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OPPOSITION legislator Mukasa Aloysius Talton Gold, NUP Member of Parliament representing Rubaga South Constituency, toda...

OPPOSITION legislator Mukasa Aloysius Talton Gold, NUP Member of Parliament representing Rubaga South Constituency, today morning walked on the deadly Namasuba -Nyanama -Kitebi road from where he sent a tough message to Roads and Works minister Gen. Edward Katumba Wamala to urgently fix this road or the MP leads a massive demonstration.
Addressing journalists today morning, Hon. Mukasa who convincingly trounced 13 candidates in the 2021 MP elections to be crowned Rubaga South Member of Parliament, asked Gen. Katumba Wamala to quickly work on this road which the NUP legislator says, has become a death trap!
"They collect exhorbitant taxes from our people, it is absurd that taxpayers in return are made to walk or drive on such a road full of potholes! As peoples' representative in Parliament, i cant sit by and fold hands as roads in my constituency become impassable. We will rise up and i can assure you, Gen. Katumba and his government will sweat plasma." Said MP Mukasa who is known for his super mobilization tactics if it comes to leading demonstrations against poor service delivery and violation of human rights.
Nyanama road which Hon. Mukasa demands to be urgently fixed falls under UNRA and Ministry of Roads and Works. It stretches from Freedom City Namasuba on Entebbe road and goes through Nyanama to Kitebi at a place commonly known as 'Star.' This road connects Entebbe road and Kabuusu -Lweza road.
Hon. Mukasa says, it's true all roads especially in Kampala need urgent overhaul but Namasuba - Nyanama-Kitebi road is deplorable.
"When you happen to use this road, what quickly comes to your mind is an aged government that is steadily going down hill and in fear waiting for its eventual death.This road is in fact the beginning of hell. All the potholes here are a death trap yet the road connects travellers to Entebbe Airport road. We are going to cause Roads minister Katumba and UNRA officials a running stomach. It's enough!" Vowed Hon. Mukasa. Click here to read a detailed story and watch shocking pictorial: WE’RE FED UP! RUBAGA SOUTH MP MUKASA GIVES ROADS MINISTER GEN. KATUMBA WAMALA ULTIMATUM TO WORK ON DEADLY ROAD OR HE LEADS A MASSIVE DEMONSTRATION -

PHOTO: Namasuba-Nyanama-Kitebi road has become a den of thieves since cars are forced to move at a very slow speed. Mp Aloysius Mukasa wants it fixed or he leads a massive demonstration STORY BY SHARON ASIONEWS EDITOR MEDIA OPPOSITION legislator Mukasa Aloysius Talton Gold, NUP Member of Parliament....

BUGANDA Kingdom Premier Charles Peter Mayiga has officially started war against Owek. Joyce Nabbossa Ssebuggwawo, Minist...

BUGANDA Kingdom Premier Charles Peter Mayiga has officially started war against Owek. Joyce Nabbossa Ssebuggwawo, Minister of State for Information Communication Technology and National Guidance following her role in brokering a UGX 9Bn land deal between President Museveni and Buganda clan heads (Abataka).
Mayiga is accusing Ssebugwawo of taking Clan leaders to State House without his (Katikkiro) consent.
Angry Mayiga wants Kabaka's former minister for women, community work and mobilization Owek. Ssebuggwawo sacked from the Directors of Central Broadcasting Service (CBS), a radio owned by His Majesty Kabaka Mutebi II.
A meeting which was attended by CBS radio directors sat to decide Ssebuggwawo's fate but an insider told us, they unanimously rejected Mayiga's request saying, they can't do away with such a hardworking, generous and connected lady who injects money into the Kingdom.
We are told, Premier Mayiga who has no kind words for Buganda Clan heads who met President without Kingdom's clearance is not about to tolerate Ssebuggwawo or the defiant Bataka.
He used the recent Lukiiko (Bugand a Parliament) sitting at Bulange Mengo, the Kingdom's headquater, to warn Clan leaders that the Kabaka has powers to fire them.
However, a fearless Ssebuggwawo who is Nabagereka Lady Sylivia Nagginda's aunt looks like is not bothered by Mayiga's threats, she has advised him to go slow on her because she is an insider and can influence his stay or exit as Katikkiro! In fact she has entered into another deal with her boss President Museveni over CBS radio which she has vowed to complete come rainfall come sunshine. Click here to read the story in detail; JOYCE SSEBUGWAWO ENTERS ANOTHER DEAL WITH MUSEVENI OVER KABAKA’S CBS RADIO, ANGRY MAYIGA WANTS HER SACKED AS KATIKKIRO-BATAKA WAR DEEPENS -

In the photo from left: Kabaka, Miseveni, Mayiga, Ssebuggwawo and Fumbe clan leader Walusimbi Mbirozankya NEWS EDITOR MEDIA BUGANDA Kingdom Premier Charles Peter Mayiga has officially started war against Owek. Joyce Nabbossa Ssebuggwawo, Minister of State for Information Communication Technology and...

CONSTRUCTION work at Hamis Kiggundu National Stadium-Nakivubo, the second biggest, famous and prestigious football stadi...

CONSTRUCTION work at Hamis Kiggundu National Stadium-Nakivubo, the second biggest, famous and prestigious football stadium in Uganda owned by leading investor Hamis Kiggundu of Ham Group of Companies, is almost completed! Thanks for your prayers!
According to latest photos released by the Stadium management, the technical area where a manager, other coaching personel and substitutes are allowed to occupy during a match, is also completed. It includes a dugout, bench and a marked zone adjacent to the pitch.
Even changing rooms, maximum of four teams are completed. Salutations to investor Hamis Kiggundu and the Stadium management!
The technical team led by experts from Turkey who installed the goal posts and goal line technology revealed to us how they were both proud and excited to install the stadium goals at such a famous and iconic Hamis Kiggundu National Stadium - Nakivubo.
"With an advanced hinged-frame and a pioneering ratchet/wire tension system, these stadium goals comply with FIFA, CAF & FUFA international tournament regulatory standards. We are so proud to install the goals at Hamis Kiggundu National Stadium."

BY MOSES MUGALULA CONSTRUCTION work at Hamis Kiggundu National Stadium-Nakivubo, the second biggest, famous and prestigious football stadium in Uganda owned by leading investor Hamis Kiggundu of Ham Group of Companies, is almost completed! Thanks for your prayers! A few days after the installation o...

YESTERDAY'S Plenary, all the 82 ministers were absent forcing Speaker of Parliament Rt. Hon. Anita Annet Among to adjour...

YESTERDAY'S Plenary, all the 82 ministers were absent forcing Speaker of Parliament Rt. Hon. Anita Annet Among to adjourn the House amidst disappointment and anger!
For starters, among the four roles of a Member of Parliament, is oversight and representation where ministers absence in the House affects business in Parliament.
MPs monitor and bring to the attention of Ministers and the public the misuse of Government funds, violations of the rule of law and unlawful activities.
MPs represent their constitients' views in Parliament and bring to the attention of relevant Ministers different matters of national concern.
Members of Parliament demand accountability from the Executive through raising different issues on the Floor of the House and summoning Ministers and other Government officials to appear before them (committees) on different matters.
The absence of ministers in Parliament affects business in the August House, that is why Speaker Anita Among wants President Museveni to act as Cabinet reshuffle looms. Click here to read full story: CABINET RESHUFFLE LOOMING: TOUGH SPEAKER ANITA WANTS MUSEVENI TO PREVAIL OVER LAZY MINISTERS WHO DODGE PARLIAMENT -

● In yesterday’s Plenary, all the 82 ministers were absent forcing Speaker Anita to adjourn the House amidst disappointment and anger! ● Among the four roles of a Member of Parliament, is oversight and representation where ministers absence in the House affects business in Parliament● Mps ...

"Members of Media, kindly lets be reminded and mindful about reporting responsibly. Let's desist from being used by self...

"Members of Media, kindly lets be reminded and mindful about reporting responsibly. Let's desist from being used by self-seekers to taint people's names. Being a journalist doesnt in anyway guarantee you to tarnish one's name. Lets stick to our ethics. If you have a 'dossier' about the Rt. Hon. Speaker of Parliament, then why do you send it to her MP? What was the motive? Why don't you instead take it to your news editor and pick a story if you think it is worth? Ok, If you wanted a comment from the Speaker, why didnt you go straight to her or talk to her PPS Joseph Sabiti? Something is not adding up! Waalibaawo ekkobaane against Speaker. Members, twewale okwonoona amannya g'abantu nga twenonyeza ebyaffe!", said journalist Moses Mugalula while featuring on Dream tv

Happy 30th Coronation Kabaka

Happy 30th Coronation Kabaka

CAF inspectors who jetted into the Country on Thurday this week to inspect the two Stadiums, Mandela National Stadium Na...

CAF inspectors who jetted into the Country on Thurday this week to inspect the two Stadiums, Mandela National Stadium Namboole and Nakivubo Stadium which has been redeveloped to the international standard by money magnet Hamis Kiggundu, were impressed by the way Nakivubo stadium has been constructed, with first class facilities, meeting the required standards to host CAF A type competition! Click here to read full story: HOW HAMIS KIGGUNDU’S NAKIVUBO STADIUM PASSED CAF TEST TO HOST AFCON 2027! THE INSIDE STORY! (PICTORIAL) -

PHOTO: Investor Ham leading CAF and FUFA officials to inspect Nakivubo Stadium, yesterday BY MOSES MUGALULAKAMPALA LEADING Ugandan Investor Hamis Kiggundu commonly known as Ham yesterday received salutations from Confederation of African Football (CAF) visiting inspectors for constructing such a mag...

It is now offcial, Inspection team from Confederation of African Football (CAF), Africa's football governing body will t...

It is now offcial, Inspection team from Confederation of African Football (CAF), Africa's football governing body will tomorrow Thursday jet into the country to visit Nakivubo Stadium as Uganda's bid to host AFCON 2027 alongside other two East African Countries, hypes! Thanks to tycoon Hamis Kiggundu for constructing this State of-the-art Stadium in the heart of Kampala, Uganda's capital.
On Tuesday, Federation of Uganda Football Association (FUFA) President Hon. Eng. Moses Magogo announced the news of CAF officials visiting on July 28-29, 2023 confirming that Nakivubo Stadium which is almost completed, will be top on the stadiums to be visited.
For stadiums where AFCON will be played from, Magogo said, "CAF officials will visit Mandera National Stadium Namboole, Denver in Garuga and Hamis Kiggundu's Nakivubo Stadium."
Other stadiums proposed for construction in Lira and Hoima as per the bid submitted to CAF will also be visited. Click here to read full story and see which other stadiums will be visited; IT’S OFFICIAL! CAF INSPECTION TEAM JETS IN TOMORROW TO VISIT HAM’S NAKIVUBO STADIUM AS UGANDA’S PUSH TO CO-HOST AFCON 2027 INTENSFIES -

MAGNIFICENT: New looks of Nakivubo Stadium, ready to host AFCON 2027 STORY BY: MOSES MUGALULANEWS EDITOR MEDIA WHAT this investigative news website told you about a year ago that leading investor Hamis Kiggundu’s redeveloped Nakivubo Stadium will be earmarked among the stadiums for Uganda to host ...


"I have read very misleading and fake news on social media about how DTB has finalised the process to auction leading investor in Uganda Hamis Kiggundu's properties. That is total rubbish and there is not one iota of truth. Fact is, it is tycoon Ham who went to High Court after DTB stole UGX 123 Bn from his bank account and court agreed with Ham on this. It was also discovered that DTB according to Section 117 of The Financial Institutions Act, committed an illegality by conducting business in Uganda without a licence. Through its lawyers of Kiwanuka & Karugire Co. Advocates, DTB went to the court of appeal but it's on court record, it didnt deny ever stealing money from Ham's bank accounts. The only defence given was that, by vomiting the stolen money, this would affect the finances of this foreign Bank. Ham had to run to the Supreme court. So how can the 'thief' auction properties of the one whose money he stole? Lets not mislead public", Says senior investigative Journalist Moses Mugalula on tv today.

"On Dream tv today morning, i urged countrymen and all our leaders to support local investor Hamis Kiggundu of Ham Agro-...

"On Dream tv today morning, i urged countrymen and all our leaders to support local investor Hamis Kiggundu of Ham Agro-Processing Industries for setting up Integrated Agro-processing Industrial Parks (IAIPs) at ten (10) important crop and livestock production zone locations in Uganda.
An Integrated Agro-Processing Industrial Park (IAIP) is a dedicated cluster of large, medium and small scale food processing units.
Thanks to my panelists, they all shared my school of thought, Agriculture is the backbone of Uganda's economy!" Says Moses Mugalula, senior journalist and Talkshow host, Dream tv Uganda.

Ahamed Hussein omwogezi wa FUFA ekibiina ekifuga omupiira mu ggwanga ayogeddeko naffe n'atukakasa ng'ekisaawe amatirobon...

Ahamed Hussein omwogezi wa FUFA ekibiina ekifuga omupiira mu ggwanga ayogeddeko naffe n'atukakasa ng'ekisaawe amatirobona ekya Nakivubo War Memorial ekizimbiddwa omugagga w'omukampala Hamis Kiggundu bwekyamaze edda okulambulwa abakungu ba FUFA era kyakukozesebwa okusambirwamu emipiira egiri ku mutindo gw'ensi yonna kuba ebisanyizo kibirina. Bino olowooza bireka wa abateesi n'abennugu abazze boogerera amafuukuule ekisaawe kino?

Akazito bannayuganda n'abasuubuzi ke baatadde ku kkooti ey'okuntikko mu musango omugagga wo mu Kampala Hamis Kiggundu gw...

Akazito bannayuganda n'abasuubuzi ke baatadde ku kkooti ey'okuntikko mu musango omugagga wo mu Kampala Hamis Kiggundu gwe yaggula ku bbanka ya DTB okumubba obuwumbi 120 n'okukolera mu Uganda emirimu mu bumenyi bw'amateeka, kavuddemu ebibala.
Olwaleero, abalamuzi ba kkooti ensukkulumu bagaanyi ekya bannamateeka ba DTB okugoba omusango ogwawawaabirwa Kiggundu, ne balagira, gudde mu Commercial court guwulirwe buto!
Ebisingawo, birinde mu ggulire lyaffe lyetukolako.

JUST IN! All is set for the mega launch of the Confederation for Pentecostal Churches (COPE) in Uganda Association and i...

JUST IN! All is set for the mega launch of the Confederation for Pentecostal Churches (COPE) in Uganda Association and inaugulation of The National General Overseer Pr. Dr. Michael David Kyazze together with other ministers today Friday June 9, 2023.
Function will be held at Omega Healing Centre Church located in Namasuba, Entebbe road starting at 9:00am.
The Chief Guest, Apostle and Prophet Josephat Mwingira founder of Efatha Ministries in Dar es salaam, who is the richest Pastor in East and Central Africa has already landed into the Country.
Function will be attended by over 500 leading Pastors of Pentecostal Churches in Uganda and delegetes from different parts of the country!

Byebyo no

Byebyo no

Ku kitebe ky'Obusiraamu mu ggwanga awasangibwa omuzikiti omukulu ogwa Gadaffi National Mosque mu Kampala, waliwo mmotoka...

Ku kitebe ky'Obusiraamu mu ggwanga awasangibwa omuzikiti omukulu ogwa Gadaffi National Mosque mu Kampala, waliwo mmotoka esuuliddwawo nnamba UBN 071H, omugoba waayo n'amalamu omusubi.
Munda musangiddwamu kkaadi y'omulimu ng'eraga ya mukozi wa NBS no. 626/20 ng'eri mu mannya ga Fred Muteesa gwetutegeddeko nti yeeyita Muteesa Pro.
Abasirikale ba Police batugambye, baludde nga balondoola mmotoka eno olwa nnyiniyo okujja ng'akyuusakyuusa ennamba zaayo ng'olwaleero bwe bagezezzaako okumuyimiriza agaanyi kwe kudduka n'agisuula ku muzikiti gwa Gadaffi.
Abasirikale abazze bagirondoola bagisanzeeko ennamba emu ey'emabega.

On Dream tv today morning, The Agenda Show, Journalist Moses Mugalul, talked about counsel Denis Bugaya, manager Communi...

On Dream tv today morning, The Agenda Show, Journalist Moses Mugalul, talked about counsel Denis Bugaya, manager Communications at Buganda Land Board (BLB) who was recently appointed Manager Mawokota County Masaza Football Team.
He thanked him for his efforts geared towards identifying talents in Mawokota, his benevolent heart in supporting sports, leading a team of sons and daughters of Mawokota to promote health and education services but on top of that all, promoting Buganda Kingdom activities in Mawokota. What an inspirational youth!
Panelists Fred Kasirye Zimula (Chairman LC5 Kassanda) and Gideon Tugume (Political analyst) were in agreement with Mr. Mugalula on returning to our villages and support them to develop, not only yelling, 'Gavumenti etuyambe'.

Carolinah Nakibuule aka Wissy Wisy, today is your birthday! Here at News Editor Media, we hope you know that as a journa...

Carolinah Nakibuule aka Wissy Wisy, today is your birthday!
Here at News Editor Media, we hope you know that as a journalist, you have been an inspiration to people who dream of being part of the noble profession, someday.You are hands-down the best example we can think of when it comes to success, creativity, hardwork and grace.Your birthday should be celebrated every day! We just wanted to say that you are the best and I appreciate you for the person you are! Happy birthday journalist Carol!

BECAUSE of his humanitarian works including serving humanity and the vulnarable population, King Ceasor University Chanc...

BECAUSE of his humanitarian works including serving humanity and the vulnarable population, King Ceasor University Chancellor and Vietnam's Consol, H.E King Ceasor Mulenga T.G has been hailed by Deputy Speaker of Parliament Rt. Hon. Thomas Tayebwa (TT), as a gift to this Country and Uganda at large.
Officiating at the 3rd Graduation ceremony of King Ceasor University (KCU), a private cosmopolitan university in Uganda, Deputy Speaker Tayebwa assured the University of government support.
"King Ceasor, you're a gift to this country and to the world. There are many people who mistake such an investment to be a business. This university isn't for King Ceasor and family, it is for Ugandans because, if it was an investment, this wouldn't be a right investment to make if you want to make profit," Deputy Speaker said in a brief speech.
Tayebwa said, "If you want to serve humanity, this is the best investment you can make. King Ceasor Mulenga is my close friend and I know how much he invests here. I want to assure you that if it was me, I would have given up a long time ago because I don't like loss making ventures but for King Ceasor, even if it means him spending a night without supper, but ensure that he serves and educates our young people especially those from vulnerable families, he will do it. May God continue giving you this heart and we are assuring you of government support." Click here to read full story: WHY D/SPEAKER TAYEBWA HAILED KING CEASOR UNIVERSITY BOSS MULENGA @ THE 3RD GRADUATION CEREMONY! THE UNTOLD STORY -

PHOTO: From left: Deputy Speaker Tayebwa, H.E Mulenga and Minister Chris Baryomunsi NEWS EDITOR MEDIA BECAUSE of his humanitarian works including serving humanity and the vulnarable population, King Ceasor University Chancellor and Vietnam’s Consol, H.E King Ceasor Mulenga T.G has been hailed by D...

JUST IN: Kawempe North MP Muhammad Ssegirinya and Makindye West legislator Allan Sewanyana 'Bwino' who were granted bail...

JUST IN: Kawempe North MP Muhammad Ssegirinya and Makindye West legislator Allan Sewanyana 'Bwino' who were granted bail last month, together with NUP leadership will tomorrow Wednesday at 9am address Media at Kamwokya. Different media houses invited.

"By passing the Anti-Homosexuality bill 2023, the 11th Parliament presided over by Speaker Rt. Hon. Anita Annet Among pe...

"By passing the Anti-Homosexuality bill 2023, the 11th Parliament presided over by Speaker Rt. Hon. Anita Annet Among perfectly represented over 44M Ugandans. As a country, we must celebrate our legislators and rally behind our Head of State to sign this bill into an Act." Said Journalist Moses Mugalula during his morning show 'The Agenda' on Dream tv.
The panel had Fred Kasirye Zimula the LCV Chairman Kassanda district and Dr. Dickson Kanakulya, Lecturer College of Humanities & Social Sciences Makerere University. Both saluted Parliament for job weldone.

Sad! NTV journalist Edward Muhumuza dies in a car accident along Entebbe Express Highway! Our heartfelt condolences to h...

Sad! NTV journalist Edward Muhumuza dies in a car accident along Entebbe Express Highway! Our heartfelt condolences to his family and NTV Uganda!

JUST IN: 700 Pentecostal Churches breakaway from Joshua Lwere's National Fellowship of Born-again Pentecostal Churches i...

JUST IN: 700 Pentecostal Churches breakaway from Joshua Lwere's National Fellowship of Born-again Pentecostal Churches in Uganda after sham and facade elections held on March 16, 2023. In their declaration, Born-again churches have given 14 reasons why they have departed from NFBPC saying this association has run to dogs.
The breakaway have begged Omega Healing Centre Church international senior Pastor Dr. Micheal David Kyazze to lead them in the newly formed Born-Again Fellowship.
We are working on a full detailed breaking story!!

The office of the Insepctor General of Police (directorate of human rights and legal services) has been petitioned by a ...

The office of the Insepctor General of Police (directorate of human rights and legal services) has been petitioned by a one Eva Sengendo requesting IGP's indulgence and prevailing over connivance between police and intruders on their late mother's property in Mpererwe, opposite Kawempe - Ttula road.
The building had a supermarket which was run by a one Mukwasi.
"He attained the supermarket through our aunt a one Florence and claims how he paid her. Our however denies ever receiving money from Mukwasi." Reads the letter to IGG.
Last Friday, the supermarket was taken out of the said building .
Ms. Sengendo says, they decided to demolish and redevelop the place.
The children were shocked when Mukwasi used police to arrest their people found at the premise. Those detained are; Senfuka, Alex Muyambi, Sebagala and Vincent Tamale. We are working on a full detailed story.

"Pulezidenti Museveni nga tanakwata buyinza n'okukulemberamu eggwanga mu kubaga ssemateeka empya eya 1995, abagagga bann...

"Pulezidenti Museveni nga tanakwata buyinza n'okukulemberamu eggwanga mu kubaga ssemateeka empya eya 1995, abagagga bannyinittaka kumpi tebaalina buyinza ku ttaka lyabwe nga n'ebyapa oyinza okugamba tebyalina nyo mugaso. Ettaka ly'Obwakabaka okuli n'eryembuga z'Amasaza lyonna lyali lyawambibwa gavumenti za bamusibira mu bbwa ezaaliwo. Pulezidenti Museveni y'alizzizza, Obwakabaka n'abuddiza ebyapa era kati ettaka lizitowa. Omukulembeze ng'oyo toyinza butamukomyawo mu kalulu ka 2026." Bino by'ogeddwa munna NRM Haji Yunusu Kamya. Abadde ku Dream tv leero ku makya ku Pulogulaamu The Agenda ekubirizibwa Moses Mugalula

"In 2021, Youth thought by supporting fellow youth for top political offices would bring a difference in their lives. La...

"In 2021, Youth thought by supporting fellow youth for top political offices would bring a difference in their lives. Later on, they got disappointed and realized how they were dupped. No wonder, they are now massively for 'Jjajja tova ku Main, sigala ku ballot,' a massive campaign aimed at returning His Excellency Yoweri Kaguta Museveni for President in 2026. I thank SPA Hajjat Hadijah Uzeiye Namyalo, chief muzzukulu for ushering in all these youth." Said Aisha Ssanyulyamuseveni while featuring on Dream tv, The Agenda show hosted by Mugalula Moses today morning

"Gen. Muhoozi's declaration that he will stand for President in 2026 is just a political diversion. You will never see P...

"Gen. Muhoozi's declaration that he will stand for President in 2026 is just a political diversion. You will never see President Museveni and his son on the same ballot paper. In fact for us in FDC our eyes are on the ball. We are closely marking Mr. Museveni not his son. He is our target." Said John Kikonyogo, opposition Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) Deputy Spokesperson.
He was today morning featuring on 'The Agenda', a Dream tv political show hosted by Moses Mugalula

Rubaga North legislator Hon. Kawalya Abubaker has this morning reaffirmed the position of the Opposition in Parliament t...

Rubaga North legislator Hon. Kawalya Abubaker has this morning reaffirmed the position of the Opposition in Parliament to boycott Gen. Museveni's address to Parliament today at the Independence Grounds Kololo.
MP Kawalya made the revelation on while featuring on Dream TV, 'The Agenda' show hosted by Mugalula Moses.
The NUP MP who doubles as Shadow minister for KCCA gave the reasons as to why the Shadow Cabinet resolved to boycott the session saying, "This is due to the heinous nature of the NRM regime manifested in state engineered abductions & incarceration."

"The Prime Minister of UK is 42 years old, the Prime Minister of Finland is 37 years. Some of us are hitting 50 years ol...

"The Prime Minister of UK is 42 years old, the Prime Minister of Finland is 37 years. Some of us are hitting 50 years old. We are tired of waiting forever. We will take a stand!", Tweets President Museveni's son, Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba.
MK wants to takeover after his father.

The wider Opposition in Parliament has backed the Shadow Cabinet's resolution to boycott Gen. Museveni's address to Parl...

The wider Opposition in Parliament has backed the Shadow Cabinet's resolution to boycott Gen. Museveni's address to Parliament slated for tomorrow Thursday March 16, 2023 at Kololo Independence Grounds at 2pm.
Reasons given are:
● Continued abductions and incarceration without trial of innocent Ugandans under the watch of his regime.
● President Museveni's unwillingness to fight corruption and disrespect of the institution of Parliament
● Violation of the rights of MPs during M7's appearances at Parliament etc.
The Head of State is going to address the August House on issues of National importance, Karamoja Iron sheets scandal top on the list.
The proceedings will be live on all Radios, TV Stations and digital platforms.

IN just a few hours to the polls where a new leader of the National Felowship for Born-Again Pentecostal Churches in Uga...

IN just a few hours to the polls where a new leader of the National Felowship for Born-Again Pentecostal Churches in Uganda will be elected, Omega Healing Church International senior Pastor Dr. David Micheal Kyazze is leading with 80% in the final released opinion poll.
Unless otherwise, Kyazze is heading to a massive win come tomorrow's election.
According to an opinion poll carried out from all the 16 regions which will determine the new NFBPC General Overseer (GO) tomorrow Thursday arch 16, 2023, Pr. Dr. Micheal Kyazze is leading in 15 regions including his competitor Bishop Moses Odongo's home region!
Opinion poll shows, Odongo is only beating Pastor Kyazze in Ankole region.
For starters, race for the OG has five candidates. They are; David Micheal Kyazze, Joseph Nsubuga, Odongo Moses, Oduch George and Ssemazzi Fredrick.
In this story, we bring you the 16 regions making up National Fellowship of Born Again Pentecostal Churches in Uganda and how they are likely to vote tomorrow according to the final opinion poll, using a plus or minus approach. Click here to read the story in detail: PR. KYAZZE LEADS WITH 80% IN FINAL OPINION POLL: SEE HOW THE 16 REGIONS WILL VOTE TOMORROW TO DETERMINE THE NEXT BORN AGAIN’S TOP LEADER -

OPINION POLL: Blue represents Pastor Micheal David Kyazze’s score NEWS EDITOR MEDIA IN just a few hours to the polls where a new leader of the National Fellowship for Born-Again Pentecostal Churches in Uganda will be elected, Omega Healing Church International senior Pastor Dr. David Micheal Kyazz...




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