The Nappy Harcissist

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The Nappy Harcissist Unfiltered and Uncensored


I salute each and every one of you that are still going even though there's been a billion things that tried to take you out...

It absolutely can, but it can also go from 100 to's all about making it through both days...

It absolutely can, but it can also go from 100 to's all about making it through both days...


Good Morning...
Today, we're gonna be thankful for the people we have in our lifes...
There's definitely ones we wish we never met, but for the majority, we cherish all the ones we have in our lifes...
And we tend to take it for granted, and then if we were to no longer have them in our life, then we have to live with the fact that we didn't cherish the time we did have with them...
So make sure the people you have, know how much they mean to you, and how grateful you are for them...
At any moment, they could be gone...don't miss out on them while they're still here...
Yall have a great day!!


*1 year ago*
Good Morning...
Today, we're gonna be thankful that we can be in a bad situation, and it doesn't take over, nor does it have control...
We're not gonna make the situation even worse by thinking about how bad it is, or thinking for a second that that bad moment or bad chunk of our day is going to ruin the entire day...
It's time like this that we have to work even harder to see the good...
That cloud can't sit over you forever, but while it does...we'll learn to enjoy the storms...
Yall have a great day!!


All that self improvement you've done, it's gonna pay off...
It's not gonna happen on your schedule, but it's gonna happen...


Good Morning...
Today, we're gonna be thankful that we're able to put good out into the world, despite all of the bad that surrounds us...
They're already enough evil, enough nastiness, enough where even though it's dealt to us, we won't be returning it...
We realize what matching energies causes, and we know that you can't clean dirt with dirt...
It's never easy to turn the other cheek or be the bigger person, but it's simply not worth it, and all you're doing is added to an already bad situation...
Everyone's already going through enough and having a hard enough time, plus we can handle it without having to reciprocate it...
Remember, you ultimately win by having the clear conscious of doing what's right, even when the ghetto parts want to come out...
Yall have a great day!!


*1 year ago*
Good Morning...
Today, we're gonna be thankful for confidence...
Confidence in ourselves, confidence in our abilities, confidence in our decisions...but also confidence in knowing what we don't need, knowing what we don't need to do or pursue, and knowing when it's time to let a situation or a person go...
We still struggle from time to time, and we'll never stop learning, and we will continue to mess up...but the confidence to know that we are on the right crystal clear...
Yall have a great day!!


Good Morning...
Today, we're gonna be thankful that we haven't died from hypothermia...
It's freaking cold...
Stay warm and have a great day!


*1 year ago*
Good Morning...
Today, we're gonna be thankful for rested mind...
If you're anything like me, your mind never slows down...
But atleast it's not slap full or worries, stress, regrets, anxiety, and depression...
No, things haven't changed, no things haven't gotten better...
And it might be temporary...but we'll enjoy every second of it,while it lasts...
Yall have a great day!!


This generation has ran wild with earning smarter money...they do less work for more money...
And I'm all for that, I believe whole heartedly that you shouldn't have to be out here breaking your back day in and day out just to have a decent living...
And I truly wish I would've made better decisions at a younger age, and could've had and easier way of living...
HOWEVER, AND I DO MEAN HOWEVER...what they didn't do, is learn a single valuable skill to be able to be more self sufficient...
You can have all the money in the world, but if you don't know how to do anything...You'll spend it all paying people to do things for you...
Learn those trades, learn those skills, obtain every bit of knowledge you can...and then make you a plan to be able to have a good living without having to kill yourself...
But when problems do arrive, and they will...You'll be prepared for them, and your finances won't be taking hits, and you'll have more then just money to pass on to a different generation...
I know I'm a dying breed, but let's make sure our kids know how to do more then just make money...
Let them know as long as they have God and they take the time to learn everything they can, they won't have to rely on somebody else and they can choose what they want to do...instead of having to do whatever to make ends meet...


Good Morning...
Today, we're gonna be thankful for the things that no longer have a place in our lifes...
We've made the bad choices and the wrong decisions, but we also paid the price for everyone of them...
We know that it couldn't be our normal, and that we couldn't prosper with those things in our life...
So, we did our spring cleaning, and we got rid of all the things that didn't serve our best interests...
We're not feeling bad or missing a single one of those things...
Onwards and upwards, there's no going back now...
Yall have a great day!!


*1 year ago*
Good Morning...
Today, we're gonna be thankful to be able to realize some things have to change...
Things that are no longer fitting for our lives, things that don't bring any good into our life's, things that take us out of purpose, things that take us out of character...
Whether they're people, places, or things...and no matter what has to go to make said changes, it won't stop us from making the change...
Yall have a great day!!


As 2023 is coming to an end, we can look back and see what the year has been all about...
For me, this past year came with so many unexpected things, and a whole lot of change...
If I have learned anything, it's that your whole life can change for the long as you're willing to put in the work...
You can sit back and make excuses, you can find a comfort zone and stay there, you can keep yourself distracted...and by the end of the year, nothings changed for the better...
And I for one, are not where I was this time last year, and I don't plan on being in the same situation this time next year...
I want better for my life, and I know I'm the one that has to ensure that that happens...
So make up your mind to change your life for the better, and let's make 2024 the best year yet...




Good Evening...
Today, we're gonna be thankful for all the little joys that life brings...
It may be all glitz and glamor, but there's joy all around us...
We don't always see it because we're looking in the wrong areas, and missing out on what's right in front of us...
Don't miss out on all the good, by focusing on the bad...
Yall have a great night!!


You were raised being shown how to hold grudges, how to write people off, and listening to other people...
And forgiveness was only taught when it benefitted the you cut off people you should have forgiven...and you find an old reason on a new day, to hate another person...
You spend your whole life, never forgiving anyone that did you wrong, just dismissing the person instead of addressing the issue...
So now you spend your time finding the issue, just within different people...
That pile of bridges you keep burning, will continue to grow...and so will the amount of hatred in your heart...
You'll spend the time and energy to keep it closed off in your mind, while the issue grows even stronger in your heart...
That mistake, that accident, that hurt they caused, that wrongdoing...that happened yesterday( some of our yesterday's made be decades) those things have been whipping your butt for each new day, when they had absolutely nothing to do with today...
There's a reason airlines charge you for extra baggage, you don't have to carry all this stuff with you's only weighing you down and making it harder to see what's in front of you, when all you see is what you're carrying...


Those pieces, you've been trying so put together, they're never gonna fit...


Pick yourself up...Dust yourself off...
Nobody's coming to save remember who you are and remember who to rely on...




Good Morning...
Today, we're gonna be thankful that we didn't give in...
There were several times, it didn't look so would've been easy to turn back, it would've been really simple to atleast get some temporary comfort...
There was no rhyme or reason, and definitely no results...that made it make sense to keep going...
But we didn't waiver when things looked gloomy, and it paid off in multiple ways...
But the main thing we gained, was realizing that we can get through matter how it looks...
There's got to be atleast one good thing to come from any situation, no matter how bad it may seem...
Yall have a great day!!


*1 year ago*
Good morning...
Today, we're gonna be thankful for discernment...
No matter what happens, no matter what comes or goes, no matter if we're happy or sad about it...we're not wavering...
Even if hell rises up against us, we won't flinch...
Our feet our planted, and we will not be moved...
Yall have a great day!!


Good Morning...
Today, we're gonna be thankful for the confidence we have in our future...
It's not that we know all the details or how it's all going to work out...
Heck, we don't even know if it's going to be good...but we do know we're going to get through it, and we know it's going to work out in our best interest...
So whatever tomorrow brings, it can only have power of us, if we allow it...
Live in today, tomorrow will be there, when we get there...
Yall have a great day!!


I've been a couch surfer for most of my life...
It started getting bounced around from place to place, with my mom always being sick and in the hospital...
And then it was making one bad decision after another...
Jumping from place to place, whenever things went sideways, and it was never a full on was like jumping with no preparation...
And I was always working and blowing money on drugs, and anytime there was a chunk of money...I thought I had a good plan and then it'd blow up in my face, and it'd be a waste of money...
And never staying in one place, you lose so much and have so much that gets stolen, and each time it's starting over...
At some point, you give up even wanting certain things, because they seem unrealistic...
You start accepting defeat, you lose motivation and it becomes an uphill battle in so many different areas...
Then making the lifestyle and mindset changes that I have, things definitely turned around and I could feel a change coming in a major way, but it was still a long time before any of it happened...
And then with a lot of help some amazing people that big change came, but not in the areas, not the ones I really wanted...
And it came with its own set of troubles...and after a while longer, things just kinda fell like dominoes...but this time in my favor...
And I understood why I needed the wait, I understood why I needed all those steps...I know now, without them, I would've ruined this blessing already...
And instead of focusing on the ones that haven't came yet, I'm gonna try and do my part to makw sure I stay grateful and thankful for the ones I've already received...
This is the first time in my life, that I've had my own stuff, and had the mindset and the drive to make sure I keep it all...
I'm not sleeping on a couch unless it's mine( my recliner, really) I'm not having to tiptoe around someone else's place trying to be quiet when I can't sleep...
I couldn't have done this on my own, and I have God to thank for placing these people in my life, and for lining everything up...the way that he did...
I'm so far from perfect, it's not even funny, and I'll be working on myself until the day I die...but I know where I've kept myself my whole life, trying to be in charge of everything...and I know where he's brought me, by me trusting in him just a little...


*1 year ago*
Good Morning...
Today, we're gonna be thankful for being able to handle emotions...
The good ones, the bad ones, the ones we don't wanna feel...
And not letting any of them have control...
We can have them,deal with them, process them, and we're moving on...
Even if it takes all day, we're gonna have the upper hand...
We've gained too much strength and too much knowledge to fold now...
Yall have a great day


Good Evening...
Today, we're gonna be thankful for all the things we do have...
We could probably make a longer list of the things we lack, then the things we have, because it's so easy to see the negative...
We put in so much focus on what we don't have, that we miss out on all that were surrounded with...
So today, and every other day, let's not focus on the things we lack, because we're not lacking anything we absolutely need, just a bunch of wants...
Let's cherish the things we do have, and be thankful for all that we are blessed with...
Yall have a great night!!

Thank God this is true!!

Thank God this is true!!


Good Morning...
Today, we're gonna be thankful that we can look at hard times and bad times, and know it's not gonna be the death of me or even a downfall...
When things just seem to be falling apart, we're still going to try and have a positive outlook and a positive mood...
And even if that's not possible, we won't let it get the best of us...
It is extremely hard at times, but those are the times that it matters even more to be in control of it, instead of letting it be in control of you...
Have a great day, and a Merry Christmas!!


Good Evening....
Today, we're gonna be thankful for the people we do have in our life...there's plenty of us that don't have the big family, or any family, to gather around for the holidays...
And they can be extremely rough times, and can cause depression, or even the downfall of some; but it just makes us even more thankful for the few we do have...
Just remember not everyone has a family get together, or even someone to spend the holidays with, so if you do...make sure you cherish them...
And be mindful of what others may or may not be going through...
Yall have a great day!
And Merry Christmas Eve...


*1 year ago*
It was worse then any cut...
All I wanted was to hide in my hut...
Then I was stuck in a rut...
There was only torment in my gut...
They said be a man, you have nuts...
I felt like nothing more then a dirty old mut...
But for this better life, I'll never stop busting my but...


*1 year ago*
Good Morning...
Today, we're gonna be thankful for a sound mind...
Knowing what thoughts are ones that need to stay, and which ones to go...
Knowing when it tries to take over, and how to make sure that doesn't happen...
Knowing what we can and can't put in so that we know what will come out...
Knowing that we can trust our own thoughts again...
We're gonna thank God for the miles he has brought us...
Yall have a great day!


*1 year ago*
Good Morning...
Today, we're gonna be thankful for our abilities...
There will always be somebody that knows more or can do more, but they can't do it the same...
Alot of times, it's our willingness to do it and the way that we do it that makes our abilities stand out...
Not only do we use these to help ourselves, but also to help others...
Never doubt yourself and always be proud of what you can do!
Yall have a great day and stay warm!




*1 year ago*
Strength to me is being mad and letting someone know why without showing your a$$, strength to me is being able to be sad and tell someone why; without shutting everyone out and crying alone, strength to me is being able to be afraid and not being to prideful to say I'm scared, strength to me is being able to be wrong and saying I messed up, strength to me is being able to be unhappy and not filling that void with a temporary solution, strength to me is being able to say I can't and knowing that there's somethings that I can't or don't need to do...


*1 year ago*
Good Morning...
Today, we're gonna be thankful for the ability to be relentless...
The ability to keep getting back up, the ability to keep fighting even when you feel like you're losing to fight, the ability to keep getting in the ring with the cuts and bruises, the ability to find a smile when there is no joy in sight...
We're gonna be thankful for being battle born!!
Yall have a great day!!


Good Morning...
Today, we're gonna be thankful that we didn't throw in the towel...
There's several different times and several different areas, where we just wanted to say we're done...we wanted to throw our hands up and walk away...
Out lifes as a whole has been one of those things at one time or another, and even after we didn't, we still didn't cherish the life we did have...
We didn't think it was worth staying around...
And while we might ve tried to give up, we're still here and we're thankful that things didn't go our way...
We had to change so that our lifes changed for the better...
And no matter what, we're not going anywhere...
Yall have a great day!!

Man, this is the definition of riding with somebody till the wheels fall off...

Man, this is the definition of riding with somebody till the wheels fall off...


Good Morning...
Today, we're gonna be thankful that feelings can be used to our advantage...
We don't like anything but the good feelings but every one of them has a purpose in our life, and they don't have to be our downfall...they can actually be used as tools to progress us even further.
They can be used as guides to prevent us from going thru certain things, they can be used to give us a heads up about certain things, or they can be used to teach us a lesson...
However, they don't have to be in control of us, they're a part of us, not everybit of us...
Yall have a great day!!


Good Morning...
Today, we're gonna be thankful for how much change has came to our lifes...
There's alot of areas that we couldn't see the amount of change, and so we thought it wasn't enough...
And then there's other areas, that are like night and day,and yet we think it's still not enough...
So then we look at our life as a whole, and we see where we were and where we are, and we have made great strides and accomplished what we thought was impossible...
We're patting ourselves on the back, but we're also staying ready, to make even more change for the better...
Yall have a great day!!




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