
IgnifHotpot To provide biblical counseling, write short stories and pray for people


SUSTAINED TO SUFFER: Have you heard such statement before? Likely no. Some years ago the Lord spoke to me through His Spirit and said, "I will sustain you to suffer." Why? Because I knew what He has ordained for me and I wanted to still pray about it. That is where and why many people are and running around the table in life. No progress and no retrogression. Instead of progress, they retrogress. Until you find what God wants you to do in this life, your life will be full of struggling without fulfilment or satisfaction. Sometimes you may seem to have made money but you will feel empty inside. "And he gave them their request; but sent leanness into their soul." (Psalms 106:15) God has ordained us differently and if you do not discover what He has ordained for you and want to follow what is ordained for another, you will be struggling to make it, almost losing your life in the process while the man ordained for such would effortlessly go through. Discover yourself and what God wants you to do, follow it and you will find joy and fulfilment even when it may not be drawing attention like your friend's. To discover what God has appointed for you, you need to be closer to God. When you seek Him sincerely for it, He will direct you. Listen to this scripture that you know: "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you. And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart. And I will be found of you, saith the LORD: and I will turn away your captivity, and I will gather you from all the nations, and from all the places whither I have driven you, saith the LORD; and I will bring you again into the place whence I caused you to be carried away captive." (Jeremiah 29:11-14). Does that make any sense to you? Why don't you find time to find out why you are here and what God


Text: Deuteronomy 30:19; Joshua 24:16; Mark 11:23
Choice-making is very important to live and make progress in this life. You cannot really live without making choices. The choice you make determines your earthly and eternal happiness. Make a good choice today and tomorrow will smile on you in Jesus name.
1.Divine Destiny Willed for ALL
2.Deceiving Devil’s Worthless Exchange
3.Decision of the Wise

1. Divine Destiny for Everyone
Jer 29:11; Deut 30:19; Ge 1:31; Mark 7:37

God has destined life and the best for you. In addition, He destined good, success, good health, prosperity, fruitfulness, dominion, joy and happiness for you. I wish you say it, “He has a good choice for me; He has chosen life for me; He has ordained better for me; He has ordained everything good for me; He has done all things well in my life”. But what happened that I am not enjoying them?

2. Deceiving Devil’s Worthless Exchange
John 10:10;Matt 13:24-28a; Job 2:7; John 13:2
Why the bad dreams instead of good? The devil has done that; why these negative evil thoughts? the devil has done the exchange; why the constant ill health? Why these bad lucks and thought of premature death, misery etc?
All these were not ordained for you from the beginning. However, the Lord is saying this morning, make a choice. Either choose what God ordained for you or the deceiver’s choice for you.

3. Decision of the Wise: Deut 30:19; Luke 10:42; 1John 5:11,12
Decision is said, “determines destiny”
Your problem today is not what the devil or his agent has chosen for you but your own choice. You are to make a choice. You are the choice you make.
Let me share these testimonies with us:
Ruth: the gods of her fathers had ordained widowhood for her but she made a choice that cancelled the other.
Hezekiah- God saw death for him and sent a popular prophet to inform him. He was left with a choice, and he chose life instead of death and he lived.
John G. Lake’s wife- she died and went to heaven. She asked where she was and she was told heaven, and she asked, “who takes care of my husband and kids? She chose to come back and she did”
Ignatius Njoku- in 1974 it was agreed from the pit of hell that he would die young but he chose to live instead and it was given to him. He is alive and preaching today.
This morning, make your own choice. You have seen what God ordained for you and you also seen the devil's exchange and ordination, what do you want and choose?


A New Beginning With Jesus (contd)
Isaiah 43:18-21; Lam. 3:22-24
God is not one of yesterday. He is always doing new things. In fact, He is the God of better and new things. He is kick-starting a new thing for all of us in Jesus name. In our last discussion, I told you that God promises you a new thing and that you should believe and expect it. We are continuing with: 2. The Promise & Possibility A New Thing: Isaiah 43:19-21; 42:9; Ezekiel 36:11
Our God is the God of new things. He promises us of better days ahead for individuals, families and entire nation. I prophesy to you by the word of the Lord, that He will do a new thing in your life. Exercise faith and sanctify your life for what the Lord wants to do for you. But what new things? A new life for you. The beginning of the New things starts with a new life: "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new."(2Cor 5:17). What makes the new things possible?
*His ability and faithfulness- (Psa.89:35; Mal 3:6; Jer. 1:12; 32:17,27; 1Thesa 5:24; Hebrews 10:23) God's ability is our confidence.
* Our attitude: "For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he...; Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth." (Pro 23:7; Mark 9:23)

3. The Prayer & Pursuit of A Better Future: Isaiah 43:19-22; Philippians 3:13-15; Ezekiel 36:37
When God says he would do a new thing, much is included in it. There is power in prayer and when we "pray according to His will, he heareth us"(2Sam 7:25; 1jn 5:14) To pursue a better future, we need to do what Joshua did in Joshua 7:9-13
* more righteousness
* more humility
* more holiness
* more honesty and sincerity
* more brokenness & contrition
* more uprightness
* more love
* more service to humanity (Jn 9:4; 1Cor 15:58; Heb 6:10)
* more obedience (Isa 1:19) "If ye know these things, happy are we if ye do them"


Isaiah 43:18-21
Time and again, we see God opening a new chapter in the life and ministry of His people, even when it seems they were packing up to go(Luke 5:1-7). No matter how our past had been, God can start a new with us. We have seen it over and over again in the Bible days and in our contemporary time. As I look at the passage, let's consider:
1. The Past Be Forgotten: There no present without the past but there are necessary pasts to be forgotten if we going to make progress. There are two pasts that can hinder our breakthrough in life: past failures and past successes. Forget the the offences of yesterday, the mistakes, the losses, the painful wounds of yesterday are to be forgotten: I f you keep looking and kissing yesterday wound, it will weaken you to attend to today's possibilities. Also you should forget the success of yesterday for better today and tomorrow. Listen to this "...but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.(Philippians 3:13,14). Whatever your present situation is, it can be better. We can do more than we have done in the past. There is a promise of new things for you this new year. Believe it and expect it while you work towards it. It will happen for ".. blessed is she that believed: for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord"(Luke 1:45). To be continued


That many innocent people are languishing in nation's prison and may end up there because of corrupt and compromised justice system. Can the Justices in Nigeria and other nations of the world take the place of of our impartial Judge in heaven and speak up for these people?


"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children; Without counsel purposes are disappointed: but in the multitude of counsellors they are established".(His 4:6; Pro 15:22). Do you want a sound and Bible based counseling on some issues of eternal consequences? Is your marriage and family life shaking to collapse? Are you confused in life? Do you seek Bible based Prayer for solutions, we can help connect you. Don't give up, the future is brighter for you.



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