It's time for a new season, chapter, and adventure. It is time to take all the incredible things I have learned from this podcast and transform them into the next project. It has taken me a while to conclude that it is time to sign off, as it has been such a rewarding time in my life. But, as I have learned from many guests, things come into your life when you are ready for them.
A new and exciting opportunity to be involved with the upcoming Canadian Women's Professional Soccer League, Project 8, and Calgary's local team has brought something into my world that I didn't know possible. The ability to help build new opportunities for Canadian girls and women makes my heart soar!
The podcast has taught me to take more risks, value myself, and that taking the next step, which sometimes means stepping away from something to pursue others, is a sign of growth. Deciding to sign off on the podcast to focus my efforts and give 100% to this new adventure was tough but necessary. I always want to show up as my best, and sometimes, this means taking something else off the plate, so to speak.
I want to thank all of my amazing guests who so openly and honestly shared such valuable lessons. Additionally, to everyone who listened, downloaded, and shared these special episodes...thank you, thank you, thank you! This small but mighty community is exceptional; your support has meant the world to me.
We are on the cusp of a new year, which always signals new energy and optimism! I wish everyone a very happy and healthy 2024 and beyond. Live, learn, and bet on yourself!
With love,