
Koreanjream My name is 재림(Jaerim). I found my name hard for English speakers to pronounce when I moved to th

대한독립만세 🇰🇷광복절에 보면 좋을 드라마와 영화를 소개할게요. 여러분도 추천하고 싶거나 좋아하는 작품이 있으면 댓글에 써 주세요!Here are some TV series and movies to watch on ...

대한독립만세 🇰🇷

광복절에 보면 좋을 드라마와 영화를 소개할게요. 여러분도 추천하고 싶거나 좋아하는 작품이 있으면 댓글에 써 주세요!
Here are some TV series and movies to watch on Korea’s Independence Day! If you have any recommendations or faves, please share in the comments! ❤️💙🖤

Happy Independence Day to other countries that share the same history!

+ The movie 하얼빈(Harbin) is releasing this year! Highly anticipated!

#광복절 #대한독립만세

🏆Olympics lessons: sport events올림픽 레슨: 경기종목제일 좋아하는 올림픽 종목이 뭐예요?What’s your favorite sport event in the Olympics?제가 제일 좋아...


Olympics lessons: sport events
올림픽 레슨: 경기종목

제일 좋아하는 올림픽 종목이 뭐예요?
What’s your favorite sport event in the Olympics?

제가 제일 좋아하는 종목은 양궁이에요. 🏹
My favorite event is archery.

제가 제일 좋아하는 종목은 체조예요. 🤸
My favorite event is gymnastics.

👉 Event ends with a consonant: 이에요.
👉 Event ends with a vowel: 예요.

🏅 올림픽 레슨 첫번째: 메달Olympics lesson no.1 : medals 🥇금 gold금메달 gold medal🥈 은 silver은메달 silver medal🥉 동 bronze동메달 bronze medal🏆...


올림픽 레슨 첫번째: 메달
Olympics lesson no.1 : medals

금 gold
금메달 gold medal

은 silver
은메달 silver medal

동 bronze
동메달 bronze medal

🏆 To win a medal: 메달을 따다
PAST : 땄어요.
FUTURE : 딸 거예요.

한국은 사격에서 첫 금메달을 땄어요.
Korean won the first gold medal in shooting.

지금까지 메달 여섯 개를 땄어요.
So far, they won six medals.

[country name]은 (금/은/동)메달 [sino number]개를 땄어요.
👉 호주는 금메달 네 개를 땄어요.

BRAND-NEW COURSES 🩷Starting June 1st, I offer 3 courses and 2 of them are new!🩷 High Beginner Conversation KitSunday 10-...


Starting June 1st,
I offer 3 courses and 2 of them are new!

🩷 High Beginner Conversation Kit
Sunday 10-11:30AM Eastern Time (6/2 - 6/30)

💚 Low Intermediate
Saturday 4-5:30PM Eastern Time (6/1 - 6/29)

🩵 Mid-High Intermediate
Saturday 10-11:30AM Eastern Time (6/1 - 6/29)

📌 Where to sign up?
koreanjream.com > SHOP > COURSES
(Link is in bio!)

📌 All courses are:
- $250 USD
- 90 minutes once a week, 5 weeks
- on Google Meet
- with individual feedback on homework
- homework is listening and speaking focused

Please feel free to ask any questions! 💋

New Courses are Open for Registration! 😍 -

New Courses are Open for Registration! 😍 -

Share your favorite Instagram, YouTube, website, etc. for studying Korean! 🖤I’d like to learn about useful resources I c...

Share your favorite Instagram, YouTube, website, etc. for studying Korean! 🖤

I’d like to learn about useful resources I can get inspirations from, and I’d like you to share them with each other to help your learning as well.

What and who are you using to learn Korean?

한국어 공부에 도움이 되는 인스타, 유튜브, 웹사이트를 공유해 주세요! 저도 영감을 받고 싶고 여러분도 서로 정보를 공유하면 좋을 것 같아요. 🖤

3.1절1919년 3월 1일의 한국Korea, March 1st 1919수천수백만 조선인들이 독립을 외치며 평화행진을 한 날입니다.It’s the day millions of Joseon people walked o...


1919년 3월 1일의 한국
Korea, March 1st 1919

수천수백만 조선인들이 독립을 외치며 평화행진을 한 날입니다.
It’s the day millions of Joseon people walked on the streets protesting against Japan’s colonization.

“대한독립만세!” 🇰🇷
“Long Live Korean Independence!”

이 날 수만 명이 체포되고, 사망하고, 부상 당했어요.
Tens of thousands were arrested, killed, and injured.

첫번째 사진은 한국인들 모두가 잘 아는 유관순 열사 사진입니다.
First photo is Yu Gwan-sun, who every Korean knows.

이 사진 속 유관순 열사의 얼굴은 고문과 폭행으로 부어 있어요.
Her face in this picture is swollen from torture and beating.

그래서 오늘날 우리는 열사의 원래 얼굴을 몰라요.
So we don’t know her face before torture.

유관순 열사는 감옥에서 다음해에도 만세 운동을 하셨고, 결국 감옥에서 돌아가셨어요.
She continued the movement inside the prison the following year, and she passed away in the prison.

3.1운동 당시 유관순 열사는 17살도 안 된 나이였어요.
At the time of March 1st Movement, she was barely 17 years old.

그리고 우리가 이름도 얼굴도 모르는 수백만 명의 조상님들,
싸워 주시고, 버텨 주시고, 살아남아 주셔서 감사합니다.
And the endless numbers of our ancestors whose names or faces we don’t even know, thank you for fighting and surviving.

독립운동가 분들이 지금의 한국을 보고 계시면 좋겠어요.
I hope the independence activists are watching today’s Korea from where they are.

감사합니다. 잊지 않고 감사하며 살겠습니다.
Thank you. I will always remember and be thankful.

여러분이 존경하는 인물은 누구인가요?
Who’s the figure you look up to?

#대한독립만세 #🇰🇷



Google appointment link in the email, my social media pages, website📌 Who should take this?1. High beginner and above: practice conversation with different grammar patterns you learned, I’ll mostly speak in Korean, accommodated to your proficiency level2. Beginner: you want to learn fundamental...

COURSE REVIEWSHere are a few reviews from my former students. Join my online courses to be part of the team! From the se...


Here are a few reviews from my former students.
Join my online courses to be part of the team!

From the second week of February,
I will be teaching 3 levels of 5-week courses:
(weekly 90mins, $250 USD, course materials included)
- Beginner
- High Beginner
- Low Intermediate
(Minimum 4-5, maximum 10ish students in each class)

📌 I will send out emails to schedule mini placement interviews this week before starting the course in 2 weeks, so please sign up this week before the interviews! (Even if you sign up later, I will contact you to have the interview, of course!)

📌 For more information, see the first pinned post on my feed or click on the website link in my bio! 🩷

Or leave any questions and concerns in the comments! Also any former students’ reviews in the comments are more than welcome as well!

LET’S SHARE! What’s your recent favorite K-drama?What do you recommend to others to watch?최근에 가장 좋았던 한국 드라마가 뭐예요?다른 사람들에...


What’s your recent favorite K-drama?
What do you recommend to others to watch?
최근에 가장 좋았던 한국 드라마가 뭐예요?
다른 사람들에게 추천하고 싶은 드라마를 댓글에 써 주세요!

🎞️ Most Popular Dramas in 2023 🎞️
(Not ordered by ranking, most recent first)

▪️경성크리처 Gyeongseong Creature
▪️마이 데몬 My Demon
▪️웰컴 투 삼달리 Welcome to Samdal-to
▪️힘쎈여자 강남순 Strong Girl Namsoon
▪️연인 My Dearest
▪️킹더랜드 King the Land
▪️모범택시2 Taxi Driver 2
▪️구미호뎐1938 Tale of the Nine Tailed 1938
▪️마스크걸 Mask Girl
▪️일타스캔들 Crash Course in Romance
▪️악귀 Revenant

👉 What’s your current or recent favorite?

📢 Online Classes 📢 My online classes are open again! This time, there are:- Beginning- High Beginning- Low IntermediateM...

📢 Online Classes 📢

My online classes are open again!
This time, there are:
- Beginning
- High Beginning
- Low Intermediate

Minimum students: 5
Maximum students: 10ish

📌 High beginning and low intermediate start with 10-min placement interview to make sure you are in the best class for your proficiency level!

📌 You can read details about each course and sign up by clicking on tagged products in the posts, clicking SHOP on my Instagram profile, or going to my website (linked in bio).

I will definitely offer mid-intermediate class.
I will also offer high beginning and low intermediate for those who want to continue studying.


This is the K-romance!I went to 경복궁 on the last day of their seasonal night admissions. Korean nationals must book ahead...

This is the K-romance!

I went to 경복궁 on the last day of their seasonal night admissions. Korean nationals must book ahead, foreigners can either book ahead or buy it at the ticket office on the day of (limited amount). But if you are over 65 years old or if you wear 한복, you DO NOT NEED A TICEKT! Just enter!

It truly felt like I was in a historical K-drama not only because we were wearing 한복 but also because there were so many people wearing 한복 and walking around the palace! 💙

한복 입고 한복 입은 수많은 사람들 사이로 밤의 궁궐을 돌아다니니까 정말 사극 로맨스의 주인공이 된 것 같았어요. 여러분도 기회가 된다면 꼭 밤에 궁궐 구경 가 보세요! 🌕

#한국여행 #경복궁

👩🏻‍🎓In Korea, 90’s style AI generated US yearbook photos are trending hot right now. So I tried to share the current tre...


In Korea, 90’s style AI generated US yearbook photos are trending hot right now. So I tried to share the current trend with you, but none of them looks like me at all. 😂

Which of these do you like or hate the most? 😁

👩🏻‍🎓 VOCAB 👩🏻‍🎓
yearbook 졸업앨범
yearbook photo 졸업사진
👉 졸업 graduation
👉 앨범 album
👉 사진 photo

Have you tried it? Or have you seen your Korean celeb crush’s photos? Whose was your fave? Tag them so I can go check them out! 😃


휴가중 🇬🇷Did you guess where I am?저 어디 있는지 맞혔어요?아테네, 안녕!I had no idea Athina, Athens is pronounced and spelled so different...

휴가중 🇬🇷

Did you guess where I am?
저 어디 있는지 맞혔어요?

아테네, 안녕!

I had no idea Athina, Athens is pronounced and spelled so differently in Korean and 한글! How is it pronounced and spelled in your language? 🧿

Guess where I am going next!
다음은 어디로 갈지 맞혀 보세요!

#그리스 #아테네 #여행중 #휴가중

💍Because it was our 5-year wedding anniversary this weekend, here are some related words! 🤍Ask or share any related word...


Because it was our 5-year wedding anniversary this weekend, here are some related words! 🤍

Ask or share any related words to wedding, wedding anniversary, marriage, dating, etc. in the comments!

#결혼기념일 #결기

Let's study together!My July-August online classes are open for registration!https://koreanjream.com/shop/course-sign-up...

Let's study together!

My July-August online classes are open for registration!

(Link is on my profile!)

Go to the website, click on each class product for all the information: dates, time, weekly lesson plans, who should take each course, etc.

- 90 minutes, once a week, 5 weeks
- interactive classes on zoom
- listening + speaking, writing homework and 1:1 feedback each week
- all the materials and class recordings are provided
- 10 students maximum
- $250

Friday 7PM Eastern (Saturday 8AM Korea) 7/7~8/4

Saturday 7PM Eastern (Sunday 8AM Korea) 7/8~8/5

Sunday 12PM Eastern (Monday 1AM Korea) 7/9~8/6

Please feel free to ask me any questions, and hope to see you in class!

Dear my patrons, Please check this post on Patreon to schedule our ZOOM meet-up for this month!I will wait until Tuesday...

Dear my patrons,

Please check this post on Patreon to schedule our ZOOM meet-up for this month!
I will wait until Tuesday and decide the date and time to create the ZOOM link. :)

Join Korean Jream on Patreon to get access to this post and more benefits.

🏜️🥾🏕️🧡여러분, 잘 지내셨어요?Have you all been well?저는 일주일 동안 미국 남서부 여행을 했어요. I traveled the southwest US for a week.매일 걷고 등산하고 운전...


여러분, 잘 지내셨어요?
Have you all been well?

저는 일주일 동안 미국 남서부 여행을 했어요.
I traveled the southwest US for a week.

매일 걷고 등산하고 운전하면서 미 대륙의 광활한 사막을 마음껏 누볐어요.
We explored the vast North American desert as our heart desires as walking, hiking, and driving everyday.

그리고 집에 와서 이틀째 11시간씩 기절해서 잤어요! ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
And after coming home, I’ve been passing out for 11 hours for 2 days! 😅

제 여행일기 계정에 더 자세하게 여행 이야기 올릴게요!
I’ll post more stories of the trip to my travel diary account 🩷

내일부터 다시 수업 비디오 올리고 라이브로 7월 온라인 수업에 대해서도 자세히 안내할게요.
I’ll post lessons from tomorrow again and will explain more about the July online courses on live.

Impromptu Live 🤍Let’s solve the mystery of Korean handwriting together! You will be able to read your favorite K-star’s ...

Impromptu Live 🤍

Let’s solve the mystery of Korean handwriting together! You will be able to read your favorite K-star’s awful (or artistic, should I say?) handwriting after this! 😉

5/10 Tuesday 화요일
10:30AM Eastern
11:30PM Korea

곧 만나요! 알림설정 잊지 마세요! 🔔
Don’t forget to turn on the notification!

Excited to share with you that my full Korean Conversation Kit series are now available on CLASS101! 🩵1. Making Korean f...

Excited to share with you that my full Korean Conversation Kit series are now available on CLASS101! 🩵

1. Making Korean friends
- names and address terms
- enthnicities + nationalities
- purpose of your visit (I am ~ing)
- becoming social media friends
- “Sorry. I’m not good at Korean. Please say it again.”

2. Getting around Korea
- How to ask and answer locations and directions
- How to navigate taxi, bus, and subway
- Travel tips for public transportation

3. Exploring Korea
- At a restaurant
- At a coffee shop
- Shopping and renting Hanbok
- At tourist attractions
- Restaurant culture and travel tips

4. Finding a home in Korea
- “I’m here to find a place.” (purpose)
- “What price/type are you looking for?”
- Korean housing types + rental pricing system
- Home maintenance phrases (i.e. power is out, no hot water, AC isn’t working, etc.)

🩵 Each lesson includes:
- Simulated conversations
- Grammar and vocab explanation
- Pattern practices
- Mission for practice
- Class notes
- Culture and/or travel tips

🩵 What is CLASS101?
Basically a Netflix for online lectures. You subscribe monthly or yearly and watch any classes available.

🩵 What do I get from it?
I get paid based on the watch time of a paid subscriber!

🩵 Where do I find it?

(Link is saved in stories and highlights!)

If you use the link below and sign up for the annual subscription, you receive creator invitation discount until the end of May. You will have to keep the subscription for more than one week (trial week) to receive the discount.

(Link is saved in my profile!)

Hope you enjoy this class series from me!

Leave any questions in the comments!

💛 한국 어린시절의 맛, 바나나우유 🍌Taste of Korean childhood바나나우유 마셔 봤어요?Have you had this banana milk?저 어릴 때 정말 많이 마셨던 거예요.It’s what ...


한국 어린시절의 맛, 바나나우유 🍌
Taste of Korean childhood

바나나우유 마셔 봤어요?
Have you had this banana milk?

저 어릴 때 정말 많이 마셨던 거예요.
It’s what I drank so much when I was a kid.

여러분의 어린시절이 떠오르는 음료 이름은 뭐예요? 어떤 음료예요?
What’s the name of a drink that reminds you of your childhood? What kind of a drink is it?

#빙그레 #바나나우유

관심 있는 분들 보세요!For those who are interested!

관심 있는 분들 보세요!
For those who are interested!

🙏삼가 고인의 명복을 빕니다.May his soul rest in peace.In heartbreaking circumstances like this when someone passes away, this is ho...


삼가 고인의 명복을 빕니다.
May his soul rest in peace.

In heartbreaking circumstances like this when someone passes away, this is how you express your condolences to the deceased or their remaining families.

꽃같은 나이에 세상을 떠나는 케이팝 스타들이 너무 많아서 가슴이 아픕니다. 문빈 님의 명복을 빕니다.

It’s heartbreaking to see so many young K-pop stars suffer and leave the world. May Moon Bin rest in peace…


Korean Conversation Kit 💘My class series are launched on CLASS101 today! There will be 4 classes as a series:1. Self-int...

Korean Conversation Kit 💘

My class series are launched on CLASS101 today!

There will be 4 classes as a series:
1. Self-introduction and making Korean friends
2. Asking directions and using public transportation
3. Ordering, shopping, buying tickets at attractions
4. Finding a home and talking about home maintenance (i.e. power outage)

🌷 Use the link and receive additional $10 off the discounted annual rate
🌷 You must subscribe longer than 1-week free trial period to be eligible
🌷 This creator invitation promotion is valid only in April and May
🌷 The promotion applies only when you use this link, not through the general subscription button

(Link will be shared in stories and saved in the highlight!)

💛 I made this class series as a handy and practical language guide for everyone who’s visiting Korea or who want to leaen real-life expressions.

💛 CLASS101 is a subscription-based platform to watch recorded lectures on any topic, not only languages. It’s like Netflix for classes. That means you can watch all and any of other classes that are available on CLASS101!

💛 I get paid based on the number of paid subscribers who watched my lessons and the viewing time, if you are wondering what I get from this.

So learn practical Korean and please support me at the same time!

Ask me any questions in the comments!

#한국어 #한국어수업

Watch our fun day in Ulsan! 🤩

Watch our fun day in Ulsan! 🤩

Ulsan is a major city that’s much less known to tourists, but still has a lot to offer. I went on a one-day tour of Ulsan together with Korean Jream and Kore...

Premiering right now!

Premiering right now!

Turn on English Closed Caption if you need!Watch our collaboration on channel!https://youtu.be/JEAAz70u14kCheck out their channels and website...

https://youtu.be/QSfAe8bWk58Premiering on 2/28 Tuesday 8AM Eastern (10PM Korea).I promise you will laugh a lot watching ...


Premiering on 2/28 Tuesday 8AM Eastern (10PM Korea).
I promise you will laugh a lot watching this.
Turn on the notification!
Plus, practice listening as we talked only in Korean.
I will provide a link to the Korean script on my website once the video is published!

Turn on English Closed Caption if you need!Watch our collaboration on channel!https://youtu.be/JEAAz70u14kCheck out their channels and website...

Learn Korean with GO Billy Korean, Korean Arah 한국어 아라 선생님 두 분과 찍은 콜라보가 올라왔어요.Our collaboration has been uploaded to GO! ...

Learn Korean with GO Billy Korean, Korean Arah 한국어 아라 선생님 두 분과 찍은 콜라보가 올라왔어요.
Our collaboration has been uploaded to GO! Billy Korean.

저도 재미있게 봤으니까 여러분도 재미있게 봐 주세요!
I had fun watching it, so please enjoy the video, everyone!

여러분은 사투리 쓰세요? 한국어 사투리 배우고 싶으세요? 왜요?
Do you speak my dialects? Do you want to learn a dialect in Korean? Why or why not?


I sat down with Korean Jream and Korean Arah to discuss whether it’s more important to only focus on learning 표준어 (standard Korean), or if it’s better to lea...

Korean conjugation 🤯Many of you asked where my previous reel background was from. I am not really sure the origin, but i...

Korean conjugation 🤯

Many of you asked where my previous reel background was from. I am not really sure the origin, but it was circulating like a meme and I had saved it on my phone years ago. It seems to be a newspaper to me… If anyone knows the source, please share! 😊

여러분이 궁금해하던 어제 릴스 배경 사진은 이거였어요. 저도 정확한 출처를 모르는데, 몇 년 전에 짤처럼 돌아다녀서 제 폰에 저장해 뒀던 사진이에요. 혹시 정확한 출처 아시는 분 계시면 알려 주세요! 😀



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