Internews Health Journalism Network

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The Internews Health Journalism Network (HJN) is a community of media professionals who cover health and are interested in accessing specialized training and resources to enhance their impact and reach.

Missed our media workshop with Quote This Woman+? Don't worry! We've summed up the highlights for you, plus included rep...

Missed our media workshop with Quote This Woman+? Don't worry! We've summed up the highlights for you, plus included reporting resources and the recording of the session! Check it out on our website here:

Compiled by Sydney Blakeney In honor of International Women’s Month, the Internews Health Journalism Network and Quote this Woman+ held a virtual media workshop on March 27th. Quote this Woman+ is an intersectional feminist organization creating resources to transform gender representation in the ...


: Internews' new strategy launches today 🎉 "For Your Information" isn't just a blueprint guiding our work, it's a statement of purpose - so that your and everyone's information can be independent, fair, and fact-based.

Discover our new strategy:

The Internews Health Journalism Network, in partnership with Quote This Woman+ are proud to invite you to this special v...

The Internews Health Journalism Network, in partnership with Quote This Woman+ are proud to invite you to this special virtual media workshop in honour of International Women's Day.

Date: Wednesday 27 March 2024
Time: 9AM DC / 1PM London / 3PM Cape Town
Registration link: #/registration

This workshop and dialogue will highlight the importance of women's voices in media coverage, and how to get the most out of interviews with women+ sources. It will explore how to navigate intricacies and make the most of interviewing women sources, extending to a broader understanding of the pivotal role women's voices play in enhancing the role of the media. We will also highlight Internews' own Reflect Reality toolkit and e-learning course, lead by Paula Orlando, Internews Gender Programming Advisor.

Other speakers include: Kath Magrobi, Founder & Director of Quote This Woman+ (South Africa), Abaas Mpindi, CEO of the Media-Challenge Initiative (Uganda), and Blandine Umuziranenge, Founder & CEO of Kosmotive (Rwanda).

This enriching event is an opportunity to enhance your skills and contribute to a more representative media landscape that authentically reflects the diversity and significance of women's experiences. The workshop part of the event will be followed by a 30 min participant discussion, so please be ready to engage, learn, un-learn and re-learn from journalists and peers around the world!


If you are not entirely sure how animal health intersects with human health, this is the time to tune in! Experts from & will be joining us on Feb. 20 for a final livestream on . Discussion moderated by Alison Kentish We we also discuss

Congratulations for your award Ashley! We are happy that you were a panelist in our of our recent events on  !

Congratulations for your award Ashley! We are happy that you were a panelist in our of our recent events on !

January 31, 2024 Barbadian Ashley Lashley has been recognised for her work in raising awareness about global social, environmental and health issues and climate change. She’s been named the special mention awardee of the 2023 Enrique Garcia Leadership Award. The award organised by the CAF Developm...

January 30th is World Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) Day! The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes 25 NTDs, in...

January 30th is World Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) Day! The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes 25 NTDs, including rabies and Leishmaniasis.

NTDs are prevalent in tropical areas, where they thrive among people living in impoverished communities. But with changing weather patterns, some of these diseases are no longer just happening in the tropics.

It is estimated that NTDs affect more than 1 billion people, while the number of people requiring NTD interventions (both preventive and curative) is 1.6 billion. Journalists can do their part in ensuring these diseases are no longer "neglected."

Join us for a media dialogue co-hosted with RTI.International on this ahead of World NTD Day 2024!

BACK by popular demand: the ESAR RCCE Media Dialogues! Join the experts on 24th January at 4PM East Africa Time for an e...

BACK by popular demand: the ESAR RCCE Media Dialogues! Join the experts on 24th January at 4PM East Africa Time for an enlightening session, "Our Environment, Our Health:
reporting on how they‘re linked".

In East and Southern Africa, the repercussions of various environmental shifts are already visible: unpredictable weather patterns, variations in rainfall, extreme temperature events, and alterations in natural ecosystems.

The East and Southern Africa Region (ESAR) Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) media dialogue will feature experts from the IGAD Climate Predictions and Applications Centre (ICPAC), an advocate for Health and Environment awareness, and will offer strategies for the media to effectively communicate these important issues. Register here:

A report, “Consequences of climate change for global health” just presented in Davos by the World Economic Forum shows how climate change threatens several million deaths in the coming decades. It is also causing an uptick in serious illnesses – all at a high cost to health systems. In East an...

BACK by popular demand: the ESAR RCCE Media Dialogues!Join the experts on 24th January at 4PM East Africa Time for a dis...

BACK by popular demand: the ESAR RCCE Media Dialogues!
Join the experts on 24th January at 4PM East Africa Time for a discussion, El Niño explained: the climate crisis is a health crisis.

A report, “Consequences of climate change for global health” just presented in Davos by the World Economic Forum shows how climate change threatens several million deaths in the coming decades. It is also causing an uptick in serious illnesses – all at a high cost to health systems.

In East and Southern Africa, the impacts of six key consequences highlighted in the report are already a grim reality: floods, droughts, heat waves, tropical storms and cyclones, such as El Niño, and forest fires.

The East and Southern Africa Region (ESAR) Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) media dialogue, El Nino explained, features experts from the IGAD Climate Predictions and Applications Centre (ICPAC), a Climate-Health nexus advocate and tips for the media on how to unpack this story. Register here: #/registration

A report, “Consequences of climate change for global health” just presented in Davos by the World Economic Forum shows how climate change threatens several million deaths in the coming decades. It is also causing an uptick in serious illnesses – all at a high cost to health systems. In East an...

If you missed our recent webinar with Management Sciences for Health on the intersection between climate change and univ...

If you missed our recent webinar with Management Sciences for Health on the intersection between climate change and universal health coverage (UHC), you can catch the recording here. Surely, this conversation will spark some story ideas for 2024!

A virtual discussion about climate change and UHC


Did you know that the health of the oceans affects the health of all the planet including human health? Join us to learn about the Pristine Seas project, CETi, and other initiatives that have joined forces to protect our marine environment and how this can also safeguard human and animal health.

FELLOWSHIP OPPORTUNITY: The United Nations Foundation is now accepting applications for our 2024 Polio Press Fellowship....

FELLOWSHIP OPPORTUNITY: The United Nations Foundation is now accepting applications for our 2024 Polio Press Fellowship. This fellowship is geared towards journalists interested in reporting stories on polio eradication throughout the world. Selected fellows will participate in a virtual polio training session and receive funding to travel to a country at the forefront of the polio eradication effort to gather stories and interviews from health care workers, community members, families, and health authorities.

IInternewsUUnited NationsUUnited Nations Foundation

Application deadline: 1 January 2024 Journalists from all countries welcome to apply, however, preference will be given to stories from the following high-priority countries: Democratic Republic of the Congo, Nigeria, Mozambique, Pakistan, Somalia, and Yemen. On behalf of the United Nations Foundati...


Climate change is impacting our lives and health but, there is something we can do about it. In this Live interview with Steve Daniels, Environmental Health Specialist from Barbados, you will learn how we can mitigate its impact by planning ahead. Join the discussion and engage with us


Вакцините од животно значење за постарите: Како да се известува за вакцинацијата на повозрасната популација.

Вакцините се исклучително важни за постарите лица бидејќи може да спречат болести и хоспитализација. Затоа важно е да се адресираат сомнежите или стравовите поврзани со вакцинацијата меѓу возрасните лица кои имаат срцева или белодробна болест или дијабет. Јасно разбирање на вредноста на вакцинацијата може да помогне за повисока стапка на имунизација. Градењето доверба и зајакнувањето на свеста на јавноста за вредноста на вакцините им помага на луѓето да разберат зошто препораките на експертите за имунизација во текот на целиот живот се од суштинско значење. Новинарите може да имаат клучна улога во објаснувањето на придобивките од имунизацијата за да им помогнат на луѓето да донесат информирана одлука за вакцинација. Придружете ни се во дискусијата за овие прашања заедно со група панелисти од различни профили: технички експерти, здравствени работници и искусни новинари!

Inequity drives mistrust in public institutions and in health care responses. Understanding what drives mistrust in heal...

Inequity drives mistrust in public institutions and in health care responses. Understanding what drives mistrust in health information and what possible actions can mitigate or address the impact that this mistrust has on the effectiveness of health emergency response is critical to manage any future disease outbreak and even current health interventions. Check out Internews latest report on this important topic as it relates to humanitarian interventions in at-risk communities:

Number of viruses that can potentially impact mammals, including humans. Are you producing stories on what needs to be d...

Number of viruses that can potentially impact mammals, including humans. Are you producing stories on what needs to be done nationally, regionally, and globally to prevent future disease outbreaks? Tons of very interesting stories linked to this topic.

When facts are not enough - From the author of "Stuck: How Vaccine Rumors Start - and Why They Don't Go Away". Insights ...

When facts are not enough - From the author of "Stuck: How Vaccine Rumors Start - and Why They Don't Go Away". Insights from COVID to build trust in science.

Join Internews and the Sabin Vaccine Institute on 12 October at 11h00 GMT for a conversation with Dr Heidi Larson, who says journalists have a unique role to play to prepare people for pandemics and other calamities. Her pioneering work with social listening has generated insights into how public sentiment can shift over time. And it starts with listening… Register here:

From the author of "Stuck: How Vaccine Rumors Start - and Why They Don't Go Away". A dialogue with Dr Heidi Larson whose pioneering work to better understand vaccine skepticism around the world has generated insights into how public sentiment can shift over time. And it starts with listening …. Th...

Very cool way of sharing an important message for reporters!

Very cool way of sharing an important message for reporters!


For some in Moldova, misinformation and disinformation surrounding COVID-19 vaccines have contributed to lower confidence in the efficacy and safety of COVID-19 vaccination. There is concern that confidence levels for other vaccinations, such as routine immunization for children, could also be affected. Moldova is currently engaged in trying to restore childhood immunization to pre-pandemic levels and ensure that many lifesaving vaccines reach every teen, adult, and the elderly throughout life. Despite efforts from the Ministry of Health and partners, vaccine uptake is lower than desired, quality information about vaccines is limited, and concerns about vaccines safety run high.

Dezinformarea și informarea eronată cu privire la vaccinurile COVID-19 au contribuit la scăderea încrederii în eficacitatea și siguranța vaccinării împotriva COVID-19 și, eventual, a altor vaccinări în Moldova. Țara încearcă să restabilească imunizarea copiilor la niveluri pre-pandemice și de a se asigura că multe vaccinuri salvatoare de vieți ajung la fiecare adolescent, adult și vârstnic pe tot parcursul vieții. Prin promovarea discursului public, jurnaliștii pot contribui la reluarea eforturilor de imunizare a copiilor și adulților. Alăturați-vă nouă pentru a discuta aceste probleme cu specialiștii și jurnaliștii seniori!

Дезинформация и ложная информация о вакцинах против COVID-19 способствовали снижению уверенности в эффективности и безопасности вакцинации против COVID-19 и, возможно, других вакцин в Молдове. В настоящее время Молдова пытается восстановить иммунизацию детей до уровня существовавшего до пандемии и обеспечить, чтобы многие жизненно важные вакцины доходили до каждого подростка, взрослого и пожилого человека на протяжении всей жизни. Содействуя публичному обсуждению, журналисты могут способствовать возобновлению усилий по иммунизации детей и взрослых. Присоединяйтесь к нам, чтобы обсудить эти вопросы со специалистами и опытными журналистами!

ATTN AFRICAN JOURNALISTS! Do you want to attend this year's African Investigative Journalism Conference in Johannesburg?...

ATTN AFRICAN JOURNALISTS! Do you want to attend this year's African Investigative Journalism Conference in Johannesburg? Check out and apply for this AMAZING fellowship opportunity to take part in a Masterclass on investigative journalism! All expenses paid, all you need is a good attitude and a passion for excellent investigative reporting! Apply here:

AIJC - African Investigative Journalism Conference
International Journalists' Network (IJNet)
Internews in South Sudan

Dear fellow journalists, Are you ready to elevate your investigative journalism skills to the next level? The African Investigative Journalism Conference, in partnership with SKUP (the Association for Critical and Investigative Press in Norway) and Bellingcat, is excited to announce an exceptional o...

Check this out!

Check this out!

Exciting news for journalists and newsrooms!

Introducing our free online course: "How to use and other generative tools in your newsroom."

Learn from experts Aimee Rinehart and Sil Hamilton and gain hands-on skills with ChatGPT.

This course is offered in English, Spanish and Portuguese!

TODAY! A shot of truth: an undertold story of hope against cervical cancer.Join Internews and the Sabin Vaccine Institut...


A shot of truth: an undertold story of hope against cervical cancer.

Join Internews and the Sabin Vaccine Institute for a GLOBAL MEDIA DIALOGUE exploring HPV vaccination.

This event will help journalists explore in-depth HPV vaccination and cervical cancer reporting. Gaps in public dialogue will be identified and addressed.

Book your spot here:

The WHO reported 604,000 new cervical cancer cases in 2020, with 342,000 women dying from the disease. HPV causes reprod...

The WHO reported 604,000 new cervical cancer cases in 2020, with 342,000 women dying from the disease. HPV causes reproductive system infections and cervical cancer. The HPV vaccine may prevent 90% of HPV-related malignancies and precancerous lesions.

This webinar will help journalists explore in-depth HPV vaccination and cervical cancer reporting. Gaps in public dialogue will be identified and addressed. Internews will announce media . Journalists covering HPV vaccination and cervical cancer elimination in South Asia will receive these fellowships.

Join us on June 14th to find out more:


Hand hygiene saves millions of lives every year when performed at the right moments during health care delivery. It is also a smart investment that offers exceptional return for investments. Clean care protects health workers, care givers and those who seek care.

Despite the importance of hand hygiene, an Infection Prevention and Control (IPC)-Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) global assessment found that the Eastern and Southern Africa region ranks lowest with over 47% of the population lacking access to at least basic drinking water services.

Health workers have not been spared, having been disproportionately affected by emerging and re-emerging infections in recent years and months.

In 2023, the WHO Regional Office for Africa’s campaign theme for World Hand Hygiene Day is “together, we can accelerate action to prevent infections and antimicrobial resistance in health care and build a culture of safety and quality in which hand hygiene improvement is given high priority.”

Along this theme, the May 4 ESAR RCCE Media Dialogue was devoted to a discussion of the importance of hand hygiene. We hear from several speakers from a variety of backgrounds discussing the challenges they face in improving IPC and WASH in the East and Southern Africa region.

This Media Dialogue is brought to you by the Media Taskforce of the Eastern and Southern Africa Inter-Agency working group for Risk Communication and Community Engagement.

Have you already nominated someone who has used social media for good during the   pandemic? We are co-hosting this even...

Have you already nominated someone who has used social media for good during the pandemic? We are co-hosting this event, which is spearheaded by UniteHealth Social Media Awards. June 13th will be the awards ceremony! Help ensure that nominations come from all countries representative of our network. Read more about this awesome initiative, nominate someone, vote, AND don't forget to join us on June 13th.

Thanking all those around the world who used social media to help us make sense of the pandemic


Europe and Eurasia Virtual Media Dialogue

Event Language: Serbian
Register to join us live for simultaneous interpretation in English, Russian, or Romanian:

Every year, vaccines save millions of lives, and protect millions more from disease and disability. While many people are aware of routine vaccination availability for children to prevent many serious infectious diseases, like polio and measles, the complexities of delivering vaccination beyond the first year of life pose additional challenges for public health systems.

While routine childhood immunizations are highly promoted and have health system mechanisms and staff to deliver them at scale, the lack of structures to provide high-quality, low-cost vaccination to adolescents and adults continues to be a challenge for countries. Two factors contribute to this: low public awareness about “life course vaccination,” and the need for an informed consensus on what kinds of vaccines and boosters are required through the lifespan.

Journalists have a crucial role to play in reporting on the need for routine childhood immunization and promoting a better understanding of a life-course approach to immunization, especially for vulnerable populations. Join us during World Immunization Week to debate these issues with technical experts and senior journalists.


An outbreak of the Highly Pathogenic Influenza Virus (H5N1) among mammals, including minks in Spain and sea lions in Peru, is causing some concern among scientists in Latin America and beyond. Should we be worried that this virus, usually transmitted by wild birds to other types of birds, is getting better at infecting mammals and can potentially spillover to humans? Join us on ZOOM:


The Marburg virus, a close cousin of Ebola that can kill as many as 90 percent of the people it infects, has appeared in Tanzania and Equatorial Guinea for the first time in either country. The government of Equatorial Guinea reports nine confirmed and 20 suspected Marburg deaths there since January, and Tanzania has seen five confirmed Marburg deaths since March.

Marburg has similarities to Ebola but is different. To understand these differences and what needs to be done to treat and protect people, we will be joined by Dr. Hadson Kunsa, a Ugandan physician and an Ebola survivor. While on duty at a hospital in Mubende last September, he and five colleagues contracted Ebola from the first known patient in the Uganda Sudan ebolavirus outbreak, becoming severely ill. After receiving supportive care, he and two other colleagues recovered and were able to return to clinical work. Dr. Kunsa is dedicated to using his experience, insights and knowledge in order to inform epidemic prevention and control. Dr Kunsa will share his story and provide guidance on dealing with the Marburg and Ebola outbreaks in Africa.

We will also be joined by two Internews Media Mentors, Adele Baleta and Kate Thomas, who will guide journalists on the differences between Ebola and Marburg and discuss how journalists can best inform audiences about the diseases. In addition, RCCE working group member Unicef will share the latest community conversations, misinformation, and rumours on social media that Unicef and other groups are tracking in the ESAR region regarding the Marburg and Ebola outbreaks.
Participants are invited to send questions for the speakers in advance.

This Media Dialog is brought to you by the Media Taskforce of the Eastern and Southern Africa Inter-Agency working group for Risk Communication and Community Engagement.

This competitive HIV/AIDS reporting fellowship, spearheaded by the Internews Health Journalism Network, with the support...

This competitive HIV/AIDS reporting fellowship, spearheaded by the Internews Health Journalism Network, with the support of the Mercury Phoenix Trust, will award 10 fellowships (of $1,000 USD each) to mid-career/senior level health and science reporters.
The fellowship includes 3 exclusive virtual training sessions where fellows will gain new insights into reporting on specific topics relating to HIV/AIDS, 1 on 1 mentoring on story development, and finally a chance to win an additional prize for the best story to be produced and successfully published or aired. The stories will be judged by a panel including HJN staff and speakers from virtual training sessions.
Apply by 18 April!

This competitive HIV/AIDS reporting fellowship will award 10 fellowships (of $1,000 USD each) to mid-career/senior level health and science reporters.



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