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UNRWA Monitor Update on UNRWA policy

This book gives the reader a first-hand glimpse of reporting a war of attrition that is described as a peace process, a ...

This book gives the reader a first-hand glimpse of reporting a war of attrition that is described as a peace process, a peace movement that is run by people who know nothing about peace, and myths of reconciliation that are bandied about like popcorn. A must read: "The Genesis of the Palestinian Authority" by Bedein, David

How to purchase a hard copy:https://tinyurl.com/y843f65z View book in PDF, click here.

His Excellency Mr. Amir Maimon is the recently appointed Ambassador of the State of Israel to Australia, following an ex...

His Excellency Mr. Amir Maimon is the recently appointed Ambassador of the State of Israel to Australia, following an extensive career in the Israel Defense Forces and the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs. We wish you much success in all your future endeavors!


His Excellency Mr. Amir Maimon is the recently appointed Ambassador of the State of Israel to Australia, following an extensive career in the Israel Defense Force and the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


Exclusive footage: Incitement to terrorist attacks in Israel becomes reality at the beginning of the new year:

Under the guise of New Year celebrations, UNRWA students pull out their weapons on the day Fatah is founded.
Alarming documentary from the UNRWA refugee camp in Bethlehem, January 1st, 2022.


Exclusive footage: Incitement to terrorist attacks in Israel becomes a reality at the beginning of the new year:

Under the guise of New Year celebrations, UNRWA students draw their weapons on the day Fatah is founded.
Alarming documentary from the UNRWA refugee camp in Bethlehem, January 1st, 2022.

On November 15, one day before the UNRWA donors conference in Brussels, the terrorist organization Hamas published a sta...

On November 15, one day before the UNRWA donors conference in Brussels, the terrorist organization Hamas published a statement calling for support for UNRWA and also calling for the so-called "right of return" to Israeli territory, which is taught in all UNRWA schools is taught.

The statement reads:
"The Palestinian refugees and the right of return are a central issue in our fight against the Zionist occupation"

In the statement, Hamas also accuses the international community of being responsible for the refugee problem:

"Hamas stresses that the survival of UNRWA and the protection of its mandate are the duty of the international community, which played a key role in creating the problem."

Thereupon - one day later, on November 16 - eight states promised to donate a total of US $614 million to UNRWA.

Is Hamas blackmailing the international community? Or are they working hand in hand with a terrorist organization whose ultimate goal is the destruction of the State of Israel?

A "normal" day in a UNRWA refugee camp:A young girl who walks past a mural of a terrorist on her way to school. The terr...

A "normal" day in a UNRWA refugee camp:

A young girl who walks past a mural of a terrorist on her way to school. The terrorist is celebrated as a hero and freedom fighter in her environment.

At school she learns about the so-called right of return to villages that existed before 1948 (the establishment of the state of Israel) and about "martyrs" such as Dalal Al-Mughrabi, who wanted to achieve this "right of return" with a terrorist attack on an Israeli civilian bus.

Another example of how UNRWA - with Germany as the leading sponsor - educates its wards, starting with the youngest, to be Jew haters.

On the initiative of Jordan and Sweden, UNRWA donor states want to meet in Brussels on November 16 to raise money for th...

On the initiative of Jordan and Sweden, UNRWA donor states want to meet in Brussels on November 16 to raise money for the Palestinian aid organization.

UNRWA itself sees the purpose of this conference as "to provide the agency with financial stability and predictability of funding".

Due to financial hardship, salaries are said to have been frozen.

David Bedein, Director of The Bedein Center for Near East Policy Research sees the upcoming donor conference as an opportunity to confront the donor countries with his six reform proposals for UNRWA:

Read it here 👉https://israelbehindthenews.com/2021/11/08/unrwa-donors-conference-opportunity-for-donor-nations-to-change-unrwa-policies/

You too can take action by writing an open letter with these demands to your government.

We are happy to assist you.

Contact: [email protected]

Support us: https://rootfunding.com/campaigns/unrwa-monitor

The news and research office that I have been running since 1987 focuses on UNRWA, with the hope that the 5.3 million descendants of Arab refugees from 1948 who benefit from UNRWA services in 59 refugee camps will one day reach an appropriate humanitarian solution to their plight. In a positive deve...

Members of the CDU/CSU & FDP campaigned for around 20 million euros of the annual donations to UNRWA to be frozen until ...

Members of the CDU/CSU & FDP campaigned for around 20 million euros of the annual donations to UNRWA to be frozen until the Palestinian aid organization ensures that hatred and agitation against Israel are removed from UNRWA school books.

The proposal of its own budget committee, however, was prevented due to the strong lobbying work of UNRWA.

With a large majority, members of the SPD, the Greens and the Left voted against the proposal and a resolution to increase EU funds was adopted instead.

The explanatory memorandum stated "the need to increase funding for UNRWA is underlined in recognition of its essential role in contributing to regional stability".

But to what extent UNRWA will contribute to stability in the region is more than questionable. The opposite is the case: a still anti-Semitic education for young Palestinians not only pours fuel on the fire but can confidently be described as one
of the greatest obstacles to peace in the Middle East.

After the vote, MEP Niclas Herbst from the CDU said: "It is remarkable that the left-wing parliamentary groups did not vote today for a clear signal against hatred and agitation in Palestinian schoolbooks."

The Israeli government has banned six Palestinian NGOs - Addameer, Al Haq, Bisan Center, Defense of Children Internation...

The Israeli government has banned six Palestinian NGOs - Addameer, Al Haq, Bisan Center, Defense of Children International-Palestine, Samidoun and the Union of Agricultural Work Committees (UAWC). All these NGO's have proven links to the 'Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine' (PFLP). The PFLP is one of the most violent factions of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and is responsible, among other things, for the gruesome murder of Rina Schnerb.

You can find a more detailed analysis of Germany's terrorist connections in Israel here:

https://unrwa-monitor.com/articles-about-unrwa/the-other-legacy-of-angela-merkel-a-history-of-allocations-to-palestinian-terror-during-angela-merkels-reign- as-german-chancellor /

Will the UNRWA  refugee camps Dheisheh and Bethlehem with their murals calling for violence against Jews soon be declare...

Will the UNRWA refugee camps Dheisheh and Bethlehem with their murals calling for violence against Jews soon be declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site?

At least if it were up to Sandi Hilal and Alessandro Petti from the NGO 'DAAR' (Decolonizing Architecture Art Research), that could soon be the case.

As The Guardian reported on October 14th, the two activists see the proposal as a provocation: "We want to destabilize conventional Western ideas of what is considered a world heritage site," said activist Alessandro Petti.

The Dheisheh and Bethlehem refugee camps are prime examples of the UNRWA culture in which Palestinian children grow up.

Murals of terrorists who are glorified as heroes and martyrs and maps that do not depict the state of Israel and instead present the entire country as the state of "Palestine" are just the tip of the iceberg.

What message would it send out to the world if UNESCO actually designated these two UNRWA camps as World Heritage Sites?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments below👇

On August 2nd, we reported another UNRWA scandal. The UN Watch published a report that proved there is anti-Semitism amo...

On August 2nd, we reported another UNRWA scandal. The UN Watch published a report that proved there is anti-Semitism among the UNRWA teachers.

UNRWA responded with a statement on its official website and the topic was only occasionally picked up in the media. Crises had been avoided.

However, on October 5th, Gilad Erdan, Israel's permanent representative to the United Nations, intended to raise the issue of anti-Semitism at UNRWA in front of the world at the UN General Assembly.

He intended to show a photo of a UNRWA teacher glorifying Adolf Hi**er, proof of UNRWA's anti-Semitic ways.

He was expressly forbidden to do so.

"I am shocked because I brought here with me a photo of a UNRWA teacher's post glorifying the most terrible mass murderer in history, Adolf Hi**er," Erdan said in response to the apparent censorship by the United Nations.

Once again, we clearly see how the higher echelons are trying to hide UNRWA's obvious identification with antisemitism from the public.

The US is withholding payment to UNRWA  as the prerequisite requirements agreed to by UNRWA have still not been met. UNR...

The US is withholding payment to UNRWA as the prerequisite requirements agreed to by UNRWA have still not been met. UNRWA needs to renew its school system and guarantee transparency vis-à-vis the donor countries in order for the US to resume its support of UNRWA.

In addition, it has been announced that UNRWA for the first time, will not be receiving textbooks from the PA Ministry of Education, but will be receiving them from Qatar.

The following press release goes into more detail on how this is a new opportunity for donor countries.

Read now: https://israelbehindthenews.com/2021/09/17/us-holds-back-on-funds-for-unrwa-opportune-time-to-hold-unrwa-accountable

UNRWA has faced a difficult week. On September 9, UNRWA donor nations gathered for a conference in Amman to launch a new school year for half a million students who learn in UNRWA schools located in 59 “temporary” (since 1949) UNRWA refugee camps. UNRWA’s official site, UNRWA.org, reports that...

In July 2021, the USA announced that it would resume its UNRWA funding.However, the payment commitment was linked to two...

In July 2021, the USA announced that it would resume its UNRWA funding.
However, the payment commitment was linked to two clear conditions:

1. UNRWA pledged to completely renew the school system.

2. UNRWA pledged to be held accountable by the US in the future.

On September 9, 2021, the UNRWA-donors-conference took place in Amman. At the conference, our source reported to our correspondent Pinhas Inbari that UNRWA Commissioner-General Philippe Lazzarini was delighted to see the US among the donor countries once again.

However, Lazzarini emphasized that the USA had not kept its side of the deal and that the promised payment still had not been made. In the past few months, UNRWA has not made any effort to reform the school system.

We will continue to keep you informed.

Wishing all our Jewish supporters a Happy New Year and an easy fast.

Wishing all our Jewish supporters a Happy New Year and an easy fast.

𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐝.In this report, we document and uncover the German support and funding of curren...

𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐝.

In this report, we document and uncover the German support and funding of current UNRWA projects. We see the undisputed involvement of EU-listed terrorist organizations as well as influencers in the German development cooperation.

Click here to read this in-depth report 👉 https://israelbehindthenews.com/2021/08/26/german-support-for-unrwa/

UNRWA, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, is responsible for 5.7 million people in 57 refugee camps in Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, the West Bank and in the Gaza Strip. Over 500,000 students attend grades 1-10 in around 700 UNRWA schools.[1] UNRWA’s annual budget consists almost entirely of ai...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nEhEo4HizyoOne week after we presented our new Film "UNRWA's Child Soldiers" to Members ...


One week after we presented our new Film "UNRWA's Child Soldiers" to Members of the US-Congress we had a follow up Zoom-Conference.

The U.S. UNRWA Anti Inticement Accord: What Happend?

On Tuesday, August 24th, the Bedein Center for Near East Policy Research presented its new Film "UNRWA's Child Soldiers"...

On Tuesday, August 24th, the Bedein Center for Near East Policy Research presented its new Film "UNRWA's Child Soldiers" to Members of the US-Congress.


On Tuesday, August 24th, the Bedein Center for Near East Policy Research presented its new Film "UNRWA's Child Soldiers" to Members of the US-Congress.


Our latest film features children and adolescents under the care of UNRWA, which is committed to neutrality and peace education in accordance with their own self-understanding. 58 percent of all funds donated to UNRWA by donor countries go directly to the education sector.

However, the textbooks used in UNRWA schools are characterized by anti-Semitic content and teachings. Instead of coexistence with Israel, they want armed battle (jihad) against the Jewish people.

Watch now and let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Please like and share this video as the world needs to know what is really going on.


Our new film "The Summer Camps of Hamas and Islamic Jihad" will be released on Thursday, August 19th. Discover how UNRWA school children spend their summer holidays in training camps. With this latest movie, we have spared no expense or effort to give you exclusive insights.

As we are an independent news agency, we are dependent on donations. Please support us here:

Although UNRWA tries, again and again, to distance itself from all Hamas activities in public, there was a Hamas terror ...

Although UNRWA tries, again and again, to distance itself from all Hamas activities in public, there was a Hamas terror tunnel underneath a UNRWA school in the Gaza Strip. As we reported, exactly three months ago the IDF destroyed this tunnel. Fortunately, there were no people in the surrounding school buildings at the time.

When a UNMAS team (UN Mine Action Services) wanted to inspect the immediate area and another school in Rafah, Hamas prevented them from doing so.

Without this assessment and ensuring that the school premises are weapon-free, the new school year cannot begin for UNRWA children.

As The Jerusalem Post / JPost.com reported last Thursday, UNRWA condemned the construction of the tunnel but does not name Hamas as responsible.

Gilad Erdan, Israel's UN ambassador, meanwhile, makes a clear request to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres: “all relevant UN bodies to condemn Hamas and to freeze all funding of UNRWA’s facilities in Gaza and bar the usage thereof until the completion of a thorough and independent investigation of Hamas’ use and abuse of these institutions to advance its reign of terror.”

What will change as the result of memo of understanding between USA and UNRWA?What is the key point of the document? Fin...

What will change as the result of memo of understanding between USA and UNRWA?
What is the key point of the document? Find out the answers and more here https://youtu.be/SKSRbzD0lrI

What will change as the result of memo of understanding between USA an Unrwa?What is the key point of the document? the Article: htt...

The latest revelations from UN Watch put UNRWA  again in need of explanation.UN Watch reports on more than 100 teachers,...

The latest revelations from UN Watch put UNRWA again in need of explanation.

UN Watch reports on more than 100 teachers, school principals and other UNRWA employees who glorify Hi**er, incite hatred of Jews and approve of terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians - all on their public social media accounts.

Only around 10 out of the more than 100 UNRWA employees are now to be investigated. The rest of the cases are apparently swept under the carpet at the UN agency. The public, as well as international donors, are faced with a statement that looks like "Damage Control".

Even before the official statement from UNRWA was made, (https://www.unrwa.org/newsroom/official-statements/unrwa-statement-un-watch-allegations) we corresponded with Tamara Al-Rifai, UNRWA's spokeswoman. When we asked whether UNRWA is going to fire its employees who have violated the UN principles, we received the following answer:

“The Agency is committed to upholding the values of the UN and has a zero-tolerance policy for hatred; UNRWA takes each allegation seriously and has immediately launched a thorough investigation through due process to determine if any of these 10 persons, out of a staff of more than 28,000, violated the Agency’s social media policies that prohibit personnel staff from engaging in non-neutral behaviors online. Should misconduct be found, UNRWA will take immediate disciplinary action to ensure serious breaches of neutrality do not continue.” - Al-Rifai

Two points stand out: Spokeswoman Tamara Al-Rifai mentions the 10 convicted employees and presents them as supposedly isolated cases. This denies that UNRWA has a serious problem with systematic anti-Semitism. Dozens of cases were recently published as well as the UNRWA- Curriculum to draw a different picture.

Al-Rifai also stated that UNRWA personnel are prohibited from engaging in unilateral behavior online and in public. This statement raises the question of whether, as long as no evidence leaks out, UNRWA tolerates anti-Semitism in its own institutions, since merely public contributions could have consequences for the UN agency?

Instead of UNRWA giving more faith to the UN Watch report, which draws the organization's attention to grievances within UNRWA, it almost seems as if UNRWA is angry about the latest revelations.

UN Watch also issued a statement on UNRWA's official statement regarding the serious allegations: https://unwatch.org/unrwa-announces-investigation-into-10-teachers-staffers-for-anti-jewish-hate-supporting-terror/

The just published report by UN Watch documents numerous anti-Semitic statements and incitement that have recently been ...

The just published report by UN Watch documents numerous anti-Semitic statements and incitement that have recently been uttered by UNRWA teachers, mainly in their private and publicly accessible Facebook profiles.

The report lists over 100 incidents involving 22 teachers in all areas of UNRWA.
For example, a math teacher in the Gaza Strip, Nahed Sharawi, shared a Hi**er video on social media. In addition, the head of the health center in Jordan supported the conspiracy theory that Jews were responsible for COVID-19.

The report contains numerous reports of UNRWA teachers who glorify and support violence.

Arutz Sheva - Israel National News and The Times of Israel report today: links in the comments below.

These are the five most important demands which could actually change the situation on the ground for the better. The cu...

These are the five most important demands which could actually change the situation on the ground for the better. The current actions of the UN agency only stand in the way of peace.

On July 14, 2021, UNRWA's Commissioner General, Philippe Lazzarini, signed a Memo of Understanding with the United State...

On July 14, 2021, UNRWA's Commissioner General, Philippe Lazzarini, signed a Memo of Understanding with the United States. The memo states that donations to the UNRWA organization should be subject to conditions in the future. Among other things, the document also states that action should be taken against any incitement to violence.

You can find our analysis of this declaration of intent here: https://unrwa-monitor.com/articles-about-unrwa/analysis-the-us-unrwa-accord-july-14th-2021/

On the 13th and 15th of May, the IDF destroyed Hamas terror tunnels below the UNRWA  Zaitoun Boys' School and Elementary...

On the 13th and 15th of May, the IDF destroyed Hamas terror tunnels below the UNRWA Zaitoun Boys' School and Elementary Boys' School located in the Rimal neighborhood. At the time of the bombing, the schools were empty and there were no casualties. Luck? A miracle? No. The IDF is extremely accurate when destroying Hamas terror infrastructure and even warns to evacuate all civilian buildings in advance!

UNRWA announced that terror tunnels are indeed on the site, but ignored to mention any responsibility from Hamas. UNRWA has not once distanced itself from Hamas activities at its facilities until today.

So what happened that Unrwa is suddenly speaking out about Hamas?
If you think about it, a terror tunnel is very hard to cover up. It is a huge construction, with up to 500 tons of concrete and funded by millions of US dollars reaching Gaza mainly as ′′humanitarian aid"

How did UNRWA employees not notice the year-long construction of a tunnel in such close proximity and right below their school?
Find out more by reading this article


UNRWA war is ruining millions of lives!The Center for Near East Policy Research has been reporting from the Middle East ...

UNRWA war is ruining millions of lives!

The Center for Near East Policy Research has been reporting from the Middle East for nearly 35 years, has investigated and published thousands of breaking news stories and produced over 100 films, including more than 30 about UNRWA, aka Charity United Nations for Palestine Refugees.

Did you know that:
📌UNRWA provides military training places and gun camps.

📌UNRWA trains and motivates child soldiers to fight war.

All of UNRWA's main donors are responsible for inspecting UNRWA facilities and removing weapons, missiles and tunnels dug below UNRWA schools to avoid civilian casualties.

Aim of the movie:

1. To show how Hamas is ruling UNRWA - Hamas places terrorists in residential areas, civilians and UN facilities. This is how students are recruited, guns are stored and attacks are planned from safe havens

2. The portrait of an army of child soldiers - Hamas regularly organizes paramilitary weapons training where 50,000 children train on real weapons; with a direct violation of the ′′ Geneva Declaration′′ (Convention on the Rights of the Child).

First short film: Highlights
Interview with a senior Hamas minister thanking UNRWA for participating in military training for children 9 and up
Footage of UNRWA students training with real weapons to free ′′ lost ′′ villages from 1948

The film will be spread widely on social media and traditional news channels. The films are made available in English, French, German, Swedish, Spanish and Hebrew.
- A man with disabilities from Ramat Gan
- A 80-year-old woman and her Indian home help in Ashkelon
- An Israeli-Arab father and his daughter
- A 5-year-old boy from Sderot

2. cost
Film production costs € 125,000. Half the budget will be allocated to production and for local interviews. The rest is needed for social media advertising, broadcasting channels and print media.

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Recently it has been said in the media that the evacuation of Arab families from their homes in Sheikh Jarrah was the su...

Recently it has been said in the media that the evacuation of Arab families from their homes in Sheikh Jarrah was the supposed instigator for the violent riots.

We at UNRWA Monitor would like to shed some light on these events to clarify the situation. What's really happening in Sheikh Jarrah? What is the history behind this neighborhood?

Sheikh Jarrah was a predominantly Jewish district for 2000 years and was named Shimon HaTzadik (Simon the Righteous) after Shimon Ben Yohanan whose tomb is there. The tomb was legally bought by Jewish communities along with the surrounding area of 4,5 hectares. However, during the British mandate, Jews were chased from their home in Shimon HaTzadik and Silwan.

With the invasion of Transjordania into Israel in 1949, the Arab Legion (created by Britain) tried to immediately destroy the newly declared State of Israel. The Arab Legion invaded Judea, Samaria (known as the West Bank), the old city of Jerusalem and its surrounding districts, including Shimon HaTzadik.

All the Jews there were displaced and killed.

During the 6-day war in 1967, Israel regained control over all of Jerusalem. A law was passed saying that the 1948 displaced Jewish families are allowed to rightfully return to their homes with proof of ownership. The law also states that this procedure is only possible if current residents cannot prove proof of transfer of ownership or valid purchase.

So let's understand – in 1875 these houses were purchased by Jewish families and the Jewish community. They have every legal right to be there. This matter has been the subject of extensive legal disputes and has even reached the Supreme Court of Israel. All parties involved received representation and procedure.

In the first week of May, the court ruled that these houses must be returned to the rightful owners. The people currently living in the houses have been illegally staying there for decades. They don't pay rent nor own proof of ownership.

Matthias Schmale - also known as "Matz", on Twitter - is UNRWA’s Director of Operations in Gaza.In an interview with the...

Matthias Schmale - also known as "Matz", on Twitter - is UNRWA’s Director of Operations in Gaza.

In an interview with the Israeli news broadcaster Channel 12 News on May 22nd, he reported live and first-hand about the events in Gaza at the height of the last military conflict between Israel and the terrorist organization Hamas. In this interview, the “Governor of Gaza”, as he described himself in an interview with a German YouTuber in 2018, seemed uncalculated and authentic. One could get the impression that he was speaking from his heart as he described the events.

He said, for example:

“I’m not a military expert, but I would not dispute that. I also have the impression that there is a huge sophistication in the way the Israeli military struck over the last 11 days. So, that’s not my issue. My issue is another one. I’ve had many colleagues describe to me that they feel that, in comparison to the 2014 war, this time the strikes felt much more vicious in terms of their impact. So, yes, they didn’t hit, with some exceptions, civilian targets, but the viciousness, the ferocity, of the strikes was heavily felt.”


“During the 11 days of war, we did not run out of food, water and supplies, [though] we would have if Kerem Shalom and the border would have stayed closed,” he stated. “So, from my point of view, there is no acute or serious shortage of medical supplies, food or water, as long as this now starts – continues – to come in.”

A little later, on May 26th, he reverted back and revised his earlier statement.

"This is a blatant manipulation of my interview, I did NOT say that the IDF operates within the laws of war..."

So what made him do this 180-degree turn? Could it have something to do with the lack of freedom of expression and freedom of the press in Gaza? Did he put himself in danger with this statement?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments below👇

While there is no conscription in Germany, children and young people enjoy a child-friendly, cosmopolitan and peace-orie...

While there is no conscription in Germany, children and young people enjoy a child-friendly, cosmopolitan and peace-oriented education within the framework of the German education system, UNRWA's school children are subjected to indoctrination from an early age.

Young children are not only incited to hatred and war against the Jewish state but are also used in armed struggle.

This picture was taken recently, last month. It is clear to see that Hamas terrorists pose right outside a UNRWA school in the Gaza Strip. It is obvious that this terrorist is either an active UNRWA student or the product of the UNRWA school system.

The task of the United Nations is to ensure the maintenance of peace between peoples.

So what kind of signal does this image send out into the world when terrorists can have themselves photographed in front of a UN facility and this is tolerated by UNRWA?

What does UNRWA's Director of Operations in Gaza, Matthias Schmale, actually say about this?

In addition, David Bedein and a delegation of experts visited the Bundestag in autumn 2019 and informed all parliamentary groups and the federal government about these abuses. But until today nothing seems to have been done about it and the financing of UNRWA by Germany has neither been stopped nor tied to conditions for real reforms.

We at The Center for Near East Policy Research released a film in 2017 that clearly shows this child abuse.

You can find this film here: https://vimeo.com/258163549

While German politicians find clear words when it comes to condemning anti-Semitism on German streets, there is silence ...

While German politicians find clear words when it comes to condemning anti-Semitism on German streets, there is silence about anti-Semitism financed abroad.

𝐖𝐡𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐝?

Did you know that Germany is UNRWA's largest donor, yet the UNRWA school system, has been proven time and again to be anti-Semitic and to encourage hatred of Jews in Israel and the world. Germany should use her position to move the UN Agency to real reforms.

Watch now https://youtu.be/tlEeSCKBnjM

While German politicians find clear words when it comes to condemning anti-Semitism on German streets, there is silence about anti-Semitism financed abroad. ...



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