Prior to their tenure as President (and Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces), every former President has had some amount of professional Law or Government experience, except for one. 32 served in the Military, 9 were Generals. 27 of them were lawyers. 20 were Governors. 18 served in the House of Representatives. 17 were Senators. 15 were Vice Presidents. 8 were Cabinet Secretaries. 2 were party leaders in the House of Representatives. 1 was Speaker of the House. 1 was a party leader in the Senate. 1 had a PhD. One President has done none of these, and has now won two terms as POTUS.
Bill Clinton was impeached for perjury and obstruction of justice and was acquitted. Reagan sold weapons to Iran in exchange for hostages. Nixon resigned before impeachment as a result of Watergate. Ulysses Grant’s Secretary of the Treasury bribed IRS and Treasury officials to keep whiskey sales tax revenue to himself, and Grant testifed to win an acquittal for the Secretary. Andrew Johnson attempted to illegally fire his Secretary of War and was nearly successfully impeached. There are more examples of scandals directly involving former Presidents, but none of them were technically impeached twice or charged and convicted as a felon until 2024.
Additionally, most modern-time (1961-present) U.S. Presidents have demonstrated universally-admired leadership styles (not including political ideologies or policy), including Eisenhower, Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Reagan & Obama. As stated earlier, several have been involved with various scandals, but only one has ever behaved so outwardly impulsive, dominant, and ignorant, going so far as to be the first and only President to refuse a peaceful transfer of power (resulting in the January 6, 2021 “Day of love”).
And for all you patriots out there, we broke the streak of peaceful transfers of power going all the way back to 1801, the first time power was peacefully handed over to an opponent (Adams to Jefferson). Russia and China have never had such a transfer of power, another similarity between the recent U.S. and the world’s worst dictatorships.
Since 2017, Donald Trump has held the title of “worst president since WWII” in 3 separate polls, taking the No. 1 spot in 2017 with 26% of votes; No. 1 spot in 2018 with 41% of votes; and No. 1 in 2021 with 47% of votes.
Donald Trump’s lack of poise, dignity & professionalism is truly unprecedented, and if appointing a leader with such a strong and blatant disregard to ethics and morality, with no concern for humanity, and no shame in hurting millions of citizens of this country who belong to many diverse communities and lifestyles with the sole intention of gaining power is the correct course of action, please let me know. Trump is simply an entrepreneur and TV star who is used to constantly being given more and more power, money and influence. He does not follow the professional precedent set forth by all former Presidents of the United States, and that’s simply not right.
For my friends who cannot live comfortably in this country, whose rights are being threatened, whose safety is at risk and whose financial well-being is uncertain, your concerns are valid and correct. It is ok and expected for you all to be very emotional during this time, but it is not appropriate to publicly lash out emotionally, whether it be on social media, on the streets or at work. These types of public episodes often do more harm to our own image than good, and only lengthen the process of our own healing and moving on. There is no changing the outcome of the election, and we all need to behave as such.
Take care of each other, be nice and work towards making your little corner of the world a better place, and eventually, it will be.
Stay useless, my friends.