1. Mechanism of the disease
Due to increased uric acid in the blood (> 420 mol / l for men and > 360 mol / l for women, when it is increased it will be deposited in organs and organizations of the body in the form of urate crystals (in the form of urate crystals). Synovial membrane causes arthritis ; in kidneys causes interstitial nephritis, urinary stones gradually lead to kidney failure; bone cartilage: articular cartilage, ear cartilage; in subcutaneous tissues: elbows, ankles, knees, tophy granules are formed. ...)
However, a normal uric acid level does not rule out the diagnosis, and conversely, a high uric acid level without clinical symptoms does not diagnose gout. Uric acid should not be used as a standard for definite diagnosis, but only for support in diagnosis and monitoring in treatment.
2. Subjects susceptible to Gout
Men (male/female ratio: 9/1) obese, people with metabolic syndrome, heavy use of alcohol, eating foods low in purines as listed below.
It is also common in people with kidney failure, while being treated with some anti-tuberculosis drugs, blood diseases, cancer or prolonged use of diuretics...
3. Symptoms of Gout
Sudden severe painful swelling of one or several asymmetrical joints
Common joints are: big toe joint, other metatarsal joints, knee joints, ankle joints. Elbows, wrists, and fingers (less commonly) can be completely healed within 2 weeks.