Let me share what true wealth means to me…
Throughout the past 6+ years I’ve worked in the Digital Marketing space. Starting with a 7 figure SaaS company, which was recently sold, to recently endeavoring in a brand we call “Wealthery”.
If you were to ask me when I first started in the internet world what I thought the world “wealth” meant, I would’ve told you that it means to have a lot of money.
With a background in Kinesiology (the study of human movement) and having my fair share of knee surgeries, I still understood the importance of health, but didn’t include that in the definition of “wealth”.
From a relationship stand point I feel I have very supportive family and friends. I don’t currently have a significant other, but because of my family and friends I would say I have great relationships in my life.
That’s what we feel the word “wealth” means. The combination of finances, health, and relationships.
If you focus all your attention on one of those aspects, the other two will suffer.
So often you see this in the Digital Marketing space - Someone will have a TON of money, but they are very unhealthy and don’t have good relationships in their life (family/friends/significant other).
I’m going to continue sharing with you guys great motivational posts in all three of these aspects, but I also want to share my journey with you-all.
Specifically I want to share how we’re making good money online and you’ll see throughout the process how I’m also prioritizing my health and the relationships I have in my life.