Love Fun Taiwan

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Love Fun Taiwan Love Fun Taiwan is a new TV show that explores the DNA of Taiwanese culture.

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April 9 New release 🎉
📺 Love Fun Taiwan - Thailand EP1 airs on TaiwanPlus TV Channel.
⏰ Date: April 9 at 19:30

Fall in Love with Taiwanese food!
Believe it or not, there is a kind of food that makes you feel like you’re falling in love: Taiwanese food! Hop aboard this scrumptious journey of mouth-watering local cuisine and delicacies. Fall in love with Taiwanese food for the first time or all over again!

Rov: You know what Taiwanese food is internationally renowned and has a unique appeal in robust flavors? This is the secret to Taiwan's outstanding produce. They love and respect and care for the land and the environment.

Yepun: Taiwanese food to it is like a magical treasure trove for me, every time
I open it a different surprise awaits me. So I'm playing delicious Taiwanese food and learnong about Taiwan's heartwarming story.That's how I fell in love with Taiwanese food.

Love Fun Taiwan - Fall in love with Taiwan again, again and again!

4月9日19:30,TaiwanPlus電視頻道播出『Love Fun Taiwan樂訪臺灣 – 泰國EP1』- 戀戀臺灣味!


Rov: 臺灣美食國際知名,具有獨特的吸引力和滋味;臺灣美食的秘密,不僅來自優良的環境,更是臺灣人民尊重土地、愛護環境的感情。

Yepun: 臺灣的美食,就像是神奇的寶庫,每次打開都讓我感受不同驚喜!品嘗臺灣美食,感受臺灣最溫暖的故事,這就是我的「戀戀台灣味」!

Love Fun Taiwan,一次又一次愛上臺灣!


April 1st New release 🎉
📺 Love Fun Taiwan - Philipines EP4 airs on TaiwanPlus TV Channel.
⏰ Date: April 1st at 19:00

Nature Tours in the Post-Pandemic Era!
From the plains to the mountains, from the mountains to the coast — Taiwan is a place where you can enjoy different scenery from all four seasons in a single day. The Philippine production team infused this episode with both breathtaking cinematography and immersive visual storytelling!

Val: In a country with such diverse culture and influences like taiwan, and influences like Taiwan, one would always find unique things to discover. In fact, the closer you get to taiwan, the more amazed you will be by the wonderful features of this beautiful country!

Rov: Taiwan rich ecology magnificent landscape…tall mountains and its captivating coast…Things get more and more exciting and at the same time relaxing…It’s actually more of a recharge travel for me!

Love Fun Taiwan - Fall in love with Taiwan again, again and again!

4月1日晚間7點,TaiwanPlus電視頻道播出『Love Fun Taiwan樂訪臺灣 - 菲律賓EP4』- 後疫情時代的自然之旅!

從平原到高山,從高山到海邊,在台灣一天之內,就可以欣賞到四季不同景觀。 菲律賓製作團隊為這一集製作了令人嘆為觀止的電影攝影和身臨其境的視覺敘事!

Val: 在台灣如此多元文化和影響的國家,總能找到獨特的東西來探索。事實上,越靠近台灣,就越會被這個美麗國家的奇妙之處所吸引!

Rov: 台灣擁有豐富的生態壯麗景觀,還有壯闊的山峰和迷人的海岸…體驗越來越精彩,同時也令人放鬆…對我來說台灣之旅,其實更像是一次充電旅行!

Love Fun Taiwan,一次又一次愛上台灣!


March 26th New release 🎉
📺 Love Fun Taiwan - Philipines EP3 airs on TaiwanPlus TV Channel.
⏰ Date: March 26th at 19:00

Spectacular Taiwanese Hot Springs!
Hot springs are gifts of nature, though many precious hot springs in the world require thousands of miles of travel. But in Taiwan, you can experience all kinds of different hot springs at any time!

Val: Indeed there's a lot of walking that goes with travel, you can always pause, relax, you can enjoy the beautiful surroundings and nature. Taiwan offers the best locations if you do just that.

Rov: Taiwan offers the best hot spring resorts in the entire world, made me realize how truly fascinating hot springs are, and why the taiwanese are so appreciative of such blessing from mother nature.

Love Fun Taiwan - Fall in love with Taiwan again, again and again!

3月26日晚間7點,TaiwanPlus電視頻道播出『Love Fun Taiwan 樂訪臺灣 - 菲律賓EP3』


Val: 旅行之中常伴隨著步行,你可以隨時停下來,放鬆一下,享受美麗的環境和大自然。如果你想這樣做,臺灣會提供您最好的地點!

Rov: 臺灣擁有全世界最好的溫泉勝地...這些體驗讓我感受到到溫泉的魅力,也深刻了解到為何臺灣人會如此感激大自然的恩賜。

Love Fun Taiwan,一次又一次愛上臺灣!


March 19th New release 🎉
📺 Love Fun Taiwan - Philipines EP2 airs on TaiwanPlus TV Channel.
⏰ Date: March 19th at 19:00

The Beauty and Magic of the Ocean in Taiwan!
Taiwan is surrounded by the sea and blessed with many marine resources, which are said to be a treasure trove of ecology and culture. The Philippines and Taiwan are both maritime countries, and the ocean is in the DNA of their people’s lives…

The sea has given Taiwan many precious gifts! Like receiving a gift, you will be very excited be amazed every time you open it!

Val: As you travel along the north coast, a unique and magnificent coastline greets you It almost feels like magic!! This is a unique spectacle in Taiwan.

Rov: Taiwan is fortunate to be embraced by the sea, the sea is fortunate to be cherished and protected by Taiwan while maintaining its stunning beauty!

Love Fun Taiwan - Fall in love with Taiwan again, again and again!

3月19日晚間7點,TaiwanPlus電視頻道播出『Love Fun Taiwan樂訪臺灣 - 菲律賓EP2』!

Val: 當你沿著北海岸旅行時,獨特而壯麗的海岸線迎接您,幾乎感覺像魔法一樣!這是臺灣獨特的景觀。

Rov: 臺灣有幸被大海擁抱,大海有幸被臺灣珍惜保護,同時保持無比美麗!

Love Fun Taiwan,一次又一次愛上臺灣!


Congratulations ‼️
Love Fun Taiwan airs on TaiwanPlus TV Channel. 🎉🎉
⏱ March 12th at 19:00 📺Love Fun Taiwan - Philipines EP1
The Perfect Fusion of History and Modernity in Taiwan.
Taiwan has its unique customs and culture due to its historical background. Many ancient things are hidden in the bustling city, and they have become even more precious over time. Come check out the beauty and romance of the old days.

Val: What better way to start the year than by creating new memories and exploring exciting destinations?

Rov: If you are looking for a place that is bustling with love, history, colors, and romance, guess what? Taiwan is at the top of your list.

Fall in love with Taiwan again, again and again!





📣 Love Fun Taiwan  update now    &   &  ▶️ Click TaiwanPlus 👉

📣 Love Fun Taiwan update now & &
▶️ Click TaiwanPlus 👉
Watch and enjoy "Love Fun Taiwan" right now‼
Fall in love with Taiwan for the first time or all over again! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

Rovilson Fernandez Valerie Tan 陈玉云
Pooja Bhamrrah Yepun Thanat Thanajirachai
蔡祥 Sonia Tsai 黃禮豐 Leo Huang

💗 Love Fun Taiwan - India EP4📺    : this saturday February 25 at 17:30📣 TaiwanPlus starting from February 26One of the c...

💗 Love Fun Taiwan - India EP4
📺 : this saturday February 25 at 17:30
📣 TaiwanPlus starting from February 26

One of the coolest things about Taiwan is that you can circumnavigate it by rail.

It is fitting that the "circle" represents perfection in Taiwanese culture, because Taiwan is the only country in the world where you circle the entire island by train!

This episode Pooja and Rov will be exploring the beauty and legend of Taiwanese trains.
Indian team chose the train as the terminal for the first season of exploring Taiwan's cultural DNA, which is full of imagination and expectation…

Pooja: Taiwan Railway are full of many beautiful stories, connecting the human feelings, no matter how many years have passed, it will never be forgotten!

ROV: What an amazing and beautiful circle is the Taiwan's Railway....
It's like a continuous story that never ends, also in our life. Every ending is a new beginning.

臺灣最酷的事情之一就是可以乘坐鐵路環島旅遊。 「圓」在臺灣文化中代表完美,臺灣更是世界上唯一可以坐火車環島一圈的國家!


Pooja: 臺灣鐵路,有許多美麗的故事,串聯起了最美的人情味,無論經過多少年,永不磨滅!

ROV: 臺灣的火車之後不但美,而且像一個沒有完結的故事。人生如圓,終點也是起點!每走一步,都是一個新的起點...

《Love Fun Taiwan 樂訪臺灣》13集完整節目內容於TaiwanPlus官網 ( 陸續上線,供全球觀眾收看。

Rovilson Fernandez Valerie Tan 陈玉云
Pooja Bhamrrah Yepun Thanat Thanajirachai
蔡祥 Sonia Tsai 黃禮豐 Leo Huang

💗 Love Fun Taiwan - Thailand EP4📺    : Saturday February 25 at 14:00📣 TaiwanPlus starting from February 26What is the lo...

💗 Love Fun Taiwan - Thailand EP4
📺 : Saturday February 25 at 14:00
📣 TaiwanPlus starting from February 26

What is the local culture in Taiwan that fascinates international visitors the most?
Taiwan is a fascinating blend of local culture and international influences.

In this episode, Yepun, Rov and Leo will go on a journey to experience Taiwanese local culture and get a taste of what everyday life is like for locals in Taiwan. The Thai production team filmed every shot with not only their eyes but also their hearts!

Rov: Every time I visit Taiwan, I can always appreciate the beauty of its local culture. All of this comes from their kindness and down-to-earth nature. The magical charm of such affection is the reason why I keep coming back again and again!

Yepun: Taiwan never leaves its origins behind but adapts and blends into the new generation's heart. It's a perfect blend between original tradition and the new trend then it becomes widely accepted and popular nowadays. That is a true inheritance.


Rov: 每次到臺灣,我總能體會到本土文化之美。這一切都源於他們的善良和樸實的本性。這種神奇魅力是我一次又一次回來的原因!

Yepun: 臺灣從未離開本源,而是適應並融入新一代人的心中。它是原始傳統與新潮流的完美結合,如今已被廣泛接受和流行。那才是真正的傳承!

《Love Fun Taiwan 樂訪臺灣》13集完整節目內容於TaiwanPlus官網 ( 陸續上線,供全球觀眾收看。

Rovilson Fernandez Valerie Tan 陈玉云
Pooja Bhamrrah Yepun Thanat Thanajirachai
蔡祥 Sonia Tsai 黃禮豐 Leo Huang

💗 Love Fun Taiwan - Philippines EP5📺  : February 19 at 19:00👉 The complete 13-episode series on TaiwanPlus ! https://www...

💗 Love Fun Taiwan - Philippines EP5
📺 : February 19 at 19:00
👉 The complete 13-episode series on TaiwanPlus !

Love Fun Taiwan EP5 - To Explore the DNA of Taiwanese Culture
Come aboard this journey of love and fun - jointly hosted by special celebrity guests from around the world - to explore the unique cultural charm of Taiwan!

Rovilson Fernandez Valerie Tan 陈玉云
Pooja Bhamrrah Yepun Thanat Thanajirachai
蔡祥 Sonia Tsai 黃禮豐 Leo Huang

📣 Love Fun Taiwan New Episode   &   &  ▶️ TaiwanPlus online now 👉 and enjoy "Lo...

📣 Love Fun Taiwan New Episode & &
▶️ TaiwanPlus online now 👉

Watch and enjoy "Love Fun Taiwan" right now‼
Fall in love with Taiwan for the first time or all over again! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

Rovilson Fernandez Valerie Tan 陈玉云
Pooja Bhamrrah Yepun Thanat Thanajirachai
蔡祥 Sonia Tsai 黃禮豐 Leo Huang

💗 Love Fun Taiwan  - India EP3📺    : this saturday February 18 at 17:30📣 TaiwanPlus  starting from February 19Taiwan and...

💗 Love Fun Taiwan - India EP3
📺 : this saturday February 18 at 17:30
📣 TaiwanPlus starting from February 19

Taiwan and India are beautiful echoes of each other !🥰

Indians seem to be naturally attracted to Taiwan, as though it is a place they are destined to visit!

It so romantic story. Want to know the answer? Watch this episode with pooja and Rov, Sonia together!

Pooja: Taiwan and India have many things in common. Right from the cultural and technological aspects, these two countries are similar than we know…

Rov: An Indian producer told me that Taiwan is like a fateful place for Indians... It seems that they are naturally attracted to it!

它是如此浪漫的故事。想知道答案嗎? 與 pooja 和 Rov、Sonia 一起觀看這一集!

Pooja:台灣和印度有很多共同點。 從文化和技術方面來看,這兩個國家比我們所知道的更相似…

Rov: 一位印度製片人告訴我,台灣對印度人來說就像是一個宿命之地…似乎他們天生就被這裡吸引了!

《Love Fun Taiwan 樂訪臺灣》13集完整節目內容於TaiwanPlus官網 ( 陸續上線,供全球觀眾收看。

Rovilson Fernandez Valerie Tan 陈玉云
Pooja Bhamrrah Yepun Thanat Thanajirachai
蔡祥 Sonia Tsai 黃禮豐 Leo Huang

💗 Love Fun Taiwan  - Thailand EP3📺    : Saturday February 18 at 14:00📣 TaiwanPlus  starting from February 19What kind of...

💗 Love Fun Taiwan - Thailand EP3
📺 : Saturday February 18 at 14:00
📣 TaiwanPlus starting from February 19

What kind of internationally renowned Taiwanese craftsmanship amazed the three hosts?!

Taiwan has been bestowed with a precious array of natural craft materials. Its down-to-earth people have also developed outstanding craftsmanship.

This episode, Yepun will be joining Rov and Sonia on a journey to explore the soul and DNA of Taiwan’s internationally renowned craftsmanship!

Rov: Every time I go to a new place, I like to collect the local handicrafts and souvenirs, especially Taiwan!

Yepun: From lifestyle products to architectural art, these are a symbol of not only Taiwan’s exquisite craftsmanship, but also cultural innovation and heritage.




Rov: 每次到一個新的地方,我都喜歡收集當地的手工藝品和紀念品,尤其是台灣!

Yepun: 從日常用品到建築藝術,這些不僅是台灣精湛工藝的象徵,也是文化創新和傳承。

《Love Fun Taiwan 樂訪臺灣》13集完整節目內容於TaiwanPlus官網 ( 陸續上線,供全球觀眾收看。

Rovilson Fernandez Valerie Tan 陈玉云
Pooja Bhamrrah Yepun Thanat Thanajirachai
蔡祥 Sonia Tsai 黃禮豐 Leo Huang

Happy  ’s Day!💖 Watching Love Fun Taiwan With Your valentines🌺Check out the TaiwanPlus 👉

Happy ’s Day!💖 Watching Love Fun Taiwan With Your valentines🌺
Check out the TaiwanPlus 👉
Watch and enjoy "Love Fun Taiwan" right now‼

Rovilson Fernandez Valerie Tan 陈玉云
Pooja Bhamrrah Yepun Thanat Thanajirachai
蔡祥 Sonia Tsai 黃禮豐 Leo Huang

📣 Love Fun Taiwan New Episode   &   &  ▶️TaiwanPlus online now 👉 and enjoy "Lov...

📣 Love Fun Taiwan New Episode & &
▶️TaiwanPlus online now 👉
Watch and enjoy "Love Fun Taiwan" right now‼
Fall in love with Taiwan for the first time or all over again! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

Rovilson Fernandez Valerie Tan 陈玉云
Pooja Bhamrrah Yepun Thanat Thanajirachai
蔡祥 Sonia Tsai 黃禮豐 Leo Huang

💗 Love Fun Taiwan - Philippines EP4📺  : February 12 at 19:00📺 The complete 13-episode series on TaiwanPlus !From the pla...

💗 Love Fun Taiwan - Philippines EP4
📺 : February 12 at 19:00
📺 The complete 13-episode series on TaiwanPlus !

From the plains to the mountains, from the mountains to the coast — Taiwan is a place where you can enjoy different scenery from all four seasons in a single day.

Taiwan is a place where you can relax and mend your body and mind, Taiwanese call it "re-charge energy".

In this episode, Rov, Val and Sonia will lead the viewers to get out and get close to nature, feel the beauty of Taiwan again, and heal our body and mind!

Rov: In a country with such diverse culture and influences like taiwan, one would always find unique things to discover.

Val: In fact, the closer you get to taiwan, the more amazed you will be by the wonderful features of this beautiful country!


台灣就是一個讓人身心靈都能放鬆和修補的地方, 台灣人稱之為”充電”!

這一集Rov, Val and Sonia將帶領觀眾走出戶外親近大自然,再次感受台灣的美,療癒身心靈!



《Love Fun Taiwan 樂訪臺灣》13集完整節目內容將於TaiwanPlus官網( 陸續上線,供全球觀眾收看。

Rovilson Fernandez Valerie Tan 陈玉云
Pooja Bhamrrah Yepun Thanat Thanajirachai
蔡祥 Sonia Tsai 黃禮豐 Leo Huang

💗Love Fun Taiwan  - India EP2📺   : this saturday February 11 at 17:30📺TaiwanPlus  starting from February 12Both Taiwan a...

💗Love Fun Taiwan - India EP2
📺 : this saturday February 11 at 17:30
📺TaiwanPlus starting from February 12

Both Taiwan and India have magical DNA in textiles!

Taiwanese fabrics and Indian sarees have different materials,
but they have one thing in common, that is, fabric itself is the protagonist,
even if it is not made into clothes , it is already a finished product, and all need to be done manually…..

Want to know more? Follow in the footsteps of Pooja, ROV, and Sonia, and explore the charm of Taiwanese calico together!

dians are very sensitive to "color"...Every color has a deep and unique meaning to us...Color is a symbol of emotion, color, and memory... This reminds me of the “Taiwan red” story....

I deeply feel the spirit of harmony and hospitality in Taiwan, Taiwan is full of Love & Fun!

想了解更多嗎?跟著Pooja與ROV, Sonia的腳步,一起探索臺灣花布的迷人之處!


我總能感受到精神、和諧和好客,台灣總能讓我感受到充滿Love & Fun!

《Love Fun Taiwan 樂訪臺灣》13集完整節目內容於TaiwanPlus官網 ( 陸續上線,供全球觀眾收看。

Rovilson Fernandez Valerie Tan 陈玉云
Pooja Bhamrrah Yepun Thanat Thanajirachai
蔡祥 Sonia Tsai 黃禮豐 Leo Huang

💗 Love Fun Taiwan  - Thailand EP2📺    : Saturday February 11 at 14:00📺 TaiwanPlus starting from February 12Believe it or...

💗 Love Fun Taiwan - Thailand EP2
📺 : Saturday February 11 at 14:00
📺 TaiwanPlus starting from February 12

Believe it or not?! There is a kind of food that makes you feel like falling in love when tasting it! This is Yepun's true personal experience in Taiwan!

Falling in love with Taiwanese food!
What an amazing experience...

Besides we know and love the bubble tea , Taiwanese tea.....
another there is a unique dessert that looks just like jelly from the outside. It is often paired with lemon to make icy desserts, and has a refreshing taste and texture. Do you know what that is?

"Making Taiwanese desserts by myself is not only interesting, but also enjoys pure natural delicacy. Through many experiences, I discovered that Taiwanese food is not only delicious, but also the enthusiasm and caring of the service providers... Every time I enjoy food, I can feel the most beautiful people in Taiwan!"


戀戀台灣味,Fall in love with Taiwan food!



《Love Fun Taiwan 樂訪臺灣》13集完整節目內容於TaiwanPlus官網 ( 陸續上線,供全球觀眾收看。

Rovilson Fernandez Valerie Tan 陈玉云
Pooja Bhamrrah Yepun Thanat Thanajirachai
蔡祥 Sonia Tsai 黃禮豐 Leo Huang

《 Love Fun Taiwan 樂訪臺灣》全球熱播,反應熱烈 ‼ #印尼 關注 TaiwanPlus 新節目 內容豐富吸引媒體報導👍👍76家印尼網路媒體及一家報紙報導相關消息 👏👏完整新聞報導 👉

《 Love Fun Taiwan 樂訪臺灣》全球熱播,反應熱烈 ‼
#印尼 關注 TaiwanPlus 新節目 內容豐富吸引媒體報導👍👍
76家印尼網路媒體及一家報紙報導相關消息 👏👏
完整新聞報導 👉

💗 Happy Lantern Festival 2023 🎉🎉📣   online now Check out the TaiwanPlus 👉https://www.taiwanplus.comWatch and enjoy "Love...

💗 Happy Lantern Festival 2023 🎉🎉
📣 online now
Check out the TaiwanPlus 👉
Watch and enjoy "Love Fun Taiwan" right now‼️
Fall in love with Taiwan for the first time or all over again! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

Rovilson Fernandez Valerie Tan 陈玉云
Pooja Bhamrrah Yepun Thanat Thanajirachai
蔡祥 Sonia Tsai 黃禮豐 Leo Huang

💗 Love Fun Taiwan - Philippines EP3📺 CNN Philippines: February 5 at 19:00📺 TaiwanPlus starting from February 5There are ...

💗 Love Fun Taiwan - Philippines EP3
📺 CNN Philippines: February 5 at 19:00
📺 TaiwanPlus starting from February 5

There are several magical hot springs in Taiwan, like the "Spring of Sons" and the "Mud Spring", which made the hosts feel incredible and got hooked!

Taiwan sits on a collision zone between two tectonic plates. As a result, it has one of the highest concentrations of thermal hot springs in the world. There are over 100 major hot springs in Taiwan!

Originating from the hot spring culture in Japan, Taiwan became a daily life during the Japanese occupation period.

Jinshan on the northern coast, Beitou in Taipei, Suao in Yilan, Guguan in Taichung, and Guanziling in Tainan, are the most popular Hot Spring Areas in Taiwan. And we will be visiting them all in this Episode!


台灣位於兩個板塊之間的碰撞帶上。 因此,是世界上溫泉最密集的國家之一。 台灣有超過100個溫泉區!


北部沿海的金山、台北的北投、宜蘭的蘇澳、台中的谷關、台南的關子嶺,是台灣最受歡迎的溫泉區。 我們將在這一集中一一走訪!

《Love Fun Taiwan 樂訪臺灣》13集完整節目內容將自2月5日起,於 TaiwanPlus 官網( 上線,供全球觀眾收看。

Rovilson Fernandez Valerie Tan 陈玉云
Pooja Bhamrrah Yepun Thanat Thanajirachai
蔡祥 Sonia Tsai 黃禮豐 Leo Huang

💗 Love Fun Taiwan - India EP1📺  : this saturday February 4 at 17:30📺 TaiwanPlus starting from February 5 How can modern ...

💗 Love Fun Taiwan - India EP1
📺 : this saturday February 4 at 17:30
📺 TaiwanPlus starting from February 5

How can modern and traditional architecture coexist?
Visit Taiwan and you will find out the answer!

Many well-known buildings in Taiwan present a diverse and integrated atmosphere through cross-border integration of landscape design and art furnishings.

You must already heard of the famous National Palace Museum in Taipei.
But, did you know that there is a new branch in southern Taiwan?

Besides the National Palace Museum, we will be visiting many interesting buildings in this episode.
Come and feel Taiwan's passionate and creative DNA, and show the style in our lives!





《Love Fun Taiwan 樂訪臺灣》13集完整節目內容將自2月5日起,於TaiwanPlus官網( 上線,供全球觀眾收看。

Rovilson Fernandez Valerie Tan 陈玉云
Pooja Bhamrrah Yepun Thanat Thanajirachai
蔡祥 Sonia Tsai 黃禮豐 Leo Huang

💗 Love Fun Taiwan  - Thailand EP1📺 Thailand  : Saturday February 4 at 14:00📺 TaiwanPlus starting from February 5Sitting ...

💗 Love Fun Taiwan - Thailand EP1
📺 Thailand : Saturday February 4 at 14:00
📺 TaiwanPlus starting from February 5

Sitting at the intersection of Eastern and Western cultures, Taiwan has developed a diverse range of traditional folk customs and subcultures.

In this episode, Yepun, Rov and Leo discover Taiwan’s unique charm: the ability to evoke familiar emotions and nostalgia in the hearts of foreign visitors.

Come join us on this remarkable sensory adventure filled with enthusiasm, excitement, emotion and fantasy — the DNA of Love Fun Taiwan!


這一集,Yepun 和 Rov, Leo發現到台灣有一份獨特魅力,他能喚起外國旅人似曾相識的親密感和鄉愁!


是的,來到台灣可以感受到與眾不同的五感體驗,熱情、刺激、感動、夢幻….這就是台灣 Love Fun DNA的魅力!

《Love Fun Taiwan 樂訪臺灣》13集完整節目內容將自2月5日起,於TaiwanPlus官網 ( 上線,供全球觀眾收看。

Rovilson Fernandez Valerie Tan 陈玉云
Pooja Bhamrrah Yepun Thanat Thanajirachai
蔡祥 Sonia Tsai 黃禮豐 Leo Huang



Mashuri Ol, 戴伯超

💗 Love Fun Taiwan on air - Philippines – EP2📺   January 29 Sunday 19:00The complete 13-episode series will debut on Taiw...

💗 Love Fun Taiwan on air - Philippines – EP2
📺 January 29 Sunday 19:00
The complete 13-episode series will debut on TaiwanPlus nPlus starting from February 5!

Taiwan has a very rich marine ecology. You can see a groups of dolphins jumping out of the Pacific Ocean along the east. Azure seas and magnificent coral reefs can be found in Kenting at the southern tip of Taiwan. This is a place for you to be amazed.

Rovilson: "In this episode, I experienced Taiwan's various marine fantasy charms, which made me fall in love with Taiwan again!"

Valerie: "The Philippines and Taiwan are both maritime countries, and being close to the ocean is the DNA of our lives... Many special experiences this time are unforgettable memories for me!"

Love Fun Taiwan let you enjoy a amazing journey of Taiwan oceans!




Love Fun Taiwan 讓你享受臺灣海洋的驚奇之旅!

Rovilson Fernandez Valerie Tan 陈玉云
Pooja Bhamrrah Yepun Thanat Thanajirachai
蔡祥 Sonia Tsai 黃禮豐 Leo Huang

💗 Love Fun Taiwan on air -     📺 28th January starting every Saturday 17:30 The complete 13-episode series will debut on...

💗 Love Fun Taiwan on air -
📺 28th January starting every Saturday 17:30
The complete 13-episode series will debut on TaiwanPlus starting from February 5!

Rovilson Fernandez Valerie Tan 陈玉云
Pooja Bhamrrah Yepun Thanat Thanajirachai
蔡祥 Sonia Tsai 黃禮豐 Leo Huang

Love Fun Taiwan - Philipines EP1 📺CNN Philippines on air: this Sunday January 22 at 7PM!The perfect fusion of history an...

Love Fun Taiwan - Philipines EP1
📺CNN Philippines on air: this Sunday January 22 at 7PM!

The perfect fusion of history and modernity is the most indescribable charm of a city, which you can only feel by being here in person. In Taiwan, every city has a corner that will make you slow your steps.

In this episode, the hosts from the Philippines will discover somewhere unexpected. Where is that?

Renovation and revitalization of old buildings are a major feature of Taiwanese culture.
Many cities across Taiwan cherish the heritage of our diverse history.
When we travel to these places, we can dive into the beauty and romance of the old days.

Rovilson: “Many military villages now hold market activities during the holidays, bringing a comfortable living atmosphere. These old houses make people feel that they have new vitality!”

Valerie: “The history of Dadaocheng in the early years is colorful and memorable.Today, there are still many wholesalers of centuries-old tea shops, cloth shops, and New Year's goods.”

Taiwan has unique customs and culture due to its historical background.
Many ancient stories are hidden, waiting to be revealed.

Stay tuned for the arrival of “Love Fun Taiwan”
The complete 13-episode series will debut on TaiwanPlus starting from February 5!

Love Fun Taiwa樂訪臺灣,菲律賓隆重上映!
CNN Philippines:1月22日晚間7點播出。






Love Fun Taiwa 樂訪臺灣 – 菲律賓EP1敬請期待!

Rovilson Fernandez Valerie Tan 陈玉云
Pooja Bhamrrah Yepun Thanat Thanajirachai
蔡祥 Sonia Tsai 黃禮豐 Leo Huang




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