
Phliara It's all about the beauty our eyes can see outside and inside; fine arts, photography, media design,

"Kreativität ist die Intelligenz, die Spaß hat" - Albert Einstein___ ___ ___Unter diesem Motto durfte ich vor Kurzem in ...

"Kreativität ist die Intelligenz, die Spaß hat" - Albert Einstein
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Unter diesem Motto durfte ich vor Kurzem in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Wortkünstler Marc Schmitkunz ein neues Projekt ins Leben rufen und meine kreative Betätigung unter dem Namen "Phliara" um die Sparte Videoschnitt erweitern. Spontan geboren wurde die Idee poetischer Videos bei unserem Kennenlernen als Verschmelzung zweier Köpfe, die sich über die Eigenheiten des Lebens allerlei Gedanken machen.

Wenn diese Macht der Gedanken, gegossen in Worte, auf die Welt der Bilder und Laute trifft, entstehen Synergien, die die Herzen der Menschen bewegen können.

So hat mich die Schönheit von Marcs Worten dazu inspiriert, sie in visuelle Geschichten zu kleiden und hinaus in die Welt zu schicken. Einfach so. Weil Geschichten gehört und gesehen werden wollen.

Auch wenn unser erstes Video in den unendlichen Dimensionen Youtubes untergehen mag, so bin ich jedem Zuschauer dankbar, der sich für ein paar Augenblicke auf diese Welt der Worte - und Bilder - einlässt, zuweilen von mir, zuweilen von Marc selbst gesprochen. Poesie ist Herzenssprache - und diese Sprache ist Magie - Herzmagie.

Weitere Videos folgen bald 🙂

Zwei Minuten Motivation, die den Mut zum Neuanfang feiern und die Vorfreude auf das eigene Leben.

"The Eye of Horus" .. also known as Wadjet or Ujat, is an ancient Egyptian symbol found in tombs and manuscripts. Wadjet...

"The Eye of Horus"
.. also known as Wadjet or Ujat, is an ancient Egyptian symbol found in tombs and manuscripts. Wadjet would come to mean “the totality or unity restored”.

It goes back to the mythical conflict between the god Horus with his rival Set: Set tore out or destroyed one or both of Horus's eyes. The eye was subsequently healed or returned to Horus with the assistance of other deities. Horus subsequently offered the eye to his deceased father Osiris, and its power sustained Osiris in the afterlife. The Eye is therefore sometimes called “green eye“, associating the color with Osiris, vegetation, resurrection.

The Horus Eye became the symbol of healing, sacrifice, and protection. It reminds of the evil repelled, but it also represents the unity of beings in a single entity, knowledge and total vision.

The symbol is made up of 6 elements - torn up into 6 pieces by Seth - representing the 5 senses plus thought:

▶️ The eyebrow = thought, close to the brain
▶️ The pupil = sight.
▶️ The right side of the pupil, closest to the nose = smell.
▶️ The left side of the pupil = hearing, close to the ear.
▶️ The curved part that looks like a tongue = taste.
▶️ Looking like a leg touching the ground, the teardrop = touch.
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More about "The Eye of Horus" and its link to medicine on

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"Eye of Horus" - digital painting 2023

"There is a light that never goes out" - song title by the British rock band "The Smiths" ______________Winter is here. ...

"There is a light that never goes out" - song title by the British rock band "The Smiths"
Winter is here.

Short days and long nights. Nature comes to rest. Life inside becomes more important than life outside. The season for slowdowns and comtemplation.

Darkness prevails.

Winter season is therefore also symbolic for difficult periods of life.

But have you ever noticed there it's never totally dark even at nighttime?

There is always some remaining light efficiently used by nocturnal animals like owls. Even at night, the moon stays close to Earth to reflect the sunlight, to remind that there is light behind the horizon.
That there will be a new day soon again. For now it's time to be silent; something our busy human world often finds most impossible.

Only once a month, we don't see light because the moon moves between Earth and the sun. Or when it's covered by dense clouds.

Those eternal cycles are also present in us humans.

There are times of rest, withdrawal and silence, but there will always be a new beginning. Don't let your life be tainted by dense thoughts. Don't take your point of view too seriously, and don't block the light. Live. All of this is temporary. All of this is a natural cycle.

Wrap yourself in warm clothes and take a break, but don't forget who you are under all that attire.

Wisdom comes on silent wings.
Face the moonlight.
Trust nature.

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"Silent wisdom" - digital painting 2022

"If magic was present, it moved under the skin of the world, beneath the ability of human eyes to catch sight of it."- G...

"If magic was present, it moved under the skin of the world, beneath the ability of human eyes to catch sight of it."

- Gregory Maguire, American novelist
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I’ve never created art this regularly. During the last couple of weeks, I realized more and more how magical all creation is 💫 How our mind comes up with ideas is a miracle. I can’t explain in detail why and how a certain idea strikes my mind and makes me want to create a specific painting 🤔🤷‍♀️ - With each one I finish, I still wonder how it falls perfectly into place with something going on in my life at that moment ...

What I can tell for sure is that creating something from your own imagination feels like magic 🧚‍♀️ That’s probably what creating art of your own in general feels like. Painting regularly started affecting my perception of the world in a deeper way. It makes me observe shapes, curves, angles, the subtle play of light on fabric, colours and textures. It feels like I am growing a new pair of eyes from my head 😂 (that's her necklace, right? )

I now understand why DaVinci, Goethe and others became artists and scientists, too. To see, to really see something, to take it in with your senses fully is like seeing something – and seeing through it at the same time. You start wondering about existence. Like that crystal ball there – you see the glass and the external shape, but at the same time, you see life moving inside of it. Isn’t that the concept of multiple dimensions?

All art is magic. That’s probably the reason I’m hooked on magic 😊

"Look beyond" – digital painting 2022
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**We are the grandchildren of the witches they couldn’t burn.**🎃 🎃 🎃Inspired by Halloween (All Hallows` Eve) and the ope...

**We are the grandchildren of the witches they couldn’t burn.**

🎃 🎃 🎃
Inspired by Halloween (All Hallows` Eve) and the opening of the portals to the Otherworld, this painting is a memory of those thousands of women who burned on the stack for their powerful insight into the workings of nature.

The artwork includes old clichés of unconventional, cheeky red-haired, dressed in black witches with crooked hats, but it transforms those clichés by revealing their real power. It can only be grasped by those who understand the secret language of codes and symbols - those who, on their own quest for knowledge, have already gained insight into the connection of spirit and matter.
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Witches know how to manipulate elements to manifest their desire. According to the five elements theory, everything in nature is made up of 5 essential elements: Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Ether (Space, Spirit). “Witchcraft is a way of looking at the physical and spiritual as a collaborative source of manifestation”, (Dacha Avelin, author of “Embracing Your Inner Witch”). They see and create magic in places where most others do not.
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One of their main symbols is the Pentacle/Pentagram; the five-pointed star is one of the most powerful symbols in history, revered by nearly all ancient cultures like the Egyptian, Greek, Babylonian, Chinese, Indian or Mayan. It`s a symbol of life, love, light, unity, wholeness, and quest for divine knowledge.

It represents
1. - humanity or the human body (representing two outstretched arms, two legs, and the head),
2. - the 5 physical senses: sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste and
3. - the 5 elements.

Upon death, the human body dissolves into these essential elements of nature, thereby balancing the cycle of nature.
“Magic Essence” - digital painting 2022 ✍️

The world is drowning in fearDespite our instinctive knowledge that nothing good was ever achieved in the name of fear. ...

The world is drowning in fear

Despite our instinctive knowledge that nothing good was ever achieved in the name of fear. We know things like: "Don‘t make decisions based on fear.", "Fear is a bad advisor.", "Fear blocks rational thinking and activates the blind instincts of survival" - survival at the cost of others.

The three physical reactions to fear developed thoughout evolution: fight – flight – freeze. Watch how those three are now extensively unfolding in mass media. And in ourselves! Fear creates hatred. Hatred drives war.

More than ever, it is important to hold the vibration of love and joy.

That‘s what the world needs most at the moment. Only those energies can give humankind the focus to come to good conclusions. A loving attitude towards the world which embraces the world, no matter how irrational some events seem. No matter how much hatred, judgement and wars there have been on Earth – the human spirit has always been greater. Just remember how often populations were destroyed in the past, for thousands and thousands of years. Yet, even after the most abominable genocides, people came together to rebuild their countries from the ashes. We have their experience and expertise stored in our genes. We are the rightful descendants of their hopes for a better future.

Let’s remember that we are ONE human race. Past generations devoted their whole lives for us to be happy and to enjoy the wonders of life. We all want to live in peace, to raise our children peacefully and to feel the gentle sunshine on our skin. This is a beautiful planet – the most beautiful in the entire solar system. Humans are beautiful beings, able of love, compassion and collaboration. Those values have always prevailed, even if they had to be rediscovered after long conflicts.

WE are not devision. WE are not hatred. WE are not judgement.

We are more than that.

We are trust.
We are sympathy.
We are love.

Human collaboration has enabled us to grow our civilisations and to create even more wonders and wealth for humankind than ever before. Growth is a natural life energy. Life equals growth and joy.

Only those who are peaceful and joyful are those who can bring something valuable to the table. Joy is always possible because there is always – always - always something to be thankful for.

Let’s turn away from the hatred in the mass media and remember that we are all humans trying to create a peaceful world where there is space for everyone.

This is the real human spirit:
- understanding
- empathy
- joy - to be alive and to experience the beauty of life

Everyone wants to be alive. Every nation and every human being. We‘re all in this together.

💛 Let’s remember that 🌻💛
Image: "Towards joy" - digital painting
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"Scent of a Woman"Tons of books attempting to describe „woman“ would not do her justice. Any concept trying to define he...

"Scent of a Woman"

Tons of books attempting to describe „woman“ would not do her justice. Any concept trying to define her would seem like an additional petal wrapped around a carefully hidden core. She is a mystic creature encompassing the entire range of human nobility and abyss, from boundless selfless love to the most evil and desctructive forces embodied by Lilith, Pandora and their kind. The female s*x has always been the most favourite artistic object throughout human history.

It is yet a different thing to feel woman. To see, to observe and be touched by her.

Remember your grandmother‘s soft palm of your head?
Your mother’s caresses when lying in bed ill?
Your sister’s arms around your waist?
Your lover’s scent on her body?
Her gentle touch on your arm?
Your daughter’s locks framing her lovely face in the family portrait?

All this is - woman. And so much more. It’s the subtle force which cannot be described by words. It can only be felt. The fascination of women is celebrated each day on TV, on advertising pillars and in screen windows.

Woman is beyond words.
She is beauty.
She is softness.
She is elegance.

She is everything at once. She is an angel. And she is a witch. She is a goddess. And she is a bitch. She is revered and she is hated. She gives birth and at the same time turns you into a mortal. Her power lies in the unspeakable magic to give and to take life.

Symbolising the entire circle of life, she is most of all human.

To be around women is to understand that life is unpredictable and undefinable. To love women means to appreciate the ebb and flow of her being. She is nature; her eternal cycles of becoming and expiring, exposing an essential aspect of the life of the earth.
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To you woman

To be a woman is to be open to the subtle language of your being. Don’t let yourself be distracted by the noisy, busy and competitive demands reigning our society and public life. We are women because our power lies in what cannot be verbally described and not fully understood. Don’t justify yourself before anyone on this planet. Not even your partner. Your path is holy. Your power can’t be taken away by any man or any other woman. We are goddesses and we are powerful witches. Straighten your crown and remember the legacy of all female ancestors. Walk down the catwalk of life like the world is yours – because creating you woman, universe made you a queen.



Um geboren zu werden, brauchte man:

👫 2 Eltern
👫 4 Großeltern
👫 8 Urgroßeltern
👫 16 zweite Urgroßeltern
👫 32 dritte Urgroßeltern
👫 64 vierte Urgroßeltern
👫 128 fünfte Urgroßeltern
👫 256 sechste Urgroßeltern
👫 512 siebte Urgroßeltern
👫 1.024 achte Urgroßeltern
👫 2.048 neunte Urgroßeltern

DU folgst einer langen Kette aus 12 Generationen, um heute hier und JETZT in dieser Zeit geboren zu werden.

Dies alles brauchte in den letzten 400 Jahren insgesamt 4.094 Vorfahren.

Jetzt denke nur einen Moment darüber nach....
😣 Wie viele Kämpfe?
🤕 Wie viele Schlachten?
☹️ Wie viele Schwierigkeiten?
😢 Wie viel Traurigkeit?
🤩 Wie viel Glück?
😍 Wie viele Liebesgeschichten?
😇 Wie viele Hoffnungsäußerungen um die Zukunft mussten deine Vorfahren durchmachen, damit du in diesem gegenwärtigen Moment existierst???

Verstehst du?
Weißt du, WER DU BIST?

Du bist das Ergebnis des Gesamten!
Du bist der Tropfen, der den Ozean bildet.
Sie zählen ALLE auf dich und sehen dein Licht.
Sie wissen, dass du es schaffst 💝 Also denke immer daran und bleibe so selbstsicher, wie du es noch nie zuvor warst.

Du wirst alles verändern!

Lass dich nicht mehr ablenken, weil -


Love this concept and great Photoshop skills

Love this concept and great Photoshop skills

A more exotic version of the little red riding hood... 😜There are lots of dangerous and beautiful creatures out there, n...

A more exotic version of the little red riding hood... 😜

There are lots of dangerous and beautiful creatures out there, not only wolves 😉
For a change, one of my photoshop compositings 💓 Check out phliara on Instagram for more

Colours have an emotional effect on us. Always.Just remember the wondeful colours of skies at dawn, rainbows, Carribean ...

Colours have an emotional effect on us. Always.

Just remember the wondeful colours of skies at dawn, rainbows, Carribean oceans, meadows, summer gardens, parks, underwater worlds and coral banks, jungles...

Although it has always been an essential theme in arts, fashion, interior design etc, colour is for some reason still much ignored in business environments like offices, presentation rooms and to a great degree, in puclic service places. Let's hope for more in the future.

The colour blue is symbolic for our planet. But there are lots of variants of blue. Find more on one of these in the article. And : Pay particularly attention to the images presented in the text. How does this colour feel to you? How does it affect the environment where it is used?

Why the artist’s eye continues to gravitate towards the vibrant hue.

So, ladies and gentleman 😉 That's the 12 inches behind the camera. Captured by my lovely friend Jessica.I discovered pho...

So, ladies and gentleman 😉 That's the 12 inches behind the camera. Captured by my lovely friend Jessica.

I discovered photography 2,5 years ago and can't imagine quitting anymore. Every new activity we start practising on a regular basis, takes us on a new journey with new emotions and insights. It gives us new perspectives on life, expands our knowledge about the world and thus, even shapes our personality.

For me, it's fascinating to see where my journey in the world of photography has taken me to over the past 2 years. I still have so many photos in my archive waiting to see the daylight 🤩 I'm especially excited to present my male models soon. And sometimes, as a photographer you even remember the special chain of little moments and events wrapped around a shooting day when you look at one of the photos.

Photography is one of the most wonderful hobbies you can have. It offers different ranges of places, objects, people, interactions, environment and so much more. It is easy to begin and yet offers countless possibilities for every level of expertise. Platforms like Instagram have done photography a big service. In its democratic mechanism, it has helped millions of people to be seen around the world. Unfortunately, our mass culture and those platforms also contribute to the inflation of this wondeful art. Photos have to be extraordinary, outstanding, flashy or otherwise. But the loudest person in the room is not always the most beautiful, the most interesting or the most sensitive.

I ask you to take more time for the visual worlds anywhere online and offline. Next time you see a picture you particularly like, stay there and look, and watch for one second longer! What is so appealing to you there?

In an overflowing mass of visual input, we need to expand our visual literacy to expand our ability to read images. Text is about to lose its importance while the visual world is booming exorbitantly. But you know, with every art and every discipline you pursue in life : The more you understand, the more your senses and your soul enjoy diving deep in.

Nature will find a way. On my walk through the city, I took a photo of this spot because of the appealing contrast of th...

Nature will find a way.

On my walk through the city, I took a photo of this spot because of the appealing contrast of the lovely flower and the rough fence. The way the fragile petals and leaves wrap around the metal chainwire is so poetic. Like a symbol of the symbiosis between culture and civilsation on the one hand vs. individualism and wilderness on the other hand.

But it also bears an additional meaning when I look closer ;) It reminds me that mostly, it is wise to remain soft and flexible and to look for a way to express yourself in any challenging life situation.

A photo is never ever an objective representation of reality, no matter how "real" it seems.People are often not aware o...

A photo is never ever an objective representation of reality, no matter how "real" it seems.

People are often not aware of the limitations of human perception. Perception is based on our material senses and can only go as far they would allow.

Every single photo is a logical result of a perspective, composition, distance, omission, light, framing - and many more conditions. Having the skill and the creative imagination to put things into the right perspective has transformed photography into art.

Depending on various of these choices, photography can work FOR us - if our mental representation of ourselves corresponds to the actual image. Equally, photography can work AGAINST us if the idea of ourselves does not match the image.

What is the idea you have of yourself? How much of this idea is formed by what other people have told you about your body?

Find below one of the best examples of showing how easily images can be manipulated just by a different choice of focal length. No Photoshop, no filters! Pure physics. Human perception only.

You shoot the same face - you get two different photos. Or should I rather say - two different "perceptions"? 🎭

I recently did a photoshoot with to get a few new shots for my website. He was geeking out about the the difference in how things look depending on the focal length of the lens, which I found interesting due to how many of my clients experience photos to be one of THE MOST INTENSE body image triggers.

To demonstrate, he took these two photos of my face, and explained how a wide angle lens leads to distortions, which makes faces look kinda weird (L) but also makes bodies look thinner so photographers will sometimes use it to get “more flattering” body shots.

A telephoto lens on the other hand leads to compression, which makes faces look more or less “normal” (R) but has a widening effect which can make bodies look bigger, wider, or fatter. (Notice how much thinner my neck is on the left than on the right? Also I have no ears on the left.)

I found this all fascinating.

Essentially, photos aren’t a perfect representation of how we look, and there are dramatic differences in how we’ll appear depending on the equipment being used.

And yet, so many clients have been triggered by a photo, either hating how it looks (ie: “my arms look huge” or “I look so wide”) or expressing confusion (ie: “I think I looked one way and then I saw a photo and now I feel like I have no idea how I actually look”).

Photos have a way of triggering body hatred and for this exact reason: it shows a different image than our eyes see, and calls into question your own perception of how you look.

Maybe you think you look ok, then you see an “unflattering” photo and realize you were wrong. When we can’t trust our own perceptions, we often dive into obsessive body checking/ministering to figure out the truth. Am I actually fat/big/wide, or no? Am I pretty or do I look weird? Am I ok?

But photos are NOT objective facts, and they don’t capture you the way other people will actually see you.

For example, no matter the angle, my face will never look exactly like *either* of these two photos to the naked human eye.

Did you know this? Have you seen this?

And more importantly, what has your relationship been between body image and photos?

Color theory is a complex matter. But there are a few central keywords which help to find a way through the jungle

Color theory is a complex matter. But there are a few central keywords which help to find a way through the jungle

Snow queen

Snow queen

My friend sending me a hello from her Christmas holidays at the North Pole 😄 ...(photo manipulation with Photoshop) cred...

My friend sending me a hello from her Christmas holidays at the North Pole 😄 ...

(photo manipulation with Photoshop)
credits: free stock photo of the bear by Hans-Jurgen Mager Thank you for this wonderful shot

Im Dunkeln ist gut munkeln :)Eine der einfachsten Methoden, mit dem Malen zu beginnen, sind Silhouetten-Bilder, d.h. Bil...

Im Dunkeln ist gut munkeln :)

Eine der einfachsten Methoden, mit dem Malen zu beginnen, sind Silhouetten-Bilder, d.h. Bilder von schwarzen Silhouetten vor einem andersfarbigen Hintergrund. Die Silhouetten können Menschen, Tiere, Bäume und Berge sein. Dafür kann man sich beim Hintergrund nach Lust und Laune austoben. Weil man nur die Umrisse der Silhouetten zu malen braucht, sind diese Bilder technisch nicht sehr anspruchsvoll, können aber mit wenigen Effekten beim Hintergrund bzw. Umfeld große Wirkung erzielen. Schatten regen die Fantasie an und wirken zudem romantisch ...🌟

Für die ersten Versuche mit einem neuen Malprogramm ließ ich mich von Internetbildern inspirieren. Es sollte nicht zu aufwändig sein, um mich mehr auf das Programm als auf das Bild konzentrieren zu können. Das Original habe ich beim Malen daher vereinfacht (z.B. kein Himmelsverlauf) und in der Komposition abgewandelt.

Kompositorische Änderungen verändern auch immer die Wirkung eines Bildes.

Das Original, das breite Bild, betont den Horizont und rückt den weiten hellen Sternenhimmel ins Blickfeld. Der mittige Wolf und seine Hinwendung zum Mond leiten den Blick des Betrachters ebenfalls nach oben. Der Baum wirkt auf dem Feld hinter dem Wolf wie beiläufige Deko und betont durch die seitliche Platzierung zusätzlich die Breite des Bildes.

Der Horizont rückt in einem quadratischen Bildaufbau deutlich in den Hintergrund. Der Sternenhimmel ist beschnitten, das Auge nimmt eine Balance zwischen Breite und Weite wahr. Da der Mond in diesem Aufbau zwischen dem Wolf und dem Baum schwebt, habe ich in dieser Konstellation ein Dreieck zwischen allen drei Akteuren erschaffen. Und passend zum Format auch den Baum etwas kompakter gemalt.

Voila, Nr. 1 - mein erstes Procreate-Werk! Nr. 2 – das Original (von Pezibear on Pixabay)

Wofür ist welches der drei Programme am besten

Wofür ist welches der drei Programme am besten

Den Sommer genießen bevor er vorbei ist ...

Den Sommer genießen bevor er vorbei ist ...

Während die meisten von kreativen Menschen denken als ‘rechts-denkend’ oder künstlerisch, besteht Kreativität in uns allen- selbst in den logischen, linearen Denkern. Aber bei einigen ist die kreative Seite feiner geschliffen und bei anderen weniger, und diese wissen wie man diese fantasievol...




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