Feed Your Inner Kid

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Feed Your Inner Kid 🥰SIMPLE Parenting Tips to stress less➡️ Busy Mom and Certified Parenting Coach passionate about play

✨🎁Giveaway Day 7!!!🎁✨We are giving away TWO SETS of Playful Friends Kid Plates to one lucky person. To enter today’s giv...

✨🎁Giveaway Day 7!!!🎁✨

We are giving away TWO SETS of Playful Friends Kid Plates to one lucky person. To enter today’s giveaway:

2.✨like this post
3.✨tag a friend in the comments!

Each extra tag is an extra entry (and very appreciated from a small start-up family business!)

🎄🎅Good luck and Happy Holidays!


🎁I have this deal going for TikTok today and wanted to let my FB group know! Find Playful Friends Kid Plates on Amazon and enter coupon code: 40TIKTOKDEAL at Amazon checkout to get a whopping 40% off. One day only!!

Happy Mother’s Day to all! I am celebrating myself today and all I have done and do for my kids.🥳We can be so hard on ou...

Happy Mother’s Day to all!

I am celebrating myself today and all I have done and do for my kids.🥳

We can be so hard on ourselves as moms at times. Focusing too much on what we aren’t doing, how we are falling short.

How about all the things you are doing? Every day? Showing up for your little beings?! And loving and guiding them the BEST you can.

I’m gifting myself with an intention of focusing on how well I show up for my kids.

Not just today. But every day to be intentional and give myself that pep talk. That self LOVE. Every day.

When I am authentic in how I love myself, and I am honest with myself, and I take time to hear and honor my inner voice, I am being the best example for my kids how to do that for themselves.

Now!! May these reflections and thoughts be imbedded in my heart and mind because the tough parenting moments are real, am I right?!

Intentions are so powerful. Trust.💜

And CELEBRATE! Celebrate you today, Mamas!

Carpe diem! That pretty much sums up Ferris Beuller’s Day Off. Carpe diem!! 🥳We may not be able to jump on a float and s...

Carpe diem!

That pretty much sums up Ferris Beuller’s Day Off. Carpe diem!! 🥳

We may not be able to jump on a float and sing to our city, or take a sports car for a spin...

BUT ✨we can✨ STOP what we’re doing and take a look around with our kids. Take time to SEE THEM. Enter in their world and SEE your inner kid today.👀😍

And you can totally be like Ferris today:

✨Break into dance and song with your kiddos for ten minutes💃🕺

✨Make ramps out of boxes for toy cars and pretend you and your kids are in those cars and taking a joy ride!!🏎😎🌞

👉Whatever you do, take a few minutes to PLAY and totally engage with your kids, and you will ALL feel better!! 💜💙💚

Just another day in the life 😂      #

Just another day in the life 😂 #

Learn playful parenting tools and frameworks backed by developmental research and decrease stress for you and your kids ...

Learn playful parenting tools and frameworks backed by developmental research and decrease stress for you and your kids while bringing you closer than ever before.

✨Join Simple Ways to Add More Fun to Your Parenting.✨

Starts soon and Cart closes TODAY at 11:59pm PST!

✨link in bio✨


Repost from

I’m so proud of you Molly, and Judy Hopps is too! You’re brilliant and I hope more kids like you find the courage to use their voice to help others like you have-keep it up! 🐰❣️

Play is a kid’s natural way of recovering from their daily emotional upheavals, so the more fluent we can become in the ...

Play is a kid’s natural way of recovering from their daily emotional upheavals, so the more fluent we can become in the language of our child’s play, the better we can help them complete the circle of reconnection.

Join ✨Simple Ways to Add More Fun to Your Parenting: A 21-Day Challenge✨ to learn more about the magical effect play can have on your life, your kid’s life, and your relationship.

I know you already know this, but this is your gentle and friendly reminder that the better care you take of yourself, t...

I know you already know this, but this is your gentle and friendly reminder that the better care you take of yourself, the better you can care for those around you.

Take good care of that inner kid in you and feed them all the love you can today.

This is your gentle and friendly reminder that you deserve it.


Link in bio to get sign up and get FREE access to a mini magical workbook:

✨Discovering Your Play Language✨

Feed your inner kid and remember the joy within.

Just say ✨YES.✨The next time your kid asks you to play tag, or asks you to watch them stand on their head 🙃 can you be e...

Just say ✨YES.✨

The next time your kid asks you to play tag, or asks you to watch them stand on their head 🙃 can you be enthusiastic and be in total acceptance (instead of having a sense of rejection) and go all in ✨WITH FEELING?✨

Watch and be aware how your kid receives that presence and attunement. Do they look like they feel pretty important and worthy of attention?

They are!

Surprise your kid today and ✨just say yes.✨


In my experience, kids want to feel seen and heard.So do adults.Kids desire connection.Adults do as well.Healthy escapes...

In my experience, kids want to feel seen and heard.

So do adults.

Kids desire connection.

Adults do as well.

Healthy escapes are VITAL to kids’ well-being, and they yearn to have fun and play.

I certainly believe this desire is still present in us as adults.

What are your thoughts? Let me know below!👇

Dear Nature, I’m so thankful for you. Thank you for helping me relax, breathe a bit deeper, and slow it down for a minut...

Dear Nature, I’m so thankful for you. Thank you for helping me relax, breathe a bit deeper, and slow it down for a minute. I love you!!💚

From one chapter to the next. From our little two flat apartment where we made so many memories to our new home where we...

From one chapter to the next. From our little two flat apartment where we made so many memories to our new home where we will make so many more.

Thank you, little two flat apartment. You will have a special place in my heart forever.💜

Whatever makes you happy, Boo. ❤️😂

Whatever makes you happy, Boo. ❤️😂


Dear Moms in cold climates,

I feel you! Winter sucks when you have young kids that like to be outside all day, and you just can’t be outside more than 20 minutes.🥶 where’s the frozen snot emoji?!

I’m taking extra good care of myself this winter (so I can show up better for my kids) by exercising, journaling, and reading good mindset material early morning.

It helps! It really does help so much.

But some days it still just SUCKS. And it’s definitely harder for me to get motivated to get up and PLAY when we’re stuck indoors most of the time or when I have to bundle my kids up extra before going out.

So I put my hand on my heart and recognize that it’s hard. Tell myself that I’m doing a good job. Remind myself that I can do hard things. And then I get off my ass to take 45 minutes to put my kids’ snow gear on so we can go play a 20 minute game of snow soccer!💪

And spending that quality time with my kids ✨ALWAYS✨ warms my heart right up.

How do you get through cold winters with young kids?

Whatever you do to get through and have fun, remember to put YOURSELF first and take good care.🥰

Taking a vacation from Instagram and social platforms for the rest of the year! To take good care, spend quality time wi...

Taking a vacation from Instagram and social platforms for the rest of the year! To take good care, spend quality time with family, reflect on where I've been 2021, and get a clear vision where I want to go and how I can better be of service to others in 2022. See you in January!💜

This is what mom life is all about🥰

This is what mom life is all about🥰

Grateful!! So grateful.Thank you to YOU for being with me on this journey while I share about motherhood and all the bea...

Grateful!! So grateful.

Thank you to YOU for being with me on this journey while I share about motherhood and all the beautiful lessons I am learning along the way. I appreciate the support so much.🙏💜

Alright, we ready for you Santa!!🎄🎅

Happy Halloween!🎃👻💀🎄

Happy Halloween!🎃👻💀🎄


🥳”Julie's fun energy is contagious in her simple fun challenge! We loved her silly and simple activities that are very doable at home with minimal planning! We loved the rollercoaster and obstacle course! So fun! As a busy mom of four, I especially love Julie’s reminder that as little as five minutes a day playing with our kids is all that is needed to shift our mindset and mood! And it makes all the difference for our littles.” -Jessica, Mom of 4.

🥳Bravo, Jessica! So glad you are taking the time to shift your mindset and mood and teaching your kids the importance of taking breaks to do so. Thank you so much for joining the Simple Fun Parenting 21-Day Challenge!

🥳Psssst, I've got a secret: We will be doing a ✨live✨ version of the challenge in January... More details to come. This is a secret you're free to share, of course.😜

🥳As always, feel free to DM me with any questions.

Now, this amazing dude is speaking my language!Direct quote from Marshall Rosenberg’s revolutionary book Nonviolent Comm...

Now, this amazing dude is speaking my language!

Direct quote from Marshall Rosenberg’s revolutionary book Nonviolent Communication:

“The most dangerous of all behaviors may consist of doing things ‘because we’re supposed to.’ If we review the joyless acts to which we currently subject ourselves and make the translation from ‘have to’ to ‘choose to,’ we will discover more play and integrity in our lives… As radical as it may seem, it is possible to do things only out of play.”

Well, thank you Marshall! While I love playing with my kids, the way I speak to myself can improve.

I will change my regular “I HAVE TO exercise and eat healthy food” to “I CHOOSE to live a healthy lifestyle because I value having energy to play with my kids AND I want to play with my grandkids someday! I want to have the best chances to live pain-free in my older age.”

If I remind myself that I am choosing to do these actions, and why, I know I will enjoy them a lot more and they won't feel like such a chore (unintentional rhyme!😜).

When we start to play with language and how we speak to OURSELVES, we can start to play with this beautiful and mysterious life. When we make these little shifts in how we face the day, it makes a difference. In our lives and in our kids’ lives.

When we are playing with life and feeling happier in our own mind and heart, we will be so much more willing to play with our kids and be truly present. That joy in us will surely spread to our precious littles.

Have you read Nonviolent Communication? Great for parents and all humans looking to improve relationships. I highly recommend!

How can you shift a ‘have to’ to a ‘choose to’ today?


I'm learning that giving advice isn't the best course of action.

I want to truly ✨listen.✨ I want to ask questions such as:

💜What is the hardest part of parenting for you?

💜When do you feel most triggered?

💜What time of the day is toughest for you?

💜How often do you have time alone/practice self-care?

💜When your parents felt triggered, how did they treat you when you were a kid?

💜Do you find playing with your kids easy or difficult?

💜Do you want to feel more connected to your kids?

There are so many ways to find more joy in our parenting journey. That doesn't mean it will be easy (😂just had to laugh at that thought of it being easy😂).

But it is SO POSSIBLE to enjoy the journey of parenthood and feel more connected to our kids. It's also possible to feel less mom-guilt and shame, forgive ourselves quicker and easier, and make true shifts in growing our patience and cooling our tempers in the heat of the moment.

Although my mom superpower is PLAYING🥳 and having a playful attitude with my kids, that is not always what they need.

The more I listen to myself and honor my feelings, the better I can listen to my kids and honor their feelings.

When I feel seen and heard from myself and others, I can see and hear my children on a deeper level.

I used my mom superpower (playing🥳) to create a 21-Day Fun Parenting Challenge (link in bio) but I am ALSO currently studying to get my parenting coaching certification so I can listen to parents even better and see and hear them deeply. And if they WANT some amazing parenting tools, I will be ready to share the magic!

☝️Feel free to answer those questions from above below in comments👇

Or if today, you just want to answer them to yourself, do that, and see and hear YOU. Your inner kid will be happy you did.


Playing with my kids is my jam! But I have a confession to make… I don’t always feel like playing with my kids. And I do...

Playing with my kids is my jam! But I have a confession to make… I don’t always feel like playing with my kids. And I don’t play with my kids ALL day long.

Kids need independent playtime, yes this is true! And mamas need breaks to come back a more present playmate. Yes, abso-freaking-lutely!

The thing is, my kids do yearn for that connection and playtime with me quite a bit. All kids yearn to connect through play. Especially with those they love the most.

Sometimes our little ones need a ✨Play Leader.✨ Through play, our kiddos can express and understand complex emotions, break through shyness, anger, and fear, empower themselves and respect diversity, etc., etc., etc.

So even though I may not always FEEL like playing with my kids, I am ✨willing✨80% of the time.😜

That magical word 🪄willing🪄 helps me to take the FIRST (hardest!) step into their magical world when I feel too tired or stressed to do so.

When I think there's NO WAY I will be present and enjoy this play...

I start to PLAY, and my tired eyes become ALIVE, my sluggish heart fills with VIBRANT LOVE, and my lazy brain is ENERGIZED.

Then I remember how truly magical my kids are. And what a gift parenthood is. And why I CHOSE to be a mother.

Lacking willingness to play with your kids? It takes practice and willingness! And I am here to help.

Want to talk about your personal situation? DM me!

I also created a 21-day Fun Parenting Challenge if that tickles your fancy. Link in my bio for more info on that.

I will keep showing up on Instagram to hopefully inspire, as well.

Stay willing and have fun!🦋

Sometimes our days don’t go to plan. So we cry if we need to and let it out and let it go, GET UP, clean ourselves off, ...

Sometimes our days don’t go to plan. So we cry if we need to and let it out and let it go, GET UP, clean ourselves off, get snuggles and hugs, and do a little dance! And move on.

So thankful that my kids remind me of these simple truths of life. Every day.

It’s okay to not be okay. It’s okay to struggle. But when it’s time to move on, got to pick yourself up and move to the next part of life with love and hope in your heart (and a dancing pep in your step!).

Wherever you are at today, sending you lots of love.💜

Joy is the center of our family and what holds us together!💜 For those of you that don’t know, our dog’s name is Joy.😂 A...

Joy is the center of our family and what holds us together!💜 For those of you that don’t know, our dog’s name is Joy.😂

A pic of us over 4th of July weekend.

I am so incredibly grateful for these gifts in my life. Even on the hard days, I make sure to give thanks at LEAST 100x a day. Hehe, I kid I kid! Although I sure hope my subconscious is giving thanks constantly and throughout all the tough moments/days.🦄

I DO practice giving a CONSCIOUS 🥰thank you!🥰 at least 3x a day, every day. Morning, noon, and night. No matter what’s going on that day. Because I am living my dream, and that is to be married to the LOVE of my life and to be a mommy. I wanted to be a mom since I was seven years old. Sure, there’s a lot more that I desire for my life, and that’s great and so important, but these gifts are the most important and beautiful part of my life.

Being a wife and mama also challenges me more than anything ever has and has helped me to grow more than anything ever has, in so many ways. Through the challenges, I like to keep a little fire burning deep down of thankfulness, because I don’t ever want to take the blessing of being a mom for granted.🔥🙏🥰

Add some wood to YOUR fire today! Give thanks.💜💜💜

Grateful to be connected through here to you😍

Wassup Bro?! I love my family.😍

Wassup Bro?! I love my family.😍

It may be time to let go of the paci(s).What do you think?🧐😂😍

It may be time to let go of the paci(s).What do you think?🧐😂😍

✨Life is a rollercoaster.✨My little guy finished kindergarten and I couldn’t be more proud of him! His first experience ...

✨Life is a rollercoaster.✨

My little guy finished kindergarten and I couldn’t be more proud of him! His first experience of school was NOT EASY. Not for him and not for me.

The 2020-2021 school year was full of ups and downs but we got through the many challenges, shared some laughs, learned a lot, grew our patience, learned to say “sorry” quicker and with more meaning (when we lost our tempers AGAIN), practiced forgiving each other and ourselves for not being perfect, lowered expectations, took more breaks, turned up the self-care and realized how absolutely VITAL it is, practiced patting ourselves on the back for doing our best, found out how healing dance parties are, and we FINISHED something difficult and grew from it, and we are celebrating all of that!🎉

As I begin to reflect on the last year I am filled with so much gratitude that I can finally start to see and feel all the beautiful lessons it has gifted us with. The chaos is revealing it’s beauty and the clarity is helping my shoulders to relax as we move on to the next chapter and gifts life has to offer.

My son has learned that he CAN get through challenges and see them through to the finish line. And, once again, being a mom has taught ME this lesson in my life again on a deeper level. I CAN face challenges (imperfectly!) and become a better mother and person because of them.

I hope we move on confidently to face the next life lessons with more strength and more knowledge of how awesome and capable we truly are.

As we “patiently” waited in line to experience the exhilaration of the rides yesterday, I was reminded how much life is like a rollercoaster. We can cling to the seatbelt bar in fear, or we can let go and scream with joy! Or we can do both. But when I look back, I hope I will say that I enjoyed the ride.

Congratulations to all of you kids, students, parents, moms, dads, and teachers for a job well done! So proud of all of us.💪😍

✨Keep going. Everything you need will come to you at the perfect time.✨Kai has been waiting and waiting and WAITING to l...

✨Keep going. Everything you need will come to you at the perfect time.✨

Kai has been waiting and waiting and WAITING to lose his first tooth for some time now. He has said numerous times over the last year that he has “been waiting for years and years!”

He watched his friends and cousins lose their first, second, third teeth, and he started to wonder if it was ever going to happen to HIM.

Well, he finally lost his first tooth yesterday!🎉 And his reaction has been so beautiful to watch.

After his Papa pulled his tooth out with a thread tied around it, he danced around our home with that bloody little window in his mouth. Looked in the mirror maybe about 50 times, danced again. Face timed family members, had me send pictures out. He told a few strangers at the park. He will be riding this proud wave until he loses the next one!

Kai, thank you for reminding me to be patient, that everything is happening in perfect timing, and to CELEBRATE the milestones and/or accomplishments of life!

I love being a mom. So thankful for this journey and all the lessons and growth it gifts along the way. And I love being a tooth fairy.🤫





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