I always wonder what’s really going on in videos like these… are they chasing each other? Are they being chase be a coyote or a bobcat, or are they just playing?
It’s hot out, but they are still hungry! #ranchlife #cattleranch #Steers
A wise man once said - “teach them to follow so you don’t have to chase them “
Any thoughts on where he might be hiding?
Great quote from our friend and cattle guy! “You don’t want to go into war without a weapon”. Maybe sorting cattle doesn’t seem like war, but it certainly helps to have the right weapon, or tools for the job!
Releasing our new steers into their new pasture! Looking forward to training them and introducing them to the grandkids!
We picked out a new group of steer’s yesterday with family and friends. I am sitting here this morning thinking about how great it is to be able to bring family and friends together to share in our experiences. These legacy experiences and core memories will never fade and will last longer than me. We’ve made decisions in our life that allow us to create these moments, even when it is difficult and takes it’s toll. My wife once told me you’ll never regret saying yes to participating in moments that create core memories for others, but you’ll regret missing those moments. This was one of those days. We have a million things going on right now, but I’m so glad we took the time.What are your priorities?#ranchlife #family #corememories #noregrets #livinglife
A little early spring trail clearing at the ranch.
Getting things ready for the grandkids!
Me too kid, somebody take us fishing!
Well, there goes the axle on the Ranger! #ranchlife #PolarisRANGER #brokenaxle
A little gate repair attempt created a broken bolt situation, not to worry, we found a bolt in something else we could use in its place! #ranchlife #texas #ranchlifeisgood
Trapping hogs goes great with NFs new song lyrics!
Whose in? #hogtrapping #wildhogs #ranchlife #goodvibesonly
This audio gave me some feelings today, so I had to use it. Make the time to spend with family and do the things you love. There’s no do-over, you get one shot.
Water + fish is an immediate mood booster! #ranchlife #texasranches #moodbooster #springiscoming
It’s almost time for spring clean up around the ranch. There’s always maintenance to be done, but I’ve got good help! #ranchlife #texasranches #ranchlifeisthebestlife
It’s almost spring time in TX, time for some fishing!
Anyone need a dog to protect your house from a vacuum?