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Kingsley Onwuka Blog The Kingsley Onwuka blog is a platform for sharing thoughts and opinions on political/social issues and sundry issues, especially in Nigeria.


The new minimum should be 100k. For the workers, this amount is not big enough in light of the high cost of living in the country today. And it is not an amount too much for the government to pay; I may excuse the local government tier of government considering the income level of that tier of government.
The federal and state governments can pay 100k or even above if cost of governance is drastically reduced, corruption is tackled and wastage/abuse of public funds is stopped. The monies that government officials fritter away or divert to personal aggrandizement can go a long way in the payment of a good amount as minimum wage to workers in Nigeria. Those in government should let the wealth of Nigeria trickle down to the generality of Nigerians through payment of a reasonable amount as minimum wage to the ordinary workers in Nigeria.


This is the governor of a state in Nigeria. You, stay there and be taking life too serious.


By saying happy children's day to those who would cry when their girlfriend/boyfriend breaks up with them, I don't mean to say you should not cry when such a thing happens to you. It is natural for human beings to cry when something physically or emotionally painful happens to them; and you are human!

You are in love with somebody, perhaps you have invested a lot of deep emotions in the relationship, perhaps you have become so used to the person and it feels like the person is now intricately part of you and your life, perhaps you have invested too much hope of a better future with the person, and so on; and then all of a sudden the person says "I NO DO AGAIN." It could be because the person has gotten tired of you and just wants to move on to another person, it could be because the person never initially intended to have anything meaningful with you, it could also be based on your own fault. For whatever reason, such experience can be painful when it happens to you. But rather than cry and feel devastated, you should just have a deep reflection and be motivated to improve yourself. When you improve yourself someone better will be attracted to you.

I belong to the school of thought that believes there is an alternative and a substitute for everything.
Human beings are unique in their attributes, I agree. But whatever you find interesting in a particular person can also be found in someone else.

So, when someone dumps you, you should get up, move on and MOVE YOURSELF TO A BETTER PLACE.


In as much as most Rivers people yearn for a departure by Gov. Fubara from Wike's style of administration, we should also realize that road infrastructure remains a very important aspect of development.
So the governor should continue to build roads as well as he should also carry out other aspects of development as needed by the people.


Those who might be planning to destabilize Rivers State (according to the governor) are doing the state a big disservice. The peace and progress of Rivers State should be uppermost in the agenda of every Rivers person especially the politicians. For goodness sake this is Fubara's turn in government and he should be allowed to govern in peace, next time could be other people's turn.

In the game of politics, just as in life generally, you don't win all the time; some times you win, some times you lose - and life goes on.
Those who are not having their way today in the politics of Rivers State should move on and wait for next time when it could be be their turn to reestablish their grip on the state, and let the state progress in peace.

THE LESSON IN IKE EKWEREMADU'S SITUATION IN THE UKJust like other citizens of the country have done, I sympathize with S...

Just like other citizens of the country have done, I sympathize with Senator Ike Ekweremadu, an illustrious citizen of Igbo land and of Nigeria, on his current ordeal in the UK.
Because we do not yet know the real facts of the matter, we ought to be cautious in our comments on it. Besides, we should be humane enough to not delight in the misfortune of others (even those we don't like). Misfortunes are part of life, and it could be anybody's turn in any form at any time in life.

Although I believe that every adult human being should bear responsibility for their wrong actions, I join other Nigerians in praying for the Distinguished Senator to overcome this ugly situation as quickly as possible.

The point of this write-up is to highlight what lesson should be learnt from this incident involving Ike Ekweremadu in the UK. Despite his status as a very distinguished public office holder in Nigeria, law enforcement agents in the UK did not waste time in arresting and prosecuting him to hold him accountable for his alleged act against the law. The university where he holds an appointment as a Visiting Professor has quickly suspended him pending the outcome of investigation of his matter. That is a society where people are serious about public life!

Government (which law enforcement agencies are integral part of) should take law enforcement seriously in Nigeria. Whoever (no matter how highly placed) goes against the law should be held accountable for his or actions (even those who have immunity, after the period of their immunity).
Nigeria should emulate the UK and other serious countries of the world in the area of law enforcement. Law enforcement in Nigeria should be strong and without fear or favour. That is how our society can progress on a path of genuine development.

Kingsley Onwuka

BETWEEN NYESOM WIKE AND IFEANYI OKOWAObviously the search for a running mate on the presidential ticket of Atiku Abubaka...

Obviously the search for a running mate on the presidential ticket of Atiku Abubakar of the PDP has been narrowed to two eminent individuals from the South South, a medical doctor and a lawyer - Ifeanyi Okowa of Delta State and Nyesom Wike of Rivers State.

Ifeanyi Okowa:
The governor of Delta State, in my estimation, would be Atiku's most preferred candidate for the position. He has a character of calmness and cerebral disposition (typical of what he is by profession - a medical doctor). Politically, his kind of person will be pliable and subservient, the kind of person suitable and preferred for a vice presidential position. He will quietly occupy the office of Vice President and play second fiddle very well. He will be a good gentleman-Vice President.

Nysom Wike:
In my estimation, the Rivers State governor is the last person Atiku would want to work with as Vice. Wike is a strong man, a tough character, his manner of vehement and aggressive expression of himself is just typical of what he is by profession - a lawyer. Wike will never be pliable and subservient in the office of Vice President, he is not the kind of person that will quietly occupy the office and play second fiddle very well. But he is a good choice for the position if Atiku and PDP are really looking for who will energetically work for the country and not for the president. After all, the Vice President should be an employee of the people of the country and not of the president.
Financially, politically and otherwise, Wike has a lot of capacity to galvanize enormous support from the South for Atiku and the PDP especially if he is made the running mate on the presidential ticket.

Ifeanyi Okowa and Nyesom Wike are good, if the search has been narrowed to the two of them. It is difficult to really say one is better than the other, because the two of them are good for the job, the two of them are eminently qualified. Let's see who Atiku and the PDP will choose!

Kingsley Onwuka


Welcome to Politics in Nigeria Blog by Kingsley Onwuka, where we talk politics for the good of our country as a way of contributing to the stimulation of national development. Nigeria is our country; let's not stand aloof, let's get involved, let's lend our voices, let's share our views, let's talk!

Pls share our posts and share your options in the comments section.

Thank you!


When I taught Government in tutorial centers in Port Harcourt, and when I taught ND 1 students Elements of Government here in the private polytechnic where I'm serving, aside from the scholarly definitions I gave them I also gave them my own variegated perspectives on the meaning of democracy, thus:
*Democracy is a form or system of government in which the right to govern is derived from the consent of the governed (the electorate) through the ballot box. It is a system of government in which emphasis is on the supremacy of the ballot box.

*Democracy is a way of governance in which the government is bound by social contract to yield and defer to the wishes and aspirations of the people in the process of governing them.

*Democracy as a principle in human interaction implies that the will/opinions of the majority prevail on a matter of common interest among a group of people.

I remember in one of the classes, after making the students understand the meaning of democracy from different perspectives, I asked them to individually express their views on the practice of democracy in Nigeria. And they were unanimous in thinking that democracy is far from true practice in Nigeria. Those students are young Nigerians to whom the future of Nigeria belongs. All in all, I encouraged them to know that they have a role to play in making our country a better place.

What is the meaning of democracy in Nigeria where the opportunity to vie for the top place in the governance space is sold and bought in the full glare of the world (in dollar and not even in our own currency)?

What is the meaning of democracy in Nigeria where the right to rule is derived from the role an individual played in installing the previous (or incumbent) president?

What is the meaning of democracy in Nigeria where a former president while in office would publicly tell the world that election in Nigeria is do or die!?

What is the meaning of democracy in Nigeria where a supposedly elected governor of a state would publicly tell his people (that elected him) to go and die if they don't like the sort of projects he is executing for them?

What is the meaning of democracy in Nigeria where the National Assembly of the country would pass a bill in deference to the wish of the President to have indirect primary and consensus options against the vigorously expressed wish of the people to have only the direct primary option in the new electoral law?

What is the meaning of democracy in Nigeria where a Muslim-Muslim presidential ticket is about to be foisted on the people of Nigeria by a political party whether the people like it or not?

The essence of this message is to inspire the elevation of true democracy in our country.
All of us citizens have a crucial role to play by getting involved one way or another especially by getting our PVCs to vote for the right candidates come 2023, candidates of our respective choices according to our conscience.

The best thing President Muhammadu Buhari will do to elevate democracy in Nigeria is to sincerely conduct free, fair and credible elections in the country come 2023; the kind of elections that will not only be free and fair but will also be clearly seen to be such by all and sundry.
May this message reach the President.

Kingsley Onwuka,
*B.Sc, Political and Administrative Studies,
University of Port Harcourt
*Admin and Teaching Assistant, Department of Public Administration, ACBMS Ibadan.

IF TINUBU MUST PICK A MUSLIM RUNNING MATEFirst, let me reiterate my stand against a running mate of Muslim faith for Asi...

First, let me reiterate my stand against a running mate of Muslim faith for Asiwaju Bola Tinubu. Competence over religious identity is not unimportant, but consideration must be given to the need for religious balancing in the pairing for the APC presidential ticket in light of the peculiar composition and nature of the Nigerian society. The interest of the Christian citizens (who constitute a very significant part of the country's voting population) should not be disregarded.

All the same, if the APC and Bola Tinubu are hell-bent on a Muslim option as running mate, then such an option should no other than Professor Babagana Zulum of Borno State. If they insist on foisting a Muslim vice presidential candidate alongside a Muslim presidential candidate on the electorate, then they should give us the very best and let us make the ultimate decision through the ballot box come 2023.

Kingsley Onwuka


A Muslim-Muslim presidential ticket in Nigeria is highly uncalled for. The argument of competence over religious sentiments is not invalid. However, we must not be insensitive to the peculiar composition and nature of the Nigerian society. If a president or presidential candidate is a Muslim, then the deputy should be a Christian, and vice versa.

Obviously the candidate of the PDP is going to pick a Christian as running mate. So the Muslim-Muslim argument seems to be an issue only in the APC.

If the incumbent APC insist on a Muslim-Muslim pairing, then to me it will be an indication that they do not plan to really depend on the ballot box for victory come 2023. If they are truly counting on the wishes and aspirations of the Nigerian people as should be expressed through the ballot box, then they will not disregard the interest of the Christian segment of the Nigerian voting population. The Christian segment of the voting population is significant and can go a long way in determining who can become the country's president if the ballot process is truly allowed to thrive.

Kingsley Onwuka

THE PROBLEM ABOUT TINUBUWritten by Kingsley OnwukaWhen I write on politics on social media, it is neither to smear anybo...


Written by Kingsley Onwuka

When I write on politics on social media, it is neither to smear anybody's imagine nor to impress any paymaster. I write to bear my mind on political events in our society, I write to lend my voice and contribute to the stimulation of national development which is what behooves me to do based on my background in Political Science.

I have a lot of respect for Asiwaju Bola Tinubu. I've always been of the opinion that he is eminently qualified to govern Nigeria (just like Atiku Abubakar and Peter Obi are as well).
I mean, a trained accountant should be adequately qualified to manage human and material resources very well.

But there's a problem about Tinubu's presidential ambition. His own perception of his presidential bid is the problem. He says it is "his turn" to become president of Nigeria after Muhammadu Buhari. Such an expression smacks of a sense of entitlement over Nigeria. He feels it is his right to become the next president of the country simply because of the significant role he played in installing Buhari in A*o Rock in 2015. So, Nigeria is a piece of farmland that should be possessed by individuals turn by turn.

Tinubu should rather sound more democratic in his quest to occupy the highest office in the land. He should clear his presidential ambition of any sense of entitlement so that it becomes more of a bid to render service than a bid to possess Nigeria. He should be sounding much more like 'I want to become president of Nigeria because I have so and so and so things burning in my heart to do for the country.' And not 'I want to become president of Nigeria because it is my turn.'
The "my turn" thing is the problem about Tinubu's presidential ambition.

Kingsley Onwuka

Breaking!!!The Deputy Governor of Oyo State, Engr Rauf Olaniyan defects to APC. Speaking on a live radio show some minut...

The Deputy Governor of Oyo State, Engr Rauf Olaniyan defects to APC.
Speaking on a live radio show some minutes ago, the Deputy Governor himself confirmed his defection from the PDP to the APC.
There are rumoured reports that the Governor, Engr Seyi Makinde is set to drop Engr Olaniyan and pick someone else to run with on the platform of the PDP come 2023.

What is the implication for governance and development, of a governor and his deputy falling apart in government in Nigeria?

WHY TINUBU LAMENTEDAsiwaju Ahmed Tinubu's outburst in Abeokuta recently has been a subject of controversy and wide discu...

Asiwaju Ahmed Tinubu's outburst in Abeokuta recently has been a subject of controversy and wide discussions on different media. He lamented maybe out of frustration, perhaps because he has seen the handwriting on the wall.
But let's face the truth here. This is not to make a case for Tinubu, neither is it to condemn him on the matter. What Tinubu said in Abeokuta were statements of truth. I mean, did he not play such a significant role in Buhari's emergence as president of the country in 2015? Did he not make many persons what they became politically? What he said are just statements of fact, Tinubu has been a king maker. Is it his turn to become the next king of Nigeria just because he made the current king? But the moral question to ask is: was there such an agreement in 2015? If there was, then he may be right to claim the APC candidacy (not necessarily Nigeria's presidency) for 2023.
I think Tinubu is too formidable in the APC race such that he can easily defeat every other person if the party's primary election is conducted on a level-playing field. But then, the next few days will tell. But who do you think President Buhari has in mind as his choice of successor for 2023?

Kingsley Onwuka

WHO SHOULD BE PETER OBI'S RUNNING MATE?Peter Obi needs a strong Vice Presidential candidate to boost his presidential ti...

Peter Obi needs a strong Vice Presidential candidate to boost his presidential ticket on the LP platform. In my estimation, Professor Babagana Zulum of Borno State would be a very good option if he can be wooed to join Peter Obi.
Rabiu Kwankwanso is another good option if he can be convinced to swallow his pride and join forces with Peter Obi.

With a very good Vice Presidential candidate from the North, Mr. Peter Obi can win the 2023 presidential election in Nigeria. Who should that person be, what do you think?

Let's talk Politics in Nigeria
Kingsley Onwuka is my name

ATIKU'S RUNNING MATE FOR 2023I'm not sure Atiku is comfortable with the option of Wike as his running mate for the 2023 ...

I'm not sure Atiku is comfortable with the option of Wike as his running mate for the 2023 presidential election. I think he is looking at such options as Ifeanyi Okowa of Delta State, Udom Emmanuel of Akwa Ibom State or Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi of Enugu State. But Wike, in my estimation, will make a good vice president. And Atiku may have nothing to fear in the option of Wike, as the responsibilities, powers and limitations of the office of Vice President are clearly spelt out in the constitution, although we understand the dynamics of Nigerian politics.

Obviously the Atiku ticket needs a big boost, Atiku needs to be paired with a very popular person from the Southern part of the country. It was the Peter Obi factor on the PDP ticket that made Atiku to garner up to 11 million votes in the last presidential election. This time around, who is such a popular figure from the South that can attract such a huge level of support to the Atiku ticket if made the vice presidential candidate of the PDP?

I'm not sure Professor Chukwuma Soludo would agree to abandon APGA and the governorship of Anambra State if he is wooed to be paired with Atiku on the ticket of the PDP for 2023 (Although nothing is impossible under the sun), Professor Soludo would have been the best option for Atiku since Peter Obi is no longer available for him.

I wish we still have Prof Dora Akunyili around. She would have been the best option for Atiku at this time. May her soul continue to rest in perfect peace.

Now the best option for Atiku in my estimation is either Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala or Oby Ezekwesili. Those two women of steel have the qualification, credibility and popularity to give the Atiku ticket the boost it needs, plus, the option of any of them carries the advantage of attracting gender sympathy and some bit of sympathy for the Igbo cause.
Your Excellency, Atiku Abubakar the consideration is yours to make. Mine is to contribute my modest analysis and suggestion in the politics of our country as a way of contributing to the stimulation of national development.

Kingsley Onwuka is my name.


Analysis of the situation in the South East, edition 2.

Guest Analyst: Mr Francis Inyama (HOD, Department of Public Administration, ACBMS, a private polytechnic in Ibadan)


Analysis of the situation in the South East edition 2

Guest Analyst: Mr Francis Inyama (HOD, Department of Public Administration, ACBMS, a private polytechnic in Ibadan).


Analysis of Goodluck Jonathan's possible candidacy of the APC, and some other issues.

Hon. Yinka Akinbiyi did the analysis with me. He is a lecturer, a politician and a PDP stalwart in Oyo State.

The full video and other videos of political analysis are on Politics in Nigeria Blog on YouTube. Please subscribe to the channel to enjoy analysis of politics in Nigeria.

THE NEXT GOVERNOR OF RIVERS STATE, AND THE FATE OF NYESOM WIKE AFTER 2023By Kingsley OnwukaPrior to his emergence as the...


By Kingsley Onwuka

Prior to his emergence as the governorship candidate of the PDP some days ago, I'm not sure I ever heard the name Sim Fubara since I started living in Rivers State. Can he win the governorship election in Rivers State come 2023? We shall find out in the progression of this article. I will try as much as possible to do this analysis dispassionately.

Obviously Sim Fubara is the choice of governor Nyesom Wike. I had thought he would anoint Tammy Danagogo or even the current deputy governor Dr Mrs Ipalibo Harry Banigo. But the choice is Sim Fubara, the Accountant-General of the state (for reasons best known to the governor and his men).

But I quickly got to know that he wasn't going to take the governorship ticket to Kalabari. How did I know? In his speech when he was given the chieftaincy title in Kalabari some months ago, Wike said he told the Kalabari Political elders that he wanted to speak first before the conferment of the chieftaincy title on him, but they insisted on the conferment first, then he said he would still go ahead and speak his mind and they cannot take the chieftaincy title back, and then he said: "If anybody tells you, as far as Rivers State is concerned, that the Kalabari people have not contributed, the person is a joker."
By that kind of statement, in my understanding, he was telling the Kalabari people that they should not expect to get the governorship ticket (because they have had opportunities to contribute to governance in the state). Then I began to wonder where he would take the governorship ticket to, I thought he would take it to Ogoni.

Anyway, my effort here is not to pick a hole in Wike's choice of who succeeds him in the PDP. I only want to analyze his chances of winning the governorship election vis-a-vis the chances of his major opponent in the APC, Pastor Tonye Cole (from my standpoint as a university-trained political analyst living in Rivers State).

This article will be boring if it is too lengthy. So I don't want it to be boring, and that is why I'm breaking it into two parts.
Stay connected to Politics in Nigeria Blog on Facebook and on blogspot ( for the part two of this article which comes up shortly.

Kingsley Onwuka

WHY PETER OBI LEFT PDPWhen he announced his resignation from the party about two days ago, some already started calling ...

When he announced his resignation from the party about two days ago, some already started calling him lily-livered and not man enough, saying he has chickened out of the presidential race. But I knew he has not dumped the presidential race, he only alighted from the vehicle of PDP, and I know why, I also knew he was soon going to join another vehicle..

Of course, the heavy monetization of the primaries of major political parties in Nigeria will not allow someone like Peter Obi to get the presidential ticket of the PDP. And he is a very frugal human being, he would not waste his money chasing shadows (I say chasing shadows because even if he gives the PDP delegates all the money he has, they will collect and will still not elect him the flag bearer of the party, and I'm sure he knows it).
So the best thing for him to do is what he has just done. If I were Peter Obi, same is what I would do.

What is Peter Obi's fate in the Labour Party come 2023? I'm always of the opinion that those who are given the least chance are the ones who spring the most surprises. He did it in Anambra when he came from obscurity to win the governorship of the state on the platform of APGA against the very popular PDP even in spite of the PDP having the big names in Anambra at the time. Although, national politics is a different ball game altogether. All the same, let's keep hope alive as Peter Obi is the man for the job.

Kingsley Onwuka

MARY ODILI AND NYESOM WIKEWhen you have an opportunity to be instrumental to somebody's success in life, do well to do s...

When you have an opportunity to be instrumental to somebody's success in life, do well to do so without hesitation. In this small world that we live in, this thing called tomorrow is a big mystery - it is the biggest mystery in life, nobody surely knows what tomorrow holds. Helping somebody today may bring you no material benefits in the future (and you may have no need for such benefits), but the reckoning in posterity and the honour it brings are worth it.
Sometimes the people you give the least chance are the ones that will spring the most surprises.

In 2004 I'm sure Dr Peter Odili and his wife wouldn't have ever imagined that Wike would be governor of Rivers State today. They helped him by ensuring that he got the opportunity to return as local government chairman, thereby saving his political career according to him. Today, 18, years after, Wike could look back to 2004 to see how Odili and his wife helped him, and he is grateful for it. In terms of material gift, what can Wike really give to Peter Odili (former governor of very rich Rivers State) and Mary Odili (retired Justice of the Supreme Court who sat over many high-profile political cases) to appreciate them today for their help of 18 years ago, what? But the remembrance of it, the honour and the public expression of gratitude, and even the reckoning in posterity have done it all.

I don't want this article to be lengthy, so I end it here. Thanks for reading.

Kingsley Onwuka

THE SOKOTO SITUATIONIt was a dastardly act, the worst of wickedness, the height of barbarism, to say the least. The very...

It was a dastardly act, the worst of wickedness, the height of barbarism, to say the least.
The very ugly incident that happened in Sokoto has already attracted all the condemnations it should attract.

Now, the federal government should ensure that the situation is well-managed so that it doesn't snowball into what will do the big damage to this country. Nigeria is already in a combustible condition such that any little spark anywhere in the country can easily escalate and burn Nigeria even to ashes. War and violence will do no one any good, peace is always a desirable option.

Meanwhile, big thanks to a popular pastor-cum-philanthropist in Port Harcourt, Apostle Chibuzor Gift Chinyere who has offered to relocate the parents of late Deborah to Port Harcourt and take care of them including granting scholarship to their children. The latest information I have on the matter is that the good pastor has been able to get in touch with the family of Deborah, and they have agreed to move to Port Harcourt on his offer.
I hope and pray that this will provide a lot of succour to the grieving family.
God bless Apostle Chibuzor Chinyere.

Kingsley Onwuka

GOODLUCK JONATHAN AND THE APCI was an ardent supporter of Goodluck Jonathan in 2015. I had nothing at stake except the l...

I was an ardent supporter of Goodluck Jonathan in 2015. I had nothing at stake except the love of country and the strong desire to have my country committed to the leadership of someone who was in my estimation a better presidential candidate. So as a Political Science undergraduate of the University of Port Harcourt then I was a Class Rep and I had friends across departments and faculties, and so I used that small position to campaign vigorously for Goodluck Jonathan. I used my money to send bulk sms asking people to vote for Goodluck Jonathan. I made posts on social media, I marketed Jonathan in my several conversations with people at the time, my favourite song which I played regularly on my devices is Goodluck Jonathan by Duncan Mighty. The passion for Jonathan was so strong and I did so much, without hope of any personal gain.

Today, I feel bad about Jonathan's association with the APC, the same APC that some of us campaigned vigorously against (in favour of Jonathan), the same APC that intensely vilified and rubbished Jonathan, the same APC that shouted crucify him!

Although I've been of the opinion that if the presidency must go to the South South in 2023, then the best man should be Goodluck Jonathan because he will have the benefit of hindsight to bring to bear on the presidency in his second coming, he will look back and make amendments on his mistakes of 2010-2015. But his joining the APC is something I'm totally not comfortable about.

Well, I've always adopted the standpoint that man is a rational being capable of knowing what is best for himself and therefore man is at liberty to make choices for himself.
Dear Dr Goodluck Jonathan , Your Excellency, if joining the APC is what is best for you at this point in time, by all means please go ahead. I just hope that it doesn't end in disgrace and regrets for you, and I wish you well.

Kingsley Onwuka










OYO STATE WORKERSCongratulations to all Nigerian workers especially workers in Oyo State on whose faces the governor Eng...

Congratulations to all Nigerian workers especially workers in Oyo State on whose faces the governor Engr. Seyi Makinde puts a smile by the state government's prompt and regular payment of salary (including 13th month salary). I'm yet to know any other state in Nigeria where workers have it as good as workers in Oyo State do when it comes to salary payment. Prompt/regular payment of salary may seem insignificant, but it is actually significant; at least workers can confidently plan on their income.

There is dignity in labour.
Work is the first duty of man on earth, it is the primary essence of man's existence. Man must eat to live, and man must work to eat.
It doesn't suffice to say that a labourer deserves his wages; in addition, a labourer deserves his wages promptly and regularly.

Your Excellency, Engr. Seyi Makinde , kudos to you for your good style of salary payment in Oyo State. Although I unfortunately didn't find myself in a public institution (NYSC posting) to be part of your largesse to Youth Corps members (Oyo is currently the highest-paying state to Corpers in Nigeria: 15k per month) in the state, but I'm happy for my colleagues who are enjoying it. Your Excellency, I hope that this good style of salary payment will not cease when you get a second term mandate in the state. Please keep it on till the end of the 8 years, sir.

Every public office holder and everyone who has a responsibility of payment of salary should do well to make it prompt and regular, it goes a long way in making things better for workers and bringing happiness their way.

Happy Workers Day to all Nigerian workers.

Kingsley Onwuka




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