For everyone following Israel and America's terrorism/genocide in Palestine, understanding these terms is crucial to comprehending realities and advocating for justice. Educate, learn, and stand in solidarity for a better future.
Masses have awakened (Alhamdulillah), shattering the false narrative Israel built over decades. Everyone can clearly see through the lies of Israel and that it's a text-book case of Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing.
Keep speaking up, keep sharing content & let's NOT slow down the momentum. Every effort, no matter how small, counts.
May Allah SWT strengthen our faith, help us unite the Ummah, and guide us all. Ameen.
May Allah s.w.t help them
حَسْبُنَا اللَّهُ وَ نِعْمَ الْوَ كِيل
Credits: .pk92
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