The InfinEights

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The InfinEights Docu-Fantasy Films On Superhuman Children, Who's Powers are Hidden In Multidimensional Personalities.

Auria Rides Time magnificently emerged during a   meetup in the spring of 2021, whilst we were edging out of a one of th...

Auria Rides Time magnificently emerged during a meetup in the spring of 2021, whilst we were edging out of a one of the covid lockdowns.

It was so wonderful to be out in the park meeting with others again, playing with our film cameras and it brought together a small team who would put their hard work and time into the creation of the second of the InfinEights.

We really appreciate how the universe works @‌cinematopoeia_ @‌cliffordwhite21c @‌stephenallwright


The InfinEights is a docu-fantasy series that tells the tale of ‘different’ children who wake to discover their weaknesses are hidden superpowers. Each film’s mission is to raise awareness, frequency and financial aid for children in the country where the film is shot. The InfinEights is inspired by the work of E’Asha and The Guardians and produced by Plasm Productions.

Our scene on a nice beachy part of the UK known as Camber Sands took three goes, and had literally changed in landscape ...

Our scene on a nice beachy part of the UK known as Camber Sands took three goes, and had literally changed in landscape by the third shoot with giant reeds shooting from the sand thanks to heavy rain a week earlier.

Luckily our VFX artist was talented enough to create a sandstorm scene that blended the matte painting we used for Atlantis by in the distance so one could ever guess the sea was moments away!


The InfinEights is a docu-fantasy series that tells the tale of ‘different’ children who wake to discover their weaknesses are hidden superpowers. Each film’s mission is to raise awareness, frequency and financial aid for children in the country where the film is shot. The InfinEights is inspired by the work of E’Asha and The Guardians and produced by Plasm Productions.

Rekke and test shots are always fun when you have a 6 year old and 2 year old running around!Alice was totally in her el...

Rekke and test shots are always fun when you have a 6 year old and 2 year old running around!

Alice was totally in her element as soon as we entered the forest and even laughed at our silicone feet padding ideas, saying the twigs and pebbles don't bother her in the slightest!

He we see our cinematographer and second cameraman trying to keep up with their stunts, Alice sporting her tutu dress and leotard effortlessly as she balances precariously on the fallen tree trunks.


The InfinEights is a docu-fantasy series that tells the tale of ‘different’ children who wake to discover their weaknesses are hidden superpowers. Each film’s mission is to raise awareness, frequency and financial aid for children in the country where the film is shot. The InfinEights is inspired by the work of E’Asha and The Guardians and produced by Plasm Productions.

After initial investments in pre-production (story) and production (filming), we reach out to our supporters for backing...

After initial investments in pre-production (story) and production (filming), we reach out to our supporters for backing in post- production (editing, sound, VFX and distribution) as these requirements can grow costly.

We are currently raising for Auria Rides Time, a film about an autistic girl who discovers her mission is to time travel in order to save the world from a mass destruction about to occur.

(Please note, unless requested otherwise, all our funders are dully credited as part of our post-production team.)

The Spiritual Arts Foundation did an amazing article on Thida, director and writer of the InfinEights series here Thida ...

The Spiritual Arts Foundation did an amazing article on Thida, director and writer of the InfinEights series here Thida Nathalie Sheldon - Bright like the Sun | The Spiritual Arts Foundation

‌ The InfinEights is a docu-fantasy series that tells the tale of ‘different’ children who wake to discover their weaknesses are hidden superpowers. Each film’s mission is to raise awareness, frequency and financial aid for children in the country where the film is shot. The InfinEights is inspired by the work of E’Asha and The Guardians and produced by Plasm Productions.

In the article she is described as “a die-hard nomadic self-taught filmmaker who is so infatuated with human stories that she has been consistently diving into them ever since teaching herself how to use a mirrorless DSLR camera and sound recorder back in 2015. A travelholic, fascinated with the weaving narratives of documentary-style filmmaking, she often subtly delves into metaphysical and spiritual subtexts via her human and cultural stories that stir the heart and intrigue the soul. Her ten completed documentaries all reflect this obsession, which was ignited by a dramatic spiritual event she experienced more than a decade ago.”

Check out the article for yourselves and see just how far the InfinEights have come!

We were interviewed by Live2Thrive podcast A Story About The Extra-Ordinary | Neuro-Divergent Childrenwhere we answered ...

We were interviewed by Live2Thrive podcast A Story About The Extra-Ordinary | Neuro-Divergent Childrenwhere we answered all manner of questions related to the InfinEights series, from high frequency kids to what triggered the series.

“Within this Episode of Live2Thrive Podcast we are interviewing Thida Nathalie who is a trail blazer in the filming industry, telling stories in form of docu-fictional story telling. Her very first docu-fiction Bright Like The Sun won over 20 international film festivals. The stories that calls to her are relevant to all of us. Allow the message to convey itself to you. Enjoy the episode.”

At the end of the interview, the host Rouxhan Coetzee stated that it had been one of the most enjoyable edits he had done so far!

The InfinEights is a docu-fantasy series that tells the tale of ‘different’ children who wake to discover their weaknesses are hidden superpowers. Each film’s mission is to raise awareness, frequency and financial aid for children in the country where the film is shot. The InfinEights is inspired by the work of E’Asha and The Guardians and produced by Plasm Productions.

Auria Rides Time supports OXYGEN :“We all struggle with life at some point, but young people need our help, encouragemen...

Auria Rides Time supports OXYGEN :

“We all struggle with life at some point, but young people need our help, encouragement and support to overcome the challenges we are facing. At Oxygen we are adapting our services to engage with those young people who are most in need and show them they are valued, loved and that we believe they can make a difference.”

Oxygen are a Christian youth work charity in Kingston, with their shop located in New Malden High Street! They are also winner of Best Charity 2018 and work hard to tackle knife crime through their What's the Point? project. We will be sharing our interview with John as Auria Rides Time progresses.

The InfinEights is a docu-fantasy series that tells the tale of ‘different’ children who wake to discover their weaknesses are hidden superpowers. Each film’s mission is to raise awareness, frequency and financial aid for children in the country where the film is shot. The InfinEights is inspired by the work of E’Asha and The Guardians and produced by Plasm Productions.

Why do we associate each film with a charity? And why is raising money so important for us?When we started our filming e...

Why do we associate each film with a charity? And why is raising money so important for us?

When we started our filming endeavors we realized how many resources we are able to take as filmmakers, from the surrounding people and places we work in. Many of these places are ‘at the maker’s mercy' so to speak, either fascinated by what is going on or not in a position to benefit from the co-creation. For instance, when films are made in countries where poor locals live, it is rare that any money is reinvested back, and the people and country remain ‘used’ whilst others profit from their situation and existence.

With that in mind, we felt a pull to create initiatives from each film that benefited a children’s association close by to where it was shot. This made sense and felt like the right way to ‘give back’. So as you can see, the InfinEights is more like a multi-dimensional media creation doing multiple things, sometimes obvious, sometimes not!

The InfinEights is a docu-fantasy series that tells the tale of ‘different’ children who wake to discover their weaknesses are hidden superpowers. Each film’s mission is to raise awareness, frequency and financial aid for children in the country where the film is shot. The InfinEights is inspired by the work of E’Asha and The Guardians and produced by Plasm Productions.

Our poster for Auria Rides Time can be a little confusing for some, whilst others get it straight away and just love it!...

Our poster for Auria Rides Time can be a little confusing for some, whilst others get it straight away and just love it! As you may be able to see, there appears some pink and blue plasma looking mist that seeps from the tree as Auria climbs inside ready for teleportation. According to the InfinEights series, ‘plasma’ is a state of matter that consists of ionized gas particles containing charged ions and electrons. It's a physical state that exists in various conditions, ranging from the extremely hot and energetic environment of stars to more controlled conditions like plasma TVs or plasma cutting devices on Earth. And plasma’s particles can even be reversed, which isn’t the best thing! When Auria steps into the tree, she is aligning with an invisible frequency that begins to separate the internal particles in a faster and slower moving contrasting motion that make up her ‘physical matter body’ and shift her consciousness into a lighter ‘non-matter body’ or what we call ‘plasma body’, that has the power to move her through time portals in space so that she can re-integrate and ‘re-member’ herself as Athena during the times she lived in the Atlantean period over 250 million years ago.

One of the big themes of the InfinEights series are its special effects. We love the idea of merging hand-crafted VFX us...

One of the big themes of the InfinEights series are its special effects. We love the idea of merging hand-crafted VFX using Houdini and After Effects in with raw, observational style footage or scripted story. But visual effects take time and are not easy to produce. For example, the Atlantis scene was incredibly difficult to composite into the shots of Athena played by Molly Tuer reaching the sea. But our visual effects artist, Masoud Saadatmand managed an incredible job by creating sand storms in order to blur the lines on the horizon, introducing us to the amazing scene created from a digital matte painting by Pablo Palomeque. Keep an eye out for that scene once the film is launched!

To make Auria Rides Time we had to find our little star, Alice, first. Being shot in Great Britain, this time, we used a...

To make Auria Rides Time we had to find our little star, Alice, first. Being shot in Great Britain, this time, we used a local directory, Starnow, and got 67 applications ranging from all over the UK. Each applicant had some lines to rehearse and a couple of questions to answer, and as this was a film shot entirely over covid, we had to do everything virtually to begin with. After we selected our finalists, a few more interviews later and we finally decided on Alice! Alice was outgoing, confident and funny. She had a perfect little east-end accent too!

Auria Rides Time BTS Video:

Films take time and money to make.What has Auria Rides Time cost us so far?£650 - 7 x shoot days petrol & food£250 - sho...

Films take time and money to make.

What has Auria Rides Time cost us so far?

£650 - 7 x shoot days petrol & food

£250 - shoot pick ups

£700 - actor’s fees & expenses

£150 - locations

£350 - lighting equipment & gaffer

£150 - crew expenses

£250 - film props

A grand total of £2,350

But we still need £3,095 in post-productions costs to complete VFX, grading, a music score, sound design, and the edit!

Yup. Making film is not cheap. But it sure is fun! And we hope you’ll join us for the ride.

Becoming a donor not only entitles you to a whole host of ‘rewards’, you’ll have access to the first film in the series,...

Becoming a donor not only entitles you to a whole host of ‘rewards’, you’ll have access to the first film in the series, “BRIGHT LIKE THE SUN”.

Whether you’ve opted to donate already or not, we can reveal a juicy little progress report: “AURIA RIDES TIME” has finally found a way to Iran for an edit…double yay! Thanks

These films are self-funded by Thida and her team and already the cost of visual effects has gone beyond budget. As thes...

These films are self-funded by Thida and her team and already the cost of visual effects has gone beyond budget. As these films take a lot of time and resources, we decided to crowdfund… but as some of you may already know, despite our attempts we came shy of our £5,000 Kickstarter target…TWICE. But as they say, in all crisis appears opportunity (is that how it goes?) so our fundraising exhaustion did one great thing…it made us set up a STRIPE account so that we could figure out a way to actually keep future donations…yay…!

So, if you were one of the most awesome donors in our Kickstarter campaign a couple of months back, please find some time to send us that donation for the last time.

‌Video to play:

Here’s some of what our cinematographer @‌Nickcharity had to say about filming.”What do you recall as being the most cha...

Here’s some of what our cinematographer @‌Nickcharity had to say about filming.

”What do you recall as being the most challenging moments during your time working on the InfinEights production?”

Oo, many - shooting a night scene in the house called for some mega lighting equipment and low-light photography. most difficult was shooting Molly rising out of what was supposed to be a sea on an alien planet, and hiding the fact this was actually taking place in a marina. Shots look great though, it was some lovely golden-hour stuff if I recall.

You’ll be able to read the whole interview very soon, so stay tuned!

Shot in four epically British locations, Auria is a lonely girl that suffers from autism, that one day finds herself abl...

Shot in four epically British locations, Auria is a lonely girl that suffers from autism, that one day finds herself able to time travel through her beloved trees! Yes, what she had thought of as a weakness was actually her stealthy superpowers of Waveriding (that’s what we call time travel), and now that it has activated there’s no stopping the girl!

Watch trailer here:

After the raving success of the multiple International film festival & award-winning docu-fiction film, Bright Like The ...

After the raving success of the multiple International film festival & award-winning docu-fiction film, Bright Like The Sun, we are back with the second episode of The InfinEights - Auria Rides Time.
“The children at school may taunt her for being different, but Auria hasn’t
time to get upset. Taking care of her little sister whilst her negligent aunt
sleeps, the six year old Wave-Runner and her cosmic friends must soon
embark on a mission that will change the face of humanity as we know it.”
Watch the trailer:

The InfinEights series aims to highlight the silent struggle of children that feel they don’t fit in, and expose their n...

The InfinEights series aims to highlight the silent struggle of children that feel they don’t fit in, and expose their neuro-diversity as their greatest power. The InfinEights is inspired by the work of E’Asha and The Guardians and produced by Plasm Productions.

Yes. We simply HAVE TO HELP, and fortunately we truly love GIVING BACK! All this “giving back” by simply watching and supporting the films themselves and you can start yourselves by signing up to our newsletter in order to receive a free link to BRIGHT LIKE THE SUN, our first of the InfinEights film, here > Plasm Production

We hope you love all the great facets about The InfinEights Series. For example, one thing we love is that the subject m...

We hope you love all the great facets about The InfinEights Series. For example, one thing we love is that the subject matter supports children who are ‘different’ and may struggle… But also, an endless space of creativity during filming and in post, an all-inclusivity of fellow creatives in any country, and most importantly, an ability to give back to kids around the world that have been born into challenging emotional, mental, social and physical situations.

Heard the latest on PP’s “THE INFINEIGHTS” series? First, perhaps a reminder of what “The Infineights” is:Essentially, “...

Heard the latest on PP’s “THE INFINEIGHTS” series? First, perhaps a reminder of what “The Infineights” is:

Essentially, “Docu-Fantasy Films about Superhuman Children, Whose Powers are Hidden in their Multi-Dimensional Personalities” and each film raises MONEY for less fortunate children in the country where the film was shot.”

Check out the charity associated with Bright Like The Sun, the first of the InfinEights, that helped raise nearly £400 for orphaned children of civil war and disease in Myanmar, written about at the bottom of the website page link.



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