have not been the curators of violent attacks, men have been.

Now... I made a run at trying to find out how much difference there is in between different cultures in regards to this Warrior gene, and surprisingly there are not statistics to show the levels, or how many markers are in different cultural aspects. This could only mean one thing.

A. All the tests were done on a single cultures attributes (location, skin color, country of origin).
B. They have not listed this, because they do not want to muddy the already disconnect with man/woman/race.

Dare I say that these genetic results might ring with the James Watson results and single out a race/religion/origin? I mean, you didn't see men complaining that women are not equally violent :)

This is a tricky bridge to cross, but there could be some valuable information to be shared here if someone were to have the intestinal fortitude to investigate this.


Do your feelings and opinions run your life? Or, do you take the time to actually take the time to find out why things happen?

We are in trouble people, we have a society that votes laws and law makers into power based in their feelings and opinions, ignoring the facts and statistics.

I am not going to put on my tin hat, but we have a problem and that problem is going to determine the outcome of our next election, which will become the breaking point for our country.

I am not a Trump supporting but I am also not a Biden supporter either. If I had to pick the lesser of two evils, I may not vote next time around if those were my only two options. However... society is at its logical end because I constant see people putting their blind faith and support into those two options. Why?

Because no one uses the grey matter between their ears anymore and their feelings and opinions rule their lives.

"I don't care what lies the Republicans make up about President Biden during the impeachment sham."I took some time to r...

"I don't care what lies the Republicans make up about President Biden during the impeachment sham."

I took some time to read the comments, and it hit me like a ton of down feathers... these people are the reason we are in so much trouble in society.

Here me out on this...

These people are the people you DO NOT want on a jury, or those who vote laws into being. Why? They base their lives off how they feel, how they want to "pretend" things should be, not how they really are! I would bet, these people, even when presented with the facts and proof of a crime being committed would say its not true.

Folks, these people will ultimately be the down fall of society. There is a disease in our world, it's not been identified (yet). Republicans and conservatives call it liberalism, which is not the case. I know a lot of liberal voting people who are not blided by the politics of being liberal. They can see the potential for serious crimes that Biden may have committed (they want to see the proof). Being a liberal or Democrat is not the problem.

This disease that has not been identified? The weaponization of social media, news, podcasts etc have turned normal people into political lunatics. How, I do not know... but it's obvious that something has happened since the start or reels, shorts and clips that last 60 to 180 seconds long. Ever since these became a thing, society has been at whits end with "each other".


Oil companies reporting record profits... while the rest of society suffers from this oil "crisis"?

It's time for the government to step in and set a essential needs value on refined oil and then stage down oil as a non profit essential need over the next 10 years.

Oil companies have managed to record record profits all the while claiming that they have a hardship to overcome.If they had a hardship to overcome, then they should be reporting loses, not gains, little alone record gains.

It's time something was done about this, and it should start with heating oil, propane, and natural gas being sold at non-profit prices. Essential needs for the elderly, low income, and poor families needs to have new laws enacted to stop the price gouging for petrol product that are deemed essential needs.


Did someone put something in the water? Damn near every person I talk with lately agrees with me in that, people have become suddenly stupid. I am not talking your average idiot, no... I am talking about people doing or saying DUMB s**t.

And... its not just the town idiot anymore. It's dozens of people if not hundreds of people that I interact with on a daily bases that make me go, "WTF? What did you just say?"

Is it me? Not according to my close friends and family members. However, a staggering majority of people I discuss this with agree that something is wrong with a lot of people lately.

What about you? Have you seen this as well?


You ready to get hit with something?

Some states have stated that is possible for children to get hormone therapy as early as 10 years of age. Thus to stop the boy or girl or dare I say change the boy or girl from happening.

When are those states going to change the laws for marriage?

When are they going to lift the 17 and 18 year old requirements for marriage?

Think about this... share your thoughts?


"Streets should be lined with fruit and nut bearing trees, this way the homeless would have something to eat".

This ^^^ right here is what's wrong with people/society. It's not that I am against feeding the homeless. It's that people think fruit and nut trees deliver fruits and nuts all year long. Just because the grocery store has them all year long, doesn't mean that the tree's will.

Then what happens... when all the homeless show up for 3 months while the tree's deliver food? Are the homeless going to start canning the fruits and nuts for the winter? No, and now... you have a bigger problem because all the homeless showed up for the free food and now the food is gone. This will cause a huge increase in local crime because these homeless people are now starving and have to commit crimes to feed themselves.

Has social media skewed the construct of common sense? Is being "logical" now a negative because of how you "feel"? Will this be the eventual end of human beings?



Military recruitment is at an all time low, so low that different branches are making accommodations that are unbelievable.

How did we get here?

Look at the last 25 years of our education system.

Participation trophies
Accountability for educational standards
New math
Scientic standards are now riddled with opinions
Opinion based fact checking
Success is now based on how many followers you have, not based on the grade average that you maintain.
Grades are racist (one of my favorites)

Our education system spent the last 25 years molding children to become they/them vs he/she. Spent the time telling all children can be great, but never setting goals or expectations to actually "be great". Mediocrity is ok, because your peers will never appreciate your greatness. The list of complete bulls**t feed to children over the last 25 years, has crippled our counties ability to maintain or dare I say grow our military.

Now, we have what appears to be a "woke" military that has standards set so low, that if you get your birthday and name right on the application, you are good to go :) And... let's not ignore the physical standards that have been reduced drastically.

That was just the last 25 years... imagine what the next 10 or 15 years are going to end up producing for military applicants.


This is a super off character post made by me, but here goes.

If I prey for money and do not get it... did god ignore me?
If I prey for health and remain sick... did god ignore me?
If I prey for the punishment of those who traffic children, and they are not punished... did god ignore me?
If I take maters into my own hands and remove those who traffic in children from the face of the planet... will god ignore me? No, according to his good book, I will be punished.
So, if god is not going to do as I ask or prey for him to essentially step up and fix this child trafficking problem, then punish me for fixing it for him? Do I really want to be in heaven with that god?

A lot of you may not know this but I have my relation with god, its my relation, good, bad... right or wrong its the relation "I choose" to have with him. Will I prey for those who need prayer, yes. Will I prey for money to fill my pockets and my health to right itself, no... I never pray for myself because I have learned that 90% of what happens to me is my own fault, not gods. I can ask him for the strength to make those changes, but I will not ask him to do if for me.

However... there are things in our world that should be getting answered and sadly... they are not. Why? Who the hell knows... maybe god is tired of us being a drain on his ability to reason with us, I don't know. I do however appreciate everyday that I am blessed with, and so should you. Sometimes... its just that easy.


May I ask the ladies a question?

When a man, dressed as a woman decides to go on a speaking tour charging $40k per location, and in his speech he shares his struggles of being woman.

How do you ladies feel about that? Now, before you answer, this is a man sharing his struggles as a woman. Does he even understand what's it's like to be "you", a woman?

Does he struggle with:

Mood swings?
Monthy cramping?
Dietary needs?
Low iron count?
Postpartum depression?
Men's needy requests?
The "kids"?
The "husband" :)
Any many others that I will never know, because I am a man.

I guess the real question being... how does it feel to be marginalized as a man pretending to be a woman?


Great accomplishments of the 20th century... the weaponized sexual identity of the population.

It's OK to be... (insert damn near anything) and society has to be OK with it or we will shame them, cancel them, threaten them, financially ruin them, or actually assault them for denying them the right to said identity.

It's amazing how 5% of the population can control the other 95% with nothing but a social media account and silence from the 95%.


So, aliens.

Um... really? Like, did anyone actually think that didn't exist? That would be similar to saying that WWII didn't happen, lol.

But... what is going to become of this? Our government has admitted to them/having them/having a ship/or ??? How does this benefit us/them/the world? It's as if the confirmation of them being real would suddenly fix world hunger, stop global warming, fast track cold fusion. And yet... here we are, another day done and nothing spectacular has happened from alien technology.

So, why make the cryptic announcement that they exist and we have both the bodies and the aircraft the arrived in. This announcement is about as news worthy of my afternoon poopy, you want to hear about that? I didn't think so.

What do you think the governments reasoning was to release this information but with no content/context to the aliens?


The green deal, what a joke.

They want to force electric cars on us, they want to take away our gas burning stoves. They want to ask us to "quit using so much electricity during peak hours". What are "THEY" doing about the traffic congestion in major cities? Some people are sitting still on the freeway for extended periods of time (sometimes an hour or more) and nothing is being said about this. These same freeways are empty at night.

So... solutions?

Well, first one would be limit the number of jobs in major congested areas?

Limit the housing/residences in said area?

Move available work shifts to less congested times? So, first shift to 3rd shift? Offer a green solution incentive for employees who are willing to move to 3rd shift?

Everyone wants to change our emissions output, but ignore the largest emission production in our country? How does this make any sense?

Even with all EV cars stuck on the freeway... its still an emissions output that could be avoided with proper planning. Making freeways bigger and adding more ingress/egress off said freeways will not resolve this issue.

So... if these mayors/governors want to reduce the emission foot print why not look at this issue? Or, is the tax base for their city/county/state more important than being green?


Anyone want to bet that before the impeachment of Biden, he steps down for health reasons.


So a country singer makes a song that offends people... yet, the decades of offensive rap music is just ignored? Help me understand this. We are bombarded with equality, equal rights, addressing the wrongs that America has done to people in the past to ignore the real issues?

Let me ask you a question.... had this song been produced by a black American would we have seen the same outcry?


I love people, they never cease to amaze me.

So, lots of failed policy across America right now. Ranging from freedom of speech infringement to unlawful detaining by law enforcement.

Now, I do not blame the police for this. They have a boss that tells them what to do, and if they do not do what they are told... they get repremanded.

I do not blame the policy makers, politicians or the lobbyists. They are just doing what the said they would do when the took office.

You know who is to blame for this? Those who cast their votes for these politicians. You voted for these people into office, you knew what their inte tions were, what they had planned. You knew that the term was going to be 2 to 4 years. You get to live with your decision.

However, I see people complaining about the police, mayor's, govenors, city council members, etc as if they are not doing their jobs. Um, they are not appointed positions, you literally had to vote these people into office and now... you want to complain about them?

This is not failed policy, this is failed voting.


So, what is your thought on the closed investigation of co***ne being found in the Whitehouse? They never identified the culprit.

Here is what I think:

1. Um, BU****IT.

They know who it was the USSS has been told to hide who it was, and shelf the investigation. As the press secretary stated "100's of people used that area over the weekend". Ok, that means it's one of those "100's of people". So, how do we investigate? Well, let's narrow this down a bit. The Whitehouse has cameras in that area, so we find the 10 minutes before and after the white bag showed up in the video, then figure out how many people were in the Whitehouse at that time and how many had access to that area at that time. Bare minimum that would move the 100's of people down to a more manageable dozen or so.

Let give the Whitehouse the benefit of the doubt and say its now 50 people that had access at that time and that area. I have to assume that we can drug test those individuals for concaine? All USSS are excluded because they are tested regularly, so it has to be a politician (remember, general public are not allowed in this area of the Whitehouse).

So, we take the 50 people and drug test them? Or, DNA test the plastic bag the co***ne was inside of? Given the USSS were not able to pull any finger prints or any partial finger prints (which I call bulls**t on), might as well move onto DNA sampling?

How does this look to everyone on the outside? Incompetent? Lying? Coverup? Untouchable?

I am curious, how many of you 82m voters are going to vote for Biden again? Right now, could even the most hard-core Democrat say they trust this administration?

You ever looked up song lyrics with cultural slurs? I found it odd, Asian, Hispanic, Indian, Persian, and White lyric/so...

You ever looked up song lyrics with cultural slurs?

I found it odd, Asian, Hispanic, Indian, Persian, and White lyric/song writers rarely use cultural slurs in their songs.

However, if you look at the Black American Culture... it seems there is no limit to different cultural slur's that they will use.


Could there be an issue where? Is there some hidden hatred? Is this the inequality in their music coming out?

Look it up on I thought it was interesting searching for different words and then looking at the bands/singer/song writer of said lyrics.

A list of lyrics, artists and songs that contain the term "word finder" - from the website.


So... had a thought today.

How come there are not any harsh laws for those people involved in the exploitation of children in human trafficking/sex trade? If there were ever a law that people (all people) could get behind and support 100% it would be the stop of child slave/sex trade.

Here, let me give you an example.

Law ### states that anyone profiting or caught in the act of actual trade/trafficking or otherwise kidnapping children to be used for any purpose are to be put to death if found guilty.


Yes, you can appeal the death sentence but after the appeal fails, the death sentence is to be carried out immediately.

Now, the twister. How come we have not seen a law like this in out government? How come we have not seen legislation like this happen? The only thing I can think of is this... we have monsters in political positions that would stop legislation like this. Or, liberal mind feel that monsters like this are just misunderstood, lol. I highly doubt you would find many liberals willing to get in the way of a law like this, but... you never know.

Is society riddles with so many monsters at this point we cannot get legislation like this passed? For those of you that think this is some sort of "human rights" issue. You can join these monsters in their deaths.

It takes evil to fight evil, we have ignored our children long enough. It's time someone step forward and initiate laws that are so terrifying for the criminals, that criminals simply say no to committing these heinous acts.

What say you?

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Philly 4th of July shooting, my prayers go out to those who were killed.

In respect to the reporting on this manner from media and the police, somethings off.

No mug shot, no gender reported in the shooter description. No race reported and no religious background.

We have a name and age of the shooter, which for mass shooter suspect that was taken alive is very, very odd.

Anyone want to make some assumptions as to why?






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