OUP & ABA �ONE�UNITED�PEOPLE� starting in the USA, with hopes of spreading � good works and POSITIVITY!

Need some help, PLEASE 👏 if anyone knows anyone that works for Minclip….This is the trash they send to great customers. ...

Need some help, PLEASE 👏 if anyone knows anyone that works for Minclip….

This is the trash they send to great customers. Please: share, forward, etc, to anyone u know that knows someone that works for miniclip.

Need an actual employee. U see the responses I get from them 😑


There’s a common saying in the USA “we don’t talk politics or religion”.

I’m not trying to strike up a political or religious convo’, but why is that?…. Oftentimes that’s a family member or friend that says that👆

If you care about me, and I care about you, nothing (within reason) should be off limits to converse about.

I want to hear you out, but more importantly understand why you feel the way you feel…. Who knows u may change my mind or vice versa❤️

Can I get out of my own way to see that u may have/ see a better way? Can you?

Not tryin to Bible thump here, but The Bible says in 1 Cor 13:4-5 (paraphrasing) “Love is kind and doesn’t behave rudely”. If I love you (I should❤️) and you love me (I hope you do 😁), then we should be able to converse about nearly anything, but, again, and most importantly, want to understand how/ why the other feels the way they do.

My two best friends and I started OUP (One United People) to try and remove the stigmas, to remove political parties outta convos and insert LOVE & understanding, amongst other things.

While we founded OUP in the USA, it’s my goal that you take the message, which is free❤️, to your country and let it breed amongst EVERYONE you know.

Love, understanding, lending an ear or shoulder to someone and sooooo many other Great things/ ways WE can show love, CAN make a difference❤️

The message is LOVE. The message is understanding. The message is free.

Let’s hold each other accountable and be better for ONE another❤️

I will never push u to believe what I believe, but I do believe in God, with all my heart and in closing, I’ll leave you with this…

1 John 4:8

“He who does not love, does not know God, for God is love”.

LOVE, more❤️


Personal opinion here…

Short preamble…

I’m 40 and I remember a different time.

I can’t imagine what the WWII generation would’ve thought about people my age, their kids, my kids, etc

That said, participation trophies weren’t handed out when I was young. People won, or they lost.

Seems to me that along the way, the need/ want for previous generations kids to not be bullied, turned into fluffing people up. The problem as I see it is- people will always win or lose… there’s no middle ground. You can’t have competition without a winner and a loser.

If you lose… try harder, practice more, do your best to improve, so you can WIN.

The strive to win is probably more important than the win itself, imo, because it teaches you to TRY, to give your best, to, um, WORK.

Seems like the need or want for people to not get bullied just may be the culprit as to why we praise people that don’t try.

When you put forth the effort, you’ve learned something and you’ve grown, regardless of the outcome.

Some will try harder, if they don’t get it right the first time, while some will shut it down and go home.

The “TRY” dictates each person’s outcome and the TRY, imo, is what makes a winner a winner and a loser a loser. Doing the work and exerting the try, makes a winner.

Are you applying yourself?

Are you trying?

Can you do more?

I don’t think we can do enough. That’s the TRY part.

After you’ve done your best, DO BETTER. Do better for God, do better for your family, do better at your job. Let your kids see that. Let your kids see your care and your WORK.

I guarantee you- you’ll never regret trying harder… you’ll never wonder “what could’ve been”, IF you give your best, every time you do something.

Bullying is wrong, there’s no doubt about that, but praising people that don’t try isn’t the solution (imo).

Let’s create a culture of CARE GIVERS & HARD TRYERS & watch everyone’s attitudes change, for the better💪❤️

💪Do the work/ try harder💪

❤️Give a LOT of cares❤️


Happy New Year to all 🎆❤️


Merry Christmas from my family to your’s 🎄❤️


Here it is, miniclip has frozen Camilo Ishere and I’s accounts, from earning for the Team. No warning, no wrong doing/s, nothing. 100% fair play from the birth of our accounts till now and we’re frozen.

American BADAS$ ONLY allows 100% FAIR PLAYERS and will not stand for what MC’s doing, period.

ABA has already begun to boycott MC, entirely, for the rest of this week and all of next week.

Our members are zeroing out, some by choice, Cam and I by MC, nonetheless, all of us, together.

I ask you, the FAIR PLAYER, to stand with us UNITED, against the corrupt, backwards, tool, that is miniclip, and boycott ANY and all playing, spending, etc, involved with Miniclip.

You all have seen Cam and I play and KNOW that u get a fair game, when u play either one of us, or ANY player on American BADAS$.

We won’t stand for it. Please join us.


My two favorite sounds are children singing and children laughing.

Wanted to share the love that my 3.5 year old gives me❤️

This is a video, but there’s nothing to see. There’s only the sound of joy❤️


One of the nicest people I know is probably gonna start streaming!

His FB gaming page is

Tony’s School of Pool

Please check him out, like the page, etc 👏💯❤️


I truly appreciate all you guys time, positivity, etc! Thank you!

Please feel free to critique & share your thoughts! That’s the reason for the stream.

There’s typically more than one way of doing something and the way u see me do things isn’t necessarily the right way.

Share your thoughts, more, please 👏!



Stream to discuss English (spin) soon

Really appreciate all the kind words, thoughts, prayers, etc lately 🤗



If you pray, PLEASE pray for Joey Deherrera 👏 ❤️

Our thoughts & prayers are with you, Brother 💯❤️🙏


Why people are mean to one another, I don’t understand...

There are some WONDERFUL, selfless, kind, considerate, etc, people that stream or come to streams, that make a difference in the world!

WE need to band TOGETHER, not pick on each other. Everyone has enough to worry about- whether it’s their home life, job, Covid, etc.

All you trolls out there- do some self reflecting and realize that KINDNESS should rule.

A smile, whether it’s an emoji on stream, a hug, holding the door for someone, telling someone you care about them and so on, can go a lonnnnnnnnnnnng way!

CHOOSE KINDNESS, LOVE & GOOD WORKS! Let that rule the day!


Message for ONLY the CHEATERS, so please forward or share this, a LOT....

We, the FAIR PLAYERS, know that OUR game is a money maker for you. That said, again, if you’re hacking, which you are, you’re doing it to make money, we know that. Why are you trolling, in addition to the cowardice you display, by using said cheats?

NEWSFLASH.... you can’t lose... you’ve made sure of that, by, ummm CHEATING & paying to have the ability to “win” games.

That said, when you take your time (troll), using emojis, etc, etc, you’re costing yourselves money 🤦🏻‍♂️

WE, the FAIR PLAYERS, realize that you can’t win without your hacks.

Your posts on “oh boy, I won country (with 20 other cheaters playing in tandem) or my account got banned” make us all LAUGH with JOY.

Long story short- you’re costing yourselves money, by slowing down your computer program’s game play😂🤣😂

We also understand that your parents never taught you to have a moral code and in that regard, we truly feel sorry for you.

I challenge YOU, the CHEATERS, to play FAIR, otherwise when you call someone a noob or try to pick on them, realize that you can’t play.

In closing, one day, after you’ve taken all the coins you need to make a living, there, ummmm, WON’T be a game anymore 😂🤣

Think about it 😉

The coolest/funniest avatar I’ve seen since I’ve been playing 😎😂😂What’s your favorite avatar??

The coolest/funniest avatar I’ve seen since I’ve been playing 😎😂😂

What’s your favorite avatar??


First off, HAPPY MOTHER’s Day, to all the Wonderful Mothers out there💯❤️. Thank you for our lives, your love and dedication to us, your children😘🤗

Please bear with me and read this post!

The world has PLENTY of hate, today and has for some time. That being said, PLEASE 👏 do your best to NOT add to said hate.

One United People isn’t limited to the USA, it applies to People, wherever you are!

One United People, applies to YOU and you caring about, looking out for, being kind to, speaking with, doing good works for OTHERS❤️

There are sooooooooooo many people that are: insecure, that troll the internet, that speak evil to others, that show and perpetuate hatred. PLEASE 👏 DON’T let that be you. YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!

CHOOSE to BE POSITIVE, in all that you do!

Can you control others? I say no. Can you control yourself? I’d like to think we can control what each of us says.

BE POSITIVE! SPREAD LOVE, not the alternative. Let LOVE & POSITIVITY get into other people’s brains/lives and hopefully, they, in turn, will do their part! Focus your attention on others and doing for them, without regarding your own wants/desires.

BE ACCOUNTABLE for your actions/deeds and please hold me accountable, as well🤝❤️

None of us are without blame, not one of us. Own what you do and hold yourself to a HIGH standard, showing love as you go, for others!

One United People, is dedicated to bringing/spreading: POSITIVITY, LOVE, KINDNESS & GOOD WORKS, wherever we/you are!

BE ACCOUNTABLE for what you do!

Hold yourself to a standard of LOVE & KINDNESS!

Most of what is NOT those things 👆 is hate and evil. DO BETTER & please 👏 help me to do better for you!

You may never know what a kind word or action means to someone!

Go out of your way to BE KIND❤️

YOU ARE LOVED & cared about!


Facebook Gaming Facebook App

If you care about your business and your money, which I’m 100% sure you do, you, Facebook, should talk to the powers that be, at MiniClip, to let them know, that you (Facebook), are losing money, because of the egregious quantity of hackers on MiniClip’s 8 Ball Pool app.

You are losing money, I assure you, whether it’s from Facebook streamers, etc, etc.

It behooves you, GREATLY, as I said, to take action, because MiniClip is not, and MiniClip IS costing you (Facebook) money.

People ARE and will continue to spend less time on MiniClip 8bp and FB, as a result of hackers.

, take some action, against/to/on MiniClip, or, at the least, speak up for yourselves and your customers (US). Nothing bad will come from a MASSIVE company, like Facebook sticking up for their customers and, again, as I said, your own company (Facebook), because you ARE losing customers, business and customer interest, due to MiniClip 8 Ball Pool and the hackers, on that game.

I challenge reading this post, to stand up for what’s right and respond with:

In the comments of this post



Truly appreciate your likes, follows, shares & stars, everyone! Please know that!

The POSITIVITY & your time is The Best thing WE can do for each other! That’s what means the most!

If you’re reading this message, it’s for YOU 🤗

TY all, So Very Much 💯❤️



Thx to you, OUP & ABA is nearly at 1,000 followers😃

While it’s not about numbers, I’d love to see OUR page keep growing, in an effort to spread KINDNESS & POSITIVITY!

Make no mistake, OUP & ABA is about people, like you, waaaaay more than it is 8bp!

Whether you’re following or not, subscribe to POSITIVITY and KINDNESS, wherever you are! Make a difference!



Thank you all so much, for letting me into your community!

It’s OVERWHELMING how kind, loving & generous you all are 🤗

You ARE making a difference, know that!

Subscribe to LOVE & KINDNESS, everywhere you go & with everyone you meet💯❤️❤️❤️❤️


Apologies for cutting the stream short everyone!

Thx for your understanding 🤗

Always enjoy hanging out with all of you!

Thank you for your time & support💯❤️



Spread love ❤️🤗❤️

Thank you all for allllll the support & love ❤️




I truly appreciate all of you, your time & POSITIVITY!




I AM ELVERGON is going live inside 30min😎



Goooood evening/day everyone!

We’ll be on @9:15pm NY time, tonight, followed by inside the hour, after the OUP & ABA stream! Bring your jokes, comments, POSITIVITY & have some fun!

Hope everyone’s having a Great day/night 🙌

ONE🇺🇸 🌎❤️



Thanks a bunch for your time & support! It means a LOT😊

Spread LOVE & FAIR PLAY💯❤️

ONE🇺🇸 🌎❤️

Wanna say thx to all the Great people that come to the stream!  It’s a pleasure getting to know & interact with all of y...

Wanna say thx to all the Great people that come to the stream!

It’s a pleasure getting to know & interact with all of you!

Special thx to the people that have been a monumental help getting OUP & ABA started and keep it going👏❤️

The goal, for both, www.one-united-people.com and American BADAS$, is to spread positivity, love & dialogue, whether it’s the 🇺🇸 or the 🌎❤️


High Quality, Made in the U.S.A., T-Shirts, Motivating one another through good works at One United People


Thank you for all the love, support and POSITIVITY, everyone!

O.U.P. stands for ONE UNITED PEOPLE and ABA stands for American BADAS$, our 8bp Team.

The goal, for both, our business and 8bp Team, is to spread positivity and open up dialogue with people that may not have been speaking before.



Welcome to ONE UNITED PEOPLE & American BADAS$!

All about bringing people together & FAIR PLAY💯❤️



T-Shirt sales


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