I heard a lady complain that a guy asked her out, 3day after she had a serious financial need, when she ran to the new boyfriend for an assistance, the young man asked her to meet him up in Guest House, when she arrived, the guy gave her 50k to sort her problem out, thereafter, the guy requested for S****x from the new girlfriend, behold she turned the guy down according to her that it is too early for the guy to demand s***x from her. According to her, the young man immediately demanded she refund back his money, because it is too early for her to ask him for money, eventually she refunded the money and deleted the guys contact!!!!
1. Who is right and wrong in this context?
2. Was it too early for the Lady to request for Money?
3. Was it too early for the guy to demand s***x from the lady?
Please be honest in your submission?