Dependency is a yoke; slavery is a mindset! Slavery is a choice made from a dependency mind set, gotten from mediocrity, ignorance, insincerity, irresponsibility, laziness, cowardice, fear, uncertainty among many. When you are consciously or unconsciously trapped in dependency, you will not want to do anything for yourself or about your vision, because you will want to depend on other people for survival.
Uncertainty and the fear of failure is what can make you a victim of depending on other people for survival. You can be a victim for varieties of reasons that does not make meaning to you. Your willingly surrendered from ignorance is what makes the case a worse one. That is legally authorizing someone to victimize you or make slaves out of you by being at the receiving end of their decisions, weakness and actions regardless of your opinion or what you feel. The end time victims will not be the victim of the devil, or demon; they shall be the victim of ignorance, tradition, emotions, mind and disobedience.
Break the yoke of dependency and you won’t be a victim!
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Dependency is a yoke; slavery is a mindset! Slavery is a choice made from a dependency mind set, gotten from mediocrity, ignorance, insincerity, irresponsibility, laziness, cowardice, fear, uncertainty among many. When you are consciously or unconsciously trapped in dependency, you will not want ...