24 Minute Bible Podcast

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24 Minute Bible Podcast 24 Minute Bible Podcast features Pastor Mark Minor in a journey to help you grasp how the Bible fits

TALKING Through the Book of Numbers (Episode  #152)Attached are study aides to help with the events of the Book of Numbe...

TALKING Through the Book of Numbers (Episode #152)
Attached are study aides to help with the events of the Book of Number. You will notice two different routes (and two different locations for Mt. Sinai). The traditional 'map' places Mt. Sinai at the point of the Sinai Peninsula. Newer research suggests the location of Mt. Sinai in 'Arabia'. Also attached is the 'layout' of the Tabernacle as defined in Numbers and a 'drawing' of the Tabernacle to show the task of packing up and relocating during the 40 years of 'Wanderings'!

Talking Through the Bible: LEVITICUSEPISODE  # 151TALKING’ Through the Bible: LEVITICUSEpisode  #151The book of Leviticu...

Talking Through the Bible: LEVITICUS
EPISODE # 151TALKING’ Through the Bible: LEVITICUS
Episode #151

The book of Leviticus can seem rather confusing, redundant and boring... so maybe these charts will help you better understand the 3 Mountains of Leviticus. The 3 Mountains are the OFFERINGS (a religion) ... the LIFESTYLE (what to eat, hygiene, social responsibility, s*xuality) and then HOLIDAYS (the 7 Holy days and the calendars of the Jews). Enjoy!

TALKING through the Book of Exodus covers 400 years and a lot of really exciting events.  To help you to visualize the 7...

TALKING through the Book of Exodus covers 400 years and a lot of really exciting events. To help you to visualize the 7 MOUNTAINS of Exodus, I have attached an outline of the PODCAST as well as information about the Tabernacle, the invention of writing and other items to help you TALK through the book of Exodus.

24 MINUTE BIBLE PODCAST:KICKING OFF the 2024 year with a new series of podcasts.  Called ‘TALKING Through the Bible in a...

KICKING OFF the 2024 year with a new series of podcasts. Called ‘TALKING Through the Bible in a Year’, the format is similar to earlier podcast— where we go through the Bible book by book and cover the ENTIRE BIBLE in a year. The PROMISE for this series is that instead of reading through the Bible… you will be able to TALK THROUGH THE BIBLE. From Genesis to Revelation, you will be able to TELL THE STORY of the Bible is a simple way, Honest! So give it a try if you are interested— this week’s Book is GENESIS. Attached to this Facebook post are charts and maps and outlines to help you know the Bible.

UNDERSTANDING the MIDDLE EAST (Episode  #145) Attached is a CHART of the genealogy of the Arab peoples coning from Abrah...

Attached is a CHART of the genealogy of the Arab peoples coning from Abraham. Also, attached are maps of the British Mandate of 1916 'creating the 'countries' we know of today as Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Syria, Iran and Iraq. Other maps are shown to give some understanding to the land of the PHILISTINES. during Old Testament days... and the current map of GAZA and the land of the PALESTINEANS.

FIVE SECRETS TO A GREAT MARRIAGE (part 2):Episode  #141Attached is a chart demonstrating the 'three areas of oneness' Je...

Episode #141
Attached is a chart demonstrating the 'three areas of oneness' Jesus spoke about in a Biblical (Christian) marriage: the oneness of 'body to body (s*x); the oneness of 'soul to soul' (friendship); and the oneness of 'spirit to spirit' (Fellowship). Anyone can experience the 'physical'... some can and do experience the friendship aspect of marriage but ONLY BELIEVERS can experience the oneness of FELLOWSHIP-- the 'spirit to spirit' oneness exclusively available when two 'spirit-born' Christians marry. This is the ETERNAL aspect of marriage... the deepest and most intimate... and ultimately the most satisfying.

New episode just uploaded! 5 Secrets to a Great Marriage is available in a two part series. Check it out here or on your...

New episode just uploaded! 5 Secrets to a Great Marriage is available in a two part series. Check it out here or on your favorite podcast player!

FIVE SECRETS TO A GREAT MARRIAGE (part 2): Episode #141 Following up on the first 2 ‘secrets’ of a great marriage (‘Get YOURSELF WELL’ and ‘UNDERSTANDING Biblical Marriage’), this episode continues with three more important marital considerations. Those three are ‘Seeking to Understand...

New podcast just uploaded! Check it out here or on your favorite podcast player!

New podcast just uploaded! Check it out here or on your favorite podcast player!

God's Love is known as AGAPE LOVE. Agape is a sacrificial love that voluntarily suffers inconvenience, discomfort, and even death for the benefit of another without expecting anything in return. BLESSINGS, on the other hand, are a different issue. Whereas God's Love is UNCONDITIONAL, Gods BLESSING a...

Understanding The TABERNACLE -- Episode  #128Understanding the purpose and meaning of the Tabernacle is very insightful ...

Understanding The TABERNACLE -- Episode #128

Understanding the purpose and meaning of the Tabernacle is very insightful to understanding God's plan of Salvation. It was a 'blueprint' not a suggestion that the Lord prescribed to Moses-- the size, the colors, the materials, design, furniture... even the positioning of the Tabernacle. Attached to this post are photos to help you see the specific Old Testament structure and to better understand the New Testament fulfillment in Jesus-- from the Entrance to the Glory Cloud.

The Book of REVELATION -- Episode  #117Revelation is one of the most exciting, important and challenging books of the Bi...

The Book of REVELATION -- Episode #117
Revelation is one of the most exciting, important and challenging books of the Bible. To help you in your study of this 'last' book, I have posted some extra material to go along with this week's podcast.

The Book of HEBREWS -- Episode  #112The book of Hebrews is the treasure map that leads us to the GREATEST TREASURE OF AL...

The Book of HEBREWS -- Episode #112
The book of Hebrews is the treasure map that leads us to the GREATEST TREASURE OF ALL: understanding! The mysteries of the Old Testament practices are EXPLAINED in Hebrews. The purpose of the ‘holy relics’ created in the Old Testament are REALIZED as the author of Hebrews provides the Heavenly meaning. The ‘coloring book’ of the Old Testament becomes a ‘painted MASTERPIECE’ through the brush strokes of the book of Hebrews. Attached are resources to help you more fully grasp the 'insights' of Hebrews!

The Book of TITUS -- Episode  #110As one of Paul's PASTORAL EPISTLES (letters), the Book of TITUS is written to a truste...

The Book of TITUS -- Episode #110

As one of Paul's PASTORAL EPISTLES (letters), the Book of TITUS is written to a trusted companion who traveled and ministered with Paul and whom Paul sent to the Island of Crete-- with a mission to establish churches and teach Christian doctrine. We don't know a great deal about Titus, but we have included in the Scripture the letter Paul wrote to him called the Book of TITUS. In this episode we will examine Titus' difficult challenge in communicating the Gospel to the 'Cretans', and perhaps see how these words written 2000 years ago resonate with the church in this day. The Bible is always relevant... and the Book of Titus gives us insights into the sound doctrine and holy living we need for today!

The Books of 1 and 2 TIMOTHY Books of 1 and 2 TIMOTHY -- Episode  #109Wherever the Apostle Paul went on his missionary t...

The Books of 1 and 2 TIMOTHY

Books of 1 and 2 TIMOTHY -- Episode #109

Wherever the Apostle Paul went on his missionary travels, he was on the lookout, not just for 'converts', but also for men and women who could CARRY ON the Mission and LEAD the Church as it grew. TIMOTHY, a young man from the city of Lystra, became one of his closest confidants and students. Paul spoke of Timothy as his 'co-worker'… 'my son whom I love'…..'my True Son'... and 'my Dear Son'. TIMOTHY is a Big Deal!! . He would ultimately become the Pastor (Bishop) of the thriving and vibrant church in EPHESUS. Paul writes these two letters (often called the Pastoral Letters) to his 'apprentice-'- giving instruction, encouragement and advice to Timothy-- and to a succession of pastors over the last 2000 years. It is Seminary 101 on how to led a church. Welcome to the books of 1 & 2 Timothy.

Study Notes for Podcast  #108-- 1 and 2 Thessalonians.

Study Notes for Podcast #108-- 1 and 2 Thessalonians.

1 & 2 THESSALONIANS   -- Episode  #108 Written to the church at Thessalonica, a city of some 200,000 people, Paul addres...

1 & 2 THESSALONIANS -- Episode #108

Written to the church at Thessalonica, a city of some 200,000 people, Paul addresses the questions of WHEN and HOW will Jesus Return. The city Thessalonica, along with the cities of Philippi and Berea (Acts 16 & 17) are built along a Roman Road called the EGNATIAN WAY. To help us understand the importance of how Roman Roads and cities were designed in Paul's travels, I have attached some photos of the Egnatian Way (yes, it is still in use) as well as layout for some Roman cities demonstrating how the Romans LAID OUT cities (it was very methodical and always followed the same pattern). God's plan was for the GOSPEL to TRAVEL throughout the world. The Roman Roads and the cities along those roads were a big part of God's plan!!

The Book of COLOSSIANS -- Episode  #107The church in Colossae (now modern Turkey) has a problem.  They wanted to 'combin...

The Book of COLOSSIANS -- Episode #107

The church in Colossae (now modern Turkey) has a problem. They wanted to 'combine' their new faith in Jesus with many of their old PAGAN customs, practices and holy days. Paul responds to this issue by focusing on the SUPREMACY OF JESUS. He reminds us that Jesus 'CREATED' ALL THINGS... that he is BEFORE ALL THINGS... and that in Jesus ALL THINGS HOLD TOGETHER. In other words-- JESUS IS SUPREME. It is JESUS plus NOTHING!!! Attached are photos to help you better understand this awesome book.

The Book of PHILIPPIANS -- Episode  #106One word can easily describe the message of the Book of Philippians:  JOY!!  Six...

The Book of PHILIPPIANS -- Episode #106

One word can easily describe the message of the Book of Philippians: JOY!! Sixteen times in the four short chapters of Philippians, the word 'joy' or 'rejoice' is used to encourage the church and readers through the ages. Paul is in prison while writing this letter to the church at Philippi. There is, however, a JOY that rises above the difficult circumstances of life. 'Rejoice in the Lord always. And again I say REJOICE!! (Phil. 4:4). If Paul can find joy in his hard times, maybe we can too. Attached are some resources to assist you in your study of Philippians.

The Book of EPHESIANS -- Episode  #105The City of Ephesus was home to one of the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World.  That '...

The Book of EPHESIANS -- Episode #105

The City of Ephesus was home to one of the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World. That 'Wonder' was Artemis, the goddess of Fertility. A shiny, 90 foot tall STATUE of Artemis stood in the harbor (think 'Statue of Liberty' in New York City) and a gleaming TEMPLE of Artemis (450 feet long and 250 feet wide) graced the downtown area of the City, welcoming the sailors, traders and pilgrims from all over the Mediterranean. A magnificent city... but Ephesus was a dark city as well. Witchcraft, sorcery, black magic, spell books, prostitution and spiritual bo***ge. Then PAUL... and the Glorious Gospel arrives in Ephesus and everything changes. Today's podcast focuses on Paul and his letter to this beloved church in Ephesus-- the Book of Ephesians!!

The Book of GALATIANS -- Episode  #104Galatia is not a city but a ‘PROVINCE’ or ‘area’. The geographical setting was a q...

The Book of GALATIANS -- Episode #104
Galatia is not a city but a ‘PROVINCE’ or ‘area’. The geographical setting was a quiet, backwoods, provincial, sort of place where nothing much changed. Just rural farmers, retired soldiers and pheasants in small villages. Galatia today would be the center part of the nation of Turkey. Paul had led the churches to experience the GRACE and FREEDOM of Jesus… but now, the churches were being influenced by a group known as the JUDIAZERS to adhere to Jewish laws and customs (circumcision, Jewish Festivals, food regulations, etc.) as a necessary part of their Christianity. This letter is Paul's STRONG RESPONSE and rebuttal to the Judiazer's teaching... Attached are photos and maps to help you understand more deeply this letter to the Galatians.

Books of 1 and 2 CORINTHIANS -- Episode  #103The Books of 1 and 2 Corinthians-- 29 chapters in total-- are ‘INSTRUCTIONA...

Books of 1 and 2 CORINTHIANS -- Episode #103

The Books of 1 and 2 Corinthians-- 29 chapters in total-- are ‘INSTRUCTIONAL MANUALS’ on how to function as a CHURCH!! Written around 55AD, we learn so much about HOW the church SHOULD behave from the ‘mis-behavior’ of the Corinthians. The Gospel Church is NEW to the Greek/Roman world… and has really only been in existence for 20 years. It would be expected that the 'early Christians-- especially new believers from such a corrupt and promiscuous city like Corinth-- would have lots of issues. They did!! . Paul addresses many of those issues... divisions, s*xual behavior, pagan practices, lawsuits and the like... in his glorious letters to this new church. Attached are some 'study helps' for this episode!

The Book of ROMANS -- Episode  #102PAUL, for all practical purposes, should be thought of as Pastor to an EMPIRE. God ca...

The Book of ROMANS -- Episode #102

PAUL, for all practical purposes, should be thought of as Pastor to an EMPIRE. God calls some uniquely gifted people to be his messengers. Perhaps none was more UNIQUE than Paul. Pau was a Pharisee, a Roman Citizen, a scholar... and an enemy (at first) of Christianity. Yet Paul will write 12 books (one fourth) of the New Testament and travel over 10,000 miles to spread the 'Gospel'. He was, as Acts 19:15 informs us-- GODS CHOSEN INSTRUMENT. Attached are resources to help you more fully comprehend the Book of Romans.

Study Notes from Episode  #101-- The Book of ACTS

Study Notes from Episode #101-- The Book of ACTS

The Book of ACTS (Episode  #101)The Gospels are the CONTINENTAL DIVIDE of the Bible. They divide the Bible Story into TW...

The Book of ACTS (Episode #101)

The Gospels are the CONTINENTAL DIVIDE of the Bible. They divide the Bible Story into TWO distinct DIVISIONS. The whole of the Old Testament was ’looking FORWARD’ (or uphill, if you will) to the coming Messiah. AFTER the Gospels, everything is looking BACKWARDS at the GOSPELS and the Cross. Another way of saying it— the Old Testament is PREDICTING the coming of the Messiah. The New Testament— beginning with the book of ACTS— is EXPLAINING the Cross. ACTS begins a NEW AGE for the world-- the CHURCH AGE. From Pentecost on, the news about Grace and Forgiveness is being shared across the world with all who will listen. Western (Judeo-Christian) Civilization, and it message of compassion, empowerment and love-- is born. Attached are charts and maps to help you in your understanding.

The Book of JOHN -- Episode  #100 The Apostle John-- author of the Gospel of JOHN-- was the closest human being on Earth...

The Book of JOHN -- Episode #100

The Apostle John-- author of the Gospel of JOHN-- was the closest human being on Earth to the Savior Jesus. He was called 'BELOVED DISCIPLE' or the 'Disciple Whom Jesus Loved'. John’s Gospel can be thought of as an 'insiders tell all’ book… John was THERE as an eyewitness-- The Transfiguration, Garden of Gethsemane, Lazarus' Tomb! And John was entrusted to take care of Jesus' mother after the Cross, probably providing watch care for Mary until her death in Ephesus. Attached to this post are 'extra materials' to help you in your journey to understand.

The Book of Luke  (Episode  #99)Luke was a doctor, probably a gentile and most importantly-- an historian.  Luke gives u...

The Book of Luke (Episode #99)
Luke was a doctor, probably a gentile and most importantly-- an historian. Luke gives us his 'thesis sentence-- his purpose for writing-- in Luke 1:3 that he has 'carefully investigated' and written an 'orderly account' of the life of Jesus. Attached to this post are some charts and drawings (from Journal of American Medicine) that will enhance your understanding of the book of Luke.

The Book of MATTHEW (Episode  #97)The VERY FIRST CHAPTER of MATTHEW ties together the New Testament with the Old Testame...

The Book of MATTHEW (Episode #97)
The VERY FIRST CHAPTER of MATTHEW ties together the New Testament with the Old Testament Promise of God given to Abraham 2000 years earlier. God promises Abraham that through Abraham's lineage would come the Messiah of the World. Matthew-- who presents Jesus as THE KING OF THE JEWS-- writes of the MAGI who are looking for the King of the Jews as well as the anger of HEROD, who believes himself to be the ONLY King of the Jews. Attached to this post are charts to acquaint you with the possible route of the MAGI and the massive building projects of KING HEROD to the Temple.

The Book of EZEKIEL (Podcast  # 87)The book of Ezekiel is a strange, wonderful, prophetic and anointed book.  A book fil...

The Book of EZEKIEL (Podcast # 87)
The book of Ezekiel is a strange, wonderful, prophetic and anointed book. A book filled with visions (The Valley of the Dry Bones) and prophet words (The Last Days Prophecy of Gog and Magog) and mind-stirring creatures (the four beings with four different faces). Ezekiel, as a young man, is taken captive to Babylon. It is there, in captivity, the Lord uses him to prepare the people of his day-- and ours-- to 'get right' with God. Hopefully the attached 'artwork' will help gives a sense of the wonder that is the book of Ezekiel.

The Books of JEREMIAH and LAMENTATIONS (Episode  #86)Jeremiah was the LAST PROPHET to his dying culture.  His message wa...

The Books of JEREMIAH and LAMENTATIONS (Episode #86)
Jeremiah was the LAST PROPHET to his dying culture. His message was at first 'REPENT' and after being reject by his people, his message became 'PREPARE'. The Babylonians were coming. They would ransack the city, take captive 'some', kill many more... and most importantly-- they would burn the Temple to the ground. Attached to this post are archaeological relics confirming the Bible account of Jeremiah. Also a few graphics to help bring 'reality to this sad and profound book know as JEREMIAH!

The Book of ISAIAH (Episode  #85)No other book in the Old Testament provides us such precise, intimate and revealing det...

The Book of ISAIAH (Episode #85)
No other book in the Old Testament provides us such precise, intimate and revealing details about God’s Plan of Salvation as the Book of Isaiah. Isaiah is referenced approximately 85 times in the New Testament. The references are significant facts about Jesus' birth (Virgin birth), his message ('The Spirit of the Lord is on me... to preach Good News'), the one who would 'Prepare a way for Jesus' (John the Baptist) and of course, details of his death found in the 'Suffering Servant' chapter (Isaiah 53). Isaiah lived around 700BC... but his prophecies resonate to this very day. These photos are provided to help with understanding this powerful book!

New podcast our today. Are you using the Podcast Study Notes? Comment below!

New podcast our today. Are you using the Podcast Study Notes? Comment below!

The Book of ESTHER (Episode #79): The story of ESTHER is a story of 'salvation'. Salvation for her people-- the Jews at a time when they faced total annihilation-- and for all the people in th world who are looking for a Savior, a Messiah named Jesus. The 'favor' of God was with her. The position sh...




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