Good Fella Melvin

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Good Fella Melvin Hi, I'm Melvin. I don't know what to say but mostly I play single-player all-time games like RDR2. You can check my gameplay videos and hope you enjoy!


“Me and Dutch, and everyone who counts, we know what you do for this gang. We notice. Keep it up, you're going to start seeing things change for you.„ — Arthur Morgan to Lenny Summers

Following a lead about the Lemoyne Raiders sitting on a pile of weapons, Lenny and Arthur ride out deep into the woods towards Shady Belle.

Lenny calls over Arthur in camp, telling him that he has heard of a manor called Shady Belle deep in the woods used by the Lemoyne Raiders. Lenny explains that they are delusional ex-confederates who still want an army and, in order to fund it, they have a huge stockpile of weapons at their hideout, which they can sell to finance their operations. With finding some weapons guaranteed and the possibility of getting money on top of that, Arthur agrees to investigate the manor with Lenny, and the two depart from camp.

During the ride, Arthur and Lenny discuss the Lemoyne Raiders and talk about how, unlike out West, many people don't treat others as equals and how they can be cruel and even violent towards non-white races. Though this makes Lenny uneasy, he is still determined to do his bit for the gang, which impresses Arthur.

Upon arriving at Bolger Glade, Arthur and Lenny investigate the area and spot a wagon loaded with dynamite passing by. They follow it into the woods and see Shady Belle up ahead. They take their horses into the woods, while Arthur takes out a scoped rifle to survey the manor. After analyzing the explosives, guards, and layout of the place, Arthur suggests that Lenny could go in and act “friendly” with the Raiders in order to draw them in. The player can decide whether to do this or simply shoot a large box of dynamite in the hideout, killing some of the Raiders. Either way, a large firefight breaks out between Arthur and Lenny against the Raiders, with the pair emerging victorious. With their enemies dealt with, Arthur and Lenny find a cart with a stash of weapons in the back and decide to take it back to camp.

Soon after they leave the woods, three more Raiders spot them stealing their wagon and threaten them, only to be gunned down by Arthur and Lenny, who continue on. Arthur praises Lenny's abilities and says that the more senior gang members look favorably on him. The pair eventually reach camp and Arthur takes out a rifle from the stash as his own, before he and Lenny thank each other for the heist.

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Part 28 : "An Honest Mistake" - Red Dead Redemption 2 Gameplay

Part 28 : "An Honest Mistake" - Red Dead Redemption 2 Gameplay

In camp, Molly O'Shea calls Arthur over to talk to him about Dutch. However, they are quickly interrupted by Uncle, who has received a tip-off about a supply wagon which is allegedly unguarded. Arthur is at first reluctant, but agrees on it as long as Uncle comes along.

Arthur, Uncle, Charles, and Bill ride out to the crossroads and see the wagon. However, after they stop it, the wagon driver reveals that he works for Cornwall Kerosene & Tar, so when Charles and Arthur loot the wagon, a large number of Cornwall's guards in the vicinity descend upon the gang. Realising that they cannot win by fighting, the gang members flee on horseback into the woods, before hiding in an abandoned barn in an attempt to lose their pursuers.

At night, some of Cornwall's guards arrive on the property to search for the four gang members. An inhabitant of the house informs the guards that they heard something coming from the barn a few hours ago, and so the guards head towards it. The gang try to stay hidden as the guards enter, but Bill accidentally knocks over a bucket, and the gang is forced to fight, with huge numbers of guards attacking them from every direction. The barn eventually begins to burn down during the skirmish due to a smashed lantern, resulting in the four retreating into the woods.

Once in the trees, they split up; Arthur goes with Uncle and Charles goes with Bill, and after eventually reuniting and finishing off the last of their pursuers, the four split the take and separately make their way back to camp.

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Part 28 : "An Honest Mistake" - Red Dead Redemption 2 Gameplay camp, Molly O'She...

Part 27 - Javier and Arthur ride to a nearby fishing hole hoping to catch some Smallmouth Bass.

Part 27 - Javier and Arthur ride to a nearby fishing hole hoping to catch some Smallmouth Bass.

Javier and Arthur head to Ringneck Creek to go fishing. After spending some time with no luck, Arthur receives some crickets from Javier to try out as a bait. This is shown to be helpful as Arthur is now able to attract some fish. Soon after, Javier decides to head home. The player then has the option to keep fishing or come along.

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Part 27 - Javier and Arthur ride to a nearby fishing hole hoping to catch some Smallmouth Bass.

Part 26 - Kieran and Arthur head out together to fish along the shores of Flat Iron Lake.

Part 26 - Kieran and Arthur head out together to fish along the shores of Flat Iron Lake.

Kieran and Arthur ride to the shore of Radley's Pasture to fish. After a while, a n**e swimmer appears and tells them about a giant fish, referring to the Legendary Bluegill. Following that, the duo heads to the spot he told them about and try their luck. If the player catches the Legendary Bluegill, Kieran heads back to camp. If the player doesn't, after some time, Kieran rides back to camp, finishing the mission.

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Part 26 - Kieran and Arthur head out together to fish along the shores of Flat Iron Lake.


Part 25: Social Calls With Mr. MacGuire

Sean receives a tip off that a group of drunken train robbers are using Lonnie's Shack as a hideout. Arthur and Sean head there and rob them for their take.

Arthur speaks to Sean at camp, who tells him that he heard about some thieves at Lonnie's Shack who may have a good take for them, so the duo make their way to the homestead. Upon arriving, Sean suggests that they keep one of the men alive to find out where the money is. Arthur and Sean reach the property and Sean notices one of outlaws outside. They speak to the outlaw and Sean "warns" him about a group of approaching lawmen. Sean then shoots the distracted gang member and alerts the rest of the outlaw gang to their presence inside the house.

Sean and Arthur fight the men and kill them. They capture the last one and interrogate him as to where the money is located. The outlaw eventually tells them that the money is hidden behind a wall in the bedroom. The player can choose to let the outlaw go or kill him. Arthur then finds the stash behind the bedroom wall and he and Sean split the take before Sean leaves.

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Part 23: "Gang's Old Guard and Sadie's Redemption" - Red Dead Redemption 2 Gameplay
The gang got run of Valentine after an altercation with the railway magnate, Leviticus Cornwall, who has grown tired of having his trains robbed by gangs of outlaws. Afraid that the routes westwards were being watched by Pinkerton agents, the gang moved south and east and are now hiding at Clemens Cove, near the town of Rhodes.

Chapter 3: Main Story Missions
1. "The New South"
Arthur, Dutch and Hosea go out on a fishing trip.
The three men ride out of camp with the intent on going on a fishing trip. Not long after leaving camp, the men encounter Archibald MacGregor and Leigh Gray - the town's deputy and sheriff respectively - transporting a wagon of captured criminals. Dutch spots Trelawny in the back small cell in the back of the wagon, and asks why he is there. Sheriff Gray tells Dutch that Trelawny was caught running an illegal gold prospecting operation, while Anders Anderson springs the lock and escapes with his henchmen.

2. "Further Questions of Female Suffrage"
To get her out of camp for a while, Arthur takes Sadie into Rhodes to collect supplies.
Arthur comes across Pearson and Sadie having a heated argument. Sadie isn't happy with having to stay in camp all day and do nothing but cook, stating that when her husband was alive, they shared the chores around their ranch. Arthur decides to take her into Rhodes to buy more supplies for Pearson. Before they leave, Pearson gives Arthur a letter to post for him.
During the mission, Sadie and Arthur act like a married couple if the player decides to follow her into the general store. She will use an alias under the name of Mrs. Kilgore when speaking to the store clerk.

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Part 21, Chapter 2: "An American Pastoral Scene" - Read Dead Redemption 2 Gameplay
Following a tip-off, Arthur and Micah rob a banking stagecoach.

Micah: "So I guess you won't be riding with me to rob the banking coach comes about this time into Strawberry? I heard one of the O'Driscoll Boys yapping about it while I was inside."
Arthur: "You and me? Do a robbery?"
― Micah Bell and Arthur Morgan

Arthur meets Micah at his camp near Strawberry, where Micah asks for his assistance in robbing a banking coach heading towards Strawberry, as a way to repay Arthur for his help in escaping jail.

Arthur follows Micah on horseback until they make it to their destination - a ridge, overlooking where the coach should come through. On the way, the two share a mostly belligerent conversation in which they discuss the security of the coach, and the O'Driscolls. They also argue about Micah's reckless habit of causing endless trouble.

After they reach the destination, the pair ambush the coach and take out all of the guards and the driver, before hijacking it and driving it away. Micah takes the reins, and gives Arthur a Lancaster Repeater to use, saying "that's more your style than mine". Things seem to be going well, but once the duo get close to the Dakota River, a horde of O'Driscolls attack them and try to commandeer it for themselves, cutting down a tree to block the road. In the chaos, the carriage is blown up by a stick of dynamite, and the two are thrown into the river. Arthur and Micah manage to successfully eliminate their rival outlaws in the ensuing gunfight, with the few remaining O'Driscolls fleeing.

After the robbers are taken out, Arthur meets with Micah at the overturned bank coach. At Micah's request, Arthur shoots the lock and opens the lockbox, which contains a hefty take. The two split the loot between them and then ride their separate ways back to camp.

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Chapter 2, Part 20: Pouring Out Oil I, II - Red Dead Redemption 2 Gameplay

Following Mary-Beth's train lead, John and Arthur plan to steal an oil wagon
to block the tracks.

In camp, Susan Grimshaw informs Arthur that John was looking for him, and is by the tree. When Arthur goes to John, John says that Uncle told him about a potential train robbery that was discovered by Mary-Beth during a trip to Valentine. Arthur is initially reluctant, until John tells him of his idea to get an oil wagon and put it onto the tracks, to force the train driver to stop the train. Impressed by this idea, Arthur volunteers to find a suitable oil wagon while John heads into Valentine to get additional supplies and something for Abigail.

As part of the plan to rob a train with John Marston, Arthur Morgan travels to Cornwall Kerosene & Tar to steal an oil wagon that will be used during the robbery to stop the train. Arthur manages to take the wagon, and delivers it to Old Trail Rise, where it will remain until "Pouring Forth Oil IV".

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Chapter 2, Part 20: Pouring Out Oil I, II - Red Dead Redemption 2 Gameplay

Following Mary-Beth's train lead, John and Arthur plan to steal an oil wagon
to block the tracks.

In camp, Susan Grimshaw informs Arthur that John was looking for him, and is by the tree. When Arthur goes to John, John says that Uncle told him about a potential train robbery that was discovered by Mary-Beth during a trip to Valentine. Arthur is initially reluctant, until John tells him of his idea to get an oil wagon and put it onto the tracks, to force the train driver to stop the train. Impressed by this idea, Arthur volunteers to find a suitable oil wagon while John heads into Valentine to get additional supplies and something for Abigail.

As part of the plan to rob a train with John Marston, Arthur Morgan travels to Cornwall Kerosene & Tar to steal an oil wagon that will be used during the robbery to stop the train. Arthur manages to take the wagon, and delivers it to Old Trail Rise, where it will remain until "Pouring Forth Oil IV".

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Chapter 2, Part 20: Pouring Out Oil I, II - Red Dead Redemption 2 Gameplay 2, Part 19: "We Loved Once and True" - Red Dead Redemption Gameplayhttps://www.youtu...
Chapter 2, Part 19: "We Loved Once and True" - Red Dead Redemption Gameplay

Mission Overview
After receiving a letter from Mary Linton, Arthur Morgan heads to Chadwick Farm to hear what she has to say.

In camp, Susan Grimshaw will inform Arthur that Mary sent a letter from Valentine. It is revealed the letter was picked up by one of the girls in camp, who was recognized by Mary as one of the gang members. Mary learned that the gang was camped near the town, and thus requested the letter to be delivered to Arthur.

Arthur is surprised to find Mary still willing to contact him after years of separation. He then goes to his tent to read the letter. After doing so, Arthur was noticeably lost in thoughts for a while. He can then proceed to find Mary at Chadwick Farm near Valentine.

When Arthur arrives at the farm and knocks at the door, an older woman opens up and points a gun at him. After Arthur states his business, she goes back into the house to inform Mary about his arrival. Afterward, she and Arthur have a short conversation before she asks him to check on her brother Jamie in Cumberland Forest, who has joined the Chelonians, a religious cult. She believes the cult is quite mad and will probably kill him.

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Chapter 2, Part 19: "We Loved Once and True" - Red Dead Redemption Gameplay Noblest of Men, and a Woman is a four-part Stranger side-mission in Red Dead Redemption ...
The Noblest of Men, and a Woman is a four-part Stranger side-mission in Red Dead Redemption 2. The quest becomes available during Chapter 2.

“ The last of the gunslingers! „ — Theodore Levin

After the Van der Linde gang sets up camp in Horseshoe Overlook, the player can travel to Valentine. By entering Keane's Saloon, he meets biographer Theodore Levin, who is attempting to have a conversation with Jim "Boy" Calloway, a supposed legendary duelist who is visibly past his prime.

As Levin attempts to interview Calloway, who is passed out by the bar, he becomes frustrated and vents to the player on the lack of detail's he's received as the difficulty of interviewing him. The protagonist strikes up a conversation with the biographer, who then offers him half the proceeds of his book to find and interview other legendary gunslingers about their interactions with Calloway.

Levin gives the protagonist pictures of four people: Flaco Hernández, Emmet Granger, Billy Midnight, and Black Belle. Levin asks him to speak with them about their gunslinging days and get a photo of them. Aware of their likely-sour dispositions, Levin suggests to him to "shoot them" if they give him trouble.

The player is tasked with finding four legendary gunslingers from the days of the Wild West. Levin gives him photographs with updated notes on where to find them. The locations of the gunslingers will be marked on the map once the photos and notes have been inspected. These gunslingers can be found in any order.

Black Belle
Black Belle resides in a hideout in Bluewater Marsh, north of Saint Denis. She is still on the run and is holed up to prevent bounty hunters from killing her. When the player approaches the porch of the house, Belle asks if he's a bounty hunter. When he declines, she spots three bounty hunters coming from a distance and tells him he led them here, but the player denies being one.

Billy Midnight
Billy Midnight was last seen near the Rhodes train station. As a result, the player approaches the clerk in the station to ask of Billy's whereabouts, only to find out that Midnight will likely be found in one of the trains scheduled to stop at Valentine fairly soon.

Emmet Granger
Emmet Granger is located on a small farm south of the Horseshoe Overlook camp. He can be found near his pig stables and will not attack when approached. The protagonist mentions the book and Calloway, and Granger becomes irritated that the book isn't about him instead.

Flaco Hernández
Flaco Hernández can be located in a remote cabin to the north, near Cairn Lake. The player approaches a modest camp with members of the Del Lobo Gang, where they can either kill the gang members and assault the camp, or convince them to allow for a meeting with Hernández peacefully.

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The Noblest of Men, and a Woman is a four-part Stranger side-mission in Red Dead Redemption 2. The quest becomes available during Chapter 2.https://www.youtu... 2, Part 17 : Blessed are the Meek? - Red Dead Redemption 2 Gameplay [1080p FHD]https...
Chapter 2, Part 17 : Blessed are the Meek? - Red Dead Redemption 2 Gameplay [1080p FHD]

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Arthur: "Listen, there's one little problem... there's only one of me and there's a whole town full of people wanting to see you swing."
Micah: "You gotta do something, Arthur..."
―Arthur Morgan and Micah Bell

Mission Overview
With Micah due to be hanged for a double murder near Strawberry, Arthur attempts to break him out of jail.

Arthur arrives in Strawberry, with Micah in prison. He speaks to Sheriff Hanley, pretending to be a bounty hunter who is looking for the O'Driscolls, but Hanley refuses to release Micah. After exiting, Arthur hears Micah yelling. He goes to the window of his cell, and Micah asks if Arthur is going to free him. Arthur is reluctant, given how much of a thorn in his side Micah has been for the last few months, but eventually, Arthur decides to release him.

Arthur uses a nearby steam donkey to rip out the bars of Micah's cell, allowing him to escape. Immediately after escaping, Arthur gives Micah a revolver, and Micah shoots his O'Driscoll cellmate in the head and a shootout erupts, during which Hanley is killed. With a massive group of lawmen in the town, Arthur prompts Micah to escape, but Micah refuses, saying that he has something to do. He makes his way to a house, to find an ex-associate of his named Norman, who took his prized revolvers. As Norman opens the door, he is immediately shot by Micah and then thrown on the ground, before Micah rushes into the house and kills his wife, Maddy, too. With his revolvers back in his possession, Micah then agrees to escape, and both he and Arthur eventually fend off their attackers and narrowly escape the town.[1]

After they are clear, Micah gives Arthur a second holster as thanks, but Arthur berates Micah for his recklessness in going back for his guns and for killing nearly a whole town. Micah apologises somewhat, and says that he and Arthur are "sons of Dutch", which makes them almost brothers, who sometimes make mistakes. He then says that he doesn’t want to return to Dutch empty-handed and wishes to do something to redeem himself, asking Arthur to meet him nearby in Big Valley in the near future.

Chapter 2, Part 17 : Blessed are the Meek? - Red Dead Redemption 2 Gameplay [1080p FHD] 2, Part 16 : A Quiet Time - Red Dead Redemption 2 Gameplay [1080p]https://www.youtub...
Chapter 2, Part 16 : A Quiet Time - Red Dead Redemption 2 Gameplay [1080p]

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“ You take that kid into town. Valentine, not Strawberry... get him drunk... and Arthur... no crazy business. „
— utch van der Linde

Mission Overview
Arthur takes Lenny for a quiet drink in Valentine to help calm him down after learning of Micah's arrest in Strawberry.

Lenny arrives back at camp with the news that Micah was arrested in Strawberry for murder and that Sheriff Hanley is going to hang him. Dutch instructs Arthur to rescue Micah later and take Lenny into Valentine to calm him down. After arriving, the duo start drinking, until a patron named Jeb annoys the pair, and Arthur can either charm, intimidate, or assault him into leaving them alone.

After drinking some more, Arthur loses Lenny and begins looking for him, drunkenly stumbling around the saloon, and finds him upstairs, trying to balance a shot glass on his forehead (before dropping it over the railing, smashing it on the floor below). Reunited, the two start drinking again, but Arthur soon loses him again and after searching the bar a second time finds Lenny downstairs trying to fight off two men from atop the bar counter. Arthur confronts the men, but ends up drunkenly line dancing with the patrons of the bar. After relieving himself outside, Arthur returns to the bar to find Lenny for the third time, but he is so drunk and inebriated by this point that he sees every patron as Lenny (with jumbled-up button prompts and misspelled text to boot). After stumbling around, drunkenly yelling after Lenny and talking to three or more patrons, Lenny finds Arthur, and the pair engage in a slap fight before they return to drinking again. Jeb then re-enters the bar, and steals Arthur's drink out of his hand. This prompts Arthur to grab Jeb by the collar.

The game then cuts to Arthur and Lenny outside, holding Jeb over a water trough. At this point the player can do one of three things before a group of lawmen confront them to arrest the duo for their drunken shenanigans, leading to Lenny's arrest and Arthur fleeing, either escaping and fleeing the town or colliding with a barrel or tripping over a fence, falling over and being arrested as well. The option chosen will affect how the mission ends, with six different endings depending on what happens during these two moments.

Do nothing: if the player does not follow the button prompts to begin trying to drown Jeb in the water trough, he will break free and run away to retrieve the law.
Attempt to drown Jeb: if the player begins the button prompts to drown the patron, but doesn't complete it in time, Jeb breaks free and runs away, retrieving the law.
Drown Jeb: if the player completes the button prompt to drown Jeb, Arthur will drown Jeb until he is unconscious and then dump him onto the ground next to the trough, the law will then find Jeb there and begin searching for the pair.
Arthur escaped from the law, didn't force Jeb into the water trough: Arthur wakes up just south of the camp but is very hung over, gagging and vomiting onto the grass. He then returns to camp to find Lenny, who states he doesn't know what happened during their escape.

Arthur was arrested with Lenny, didn't force Jeb into water trough: Arthur and Lenny wake up in Valentine jail, charged with assault. After the pair post bail, they will pause outside the office, as Lenny vomits into the street, then go their separate ways back to camp.

Arthur escapes, attempted to drown Jeb: Arthur meets with Lenny back at camp, who was arrested and had to post bail for assault. Lenny then laments last night's events with Arthur, comparing it to Micah's actions in Strawberry.

Arthur was arrested with Lenny, attempted to drown Jeb: Arthur and Lenny wake up in Valentine jail, where they have been charged with assault. After the pair post bail, they will pause outside the office, as Lenny vomits into the street, then go their separate ways back to camp.

Arthur escapes, drowned Jeb: Arthur meets with Lenny back in camp, who was arrested for attempted murder and had to post bail. Lenny then laments last night's events with Arthur, comparing it to Micah's actions in Strawberry.

Arthur was arrested with Lenny, drowned Jeb: Arthur and Lenny wake up in Valentine jail, where they have been charged with attempted murder. After the pair post bail, they will pause outside the office, as Lenny vomits into the street, then go their separate ways back to camp.

Chapter 2, Part 16 : A Quiet Time - Red Dead Redemption 2 Gameplay [1080p]“ You ta... 2, Part 15 : The First Shall Be Last - Red Dead Redemption 2 Gameplay [1080p FHD]htt...
Chapter 2, Part 15 : The First Shall Be Last - Red Dead Redemption 2 Gameplay [1080p FHD]

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“Do I get a hug, Arthur? A warm embrace for a lost brother, now found?„
— Sean MacGuire

Mission Overview
Following a tip-off on Sean's whereabouts, Arthur, Trelawny, Javier and Charles track Ike Skelding's bounty hunters up the Upper Montana River and attempt to rescue Sean.

Arthur arrives at Charles and Javier's camp in a clifftop, just north of Blackwater. He joins the two on the cliff edge, where they are examining the high security in the town. Charles tells Arthur that Trelawny is trying to find out where Sean is, while Javier says that Blackwater is filled with many Pinkertons and bounty hunters and that they won't be getting all the money from the ferry robbery any time soon.

Trelawny arrives and tells the trio that Sean will be transported through the Upper Montana River to a federal prison by Ike Skelding's Boys. Arthur says that they must rescue Sean or "cut him loose" since breaking into a federal prison would be su***de, Charles refuses the latter option. Trelawny says that Sean's captors are taking him to one of their nearby camps before handing him in. Arthur forms a plan to intercept them en route to their camp: he sends Charles up north, while he, Javier and Trelawny attack the bounty hunters from the other side so they can stop them from both directions.

After Charles leaves, Arthur, Trelawny and Javier ride on horseback to the river, where they see the Skelding Boys' boat that is carrying Sean. They follow it along the cliff edge and when it stops, use binoculars to see the bounty hunters drag Sean out and up through the canyon. They see Charles up on the opposite cliff, and proceed down to the river. Two Skelding Boys are standing guard on the other side, so Trelawny distracts them so Arthur and Javier can sneak up behind and kill them.

Trelawny departs, and Arthur and Javier fight their way through more Skelding Boys and head up the canyon. They soon meet up with Charles and the three arrive at the camp where Sean is, hanging from a tree by his legs. They kill the last of the bounty hunters and cut Sean free. Charles and Javier take Sean back to Horseshoe Overlook while Arthur stays behind to look around the Skelding camp.

When Arthur gets back to camp that night, the gang will be having a party to celebrate Sean's return.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Gameplay: Chapter 2, Part 15 - The First Shall Be Last [1080p FHD]




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