Beloved, those enemies all around you is a very clear evidence that you're fulfilling God's Plan and Purpose for your Life and Destiny. If you have no vision in life, there will be no opposition. The devil and his agents will not just stand, fold their hands, watching you succeed in life as a Child of God. Be prayerful and hopeful cos Satan cannot go where there is nothing. They attack you cos you are a star. They must surely oppose your vision and dreams in life to divert and thwart your Destiny. Talk little and laugh little, stop telling your friends your dreams, the envy in them will stop you from achieve all your told them, Those you called your friends are your major enemies, they gossip and stab you at the back, the hate you but pretend to care. Joy is only when you are alone, those that reported happiness in the midst of groups are not relevant in nature, they are the evil ones on earth, they are dangerous and bad. A highly intelligent person is skeptical in nature, they hardly mingle with people. Mingling with people makes them cry in their minds at home, because their friends feel intimidated on their presents. Your destiny is in your hands, keep it holy.
If you have no enemy at all! It is a very clear evidence that you have no vision, no dream, no plan, no purpose, no life, no destiny. That is to say you are weak, you're nobody. Just a living walking cadaver (a living walking dead body). The Bigger your Plans, your Vision and Dreams in life the higher your oppositions - enemies arises...
You must be tested, but be strong when your are tested. As a child of God, oppositions - enemies are the Spiritual Catalyst or Springboard for another higher level in Glory. If there is no trouble, there will be no triumph. If there is no fight, there will be no victory. We are to reign and rule as Kings over all our potential enemies here on earth. (see Rev. 5:10). We're not accidental vagabonds or hobos, we are Divine Kings from Heaven in this planet earth, to reign and rule over all principalities powers The cannot win you if you know whom God said you are, Their plans cannot happen (Isaiah 7:7). Fearless they shall be swallowed by the same put they dug for you (Psalm 9:15)
The Bible says, "Let God arise, let all His enemies be scattered".(see Psalms. 68:1-3). The Lord God of Heaven and Earth said also to His Son Jesus Christ, "sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool".(see Psalms. 110:1,2). If God Himself has enemies, we should also expect them also. Because, their attacks should not pull you down, focus cos unknowingly they are pushing you to your great Destiny in life. Remember, if there was no potiphar's house for Joseph to stay, and be wickedly accused by potiphar's wife for r**e and thrown into prison. There will be no Israelite first prime mister in Egypt. If there was no cross and death for Jesus Christ, there will be no Salvation and Liberation for humankind.
NOTE. Your potential enemies are not far from you at all! They are within you, Most of them are the people you loved/cherished and helped. Be good all time but be wise cos they are very smart.>********Ogemba Nwachineke Prosperous>>>>>>>>********* (Like our page for more thanks and remain bless)>>>>>