My beautiful half-moon betta. I take all the credit 😌
Completely in camera, jk. Photoshop camera app 'lens'. Did a pretty good job.
#cardinaltetra #powderbluegourami #jungletank #aquascaping #20longtank #guppies
Polinator Farms. Butterflies, hummingbirds, fresh vegetables, honey, fresh cut flowers and more.
#butterflies #hummingbird
#nativeplants #chickens #flowers #farmfresh #honey @pollinatorgardens17
Just a quick tour through my dhalias. It sure is hot. Reminds me of Texas. But that's another story.
#Dhalias #dhalia #dhaliaflower #hotashell
Well, since I a recovering from my man-cold, here is my betta. He is never in a good mood, but never complains either. He does like his red root floaters and water lettuce to hide under.
#bettafish #halfmoon #aquarium #miniaquarium #redrootfloaters #waterlettuce
#slowmotion #slo #insectphotography #gardenlife #catnip
#slowmotion #honeybee #coneflower
Close up of a Honey bee in slow motion.
I don't know what was up with this one bee, but he was in a hurry. The other bees were like "slow down son, you're making us look bad."
I saw so many Monarchs the other day, but i still haven't spied caterpillars on the milkweed by our pond.
There are lots of species of hoverfly, some mimic bees very well, if you don't look closely...
Shooting bees with a macro lens is as dangerous as I want my wildlife photography career to get