Pets & Paws

Pets & Paws Pets and Paws is a free resource offering expert, researched information on pets.

We publish pet care news, tips and pet product buying advice for owners of a wide variety of companion animals, from cats and dogs to hamsters.



I remember when my friend once told me about his childhood “pet,” Cocoa. When he saw Cocoa first time in a pet store, he...

I remember when my friend once told me about his childhood “pet,” Cocoa. When he saw Cocoa first time in a pet store, he fell in love and bought her. But he soon realized that he wasn’t equipped to give the what she needed to grow and blossom. The store had sold him pine shavings for bedding, never warning him how bad they are for small animals, and Cocoa developed a respiratory infection that made her sneeze constantly. Although she lived for almost two more years.

While it's not difficult to take care of hamsters, but there are a lot of things you Need to Know Before Getting a "Pet" Hamster

Meet Bayley, the real life version of Snoopy.. 😊

Meet Bayley, the real life version of Snoopy.. 😊

My own little dog has always been special. He was re****ed after being hit on the head when he was a baby. It never both...

My own little dog has always been special. He was re****ed after being hit on the head when he was a baby. It never bothered me and I never saw it as a problem even though people secretly called him re****ed, dumb and such.

Today we turn 19 full of happiness!!!!! I am very happy to have you in my life!!! Thank you for living 17 wonderful years together and as many more as you want! Thank you for never listening to people but only to me, mom, who adores you!! You are the most beautiful soul"


Credits Unknown❤️



I was at work, and outside we saw a dog lying motionless by the side of the road. We thought he had been hit by a car or...

I was at work, and outside we saw a dog lying motionless by the side of the road. We thought he had been hit by a car or even thrown out of one. We found a box and gently lifted him in. I volunteered to drive him to a vet so we loaded the box into my car and off we went. I called my husband and told him about the situation and he met me there.

The vet treated the dog for shock and gave him a full body x-ray to rule out fractures and internal bleeding. She examined him thoroughly and gave him blood tests. He had not been “fixed” and was about 4 years old, she estimated. She gave him a rabies shot. It cost me a fortune!

A few teeth had been knocked out and his face and ears were pretty bloody, but otherwise he was okay. The x-rays showed no fractures and the blood tests came back clean.

The found dog was really filthy. The vet said not to wash him for 2 days. Not sure why, maybe it would add to his trauma. She armed us with medicine, flee treatment, and ointment for the wounds on his face. We took the pup home.

We had lots of other pets at home already! A dog and 3 cats. The poor little found dog was scared and confused. He had trouble sleeping that night and woke up at 3:00 barking his head off. He got the other dog barking, too, and at three o’clock we had a chorus of barking dogs for about 10 minutes before we could get everyone quieted down. Our neighbors must have loved it!

The next day Found Dog spent most of the day barking at my husband and terrorizing the cats. It was total chaos in our house. Our own dog decided she was superior to him and she started to boss him around. They really did not get along at all. By the end of the day I started to feel that he was not going to work out in our house. I looked for rescue groups that would take him. I thought that perhaps a house with no other pets would be a better fit.

That night he slept a little better, but still was barking and so very full of anxiety.

The next day into the bathtub he went! Tons and tons of dirt came off. When the bath was finished, I dried him with lots of soft terrycloth towels. As I was drying, I could feel the anxiety lessening. He started to relax. He felt better. He stopped barking incessantly, and even tried to play with our other dog and her toys.

So we started to think that maybe it was going to be possible to keep him!

We thought of good names for this little pup. After much consideration, we agreed on Arthur, Artie for short.

Artie has become such a sweet dog. We love him so much. It’s been several months now, and occasionally he shows signs of a little anxiety. Poor guy, who knows what he’s been through but he’s in a loving home now.

Here’s a picture of our two pups sitting on my husband’s lap. ❤️

This little girl who was tortured and than dyed blue, and abandoned on the streets to die.After a lot of medical treatme...

This little girl who was tortured and than dyed blue, and abandoned on the streets to die.

After a lot of medical treatments, love, and care Candy recovered and was able to fly to her forever home in the UK.

She is now living the BEST LIFE!!


Candy you're a true survivor 🖤🤍

In the picture Candy now and her new brother 😍

I had adopted her but she refused to come away with me. It was weird because dogs can't wait to leave the kennel. She wa...

I had adopted her but she refused to come away with me. It was weird because dogs can't wait to leave the kennel. She was crying and stubbing her paws. I should have dragged her. But when I looked down I understood the reason and I had to make a CHOICE "When the time came to take her home she was just out of that cage, from that moment a new world awaited her, a wonderful life and a lot of love. Any another dog would have run into the embraces of her rescuers. But she did not. She stood still, sticking to all fours and refused to come out of the cage. In a corner a small Chihuahua Taco looked at her in fear. She understood that she was about to lose her her best friend. And in that moment a small miracle happened. The couple saw the whole scene and decided to adopt them both. They did the documents also for the chihuahua and all 4 went out the door of the shelter. was taken in the car, before leaving. Personally I would like to wish these two dogs a happy life full of love !. But above all so much happiness also to these two wonderful people ❤️

Credits Unknown❤️

My dog, Ozzie, does not sleep in my bed. He sleeps in our bed.He lets me know when it is bedtime and if I don’t go to be...

My dog, Ozzie, does not sleep in my bed. He sleeps in our bed.

He lets me know when it is bedtime and if I don’t go to bed when he is ready, then he goes by himself.

My bed was quite high, and as Ozzie got older, it became harder for him to jump up, so I got a new bed frame that was lower to the floor.

How husky barks, howls, and yowls have become defining traits of this beloved breed. While huskies are not known to be e...

How husky barks, howls, and yowls have become defining traits of this beloved breed. While huskies are not known to be excessive barkers, they are more vocal in other ways, often communicating through their unique vocalizations.

Understand how huskies bark, howl, and yowl with this comprehensive guide featuring videos of their unique vocalizations.

Is that an acoustic doggo or electric?😂

Is that an acoustic doggo or electric?😂

I once adopted a two-year-old German Shepherd which came from a family who had rescued her from their own neighbors beca...

I once adopted a two-year-old German Shepherd which came from a family who had rescued her from their own neighbors because the dog was kept outside and ignored.

The woman who asked her neighbor if she could take the skinny, forgotten dog didn’t want a dog, herself, but she felt sorry for the dog. She took her with the sole intention of re-homing the dog.

That’s how “Ruby” came into my life. I was the “re-home.”

Ruby’s rescuer was a kind woman and though she allowed Ruby to sleep indoors, she was confined to the laundry room while she searched for the right people to give this Shepherd to.

For two days, Ruby had a joyful dog party in my home. She absolutely loved being allowed to have the run of the house (house breaking was accomplished in one day), and, especially, to be allowed to sleep in bed with my husband and me. But, after those two days, she spent the next two days lying at the front door waiting for the kind woman to come back for her.

Then, the grieving was over and she fully bonded to me. Life was good for Ruby… I took her everywhere I could. She went with me daily to the farm where I boarded my mare. Ruby truly loved her new life, and I truly loved having her in my life.

I had, for the next ten years, a stunningly devoted dog. Ruby lived only for me. She only cared about pleasing, protecting, and guarding me, and she did. Ruby could not be distracted from her self-appointed job by anything, or anyone, at all. Nary a squirrel, a scent, other dogs, a cat, etc., could take her attention away from what she decided her purpose in life was… and, that was me.

She saved me from a god-knows-what-kind-of-horrible attack one midnight at the barn.

Ruby never had to miss me, that job fell to me. She’s been gone for more than ten years, and I miss her, I miss her, and I miss her.

Wow, but what a dog was my dear Ruby

My cat was found in a caravan park starving when he was just 5–6 weeks old. They had been trying to catch him to get rid...

My cat was found in a caravan park starving when he was just 5–6 weeks old. They had been trying to catch him to get rid of him. The kitten must have known this and was hiding under the kitchen block at the park. I went to cook and he came out and tried to eat my broccoli, he was starving. I saw him and he just looked at me and screamed a big meow.

I had a incounter with the kitten the next morning and gave him some milk off my cereal. He again looked at me and screamed as if he knew I would help him.

I was leaving the country in 2 weeks and thought I can't keep this kitten. So, I told him. Listen, if you follow me up to the caravan through all the tall grass and weeds which was 200 yards away your life will change forever. I walked on thinking someone else will take care of him. I the went to the owner of the park and told him about the kitten. He promptly replied that he had been trying to catch this feral cat, that is would starve, he would shoot it or it would get runover.

Wow I thought, what an as***le. I then walked up to the camper made a cup of tea and then heard a faint screaming meow. The little guy made it up to the caravan! I picked him up and said you will be ok.

We then left the caravan park with the kitten on the dash with my two small stuffed animal mascots.

It was a week before I was able to get rid of the fleas, bath him and feed him gradually so he would not gorge himself.

He never missed the makeshift letterbox, he went on our hikes snuggled inside my sports bra and we bonded.

I named him Cruizer as he was cruising on the dash the last 2 weeks of our camping trip.

He now sleeps with me, protects the property fiercely and knows the sound of my car.

He is my protector, teacher, best friend and I love him dearly 💖

As I was delivering several sacks of dog food to our local shelter this young dog walked over and took a seat between my...

As I was delivering several sacks of dog food to our local shelter this young dog walked over and took a seat between my feet, facing away. When she threw her head back and looked into my soul I knew I had met my new best friend. This would be my Emmie Lou.



Doesn't matter how badass you are, sometimes you just need your Pooh bear 😂

Doesn't matter how badass you are, sometimes you just need your Pooh bear 😂

Golden of the day 🐾Photo by: Susan LazetteFinding her cat friend Mr MewMew, who she lays by the patio door everyday wait...

Golden of the day 🐾

Photo by: Susan Lazette

Finding her cat friend Mr MewMew, who she lays by the patio door everyday waiting for him to come home. Sadly, he passed away Dec.23 and she hasn't given up yet

As a kid, I lived next door to a family with a playful golden retriever puppy. His name was Charlie, and he was my best ...

As a kid, I lived next door to a family with a playful golden retriever puppy. His name was Charlie, and he was my best friend during those early years. Whenever I was outside, Charlie would come bounding over to me, tail wagging excitedly, ready to play fetch or chase each other around the yard.

Those days spent playing with Charlie were some of the happiest of my childhood. But eventually, my family moved out of that neighborhood and hundreds of miles away to a different state. I missed Charlie terribly, but life went on and I made new friends and memories in my new home.

Ten years passed, and one day, I found myself back in the old neighborhood. I couldn't resist the urge to visit the house where Charlie and I had spent so many happy hours together. As I approached the house, I saw a golden retriever sitting on the porch, his tail wagging eagerly as he recognized me.

It was Charlie! He may have been a little older and grayer, but he was still just as playful and full of energy as he had been all those years ago. I was overwhelmed with emotion as we played together, just like old times. It was as if no time had passed at all.

Even though we had been separated by hundreds of miles and a decade of time, the bond between Charlie and I was still strong. That day, playing with Charlie again, was one of the most poignant and meaningful experiences of my life. It reminded me of the enduring power of friendship and the special bond that can exist between a person and their furry companions.

Dog Breeds You Didn't Know Existed, Check out these dogs from around the world and see if any of them look familiar to y...

Dog Breeds You Didn't Know Existed, Check out these dogs from around the world and see if any of them look familiar to you.

Today, my daddy had to let me go. I had such a wonderful time at my party on Sunday, but it was time to go. I had a feve...

Today, my daddy had to let me go. I had such a wonderful time at my party on Sunday, but it was time to go. I had a fever that night after coming home, and dad kept a close eye on me. I had lots of water and rest, but on Monday night i was losing control of mybladder. Tuesday morning dad and I went to the hospital to see if it was something that could easily be fixed with antibiotics.

The doctor checked my blood levels and found out that my red blood cells and planets had plummeted again. RBC was at 28% too weeks ago, incresing but was 12% today. Platelets were 29k 2 weeks ago but were only 6k today. Ironically, my white blood cells count was increasing. But the doctors normally would tell my dad that i was not in pain and they had lots of options - today, they told him i was in pain.

That’s when dad made the decision. The only way to save me was with tons of money for a very short term solution. We did that once, and it only lasted two weeks. So today, my dad made the most painful decision of his life.

It’s okay. Don’t worry. I feel better now. There’s no more pain, and dad will be ok. After i went to sleep, he removed my collar and he’s wearing it on his wrist as a wristband. He is hurting, but he promised me he will reacue another beagle to honor me.

I want to thank you all, so very much, from the bottom of my heart. You’ve been a wonderful family to me, and my dad will never forget you. We had the best times and pictures together...

Credit goes for the respective owner

Jurassic World meets the Lion King

Jurassic World meets the Lion King

This is Kuma. She's our big bear of a dog - a Caucasian Shepherd. We got her as a guardian for 3 bratty Pomeranians, and...

This is Kuma. She's our big bear of a dog - a Caucasian Shepherd. We got her as a guardian for 3 bratty Pomeranians, and she does her job well.

She quickly grew too big to play with them, so we got her a German Shepherd puppy as a playmate. Those two get along great, and do a fantastic job guarding the farm (and the Poms).

When Kota, the GSD, was about 6 months old, he went outside for his usual morning routine, but ran off as fast as lightning. A large coyote was sniffing around the chicken coop, and he was fast enough to grab it by the hind leg.

I was leashing Kuma in the house when I heard a scuffle. Although Kota was big even then, I did not want him to get into a scrap with a full-grown coyote. He yelped, and I let go of Kuma's leash.

She charged. I raced after her with a big stick, ready to help my dogs. I didn't need to. That coyote didn't stand a chance. She hit it like a locomotive, and picked it up clear off the ground, throwing into the side of the barn. She was on it before it hit the ground, slamming that coyote all over the place. Poor Kota (he was unharmed) just stood there in shock.

There wasn't much left afterwards. Kuma turned around with her big goofy dog grin and happily went for a nap after checking Kota to make sure he was ok. I cleaned her up, and cleaned up the mess. She did exactly what she was bred to do - protect her family.


The greatest selfie of ALL time! 😍

The greatest selfie of ALL time! 😍

"He just choses me to be his mom and we go home. I have tried for years to become a mom, but every effort has been unsuc...

"He just choses me to be his mom and we go home. I have tried for years to become a mom, but every effort has been unsuccessful. I always pray for a child.
Yesterday a friend of mine told me that there is a puppy that you do not choose ...
"I felt it was the answer to my prayers. As soon as I left he ran into my arms. As if he was waiting for me. Today I became a mom! I do not care that he is a dog. For me, the lives of animals are equal to ours."

A little nervous on his first day at work with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police!

A little nervous on his first day at work with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police!

I wonder what the human made it smells good

I wonder what the human made it smells good

How did you feel after adopting your first pet from an animal shelter?Ecstatic! She was just 1 yr old and on death row. ...

How did you feel after adopting your first pet from an animal shelter?

Ecstatic! She was just 1 yr old and on death row. Southern California is exploding with perfect, highly adoptable pets being killed almost daily because they simply don’t have enough room. I had her transported through 3 states north to me, and instantly fell in love like a mom with a newborn baby. Pictured the shelter picture, and today 10+ yrs later. Best little dog ever! ❤️

So happy for him 🥹❤️

So happy for him 🥹❤️

While   can be challenging to live with pet allergies, there are several practical measures and treatment options availa...

While can be challenging to live with pet allergies, there are several practical measures and treatment options available to manage symptoms and improve your quality of life

pet allergies are a common condition that affects many people around the world. While it can be challenging to live with pet allergies



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