Martin Luther calls out modern-day demon slayers...
Therefore we should with utter confidence hold up before the poltergeists these three witnesses of Scripture: first, Moses, who says: you shall not inquire of the dead [Deut. 18:11]; second, Isaiah [8:19-20]: you shall consult the law and the testimony rather than the dead; third, Abraham and Christ: “They have Moses and the prophets, let them hear them” [Luke 16:29].
We are not to let ourselves be moved by the great number of vigils, masses or anniversaries, churches and altars, which are all founded and erected upon the words and answers of these poltergeists. For you can see that all of it stands and depends upon the devil’s lies and the signs and wonders of false Christs and apostles (which Christ announced beforehand [Matt. 24:24-25]) so that they might fill the world with horrible idolatry which cries to heaven and causes God’s last judgment to press closer with great, unbearable wrath.
(Martin Luther, “The Misuse of the Mass,” Luther’s Works, Vol. 36 [Philadelphia:
Fortress Press, 1959], pp. 195-98.)