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The Testament Podcast The Testament Podcast explores individual testimonies about how Jesus Christ our Lord has changed hearts and lives.

Word up Wednesday!“So the wall was finished on the twenty-fifth day of the month Elul, in fifty-two days. And when all o...

Word up Wednesday!

“So the wall was finished on the twenty-fifth day of the month Elul, in fifty-two days. And when all our enemies heard of it, all the nations around us were afraid and fell greatly in their own esteem, for they perceived that his work had been accomplished with the help of our God.” Nehemiah 6:15-16

Nehemiah loved God and loved his country. He grieved to hear their distress and set out, overcoming many obstacles, to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem.

He requested permission to temporarily leave the Persian King’s side (he was the cupbearer). A risky move that paid off. He entered the city without pomp and circumstance and promptly went to work. He suffered through ridicule from the haters of Jerusalem. He avoided the temptation to meet with opposers for “friendly” discussion as requested by several letters. They were really attempts to get him away and kill him. He refused the temptation to protect himself as recommended by a friend, a fellow prophet, hired by his oppressors to lure him to be killed (actually a false friend).

Nehemiah was solid and steady in his work of the Lord! Focused and dedicated. Refusing to be side tracked or misled. Overcoming the impossible. All because he didn’t allow himself to chase squirrels. Oh how we love to chase squirrels! The enemy makes our squirrels so our work in the Lord cannot be complete. The more we do, the closer we get, the more squirrels surround us. What are your squirrels? Can you name them? How do we kick them out of our lives?

Get more of these devotionals in our recently published 52-week devotional, “Word Up Wednesday 2022-2023”, now on sale at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

Barnes & Noble:

Word up Wednesday!“So he went down and dipped himself seven times in the Jordan, according to the word of the man of God...

Word up Wednesday!

“So he went down and dipped himself seven times in the Jordan, according to the word of the man of God, and his flesh was restored like the flesh of a little child, and he was clean.” 2 Kings 5:14

Seeking cleanliness from leprosy, Naaman travelled a great distance to see a prophet. He travelled with a letter from his king and with money, both of which would likely get him the treatment he deserved in his prestigious position as a high ranking military leader. Boy, was he disappointed!

Naaman was upset because the prophet delivered a message to him without coming to see him personally. How disrespectful, right? He allowed his anger to burn. Seeking to leave, his servant asked him to just give the instructions a try anyway. After dipping in the Jordan, Naaman was clean. Thankful and rejoicing, he still tried to pay Elisha for the “services” but he refused.

Oh, how we tend to get upset when we are not provided what we think we deserve or if His will is fulfilled in a way that seems beneath us. Our ways are not His ways (Isaiah 55:8). But rather than let our expectations anger us, maybe we just need to heed the words of the great theologian, Nike, and “Just Do It!”

Get more of these devotionals in our recently published 52-week devotional, “Word Up Wednesday 2022-2023”, now on sale at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

Barnes & Noble:

Ride of Your Life Ministries is a not-for-profit group of enthusiasts with a mission to make Christ known to all they co...

Ride of Your Life Ministries is a not-for-profit group of enthusiasts with a mission to make Christ known to all they come in contact with. They are dedicated to sharing with others how they can be redeemed, restored, and revived through the Gospel and saving power of Jesus Christ.

Jeff had the opportunity to guest on their podcast and talk about the importance of sharing our stories. Take a listen!

Welcome to this week's episode of The ROYL Podcast! This week we are joined in the virtual studio by author and fellow podcaster, Jeff Keck!Connect with Jeff...

Word up Wednesday!Where can wisdom be found? Where does understanding dwell?JOB 28:12Today’s message derived from anothe...

Word up Wednesday!

Where can wisdom be found? Where does understanding dwell?
JOB 28:12

Today’s message derived from another devotion.

How many updates do you get on your phone for the software? You have to check which version you’re on to make sure it works right. How many apps require an update almost daily? What does this tell us? It tells us that the smartest people in the world who keep our technological advancements rolling still have flaws and problems that need to be corrected.

But since God’s Word was spoken, it needs no correction. For thousands of years, His Word reigns true. The one who searches for wisdom will find that God alone knows where wisdom dwells (v. 23). And His truth remains truth regardless of how our society changes or what it believes. He never needs to “update” His Word.

Where are we on our study of His Word and His Truth? Are we waiting for updates that will never come? We shouldn’t. Because His Word is perfect from its first draft.

Get more of these devotionals in our recently published 52-week devotional, “Word Up Wednesday 2022-2023”, now on sale at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

Barnes & Noble:

Word up Wednesday!“So Moses took his wife and his sons and had them ride on a donkey, and went back to the land of Egypt...

Word up Wednesday!

“So Moses took his wife and his sons and had them ride on a donkey, and went back to the land of Egypt. And Moses took the staff of God in his hand” Exodus 4:20

Who am I? (I’m not good enough)

How will they believe me (I have a bad reputation and You can’t provide proof)

I am not eloquent (I cannot represent well)

Please send someone else (I choose not to obey, maybe I’m afraid or just unwilling)

These are the four excuses Moses gave to God when God called him to go back to Egypt to free the Israelites. The parenthesis may be the driving lie behind each excuse. Of the three types of people - “Yes” (Matt: 19:21-22), “Yes, but…” (Luke 9:59-63), and “No” (Luke 9:57-58; Matt. 4:18-22) - Moses was definitely a “Yes, but…” kind of guy in this situation. But the impact of his ultimate “Yes” led to the birth of the Messiah! What a great testimony to tell!

Notice in Exodus 4:12 that the “anger of the Lord was kindled against him…” from his constant excuses, a stern reflection of God’s disappointment. What God could see on the other side, Moses couldn’t fathom. And neither can we. When God calls, we have a choice. Even if it means leaving when you just got settled in, give Him your yes and start packing.

I’m reminded of a scene from Band of Brothers. This episode centers around Doc Roe, a field medic in the middle of the Battle of the Bulge during WWII. In one scene, Roe is sitting in a foxhole thinking through the loss of a French nurse he had met at the makeshift hospital in Bastogne. All around him, artillery shells were falling, injuring his troops. People were yelling for a medic but Row just sat there in thought. He didn’t want to go. But then he sucked it up and rushed back to work. Moses sucked it up and went to work too. Now it’s time for us to suck it up and go to work!

Get more of these devotionals in our recently published 52-week devotional, “Word Up Wednesday 2022-2023”, now on sale at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

Barnes & Noble:

Word up Wednesday!“Then Abraham reached out his hand and took the knife to slaughter his son. But the angel of the LORD ...

Word up Wednesday!

“Then Abraham reached out his hand and took the knife to slaughter his son. But the angel of the LORD called to him from heaven and said, “Abraham, Abraham!” And he said, “Here I am. He said, “Do not lay your hand on the boy or do anything to him, for now I know that you fear God, seeing you have not withheld your son, your only son, from me.” Genesis 22:10-12

It doesn’t matter how far or how short the walk was for Abraham leading his son up to slaughter, it had to be an eternity for him. This child, Isaac, was his promised son from God. They waited for this child for a very long time. God did not fail, he delivered! Isaac brought joy to the household. But now, he must walk a distance while contemplating the killing of his own son at his own hands.

The internal struggle must have been so great. Weeping and crying inside so as not to show emotion on the outside. Each step…a painful reminder as to what is to come. But Abraham trusted God so much, he was willing to obey. What faith! What strength! What sacrifice!

And to think, sometimes we simply say no to sharing the Gospel. Where is the Abraham in us? How can we find him? Let your “yes” be “yes”, not “yes-but…”

Get more of these devotionals in our recently published 52-week devotional, “Word Up Wednesday 2022-2023”, now on sale at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

Barnes & Noble:

Word up Wednesday!“The way of the fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to advice.” -Proverbs 12:15There...

Word up Wednesday!

“The way of the fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to advice.” -Proverbs 12:15

There is an old piece of advice floating around out there that if you see a bear and you don’t have time to run away, hug it. This advice was given because of the idea that bears cannot scratch their stomachs. This is terrible advice. Just to be clear, do not try and hug a wild bear unless you are prepared to see Jesus that very day.

Do you have friends whispering some good stuff in your ear? Receiving advice and good counsel is essential to our spiritual growth. But if your “wise counsel” is constantly putting you down and making you feel small, consider testing this advice. What is that “friend” telling you that is making you feel so bad all the time? Is it sound advice that is consistent with scripture? Receiving advice is great, but if advice is delivered apart from the love of Christ in a manner that does not build you up, something is wrong. The enemy loves to get involved in our lives by making us think advice from our friends is good and true. But ultimately, it could lead to the enemy pushing more lies into us through a pawn he’s using. It could lead to us doing something outside of God’s will. See their actions through their words. Stand firm and stand strong. Measure your friend’s words against the standard of God’s Word (1 John 4:1). If you’re getting torn down all the time, you’re not getting built up (1 Thessalonians 5:11) so you have to cut that pawn out for now.

Get more of these devotionals in our recently published 52-week devotional, “Word Up Wednesday 2022-2023”, now on sale at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

Barnes & Noble:

Word up Wednesday!“Praise the Lord! Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heavens! Praise him for his mi...

Word up Wednesday!

“Praise the Lord! Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heavens! Praise him for his mighty deeds; praise him according to his excellent greatness!” Psalm 150:1-2


1. July 4, 2026 will be the 250th birthday of the United States
2. July 4, 2026, a FIFA World Cup game is scheduled in PHILADELPHIA


USA v. England in a World Cup game on July 4, 2026, in Philadelphia!

This game would likely be one of the most watched sporting events in the history of sports. Excitement would build from fans of both countries and across the globe. Americans gearing up to prove they can still defeat England while Englanders striving to finally get back at the US. The day of the game would be filled with cheering fans all across the world in the stadium, restaurants, watch parties, and homes. Cheering would be so loud that fans would lose their voices. This game, regardless of the outcome, would be talked about for generations.

We are talking about a soccer game. But what if we were talking about God the Father, our Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit? How many times do you start church with worship and believers barely make a sound, never clap, or never raise a hand to the Father? The one who saved us from death and destruction and gave us a place in Heaven forever with Him deserves more than just our presence, our acknowledgements, and our respect. He deserves our unfiltered and unrestrained praise. He deserves tired hands and strained vocal cords. He deserves our praise and worship with everything we have!!

On Sunday, in church, do something new. Sing loud, praise passionately, clap, raise your hands, and thank the Lord with everything you have. Dying on the cross for our salvation is abundantly more exciting than a soccer game.

Get more of these devotionals in our recently published 52-week devotional, “Word Up Wednesday 2022-2023”, now on sale at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

Barnes & Noble:

Ken Chinn’s “Encounters with God” is a great podcast. Jeff had the privilege to be interviewed on his show about his boo...

Ken Chinn’s “Encounters with God” is a great podcast. Jeff had the privilege to be interviewed on his show about his book, God’s Full Battle Rattle and spiritual warfare. Check it out!

And yes, TTP is still coming back.

In this episode, Jeff Keck, the insightful author of "God's Full Battle Rattle," delves into the profound concept of the armor of God. Jeff Keck unpacks the ...

Happy Freedom Day!!

Happy Freedom Day!!

So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. John 8:36As we celebrate our independence, we remember the sacrifi...

So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. John 8:36

As we celebrate our independence, we remember the sacrifice our men and women in the armed services have done for us since the birth of our country. We enjoy our freedom here as a result of people willing to stand up and fight.

But as humans and broken sinners, we experience freedom from our prison through the sacrifice of one. May the fireworks you watch this year remind you of Christ’s free gift of salvation and God’s sacrifice of his one and only son for you. Happy Independence Day!

Word up Wednesday!“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 2...

Word up Wednesday!

“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6

“One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish.” Many of you may have heard this before. In fact, by merely reading the first line, many of you can continue into more lines of this classic from Dr. Seuss. That’s because you learned it as a child. Your parents read this book to you over and over again until it became part of your memory banks to the point of reciting at the drop of a hat. I once learned a poem where each line contradicted itself. I learned it from my brother and can recite it today at any moment even though my brother doesn’t remember it.

This is the kind of teaching referred to in scripture. Teaching that is so consistent that our children will remember it throughout life without much struggle. How many of you can recite John 3:16 merely because you saw the reference and without seeing the verse? I would suspect many, even non-believers, can do this. What we teach our children makes a difference. They will not forget that God loves them and Jesus died for their sins if we teach them over and over again. If we demonstrate for them what that truth means, they will not forget. They may not yet be ready to believe, but they will never forget it. We can’t tell them and show them just once, but over and over again, reminding them of the undying love of the Father. For the sake of their eternity, invest in the teaching of your children about the love of Christ. It’s never too late to start.

Get more of these devotionals in our recently published 52-week devotional, “Word Up Wednesday 2022-2023”, now on sale at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

Barnes & Noble:

Word up Wednesday!For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God,...

Word up Wednesday!

For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. -Ephesians 2:8-9

Merry Christmas! That’s right…in June…Merry Christmas! Now it’s time to get your gifts from everyone else. You have two choices, however. First, you can take that gift like you normally do and rip it open as quickly as possible. Why would you do this? Because quite simply, you want to know what’s in it and you want to start enjoying it. It doesn’t cost you a thing and well, who doesn’t like getting new things for free. Second, you could leave that gift right there in the hands of the giver and refuse to take it. You can refuse to believe that whatever is inside would be any fun or give any joy. Even though it’s free, you can refuse it and let it know never knowing what you’re missing.

Jesus was sent to us by God so that he could be the sacrifice for us that we may live eternally with Him. This is a free gift to us. God does not ask us to do anything for this except to simply believe that Christ was the Son of God, that he died on the cross for our sins, and that He rose again three days later. Yet, so many people still choose to refuse the free gift of eternal life citing a variety of reasons that originate from the enemy. If you are a non-believer, you can receive this gift today by simply admitting you are a sinner just like the rest of us and accept Jesus into your heart. If you are a believer, there are non-believers that you know who need this truth shared with them. I encourage you to go and share.

Get more of these devotionals in our recently published 52-week devotional, “Word Up Wednesday 2022-2023”, now on sale at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

Barnes & Noble:

Word up Wednesday!He said to them, “Cast the net on the right side of the boat, and you will find some.” So they cast it...

Word up Wednesday!

He said to them, “Cast the net on the right side of the boat, and you will find some.” So they cast it, and now they were not able to haul it in, because of the quantity of fish. -John 21:6

I have four children, three of which have driver’s licenses. I have taught all three of them how to drive. This is a challenging task. Think about it, you’re putting a child behind the wheel of a chunk of metal that weights thousands of pounds. A chunk of metal that, if handled incorrectly, could kill your child, you, and others around you. It’s the only time in my life I wish my car had a brake on the passenger side (for those who remember those brakes). They had to learn from me even though they didn’t want to. As I would give direction, they would tell me everything is fine. A child, with 15 hours of driving experience, is telling me, a driver of more than 30 years, that, “Everything’s fine, I’ve got this.”

Likewise, God, the creator of everything, the beginning and the end, the Alpha and Omega, who knows all things, gives us direction daily. Yet, we try to tell Him, “Everything’s fine, I’ve got this.” We so desperately need His guidance and His instruction yet we don’t want it because we don’t think we need it. When we want to do things ourselves without God, stop and consider who we are and who He is. I promise, He knows best. Our obedience is essential. He will not steer us wrong.

Get more of these devotionals in our recently published 52-week devotional, “Word Up Wednesday 2022-2023”, now on sale at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

Barnes & Noble:

Word up Wednesday!Pilate said to him, “What is truth?” After he had said this, he went back outside to the Jews and told...

Word up Wednesday!

Pilate said to him, “What is truth?” After he had said this, he went back outside to the Jews and told them, “I find no guilt in him.” John 18:38

Glynn Simmons was 70 years old when he was released from prison after spending 48 years behind bars convicted of murder stemming from a robbery. An Oklahoma County District Judge found that clear and convincing evidence of his innocence was not provided to the defense at the time of his trial but proves he had no part in the offense. How could this be? Could it be that prosecutors had no interest in finding the truth but arbitrarily decided Simmons was guilty and thus ignored evidence presented to the contrary? We may never know.

Have you been presented with a lie? Have you been lied to, lied about, or convinced of something seemingly not possible or untrue? This is what the enemy does. He lies to us directly in our thoughts and minds and he uses others to lie to us and about us. But as believers, we rely on the truth. “What is truth?”, Pilate asks. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6). As believers, we should always be seeking the truth. Avoid being the prosecutor that assumes guilt, test everything to see if it is from God, investigate, stand for the falsely accused, don’t assume what we don’t know, and seek truth revealed by the Holy Spirit. Even the non-believing Pilate didn’t just throw Jesus to the wolves without questioning Him. He asked questions and found no guilt. Talk to the Holy Spirit. He will provide truth to you and navigate you through the fog of lies.

Get more of these devotionals in our recently published 52-week devotional, “Word Up Wednesday 2022-2023”, now on sale at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

Barnes & Noble:

Word up Wednesday!He answered, “I tell you, if these were silent, the very stones would cry out.” -Luke 19:40Look up, lo...

Word up Wednesday!

He answered, “I tell you, if these were silent, the very stones would cry out.” -Luke 19:40

Look up, look down, look left, look right, look forward, look behind. What do you see? List everything you see out loud. Forget the things that man-made (cars, houses, building, towers, etc.) and list off everything you see that God made (trees, rivers, sky, clouds, bugs, etc.). When you are done verbally listing these things. Take another look. Find things this time you missed the first time and say them out loud. How does it make you feel to stop and look at God’s creation? How does it make you feel to acknowledge His work?

God’s creation is His testimony about Himself. To take time and look at what He created is to glorify Him. It is to praise Him and who He is. It is to worship the God of creation. His creation is revealed to us every day. In fact, it is revealed to the people of Earth, also His creation, every day. Though one may never hear of God through a sermon, Bible reading, or missionary, God still reveals Himself through his creation so that we are all “without excuse” (Romans 1:20). His creation will praise His name. This means that even if we won’t do it, the rocks will (Luke 19:40).

Get more of these devotionals in our recently published 52-week devotional, “Word Up Wednesday 2022-2023”, now on sale at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

Barnes & Noble:

The Testament Podcast would like to thank everyone for your patience. Over the last month, we have experienced many chan...

The Testament Podcast would like to thank everyone for your patience. Over the last month, we have experienced many changes in our lives, those that are good and those that make us struggle. So we have decided to take a break.

In addition, we are seeking a new facility/room to call home and record our episodes. We hope to start launching new episodes this fall if the Lord directs and equips us to do so.

In the meantime, feel free to go back and check out any of our 152 episodes that you may have missed.

We'll see you soon!

Word up Wednesday!“Be not quick in your spirit to become angry, for anger lodges in the heart of fools.” -Ecclesiastes 7...

Word up Wednesday!

“Be not quick in your spirit to become angry, for anger lodges in the heart of fools.” -Ecclesiastes 7:9

Oh how scripture is so good at providing guidance for us. Oh how we are so good at saying, “easier said than done.” Christ is clear, when we seek to please Him in all that we do, we will be bombarded, attacked, and hated. When we seek to do what He has asked us to do, we will be bombarded, attacked, and hated. When we seek to fulfill the calling He’s put on our lives, we will be bombarded, attacked, and hated.
The enemy specializes in deception. The enemy can and will utilize many tactics to bring you down. The enemy will put people in place to sabotage you. The enemy will put a trojan horse person in your ministry to attack when you aren’t expecting it, in ways you aren’t expecting. The enemy will attack your family. The enemy will attack your beliefs about yourself. If you let him, the enemy will fill you with anger about these things to keep you from moving on. This is where it gets very hard…a daily struggle.

We live in a world where we expect people who have committed crimes to go to jail, people who have wronged others to be punished, and people who are innocent to be freed. We expect it as soon as possible. God, you see, may have other plans. He wants us to, “Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him” and not worry, “over the man who carries out evil devices” (Psalm 37:7)! Though our enemy is not flesh, he uses flesh to carry out his mission. So while these attacks drive us mad, the answer is to seek Christ first. Abandon those things and people that anger you, and fill that space with Christ.

Get more of these devotionals in our recently published 52-week devotional, “Word Up Wednesday 2022-2023”, now on sale at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

Barnes & Noble:

Word up Wednesday!“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish...

Word up Wednesday!

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” – John 3:16

Once upon a time there was a man who led his four dogs through the woods for a long walk. As he approached a large drop-off, he could easily tell that it fell several hundred feet to a river below. His dogs, however, were playing, panting, jumping, chasing each other, getting left behind, then sprinting to catch up with the man, all oblivious to the world around them. The man yelled at them and chased them trying to catch them before they got too close to the drop-off, but they wouldn’t listen. He tried and tried but he would get nothing more than a slight pause and stare from time to time. Finally, the man turned himself into a dog. As he spoke to them in dog-talk, some dogs could not believe what they were seeing and hearing and became scared while others did not believe what he was saying. Three of the man’s four dogs ran over the cliff and died from the fall. The forth one lived as his master pushed him away from the cliff at the last minute and fell to his own death instead. That last dog told all his friends what his master did for him.

God tried to talk to us, we didn’t understand. He sent His Son to talk to us, some understood. He died for us so we could live, we have no choice but to tell others about Him.

Get more of these devotionals in our recently published 52-week devotional, “Word Up Wednesday 2022-2023”, now on sale at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

Barnes & Noble:

Word up Wednesday!“For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or...

Word up Wednesday!

“For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him.” -Colossians 1:16

The recent eclipse may seem like just chance or accident;Earth, sun, and moon just spinning around at the right speed and time to cast a shadow; but if you saw it, you may have realized the greatness of the creator!

So why do we try and do so much on our own when such an awesome God and creator shows Himself off to us so plainly. It’s time! It’s time to place your trust in Him! Let the One who can even keep the sun in the air an extra day (Joshua 10:13) control your life! Let Him have it all!

Get more of these devotionals in our recently published 52-week devotional, “Word Up Wednesday 2022-2023”, now on sale at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

Barnes & Noble:

Exactly what we thought we would find!

Exactly what we thought we would find!

Word up Wednesday!“My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you may not sin. But if anyone does sin,...

Word up Wednesday!

“My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you may not sin. But if anyone does sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.” -1 John 2:1

“We have an advocate.” These words are so very important and sometimes overlooked. defines an advocate as, “a person who speaks or writes in support or defense of a person, cause, etc.” Let that sink in. As we live for Christ every day, people will oppose us and the enemy will try to convince us that we are alone and no longer children of God. To make things worse, people may neglect to advocate for us thus supporting the enemy’s lies.

There is, however, good news, a silver lining, a promise, a faithful Father, a sacrificial lamb, a Messiah, and a Savior! That’s right, accepting Christ makes us a member of the family of God and ensures we are never alone. Even if we fail and sin, we are not alone. Even if humanity rejects us, we are not alone. The Son sits at the right hand of the Father saying, “I know that person, I shed My blood for them, that is your child, I’ve covered that person already.” What a joy to have an advocate!

Get more of these devotionals in our recently published 52-week devotional, “Word Up Wednesday 2022-2023”, now on sale at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

Barnes & Noble:

Word up Wednesday!“Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men.” – Colossians 3:23Have you ever thou...

Word up Wednesday!

“Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men.” – Colossians 3:23

Have you ever thought about or considered what you do day in and day out? You wake up, get kids ready for school, make sure they get to school, go to work, work all day, come home, get kids from school, make dinner, clean the house, laundry, dishes, homework, and on and on. Every day there is something to do. Many days you are moving non-stop from sun up until well past sun down. And for what?

How many times throughout these days and through the things we do are we considering that our activities should be done for the Lord? Now that’s an odd thought isn’t it. But scripture tells us that the things we do should be just for that reason. Our actions and attitudes should reflect the actions and attitudes of the Lord. Our purpose should be to glorify and please the Lord. That means devoting everything to Him, including every action of our day. “Commit your work to the Lord…” (Proverbs 16:3). Keep that at the forethought of your mind throughout the day and you’ll find yourself relying on Him more and getting closer to Him.

Get more of these devotionals in our recently published 52-week devotional, “Word Up Wednesday 2022-2023”, now on sale at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

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