Looking for herbalists, crafters and functional artists in MadCo (and adjacent wnc) to join a collective.
To have an online presence, all on the same platform, and also (and more importantly) have a physical space with a store front/apothecary and a commercial kitchen onsite.
With room for a radical library, a listening space for acoustic or lo-fi regional sound artists and a community oriented gathering space for workshops, discussions, viewings and actions.
And a stone soup kitchen, obvs.
Looking for ideas on how to get $tart-up and continual funding (even if it's just a little bit for a specific program, for example).
The purpose would be to support the community, to keep recycling and re-sourcing, networking and outreaching to our neighbors, sharing, supporting, giving and receiving mutual aid.
People with more helping people with less (and since we're all on a spectrum I/we will have more of some kinds of support and less of other kinds). Unlearning capitalism and working collectively to design new models of support. Money is only one factor and I'd like us to ask how can we make it even less of a factor?
How can we make it worth the effort? What parts of our ego have to die for us to think on such collective terms?