X Creatives

X Creatives We help business owners and organization manage their social media by providing detailed, precise and tailored fit content for them.

I am Xyrril Paul Fulgueras, I want to extend my interest in pursuing a career in Social Media Management, I will help you curate content and have a great strategy while tracking the result in order to reach the desired goals that you aiming for. I am organized when it comes to working, I do follow some steps in doing things and solving problems. I am a graduate of Industrial engineering so it is i

n my nature to be efficient and organized when having a project or improvement one method I use is what they called DMAIC or define, measure, analyze, improve and control by following these simple steps we can create or improve our Social Media presence. When it comes to content, I can do tailored fit content for what you are needing which is precise and accurate for the type of demographics that you want to target, it should be also in line with what branding you are currently following. Consistency with branding is a great way to make people remember your brand this will help you stay in the industry. I can also do a branding strategy for you, we can collaborate with the idea, the mission and vision of the brand in order to create the best character for the brand

I am detailed oriented so I can easily capture even the small things that may interfere or help us along the way. This trait helps me analyze and benchmark with other marketing strategies. I am leaning towards the industries under food, fashion and retail and e-commerce since these are the industries that I am most familiar with. Being methodical also helps me support and create countermeasures in everything that I am doing. Following methods that are currently being done by other people is not as bad as what other people are thinking, you need to copy or combine ideas in order to make your own.

2022 Famous Branding Styles! 🎨1. Minimalist - this 2022 this type of style is still popular. We can describe this as cle...

2022 Famous Branding Styles! 🎨

1. Minimalist - this 2022 this type of style is still popular. We can describe this as clean and with little to no design. Easy to understand very professional looking

2. Traditional retro - this concept or style is not dying this 2022 because of its classic look. Colors tend to have a more muted look and the elements present are mostly linings and do have a texture

3. Modern Retro - colourful and quirky and can also be called maximalist retro. A lot of design was being incorporated into it.

4. Futuristic - Elements have sharp edges and a minimalist feel to them. Sometimes you also use metallic colours and 3d elements to represent this style.

Another famous branding style for 2022 will be funky and playful (colourful), gradient and monochromatic designs 👍🧑‍💻

In today’s time⌛, no business can flourish without having a strong presence on the internet. If you are in business, you...

In today’s time⌛, no business can flourish without having a strong presence on the internet. If you are in business, your presence on search is very crucial. You are out of business If you are not available on search. Hence, you should consider having a website and an app for your business to get more clients and eventually more revenue.

A social media page or account is the first thing that makes an impression on your customers. It is the best way to tell your audience about your brand, products, services and how different you are from your competitors. You can also create a website for your brand to make it more exclusive to your business.

If you are still not convinced why you need social media marketing🧑‍💻, well there is no other way I can help you. You are out of business if you are not available on search. Social Media Marketing isn’t just about Likes👍 and Shares. It is a powerful tool to build your brand and connect🔗 with your audience.

The most important aspect of your business is to increase sales📈. But how do you achieve that? Well, it’s all about how you present your brand, how you connect with your target audience and how you create awareness among the right people.

Be Searchable! Exist Online!

You may not all know but we are having a 21 content campaign for our SMM activity. I would like to give my free service ...

You may not all know but we are having a 21 content campaign for our SMM activity.

I would like to give my free service to 3 lucky businesses or brands.

A week's worth of content here on Instagram. It will be a 5 content, the posting days will be depending on your liking.

Inclusion in the free Service:
✅graphic design
✅Content caption

Condition to avail of our free service:

Like the post, follow and like our social media account

Instagram: https://buff.ly/3K4oqSV
Twitter: https://buff.ly/38bzOiJ

Message us here on Instagram and include the screenshots as proof of our condition.

Why are you waiting for, let us make your "X" Brand more Creative🎨! 🌱

5️⃣ AMAZING and USEFUL Instagram📷 business tips for your brand!1. Use location hashtags🗾This depends on the business tha...

5️⃣ AMAZING and USEFUL Instagram📷 business tips for your brand!

1. Use location hashtags🗾
This depends on the business that you have if you have a physical store this scenario is the best thing for you to use the thing. Use hashtags that falls under the location of your business. or . If your business is purely online with no physical store you can also use this tip to target the location of your audience.

2. Post content that will capture the attention of your audience.
Make use of the aesthetic feel of Instagram like scenery flat lays and other photos that are very pleasing to your audience. After getting their attention, make use of the caption and relate your product to the photo that you have posted. This will create a rapport with your audience and gives your brand a more human feel.

3. Collab with influencers and other brands.
If you are still not aware there are people who use their social media presence as their career they called their selves influencers. You can reach out to them to have a collab like trying your product and posting it on their Instagram but this comes with a price depending o the influencer rates. You can also collab with brands same with your industry for product collab or other industries that may feature your brand in their business.

4. Tagging your location.🏷️

like hashtags, your location serves also as a database of photos in a specific location. Make use of this to lure tourists or people around your area to try your brand.

5. Engage📈 with your audience and followers.

This may be time-consuming but this is the best organic way to grow your brand. It will make your brand more noticeable to your target audience. You can like their post follow them back or comment on their post. Make it a personal comment to sound more sincere and not like auto-generated comments only.

Follow for more tips!!

Hi Everyone!! 📢Follow👍 X Creatives on their other social media accounts.We also have a Twitter account you can search  o...

Hi Everyone!! 📢

Follow👍 X Creatives on their other social media accounts.
We also have a Twitter account you can search or you can scan code in the photo.

Help us grow🌱 our account and reach people who might need the services that we offer.

Let me tell you a story📖 on how did I get to Social Media Management.

One day while scrolling through TikTok one video popped out about social media management and after that, a lot more videos with the same genre flooded mine for your page. I got sucked up in the world of social media management, graphics designing freelancing and the like.

There this one particular video telling about her experience with a course which is completely free and is offered by our government. At that time I was looking for work and having a hard time having a Job offer. I take the opportunity to go through their site and have a look at the courses they are offering and since it is still pandemic the classes were online and it will me save time and effort while still applying for work. Midway through the training, I got accepted to 3 jobs which are not connected with the course that I am taking at that time. Luckily the schedule of my work and the course were not overlapping so it worked.

Now we were about to graduate with the course and in two or three weeks' time, I will start to prospect clients and put my learnings into use.

Why writing an engaging caption important?For some, writing captions📄 is additional work but this task is the most impor...

Why writing an engaging caption important?

For some, writing captions📄 is additional work but this task is the most important part of social media content. Captions are the heart and soul of your content they will give explanations, and create relationships🤝 that will help your audience have a good connection to your brand.

A good engaging caption can also give you the anticipation from your followers by creating a series of posts that are connected to each other.

So the next time you will create a caption, think about your target🎯 audience always put yourself in their shoes so that you can produce a caption that will make stop and read all of it.

Don't be satisfied with simple and plain disengaging captions make more creative and exciting captions!

We are all rooting for your brands ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

Who is the right one for you?❓🤔Do you need a Social Media Manager👩‍💻 or a Graphic designer👨‍🎨? These 2 positions have so...

Who is the right one for you?❓🤔

Do you need a Social Media Manager👩‍💻 or a Graphic designer👨‍🎨? These 2 positions have some similarities so they will go hand in hand when it comes to great projects. They both strategize on target audience identification and the content you want to be put out for your target audience.

But do you really need to hire two2️⃣ different positions for your brand? Nowadays Social Media Managers also have the skills in graphic designing so it is a plus if you come across someone with this set of skills. On the other hand, graphic designers can give you output that is very customized for your brand. You can have elements in your content that are exclusive to your brand, with this being said, it will help you strengthen your branding.

At the end of the day, you have to know your requirements. Identifying your needs and requirements is the first step for you to know the person or position that you want to help you in improving your brand or business.😉

If you want to grow🪴 as a person, you have to get out of your comfort zone.We've all heard it before, but sometimes we n...

If you want to grow🪴 as a person, you have to get out of your comfort zone.

We've all heard it before, but sometimes we need to hear it again: if you want to grow as a person, you have to get out of your comfort zone. What does that mean for you? Maybe it means trying something new. Maybe it means taking a class. Maybe it means going for that dream job or asking that special someone on a date. Maybe it means saying “no”🙅 when somebody asks you for a favor and putting yourself first.

No matter what, don't let the fear of the unknown hold you back. If you feel like life is getting stale, take some time to step back and think about what's really important to you. What makes your heart beat faster? What makes your brain light up with ideas? Where would you like to be in five years? Ten years? Twenty years?

Once you've identified your goal🥅, make a plan to achieve it. Then take the first step. Stop making excuses—just do it! Whatever “it” is for you, just do it! Don't worry about whether other people will be supportive; if they're not, maybe they're not meant to be part 😉

Without a solid brand, your company won't look professional. And if it doesn't look professional, people won't want to d...

Without a solid brand, your company won't look professional. And if it doesn't look professional, people won't want to do business with you. 😉

I know what you're thinking🤔—but what does "branding" even mean? A brand is a way your company looks and feels. It's everything from your logo to your website to your social media presence. Your brand is the way you communicate with customers, how you interact with them, how they feel about your company, and how they perceive you. A strong brand makes sure that perception is positive and consistent across all the different places where customers interact with your company.

So how do you make sure that happens? How can you build a great brand? Start by defining who you are as a business and what makes your business stand out. Then get feedback on that definition from people who've never heard of your company before, so they can tell you whether or not they think it's clear and compelling. Once you've got that down, it's time to start designing a logo and print materials (like brochures or flyers) that reflect that definition of who you are as a business, along with any visual elements🖼️🎨🎭

Let us help you create your own brand!
DM us for more details

Have you noticed that some of the famous brands changes their logo?1️⃣. Being perceived as ContemporaryThese logos may n...

Have you noticed that some of the famous brands changes their logo?

1️⃣. Being perceived as Contemporary
These logos may not actually be significantly different from the previous logos, but the new logos give the company a polished and contemporary feel.

2️⃣. Complex Logo

A lot of brand managers of major MNCs have changed the product branding, packaging and logos as the consumers perceive it to be highly confusing and difficult to relate to

3️⃣. Company merger/ acquisition

A newly merged company may now offer many more products, services or facilities that it did not offer earlier. The new company, therefore, appeals to an entirely new set of consumers and attracts different vendors and investors.

4️⃣. Visual appeal for the audience that keeps evolving

It is very important that we continue to remain in the consumer’s mind as per the branding strategy that has been thought of. If we do not engage with the consumer regularly, other brands may make us seem old and outdated by continuously innovating and being seen as a breath of fresh air.

5️⃣. Change in company focus and values

Many times a company starts out to provide certain services and products to a specific target group in mind. However, as the company progresses, its priorities may change.

6️⃣. Adapt to modern social media👨‍💻👩‍💻

It is here where a lot of judgements about your company are made since consumers draw a lot of inferences about your brand based on your online avatar.

7️⃣. Continuous evolution

What this would imply is that your logo is aging at a rapid pace. In the age of social media, perceptions of consumers change every few days, and therefore, having a logo that is in sync with the current trends is important.

8️⃣. Standing out✨🌟

Click this link to read the full article!

Want to have a successful digital marketing strategy?These are some of the AMAZING and Easy tips that you can follow!✅ E...

Want to have a successful digital marketing strategy?

These are some of the AMAZING and Easy tips that you can follow!

-we can compare this strategy to an author who is conceptualizing his or her character. This is important for your brand to have a better retainment to their minds.

-if you fail to plan then you plan to fail. Always make sure that your gun is always loaded

-creating a genuine relationship with your audience will reflect on how well they support your brand.

-experience is your best teacher. Analyzing your KPIs will give you insights on how to approach your next strategies.

Watch out for more!! 🧑‍💻👍

It feels like information✍️ is all locked away, with only the most elite getting access to it. But I've discovered some ...

It feels like information✍️ is all locked away, with only the most elite getting access to it. But I've discovered some secret sites that are absolutely bursting at the seams with incredible and valuable information. And here's the best part: it's all free!

Sometimes you don't know exactly what you want to learn, and it's hard to decide what to pay for. But if you're looking for a great way to get your feet wet, there are plenty of free online courses out there. So if you've been thinking about learning a new skill, or finally going after that passion from the comfort of your own home, check out these sites. 😁

I know it's not as glamorous as a traditional classroom setting, but if you're short on funds or just want to learn something new I highly recommend checking it out!

The top three '3️⃣ I would recommend are:️⃣

1. LinkedIn Learning: https://buff.ly/2eotpoY (register for free Linkedin Premium)

2. Udemy: https://buff.ly/3xOUXd9

3. Coursera: https://buff.ly/2CKwJEl

Click the links and enrol 🤩now!

"You learn the hard way. That's the thing with social media. Nobody knows what they're doing." - Cameron Dallas👨‍🦰Social...

"You learn the hard way. That's the thing with social media. Nobody knows what they're doing." - Cameron Dallas👨‍🦰

Social media, like anything, is a skill. And gaining that knowledge of social media etiquette and strategy is no exception. It's something that can only be learned - and more specifically, it's something that you learn the hard way.

Social media is here, and it ain't going anywhere. The sooner 🔜you jump on board, the better chance you have of avoiding the many classic social media mistakes that happen each day.

Learn in silence and let your knowledge speak for itself. Investing in learning and upskilling will make your niche wider and will grant you a higher chance of securing projects. Finally do not forget to share this with the people that will want to explore the same opportunity that you are do not treat them as competition treat them as a friend that will also help you in the future.'💫✨

Share a secret!🗣️You know those simple, short links that you share on posts so people can easily get to your site? Well,...

Share a secret!🗣️

You know those simple, short links that you share on posts so people can easily get to your site? Well, we love those. They're great. But you know what's even better? QR codes.

We know what you're thinking: "Who uses QR codes?"🧑‍💻 And the answer is… everyone! QR codes are everywhere: on billboards, on TV ads, in magazines and newspapers, and even on your favourite podcast. This is because they're just so easy to use. With the click of a button (okay, the tap of a button), customers can be transported directly to your site or a particular landing page.

QR codes are also amazingly customizable. You can make them any colour and size you want, you can add an icon or logo for branding purposes, and you can optimize them for mobile devices by adding frames🪟🖼️ or borders.

Social media management is a career that requires a lot of skills, but it can be learned if you're willing to put in the...

Social media management is a career that requires a lot of skills, but it can be learned if you're willing to put in the work.

Here are 7 key skills that every social media manager needs:

🟢Writing skills✍️. Social media managers need to be able to write clearly and concisely to communicate with their audience.

🟢Graphic design abilities🧑‍🎨. Most social media managers create visual content for their clients' accounts, which means they need strong graphic design skills or access to a graphic designer who can provide them with visuals.

🟢Communication skills🗣️. Social Media Managers need to have this type of skill for them to relay their ideas to their clients it also helps them have a better understanding and come up with the best possible strategy.

🟢Analytical Skills📜📈. This skill is not mostly discussed due to thinking that all people can interpret data easily. Analytics is not something you can learn overnight and having this skill will help you design your future strategies whether it is for your designs, advertisements o even your captions.

🟢 Customer Service😄. This is a must-have skill for a social media manager clients are also your customer so this skill will be useful for you to come to terms with your clients

🟢Behavioral Psychology🧠. Some May say ""what is the connection of psychology in the Social Media Manager job?"" but having to understand people's behaviour will grant the SMM the best chance to create the best campaign or project for that specific demographics.

🟢Budgeting. Some projects may require the SMM to create paid ads so being budget-wise will come in handy in some of their projects.

Hire a Social Media Manager now!

Do you really want to start something?➡️Ask yourself 👨🤔this question before you get started. Most people don't truly wan...

Do you really want to start something?➡️

Ask yourself 👨🤔this question before you get started. Most people don't truly want what they say they want. They just want to cross it off their list📃 or have a picture of it on Instagram. If you're in the second group, that's okay! But if you are someone who is truly passionate about something and committed to its success, you'll know it because you're willing to make sacrifices for it.

It's a common misconception that startup life is all about glamour. It's actually about sacrifice and hard work—but it doesn't have to be painful! So long as your sacrifices are well-planned, you'll be able to enjoy the process of building something while still paying the bills and living your best life. 🥇

Start now!

Did you know that a logo can help you build your brand in ways you may not have imagined?🔍Maybe you're thinking, "Duh." ...

Did you know that a logo can help you build your brand in ways you may not have imagined?🔍

Maybe you're thinking, "Duh." 🙄But actually, there's a lot more to it than just slapping a visual on your products and calling it a day.

Let me explain💡. A logo needs to be specially designed to fit your brand. It needs to communicate the values of your brand, and the feeling those values evoke. When you think about how this fits with the rest of your branding strategy, not only will your customers thank you by becoming lifelong devotees, but they'll also help share what they love about your brand with their friends and followers!

Our logo consists of 2 Letters that symbolizes the name of our brand the colours comes from our brand colours and to explain our name X Creatives is very easy, we will help those unknown brand or some people call the brand "❌" to have a creative and impactful presence in their social media.

Get started with your brand! ✅🧑‍💻

LET'S TALK ABOUT HASHTAGS!  #️⃣ #️⃣ #️⃣One of the most important parts of any social media strategy is the hashtag. A ha...


One of the most important parts of any social media strategy is the hashtag. A hashtag is a word or phrase preceded by a # symbol that acts as a label for your post. It's like an online filing system, which allows users to search for posts that are relevant to them using a keyword or phrase. For example, if you're looking for cute pictures of kittens on Twitter, you might search for .

Hashtags help your brand reach a wider audience and become more visible to consumers who care about what you have to say. They allow you to engage with your target audience in real-time and start conversations with people who may not know about your business otherwise. You can also use hashtags to build relationships with other influencers who share similar values and interests, which will help increase exposure for your content across all platforms. We love hashtags because they're free, easy to use, and can dramatically improve engagement rates on social media platforms like Facebook📘, Instagram📷, Twitter 🔷and even Tiktok🎶!


Do you want to connect your Facebook and Instagram to make your life easier?

Social media 🧑‍💻has become an integral part of our lives. It is a great way to stay connected with friends and family or to share your thoughts and ideas.

Many people use social media to promote📣 their business or their personal brand. This is because social media platforms are free, easy to set up, and easy to use.

However, it can be difficult to manage your social media accounts if you have more than one platform. There are several apps that allow you to connect your Facebook account with your Instagram account so that you don't have to log in and out of both accounts every time you need something from one platform or the other.

Don't overload yourself with all the work connect them now.👍😁

Follow us for more Social media tips.

Follow our Instagram account .ph 🙏

How can social media affect our daily life?❓❔"Social media is about sociology and psychology more than technology"🧑‍💻Soc...

How can social media affect our daily life?❓❔

"Social media is about sociology and psychology more than technology"🧑‍💻

Social media is a powerful tool that can be used to reach and engage a large number of people. It has the power to create an emotional response and change the way people think.

Social media is not just about posting content, it's about building relationships🤝 with your audience and engaging them in conversations. It's about understanding their needs, desires, fears, and hopes.

The social media sphere is not just about the size of your following or the number of likes you receive on your posts. It’s about how you engage with your followers, how you create content that makes them feel connected to each other, and how you make them feel valued as individuals.

Creating good content that will entice the audience is one way to disseminate the ideas📣 and goals you want them to feel or understand

Like 👍 for more tips!


In today's video, we're going to go through how you can use Canva to create a branding visual board for your business.
First, let's talk about what a branding visual board is and why you need one. A branding visual board is basically a mood board for your business. A mood board is a collection of images that are loosely related to the project you're working on, and it helps you get an idea of what you want that project to look like when it's done. A branding visual board allows you to create the same kind of visual reference for the look and feel of the brand you're building.
A strong brand will have cohesion in its various marketing efforts, so if you are creating a social media campaign, you need to make sure all your images have the same color palette and feel like they belong together. You also want your website, your social media, and any other marketing materials to align with each other as well. And how do you do that? With a branding visual board!

This will help you make your own branding visual boards using Canva.

Follow and Like our Social Media Accounts

Youtube: https://bit.ly/3jZJvDu
Twitter: https://twitter.com/creatives_ph
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/xcreatives.ph/

♥️FREE LOGO DESIGN!♥️FREE LOGO DESIGN!♥️FREE LOGO DESIGN!♥️FREE LOGO DESIGN!You may not all know but we are having a 21 ...


You may not all know but we are having a 21 content campaign for our SMM activity.

As a content ender, I would like to give my free service to 3 lucky businesses/brands.

A logo design that is tailored to fit your branding Identity

Inclusion in the free Service:
✅Final logo design
✅ PNG Logo (without background. For your content usage)

Conditions to avail of our free service:
Like and share the post, follow and like our social media account

Twitter: https://twitter.com/creatives_ph

Message us here on our page and include the screenshots as proof of our condition.

What are you waiting for? Let us make your ""X"" Brand more Creative!

Online marketing refers to a collection of effective tools and methods for promoting items and services through the inte...

Online marketing refers to a collection of effective tools and methods for promoting items and services through the internet. Because of the additional channels and marketing techniques available on the internet, online marketing encompasses a broader range of marketing features than traditional business marketing.

Internet marketing, web marketing, and digital marketing are all terms used to describe online marketing. It is regarded as one of the most effective and result-oriented methods for conducting promotions, as it targets potential buyers all over the world.

Different tools and tactics, such as website content, email, search engine optimization, and others, are used in online marketing. These many tools can be used to reach out to one's target audience.



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