How to order food
1. [food name] + 주세요.
🍔 햄버거 주세요.
🍕 피자 주세요.
🥩 스테이크 주세요.
🍲 비빔밥 주세요.
☕️ 아메리카노 주세요.
2. [food name] + [number counter] + 주세요.
🍔 햄버거 하나(한 개) 주세요.
🍕 피자 하나(한 판) 주세요.
🥩 스테이크 하나(한 개) 주세요.
🍲 비빔밥 하나 (한 개/그릇) 주세요.
☕️ 아메리카노 하나 (한 잔) 주세요.
👩🏻🏫 What does 주세요 mean?
주다 to give
~(으)세요 subject honorific, polite ending
= please give…
🔔 Tomorrow, verb + ~아/어 주세요
#주세요 #orderingfoodinkorean #howtoorderinkorean
Future plans 💪
~(으)ㄹ 거예요 vs ~(으)ㄹ게요
Is the listener involved in your future action? Are you promising, offering, or volunteering to the other person? Are you at the same place and informing what’s going to happen next to the other person?
YES 👉 ~(으)ㄹ게 [polite: 게요]
NO 👉 ~(으)ㄹ 거야 [polite: 거예요]
1. When the stem ends with a consonant before the dictionary ending ~다: 을게요/을 거예요.
👉 먹다 to eat : 먹을게요/먹을 거예요.
2. When the stem ends with a vowel before the dictionary ending ~다: ㄹ게요/ㄹ 거예요.
👉 하다 to do : 할게요/할 거예요.
👩🏻🏫 For more about ~(으)ㄹ 거예요, watch my YT lesson
(Link is in stories)
👩🏻🏫 PRACTICE 👩🏻🏫
1. 오늘 뭐 할 거예요?
2. Promise me something! (Like “I’ll study hard!”)
👉 Comment for feedback!
#을거예요 #을게요 #futureinkorean
돼지고기 가지 솥밥 (Pork + eggplant pot rice)
소고기, 닭고기 넣어도 되고 고기 없이 채식요리로 만들 수도 있어요.
You can put beef or chicken instead, and you can also make it vegetarian without any meat.
양념장은 두부를 구워서 얹어 먹어도 맛있어요.
The sauce is also good if you pan fry tofu and put it on the tofu.
#koreanfood #koreancooking #koreanjream #koreandreamwithj #koreanlanguage #learnkorean
What I do with a Korean learning app 🤣
💛 App: Teuida (트이다)
💛 Promo Code: DREAMJ (10% off premium)
Why did I decide to promote TEUIDA ?
👉🏼 Great to practice speaking, listening & pronunciation: what learners often lack and need!
👉🏼 No embarrassment: you’re talking with an AI, and no one’s judging!
👉🏼 Pronunciation correction: as you saw 😅, it’s good at detecting communicable pronunciation!
If you’ve used it, please feel free to share your experience with it in the comments! If you have the app, try playing with it like I did! 😂
#teuida #트이다
#koreanlanguage #learnkorean #koreandreamwithj #한국어 #한국어공부 #한국어배우기
저희는 주말에 중국 훠궈를 해 먹었어요.
We made Chinese style hot pot this weekend.
추운 겨울에 먹으니까 진짜 맛있어요!
It tastes so yummy since it’s cold winter now.
주말이 벌써 끝났어요... 새로운 한 주 잘 보내세요!
Weekend is already over... have a good new week!
#koreandreamwithj #한국어 #한국어공부 #koreanlanguage
🎙 공지 Announcement 🎙
Patreon account를 만들었어요.
I made a Patreon account.
If you don’t know what Patreon is: It’s a platform where you can support content creators or artists.
I made 3 tiers with different benefits:
1. 하나 /hana/
This is basically a donation level if you want to show your love and support. And I will follow you on Instagram as a benefit.
2. 둘 /dul/
You will also get access to downloadable summary sheets in PDF format for all my YouTube videos.
And your request will be prioritized for my Instagram posts.
3. 셋 /set/
In addition to the previous benefits, you’ll get an access code to Kakao open chat.
✨ All your support and donation will be directly reinvested in my content creation: paying for the editing program, purchasing better equipment for higher quality videos, and teaching materials, etc.
If you decide to become my patron, thank you in advance! 🙏🏼
And of course, I appreciate all other kinds of support and love you’ve all been showing me! 💖
Thank you!
저희는 요즘 새로운 와인을 마시면 와인저널을 써요.
We are these days writing wine journal when having new wine.
어젯밤에는 추수감사절에 마신 와인을 기록했어요.
Last night, I made a record of the wine we drank on Thanksgiving.
와인을 잘 몰라서 엄청 간단하게만 쓰지만, 그래도 재미있어요!
We don’t know wine well so write really simple; nonetheless, it’s fun!
여러분은 어떤 취미생활을 하세요?
What kind of hobby life do you have?
🍷 How much did you understand what I wrote Korean? Test your Korean when I update my daily life in Korean! I try to translate word by word to English for you to catch as many words and grammar points as possible, rather than translating it in more natural ways.
#koreandreamwithj #koreanlanguage #learnkorean #한국어 #한국어공부
Learn Korean Conjugation Grammar: Korean Present Tense & Korean Past Tense within 15 minutes!!!
In this video, you will learn:
- Korean present tense and Korean past tense (Yes, you can master both!)
- How to conjugate Korean verbs and adjectives to a conversational ending
- Korean polite ending and non-polite ending in conversational forms
If you would like to have more practice with a longer, slower-paced lesson with lots of examples, please check out my video below:
Thank you for watching, and any questions and comments are more than welcome!