C-ptsd and Me

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C-ptsd and Me Welcome too the C-PTSD and me page!! My goal in creating this page is to be able to share real, educ Hello!!.. We really need community!!

My name is Gabriella�and my goal in creating this page is to be able to share real, educational, helpful information with you. To share things that I have learned from personally living with C-PTSD. Things that have actually, genuinely helped me whether that be in my day to day life or my healing journey as a whole. I have learned sooo much about this complex trauma disorder and I’ve wanted somewh

ere that I could centralize all that I have learned and share it with people like me or just people who struggle with C-PTSD, complex trauma, trauma or mental health in general. C-PTSD is a severe at times - debilitating disorder. It can feel extremely isolating and lonely and that definitely doesn’t help the sufferers overall well-being so I also want this page to be a safe space where we can ALL talk, share, love, uplift and support one another. It is an integral part of C-PTSD recovery to have a good support system in place. So I would really love for this to be a place where we can have a loving supportive community and share our advice, our knowledge, and our very important story’s! What happened to us is NOT our fault or our responsibility but healing an getting better is…
You ARE important, your life matters and it holds value. You are valid!!��

If you or anyone you know is struggling with
su!cide please call the national prevention hotline!!
# 1-800-273-8255

Here are a few more numbers for hotlines.�
SAMHSA’s substance abuse hotline: 1-800-662-4357

Domestic v!olence hotline:

RAINN’s Seggusal Assault hotline:

((Disclaimer: I am NOT a mental health *professional*, this page is NOT meant to be used in place of or instead of - seeing a legitimate mental health professional!!))

I just realized that these “reviews” are on here and I just wanted to put it out there that these are fake and very much...

I just realized that these “reviews” are on here and I just wanted to put it out there that these are fake and very much spam.

I have no idea who these “doctors” are they are speaking of these practices. I am not a doctor or medical professional just a person who has C-PTSD themselves so I just wanted to put this out there so you know not to engage with any comments like this if they happen to comment on anything.

I did report and block these pages but I don’t know if Facebook will take them down so I thought I’d just put it out there that these are fake and not to listen to or engage with these types of comments/posts. Feel free to report them to Facebook or me if you ever see them.

Growing up in an unpredictable environment with unpredictable people can be very damaging to us as children and our deve...

Growing up in an unpredictable environment with unpredictable people can be very damaging to us as children and our developing brain, body & nervous system.

Having safety, stability and predictability growing up is imperative to healthy development. If you grew up in unpredictability I’m so sorry, you’re not alone in that🖤

You’re not alone here🥺🖤💕

You’re not alone here🥺🖤💕

One of my favorite quotes in relation to complex trauma/C-PTSD✨I, myself as well as many others I’ve known, growing, wer...

One of my favorite quotes in relation to complex trauma/C-PTSD✨

I, myself as well as many others I’ve known, growing, were treated as if we were bad kids. As if us wanting to stay out late, drink, smoke, having trouble in school ect was just us “acting out” and being bad kids but it was a lot more complex then that.

If adults don’t know how to handle, cope, speak about or process their trauma how can they expect children to be able to do so on their own? And that’s why this quote is so true. We were never “bad” kids we were traumatized kids who needed help, love, safety, stability and compassion instead of what we got. Yes, those behaviors in kids and teens is not appropriate but kids/teens having those behaviors does not make them bad or less then. And does not deserve judgement.

If you were treated as a bad kid growing up know that you were never that. It wasn’t your fault.🖤

If you live with C-PTSD know that I understand how hard it is and I see you and I’m here with you.I'm proud of you for j...

If you live with C-PTSD know that I understand how hard it is and I see you and I’m here with you.

I'm proud of you for just existing each day with such a heavy weight on your shoulders.. it is so challenging & scary a lot of days living with so much trauma but I promise you it's not impossible for us to still build a beautiful life that we love.

It's not impossible to live with C-PTSD and have a full happy healthy fulfilling fun life, I swear.

Remember that healing isn't linear🖤💕


I remember the very first time I watched this entire video - I ✨sobbed✨.. I feel this video is so validating, educational and eye opening.

It made things click for me if that makes sense.

She just puts things so perfectly, in a way I never was able too.. it felt as if she was speaking of my own life and experience you know.

It was really validating to me to see someone that clearly genuinely understands what it’s like to be a complex trauma survivor and live with C-PTSD.

And so I wanted to share this in hopes it would be validating for others as well.🖤


✨Hey everyone!✨ I know it’s been a while since I’ve been on here or posted anything. I’ve been going through a lot and i...

✨Hey everyone!✨

I know it’s been a while since I’ve been on here or posted anything. I’ve been going through a lot and it’s been hard to keep up with social media. I’ve wanted to like share everything I’ve been going through but it’s just SO much I don’t even know where to start. Things have felt really overwhelming and definitely been hard on my C-PTSD. I’m sorry I haven’t posted in a while I hope everyone here is alright and ok as you can be when living with C-PTSD. I’m definitely gonna be posting more in here though now.🥺🩷

For me, understanding my diagnosis of C-PTSD has helped me be able to carve out what care would help best.. It’s also h...

For me, understanding my diagnosis of C-PTSD has helped me be able to carve out what care would help best.. It’s also helped me in explaining the diagnosis to people around me that I would benefit from them understanding my diagnosis.

A lot of this information is from a book called:
“C-PTSD from surviving to thriving” by Pete Walker
I found this book to be amazing and so helpful & validating when it comes to my C-PTSD diagnosis and because of that I wanna start sharing all the important parts of it that I found most helpful and maybe they will be helpful to others..

I know everyone may not be able to access the book themselves and that’s also why I figured I’d share it.. these pictures here are just the beginning. We need to understand what C-PTSD is first & how it effects us before we begin with other layers of this book.🖤💜💕

Would you possibly wanna see funny/cute cat/animal memes on top of C-PTSD/trauma/mental health stuff!? Just to break up ...

Would you possibly wanna see funny/cute
cat/animal memes on top of C-PTSD/trauma/mental health stuff!? Just to break up the timeline a bit!?

I know it’s hard for me as a trauma survivor to say no sometimes so if it’s a no don’t hesitate to tell me! I want this timeline to be filled with stuff that you want to see and that’s helpful. I just love cats/animals and I think laughing can be super helpful so I figured I’d just ask!😊😭💗 lmk either way.

Please be kind to yourself because:It ap-pears that you’re wonderful AndYou deserve all the love🍐💗🍐💗🍐💗

Please be kind to yourself because:

It ap-pears that you’re wonderful
You deserve all the love


If someone has ever told you something like “leave it in the past” I’m so sorry.. I’m so sorry they invalidate you in th...

If someone has ever told you something like “leave it in the past” I’m so sorry.. I’m so sorry they invalidate you in that way. That’s not what survivors need to hear and it’s not helpful. You are NOT living in the past by speaking on your trauma. Every person must have enough time in order to process the traumatic situation, events or even life. Every person is different, and the length of processing and the healing journey is unique to each person.
You speak on or about your trauma as much or as little as you please and as long as you please!! No one should be putting a timeline on your grief, processing, healing journey. Seriously!!🥺😊

and please don’t let anyone make you feel bad or guilty about however long you talk about your trauma and experience.💗💗

Trauma to anyones brain can be devastating and have severe impacts but trauma to the brain of a child, which is naturall...

Trauma to anyones brain can be devastating and have severe impacts but trauma to the brain of a child, which is naturally developmentally vulnerable due to it being in the process of still developing can particularly devastating and impactful..

If you didn’t know, Complex PTSD is actually considered an “acquired neurodivergence” because the brain of someone with it is not a typical or so called “normal” brain.

It’s pretty crazy how many people still in this world don’t understand the devastating impacts on the brain & therefore the body by trauma. But I do.. and I also understand how frustrating it can be to have a brain that’s against you. It can feel debilitating at times and I just want you to know that isn’t your fault. On days your brain is being extra loud, judgemental or debilitating try and give yourself some grace because it’s not your fault that our brains became this way. It’s the fault of those who should have helped us an instead traumatized us. Try an have some compassion for yourself and patience.. I promise with help & practice your brain can become more user friendly. I always recommend therapy but if you can’t access that try looking into CBT & DBT work online. There’s lots of online ways to learn these things that can help our brains.. it’s helped me if that gives you any comfort or hope.🥺🖤💗💕 lots of love!!



Inner child healing work is so important in my opinion.. learning to notice them and listening to there needs. Whether i...

Inner child healing work is so important in my opinion.. learning to notice them and listening to there needs. Whether it’s being told you have their back or won’t abandoned them or sticking up for that part of you in situations when that part of you is screaming.. And realizing you can be that person for that part of you that needed someone as a child. Don’t judge, just try an grow compassion for them/that part of you and your whole self.💗


When you grew up in complex trauma/
toxic family system and have C-PTSD.

Growing up like this and having parents, a guardian or even “family” that you feel like this about can be really hard and life can feel really lonely because of it. It can be hard to trust people because of interpersonal betrayals.. I totally understand that and just wanted to say that like if you feel this way towards someone - it’s okay!! It’s okay to be mad at someone who hurt us and acknowledge that and realize you are valid in that. The key is just not letting anger consume us or our lives which is totally do-able. But as I mentioned in a different post, doing angering work surrounding people in your life who created or added to your complex trauma is a good thing!! It’s good to validate those feelings because they are real and are there for real good reasons. You are valid and you are not alone in life and in these feelings.🥰🖤

For people with✨complex trauma or C-PTSD✨ this rings so true.. Since trauma started so young with these things it’s like...

For people with✨complex trauma or C-PTSD✨ this rings so true.. Since trauma started so young with these things it’s like I don’t know what life is like without trauma intrinsically intertwined with it. It’s tiring though, with trauma starting so young I also don’t really know what it’s to live life and
✨NOT✨ being in survival mode 24/7.. that’s part of my healing and feeling better is learning how to come out of living in survival mode because we are not built or meant to ✨LIVE ✨ in survival mode 24/7 as humans..

I still have really hard days/times, there’s times I’m tense, anxious an hypervigilant an don’t necessarily realize it right away. I still struggle with this of course because it takes practice. And that’s what I wanted to remind you and myself is that even when you feel like no progress is being made due to still being triggered into survival mode, I promise you that you ✨are✨ still making progress and moving forward. Your doing great!!🥺🖤
Hope everyone’s having a good Sunday!!

Yes, this. ✨So important!✨Doing REAL angering work is essential to helping & healing your traumatized inner child. We ca...

Yes, this. ✨So important!✨
Doing REAL angering work is essential to helping
& healing your traumatized inner child.

We can’t process and heal if we won’t even actually acknowledge the detrimental, egregious, contemptuous behavior our parents
((or guradian)) marinated us in.. it’s okay to get mad at them for their horrible parenting!! And if anything it’s almost necessary in order to help and genuinely heal our traumatized, developmentally wounded inner child.🖤

Yes, this. ✨So important!✨Doing REAL angering work is essential to helping & healing your traumatized inner child. We ca...

Yes, this. ✨So important!✨
Doing REAL angering work is essential to helping
& healing your traumatized inner child.

We can’t process and heal if we won’t even actually acknowledge the detrimental, egregious, contemptuous behavior our parents
((or guradian)) marinated us in.. it’s okay to get mad at them for their horrible parenting!! And if anything it’s almost necessary in order to help and genuinely heal our traumatized, developmentally wounded inner child.🖤



Sharing my story and attempting to help others is truly something that keeps me going.. if I had the support from someon...

Sharing my story and attempting to help others is truly something that keeps me going.. if I had the support from someone like me a long time ago I would have gotten on this journey sooner.. now I can only hope to be able to help people like me like I could have used years ago.. Sharing can be hard, it can be triggering and it is only meant to be done on your time and when you are ready!!
✨I myself, am ready!!✨

I want to share things with you as I’ve said for my own cathartic experience but also and most importantly - too help others like you. I want this to be a safe space, a supportive uplifting space that you can gain education, guidance, advice, support and a sense of community from. Please always feel free to share your story with me or even just how you are feeling! Much love🥰🖤

The need for this diagnosis came about due to the fact that regular PTSD does not cover the experiences and symptoms of ...

The need for this diagnosis came about due to the fact that regular PTSD does not cover the experiences and symptoms of certain people who have been through pro longed, repetitive, accumulative trauma..

Mental health professionals have realized there is a real need for C-PTSD as a diagnosis in order to correctly care for patients and get them on the right healing track. Learning more about C-PTSD where it comes from, what it is, it’s causes an long lasting effects has helped me tremendously in getting better.🖤


Hello!!.. My name is Gabriella💕and my goal in creating this page is to be able to share real, educational, helpful information with you. To share things that I have learned from personally living with C-PTSD. Things that have actually, genuinely helped me whether that be in my day to day life or my healing journey as a whole. I have learned sooo much about this complex trauma disorder and I’ve wanted somewhere that I could centralize all that I have learned and share it with people like me or just people who struggle with C-PTSD, complex trauma, trauma or mental health in general.

C-PTSD is a severe at times - debilitating disorder. It can feel extremely isolating and lonely and that definitely doesn’t help the sufferers overall well-being so I also want this page to be a safe space where we can all talk, share C-PTSD/trauma/mental health related information, love, uplift and support one another. I would really love for this to be a place where we can share our advice, our knowledge, and things that have actually helped us in order to help each other🥺🖤

You ARE important, your life matters and it holds value. You are valid!!💕




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