How to play Draven?
Draven is really strong early and deals a lot of damage with his spinning axes, use this for your advantage.
His passive (league of Draven) gives you stack of adoration, killing a unit or catching a spinning axe grants you a stack of adoration. Killing a champion consumes all adoration stacks & grants 80 bonus gold + 4 per stack of adoration. For example, you have 200 stacks of adoration, killing a champion gives you 350 gold, add 80 gold it will give you 430 gold + the 200 stacks you have, 200 x 4 = 800, overall you make 1,230 gold with one kill.
As a highly skilled Draven main, I die more than an average AD Carry player. Reason in this is because every fight is still 100% worth it, even if you end up dying chances are you kill the enemy first due to enormous damage from draven's axes and when that happens you get to cash in big cash due to draven's passive which allows you to snowball with item advantage and once you get the advantage on draven you will be harder to kill and you can kill your opponents with 2 or 3 hits only.
First build BF sword for early game to deal huge damage then build BT. Once you build BT, build stormrazor then buy your mercury boots. Then when you build solari, this is the time where you go full halal Draven, you can destroy anyone once you build Solari Chargeblade. Then the last 2 builds depends on the situation, you build either Infinity Edge first (if opponents drafts are squishy) or Mortal reminder (if opponents drafts are tanky).
Kraken-Champion-Nullifying Orb-Mastermind
I will make a video for more information, if you have questions please don't be shy to ask it here in the comments.