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Good morning my brothers and sisters

Good morning my brothers and sisters


Good morning ,
how are you and your family?. I guess you all are well.
What do you make out of this....
Take time off your busy routine and read this message to the end.


*"God has chosen Nigeria as a place in His heart as an end time platform to spread the gospel to the world but there are forces both spiritual and physical that are out to fight this move.*
*During the 2015 elections, I warned that God has shown me there is an Islamic agenda for Nigeria and I asked people to vote wisely and pray no Islamist would be elected at any level of government. I was scorned and people even took my message out of context.*

*1. They first started that all church founders in Nigeria who served for more than 20 years must resign and hand over to someone else but God brought the plan to nought. If that had succeeded they were also going to tell us what to preach on the pulpit in church too.*

*2. Then the issue of Fulani herds men carrying guns. I can assure you these are not the Fulani herdsmen that we all know.*

*I grew up knowing them as a little boy. They carried bow and arrows. Since when did they learn how to shoot AK 47s as trained soldiers to attack villages where christians live. Each of those guns cost about 2 million Naira. Where will the Fulani herdsman get such money from to buy just 1 gun. How many cows will he sell before buying the gun. Truth is, these are jihadist imported into Nigeria hiding under the guise of herdsmen and sponsored by people from certain quarters to achieve an agenda in Nigeria but God will expose them.*

*3. The ministry of education decided to scrap CRK ( Christian religious knowledge) under the guise a new course would be introduced as religious studies and mandatory for all students which include our children who are christians learning about Is


1. Believing that God has a perfect
plan for each of our lives:
"We are created in Christ Jesus for
good works, which God prepared
beforehand, that we should walk in
them" (Eph.2:10). Long ago, when
God chose us in Christ, He also
planned what we should do with our
earthly lives. Our duty now is to find
out that plan - day by day - and to
follow it. We can never make a
better plan than God's. We must
not imitate what others do, for
God's plan for each of His children
is different. God's plan for Joseph,
for example, was for him to stay in
the palace in Egypt and to live in
great comfort for the last 80 years
of his life. On the other hand,
God's plan for Moses was for him
to leave the palace in Egypt and to
live in great discomfort for the last
80 years of his life - in the
wilderness. If Moses had followed
Joseph's example, through the love
of comfort and ease, he would
have missed God's will for his own
life. In exactly the same way today,
God may want one brother to live
all his life in comfort in the U.S.A.,
and another brother to toil all his
life in the heat and dust of North
India. Each must be convinced
about God's plan for his own life
instead of comparing his lot with
that of the other brother and being
jealous of him and criticising him. I
know that God called me to serve
Him in India. But I have never
demanded that anyone else should
have my calling. We will, however,
never be able to find God's will, if
we are seeking our own honour or
if we love money or comfort or the
approval of men.
2. Knowing God intimately is the
secret of being strong:
"The people who know their God
will be strong" (Dan.11:32) Today,
God does not want us to know Him
second-hand through others. He
invites even the youngest believer
to know Him personally (Heb.8:11).
Jesus defined eternal life as
knowing God and Jesus Christ
personally (John 17:3). This was the
greatest passion of Paul's life and
must be our greatest passion too
(Phil.3:10). One who desires to
know God intimately, will have to
listen to Him always. Jesus said that
the only way man could keep
himself spiritually alive was by
listening to EVERY word that
proceeded from God's mouth
(Matt.4:4). He also said that to sit at
His feet and listen to Him was the
most important thing in the
Christian life (Lk.10:42). We must
develop the habit that Jesus had of
listening to the Father from early
morning every day (Isa.50:4), right
through the day; and then to be in a
listening attitude in the hours of
night when we are asleep too - so
that if we ever wake up from our
sleep at night, we can say, "Speak,
Lord, Your servant is listening" (1
Sam.3:10). Knowing God's will make
us overcomers in all situations -
because God has a solution for
every problem that we face - and if
we listen to Him, He will tell us what
that solution is.
3. Receive all whom God has
"God has placed the members in
the Body just as He desired...that
there should be no division in the
Body" (1 Cor.12:18,25). God has
raised up men at different times in
different lands to restore a pure
testimony for Him. But after those
men of God died, their followers
have made their groups exclusive
and cultistic. But the body of Christ
is larger than any group. And we
must never forget that. The bride
of Christ is found in many, many
groups today. So we must seek for
fellowship with all whom the Lord
has accepted, even though we may
not be able to work together with
many of them, because of
differences in interpretation of the
Word of God.


NO. 34
During their journey to Canaan, it
was the physical presence of God
in form of a pillar of cloud by day
and a pillar of cloud by night, that
distinguished the Israelites from all
other people, making them unique
(Exodus 13:21-22, 33:15-16). In this
present age, only the invisible
presence of Christ in us in Person
of His Holy Spirit, would distinguish
Believers in Christ from all other
people making us unique. The
problem today is that many bear
the name ‘Christian’ without Christ
in them! Is Christ really in you?

Good morning everyone

Good morning everyone


Luke 6 - Who Jesus is through the
verses of this powerful chapter:
- He is our Defender. Our Provider.
He is Lord of the Sabbath. (v. 1-5)
- He is our Healer. (v. 6-11)
- He is our Leader. Our example.
The One who brings us before the
Father and prays for us. He is the
One who calls our name and gives
us great purpose in the life. He is
the One who sees His good work
within us, even when we feel
inadequate or ill-equipped to do
what He's called us to do. (v. 12-16)
- He is our Teacher. Our Deliverer.
The One who sets us free from
sickness, darkness, and disease. He
is our all-powerful God and nothing
is too difficult for Him. (v. 17-19)
- He is the One who blesses us,
rewards us, shines His light over us,
and offers the gift of heaven to all
who believe in His name. (v. 20-26)
- He is loving, He is kind, He is
giving, He is merciful. He gives us
strength and wisdom to live in a
way that follows after His example
and helps us to truly love others,
even when we are treated unfairly.
(v. 27-36)
- He is forgiving. He gives us His
amazing grace, in spite of our
weakness, covering our
brokenness, breaking through our
hardened hearts, pride, and sin.
- He bears fruit and blessing
through His power and work in our
lives. He fills our hearts and lives
with all that is good and true. (v.
- He is our Rock, our sure
Foundation. He is the wind beneath
our wings and the One who holds
us secure, through every storm,
every trial. He is our Refuge. He is
our Rescuer. He is our unshakeable,
unchanging, fully-trustworthy Lord.
(v. 46-49)
We can't hardly read these verses
and not be changed by the power
of Christ. May He breathe fresh
hope and light into the darkest
corners of our minds and hearts
tonight, drawing us closer to Him...


Luke 5 - If you're fighting
weariness tonight, or feel like
you've been working so hard & the
blessing seems long in
coming...this is for you. This
chapter opens with a powerful story
that unfolds along the Sea of
Galilee, as Jesus was teaching. He
climbed into a fishing boat to head
a little ways from the shore. Maybe
he was tired or the crowds kept
pressing closer in. Maybe He
wanted time with those He had
called to journey with Him, the
disciples who would become His
closest friends. Maybe He was
testing their hearts, or was setting
the stage for another moment in
the future when this very scene
would be repeated after His
resurrection (John 21). Maybe He
knew they would need to
remember it all at a later time when
they were broken & hurting...But
for whatever reason, the Bible says
"When he had finished speaking, he
said to Simon, "Put out into the
deep water, and let down the nets
for a catch." Simon answered,
"Master, we've worked hard all
night and haven't caught anything.
but because you say so, I will let
down the nets." v. 4-5
And when they did, a miracle
happened. They caught so many
fish that their nets began to break.
So many fish that even when they
called their fishing partners in the
other boat to come & help, they
filled both boats so full that they
began to sink! This is a work that
only God could do, bringing so
much blessing, so powerful a
reminder, that when Peter saw it all,
he literally fell at the feet of Jesus.
And then they left everything and
followed Him.
It "astonished" them. It impacted
them. It changed their hearts to
such a degree that they were
incredibly aware of their own
weakness & complete need for
God. It's interesting to think that
had they refused to "let down the
nets," because they were too tired,
too busy, or somehow thought they
knew better what to do, they would
have never experienced this miracle
of Jesus. After all, they were the
"professional" fisherman. What if
their pride had got the best of
them? But they had listened, with
humility, they'd obeyed exactly
what He'd asked, even when they
didn't understand, & huge blessing
came from it all, even more than
they ever dreamed possible.
Sometimes, maybe we too, need to
"let down the nets." Maybe our
"nets" look different than fishing
nets. Maybe it's the things or
people we've been holding onto out
of fear or worry. Maybe it's the past
that we can't let go of. Maybe it's
our own need for control or our
own lack of trust that God knows
better than we do. Whatever it is,
I'm reminded again tonight, that
often the greatest blessings come
when we just...let...go. He is able to
do so much more than we ever
could do all on our own. In just a
moment, He can bring a
breakthrough that would take years
for us to try to work through by
ourselves. If we listen to His voice,
& do what He asks, it's quite
possible that we will never be able
to contain all the goodness that He
brings through our weary, broken,
& ordinary lives. He's just that
good. The same voice that called
these guys out in fishing boats,
calls us still today. He's got my
attention again tonight. My own
weakness exposed, I'm letting go
of the stuff, all that I've been
clinging to so tightly recently, and
I'm choosing again to let God do
what only He can do.
Peace my friends. May He bring you
great blessing this Christmas
season, as you press in close to

If you find yourself grieving thisChristmas season, just barelystruggling through, know thatyou’re never alone... “The L...

If you find yourself grieving this
Christmas season, just barely
struggling through, know that
you’re never alone... “The LORD is
close to the brokenhearted; he
rescues those whose spirits are
crushed.” Psalm 34:18
(Guest post by Dena Johnson)
For Those Who Are
Grieving at Christmas:
A Prayer of Hope

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Grow up to Maturity
-Zac Poonen
In Ephesians 4:13, Apostle Paul
says that we are to grow up
gradually "to a mature man, to the
fullness of the stature of Christ".
Our aim must be to grow ourselves
and to help others to grow to this
fullness. We must not remain
babies "tossed here and there by
waves and carried about by every
wind of doctrine, by the trickery of
men, by craftiness in deceitful
scheming" (Ephesians 4:14).
God allows us to be exposed to
deception and false teaching so
that we can grow in discernment.
Our sense of discernment will not
be developed otherwise. That's why
He allows so many deceivers and
false prophets to move around in
Christendom. Thus we will be able
to discern the one whose spirit is
not right from the one whose spirit
is right. We don't have to judge
others. But we must discern. Then
our spiritual senses will be
In Ephesians 4:15, we are urged to
"speak the truth in love in order to
grow up." Notice there the balance
between truth and love. Should we
speak the truth? Yes. Always. But
are we permitted to speak it in any
way we like? No. We must speak
the truth in love. If you cannot
speak the truth in love, then you
should wait until you have enough
love for people to speak the truth
to them. Love is the board on which
you can use the pen of truth. If you
try to write the truth without a
board to write it on, you will be
writing in thin air. No-one will be
able to understand what you are
writing. It is by speaking the truth in
love always - in the pulpit and in
private conversation - that we can
"grow up in all aspects into Him
who is the head, even Christ."
In Ephesians 4:16, he speaks of
"the whole body, being fitted and
held together by what every joint
supplies, according to the proper
working of each individual part,
causing the growth of the body for
the building up of itself in love".
The joints here speak of fellowship.
Consider how many joints you have
in just one arm. There is a joint at
the shoulder, another at the elbow,
one at the wrist, and then three in
each finger - at least 17. It's the
joints that make your arm work
freely. If you had a strong upper
arm and a strong lower arm, but if
your elbow was stiff, what could
you do with that arm? Nothing. It is
not just strength that makes your
arm useful. It is also functioning
joints. Consider now the application
of this to the Body of Christ. Here
is a good brother, a strong upper
arm. And here is another good
brother, a strong lower arm. But
they cannot fellowship together
with each other. That is the tragedy
in the Body of Christ today. In the
human body, this is called arthritis
and it is very painful. A lot of local
churches have arthritis. When our
joints function properly, there is no
noise. But when a body has
arthritis, it creaks and every
movement produces an unhealthy
noise. What is called "fellowship"
among some believers is exactly
like that. It creaks. But when the
joints function well, there is no
noise at all. Our fellowship with
each other must be like that. If it is
not like that with you, then you
need to take some medicine for
arthritis: Die to your "self-life".
Then you will be healed and your
fellowship with others will be
glorious. That is the will of God in
the Body of Christ.
Happy weekend.


If God has promised you
something, stand on His Word
and remind yourself, ‘My life
can’t end before this comes to
pass.’ - Bob & Debby Gass


Man’s greatest honor and
privilege is to do the will of God.
This was what the Lord Jesus
taught His disciples. He once said
that only those who did His Father’s
will would enter the kingdom of
Heaven (Matt. 7:21). He also said
that His true brothers and sisters
were those who did the will of God
(Matt. 12:50)
One of Rick Warren’s opening lines
in ‘The Purpose-driven life’ is ‘It is
not about you.’ This is a humbling
sentence because it goes to the
core of a proper and bible-centered
Christian life. The whole thesis of
Christianity is not about us getting
what we want and enjoying the
pleasures the world has to offer.
Instead, Christianity is all about
doing God’s will. This is easy to say.
This is probably even easy to
conceptualize and intellectualize.
However, when it comes to actually
doing it and living by it-it can get
very challenging. Most of us have
been trained up to seek ourselves
first. This is why seeking something
above and beyond our mortal
wishes and ambitions seem so,
well, foreign. This is precisely the
foreign territory the Gospel takes
us through. This is precisely the
journey we need to take-from self-
seeking and self-absorbed people
to God-seeking followers.
Take the adventure of
faith by seeking after
God’s will
The Christian way of life can be
summed up by many different
words but my preferred word is
‘adventure.’ It truly is an adventure
when we devote ourselves to
following the will of God. At first, it
starts with an exploration. We need
to figure out what God’s will is for
our lives. This involves being silent
and letting God speak to our heart.
This involves digging deep into his
word and seeking his guidance.
Next, we need to let God’s will
overtake our daily dealings. This
means letting go of the stuff we
want and the stuff that made
sense from our own personal carnal
perspectives and trusting that God
has something better. This means
forgiving when holding grudges
seemed so much more satisfying.
This means trusting and taking
leaps of faith when curling up in our
comfort zones seemed so much
more reassuring. Following God’s
will involves exploring foreign and
unfamiliar territory. It definitely
involves making a trek far from our
comfort zone. Just like with any
adventure, it can be scary or it can
be very thrilling.
Are you ready to slay the
giants in your life
Just like how God led the Israelites
from Egypt, our journey of faith
with him involves foreign territory
and conquering areas in our lives
we would rather leave alone. By
trusting fully in God, his will leads
us to become fuller, gentler, more
loving people. All it takes is trust
and focusing on the only thing that
matters-God. It’s not about us.
Instead, it’s all all about God’s will.
The good news is that we can trust
that God only wants happy results
for us.
have a glorious day


Speak the Language of Faith
-Zac Poonen
In Numbers 13 we find that the
Israelites came to Kadesh-barnea at
the border of Canaan - the land
that God had promised them. It
was now two years since they left
Egypt (40 minus 38 years, see
Deut.2:14), and God told them to
go in and possess the land. The
Israelites sent twelve spies to
survey the land.
All twelve of them came back
saying that the land was indeed a
wonderful land. Ten of them,
however, said, “But there are huge
giants there and we cannot conquer
them.” (Numbers 13:27-29).
But two of them - Caleb and
Joshua – replied saying: The land
which we passed through to spy
out is an exceedingly good land. If
the Lord is pleased with us, then He
will bring us into this land and give it
to us – a land flowing with Milk and
Honey. The Lord will help us to
conquer those big giants. (Numbers
14:6-9) But the 600,000 Israelites
listened to the majority.
What do we learn from this? First of
all, that it is dangerous to follow the
majority – because the majority is
invariably wrong. “The way to life is
narrow and very few find it,” Jesus
said. The majority still go on the
broad way to destruction. So, if you
follow the majority you will certainly
be along with them on the broad
way to destruction. Don’t ever
imagine that a large church is a
spiritual church. Jesus’ church had
only 11 members in it. When ten
leaders say one thing and two say
the exact opposite, whose side will
you take? God was on the side of
the two here – Joshua and Caleb.
Unbelief and Satan were on the
side of the other ten. But the
Israelites foolishly followed the
majority – and that was why they
had to wander in the wilderness for
the next 38 years. They did not
have the discernment to see whose
side God was on! God and one
person are always a majority – and
that is where I want to stand
always. We see in Exodus 32 that
God was on the side of just one
man, Moses, when all the Israelites
were worshipping the golden calf.
But of all the twelve tribes, only the
tribe of Levi could see that then.
And now when God was with
Joshua and Caleb, even the tribe of
Levi could not recognise it!
All of this has lessons for us today.
Christendom in general is full of
compromise and worldliness. Here
and there, God raises up a few who
stand for the truth of God’s word
without any compromise. If you
have discernment, you will
recognise that God is with those
few, and you will stand with them
against the majority. You will enter
the promised land with them.
How do you identify the man with
whom God is standing? He speaks
the language of faith. Joshua and
Caleb spoke the language of faith:
“We can overcome.” We can
overcome the giants of anger,
sexual lust, jealousy, murmuring
etc. We can overcome Satan. God
will crush him under our feet. That
is the language of the man with
whom God stands.


Ephesians is perhaps the most
spiritual letter that Paul wrote, and
that indicates that the church in
Ephesus at that time was in a very
spiritual state. It was a very good
church. There was nothing there
for Paul to correct. Ephesians deals
with living a heavenly life on earth.
A church and a Christian can fulfil
their function on earth only if they
are heavenly-minded. The more
heavenly-minded you are, the more
you can fulfil God’s purpose for
you on earth. The more earthly-
minded you are, the more useless
you will be to fulfil God’s purposes
on earth, even if you say you are
going to heaven when you die. Your
home can fulfil its function for God
only if it is a heavenly-minded
home. The Lord’s will for us is “that
your days on earth may be like the
days of heaven upon
earth” (Deuteronomy 11:21 - KJV).
This was not possible under the old
covenant. But Ephesians tells us
how we can live like that under the
new covenant.
Ephesians 1:3 says, “Blessed be
the God and Father of our Lord
Jesus Christ Who has blessed us
with every spiritual blessing in the
heavenly places in Christ.” Notice
there that all these blessings are
spiritual, not material. Earthly
blessings were what the Israelites
were promised under the old
covenant. We can read that in
Deuteronomy 28. This is what
distinguishes the grace that Christ
brought from the law that Moses
brought. If there were such a verse
in the Old Testament, it would have
read like this: “Blessed be God
Almighty (not our Father) who has
blessed us with every material
blessing in earthly places in Moses.”
So those believers who are seeking
primarily for physical healing and
material blessings are really going
back to the old covenant. Such
“believers” are actually Israelites
and not Christians. They are
followers of Moses, not of Christ.
Does that mean that God does not
bless believers materially today? He
does – but in a different way. As
they seek His kingdom and His
righteousness first, all their earthly
needs are provided for them.
Under the old covenant, people
sought only these earthly things
and they got plenty of them –
many children, much property, a lot
of money, victory over enemies,
honour and position on earth, etc.
But under the new covenant, we
seek for spiritual blessings –
spiritual children, spiritual wealth,
spiritual honour, spiritual victories
(over Satan and the flesh, and not
over the Philistines or human
beings). Our earthly needs, like the
health and money we need to do
the will of God, are added to us.
God will give us as much money as
He knows will not ruin us. Under the
old covenant, God may have made
some people billionaires. But He
doesn’t do that for us today,
because it might prevent us from
seeking the things that are above –
and thus destroy us.
The words “spiritual blessing” in
Ephesians 1:3 could be translated
as “blessing of the Holy Spirit”. God
has already given us every blessing
of the Holy Spirit in Christ. We have
only to claim them in Jesus’ name.
Imagine a beggar girl sitting
begging by the roadside. A rich
prince comes by and decides to
marry her and puts millions of
rupees into a bank account – an
account from which she can draw
money freely any time she wants.
What a lucky girl she is! Once she
had nothing but a little tin can with
a few coins in it. But now she lives
in grand style with the finest of
clothes. She can withdraw any
amount of money from the bank,
because she has so many blank
cheques signed by the prince. This
is our picture, spiritually speaking.
We can now go to the bank of
heaven and claim every single
blessing of the Holy Spirit because
they are all ours in Christ’s Name.
Everything of heaven is ours in
Christ if we remain in this bridal
relationship with Him, if we can say,
“Lord, I want to be true to You all
my days on earth as Your bride.”
Then every blessing of the Holy
Spirit is ours. We don’t have to try
and convince God that we deserve
any of them – because we do not
deserve any of them. Can you
imagine that beggar girl imagining
that she deserves all the wealth she
got freely? Not at all. All that we
receive is by God’s mercy and
grace. We can take everything of
heaven because they have all been
given to us freely in Christ. We
cannot earn them by our fasting or
our prayers. Many do not receive
the blessings of the Holy Spirit
because they try to earn them in
these ways! We cannot receive
them like that. We must accept
them all through Christ’s merit
alone . Zac Poonen


The purpose of this page is to bring the Christian Brothers and Sisters together. I believe the possibility of fellowship in this platform. I have come to understand that they are many Christians all over the world who have numerous challenges in they spiritual life,relationships, marriages,places of work,ignorance of the promises of God in His word,spiritual attacks, and the need for them to make Jesus known in they localities, my prayer for you is that your eyes would be open for you to see and know your responsibility as a Christian . Note: This a none denominational group. God bless you



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