He promotes talents too. What else is there for doubters and attention seekers??
Lady , you've unknowingly passed the litmus test eventhough you had NO IDEA there was a silent screening ongoing. Here's how you made it:
Of ALL the 100+ participants of our last competition, the challenge, you and one other (KEMA) stayed with us, actively partaking in our activities herein and beyond. A deep message you both passed to us; your own way of telling us that you aren't in here for goodies, BUT rather appreciate what we do and profoundly believe in the same, as you strongly elect to be part of this humanitarian 🚂
And so you, MARICE, earn the privilege of honoring the eternal Henriette Thatcher's Lounge by using your art to produce a portrait of her which we'll use to honor her before the fall of this calendar year.
And you'll be rewarded with 1️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ k for this exercise, immediately we fix the date for the event.
Congratulations lady MARICE