👁️👁️Just Imagine…
-private jets / trips across the world freely
-great food
-sister hood/ brother hood, great energy
-healthy love
-making 4figures+ from your phone
-purpose driven, constantly growing
-& more
This is your life 🙏🏼 Claim it Now! Get around the RIGHT connections 🔌 Get Educated ✍🏼
#explorepage #4figures #tradingstrategy #livelifefully
Are you an entrepreneur?👀
I’m always here to help out!! Butt… don’t be out here doing foolery like this! There’s so many ways to make money, scaming people ain’t the way💸
These scammers are getting “creative” i guess 😆 just be aware, ask questions… obviously they were making allot of things up from 1. Saying the FedEx man said that it was from me or something like that😂😂 it’s foolery written all over that…
Fun fact: I’ve gotten scam about 3-4x at the age of 14-16ish. It was always the one where if you put in this money, you’ll get this amount of money returned …. Lol smh 🫠
Need capital or more money, I got you send a text to 917-892-9473 and you’ll get bless! ⭐️
#notthisagain #thereset #behappy #peoplearefunny #moneyfromyourhome #letsgo #belove
I’m always here to help out!! Butt… don’t be out here doing foolery like this! There’s so many ways to make money, scaming people ain’t the way💸
These scammers are getting “creative” i guess 😆 just be aware, ask questions… obviously they were making allot of things up from 1. Saying the FedEx man said that it was from me or something like that😂😂 it’s foolery written all over that…
Fun fact: I’ve gotten scam about 3-4x at the age of 14-16ish. It was always the one where if you put in this money, you’ll get this amount of money returned …. Lol smh 🫠
Need capital or more money, I got you send a text to 917-892-9473 and you’ll get bless! ⭐️
#notthisagain #thereset #behappy #peoplearefunny #moneyfromyourhome #letsgo #belove
Lol I Tapped someone *tap tap*, “can you record a quick video for me please”… this is the video NOWW! And… the person that recorded this, I made a connection with🏆 if your seeing this fam, I APPRECIATE you!!
This video was intentional!! I already seen this video in my head before your even seeing it now, that’s how SOME of my content IDEAS are created💡
If you have an idea, write it down!!! Or jot it down!
Bring your ideas to LIFE, BE THE ARTIST OF YOUR LIFE!
Any questions or information on credit, I’m the person that can help you out with that! ASK AWAY✈️
#youmakemehappy #appreciatewhatyouhave #travelrewards #flyingout #vacationhome #creativity #credittips
It’s crazy…. We weren’t really taught the true way/proper way to build wealth… IS IT CAUSE SOCIETY SET US UP FOR FAILURE??!👀
We were told a different story to believe! That this is the way and that’s the way and this and the third but come to realize the information we are getting it from is from people that have nothing that we WANT IN LIFE! Listen & Learn from people that have the success and lifestyle you want!
WHAT information are you listening to? WHO are you listening to? These are serious questions you have to ask yourself because these are things that is being programmed in your subconscious and conscious mind EVERYDAY🧠
Follow @duc.credit for more credit tips and value that can help you take action to get better credit and leverage it properly! It all stems from the mindset you have!
#credittips #doubleup #getright #success #stayahead
Credit is King🏆 here are 4 impacts that effect your credit report! If your looking to repair/grow your credit or need help leveraging your credit! My team & I can help you out! We challenge to remove all negative items on your report especially collections, late payments , or missed payments! & NOW YOU ARE AWARE THAT Payment History has a 35% IMPACT on your REPORT! Which effects your credit the MOST ‼️
We help you get to 700+ credit score, so that way we can start to leverage it for the goals/desires you have in mind🏠🚙
#creditisking #talktome #creditcards #businesstips #entreprenuerlifestyle #creditcredit
To be real, there’s been many times where I chose “temptation over optimization”. And every single time I chose temptation it left me feeling whack or “blah” because I have become aware of the choices/DESCIONS I am making.
And choosing the easy way, never left me satisfied(and if it did it was a temporary moment) because I can do way more than I demand out of myself! Everyday I expect GREATNESS out of myself & so should YOU! And that all starts with the choice(s) you make NOW! I’ve realized that if I want to live a succesful, financially free life, I have to make certain changes NOW. In order for your situation outside to change, you have to change inside, meaning working on you!
So CHOOSE OPTIMIZATION OVER temptation💎 you will NEVER get you to where you want to be at if you continue to choose TEMPTATION.
#iloveyouquotes #demandgreatness #innovate #pieceofadvice
Join me on this journey! Subscribe to my YouTube channel, so you don’t miss out on this AWESOME journey‼️LETS GROW
👉🏻Vale Smoove👈🏻
#premire #today #subscribers #superstars #lessonslearned #failurecompilation
Don’t continue to read if your not ready…
…not ready to get dropped with valuable sauce and content on my YouTube channel!
I am a growing evolving YOUTUBE star, and I would appreciate you showing me massive love and support by subscribing and checking out some of the videos I have uploaded 👍🏼⭐️ Promise you, you’ll love it and learn many new things… ITS A JOURNEY
I Love you, Bless you🫶🏼
YouTube: @Vale Smoove
#youtuberlife #influence #evolving #letsrunit
“… see the pain of his past as a wise, old teacher and yet at the same time, he served notice that his life was far more than a sum of events gone by.”
#inspiration #sendthis #toafriend #tofriends #üff
Don’t read if you ain’t ready to hear the facts 💯
-There’s many millionaires that one may look up to but those same millionaires is totally unhappy with their life’s. Because at the end of the day it really don’t matter how much money you get to have, true happiness IS ALWAYS FROM WITHIN‼️I DONT CARE.
-Live within the PRESENT, many forget they is so much to be grateful for. Please watch and observe what you say because everything you say is going to happen. Instead just talk words of LIFE. Example: “Ahh, It’s a beautiful day today, I expect nothing but greatness and good new in my day. Let’s go!” I DONT CARE. Get uncomfortable, you can do this specific exercise and when doing with full belief and and trust on your words, then without a doubt you shall have a MAGNIFICENT BLESSFUL DAY🕊️
-LIFE IS SUPPOSE TO BE SIMPLE#lifeismeanttobesimple
#ibeforegetting #too #gratidao🙏