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Conservatives & Our Founding Fathers College Students are our future leaders! I wish to mentor and learn and learn from our young dynamic

Trump should pick Elise Stefanik!HOLD TO THIS BLOG POST! |Why???Because Trump knows and I know that Trump could prevent ...

Trump should pick Elise Stefanik!
Because Trump knows and I know that Trump could prevent another stolen election by grabbing New York!
What did I just write?? Trump could win New York???
YES! Trump is going to win New York! You can see it. You can feel it.
Forget about the polls and pundits, New York is ripe to vote for a Republican President for the first time since Ronald Reagan in 1984. Here is how.
1-Elise Stefanik is really smart, Harvard grad, a killer, as tough as nails and unlike the RNC she has surrounded herself with a killer staff
2- Enter Alex DeGrasse, Elise Stefanik's chief staff he alone gave the Republicans their slim majority by running the table in the midterms, with little cash he out general Dems flipping seat after seat
3- Trump is a hometown boy! The corrupt New York trials enrages New Yorkers as they have seen Trump develop and build some of New Yorks greatest properties.
4- New York in the Upper East Jews hate AOC and feckless Joe Biden. The war in Israel is a bridge too far for the Jews in New York City and besides their numbers they are loaded with cash and are as political savvy as they come.
5-RUDY RUDY RUDY! Rudy is America's mayor. New Yorkers see homeless urinating on the sidewalks and remember how Rudy cleaned up New York and led New York after 911. His son ran and lost but do not underestimate that the Guilianis know NYC politics.
6- Lee Zeldin! Another brilliant strategist is Lee Zeldin, he is rumored to be another big player and he knows every inch of New York
7- Mayor Adams is in disarray, Illegal immigration, massive crime makes Mayor Adams vulnerable and highly unpopular
8- Andrew Cuomo and the New York Dem Civil war- the move to oust Andrew Cuomo and put in a far-left Governor has left New York divided teh Corzine AOC crowd are despised by the Cuomos and other New York big wigs
9- Trump has taken Ohio, Florida Iowa, Missouri off the table. He will win these states in a rout and while Republicans have not controlled the stealing in Penn and Wi and Mich Trump can now focus on other states like Minnasota and the Big Apple![0]=AZXDh3DSv0MVk2FfuuBn8bBH7_8IqjNF1RKGL5yCjs_0hHTKSxqiwce6FoP9XJU76oM8TUq8LrPnLoO7BFVu77V0mmwqNkAgxybxLtwtBRyyZ1y7E648oNobz1kjljdyApl8Qko_LYMHlwcAzgtLFbpP&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R

The stakes are far higher than they were in 2016.


US Attorney General Merrick Garland made a stunning admission about Special Counsel Jack Smith’s cases against Trump during an interview with CNN.

Speaker Johnson why are you hiding?I called your office I get voice mail I go to email you and it says I am not in your ...

Speaker Johnson why are you hiding?

I called your office I get voice mail

I go to email you and it says I am not in your district.

But are you not the Speaker of all the People?

I called on your behalf begging your fellow reps to vote for you

I regret that!

Why do you keep McCarthy’s staff?

Did we support you so you can “cut” 16 billion from a budget losing over a trillion a year?

You go to the border for a photo and yet you do nothing

David had courage

Moses had courage

Jesus resisted the temptation of the Devil

But sadly you have failed.

The people have lost their faith in you

Power corrupts !

Please resign and make room for Speaker Jordan!

Hopefully he will not disappoint us too.

I'm honored to receive an A+ rating from SBA Pro-Life America for my ongoing commitment to defend the unborn.

The House will lead with moral clarity to champion pro-family policies, support mothers, and stand unapologetically for life.

Look who has come to kiss the ring of the Oligarchs!Georgia Gov. Kemp is as corrupt as they come. He could have "investi...

Look who has come to kiss the ring of the Oligarchs!

Georgia Gov. Kemp is as corrupt as they come. He could have "investigated the video that shows double counting ballots. He could have asked where was the poll watchers when the count was coming?

He could have called for a Special Prosecutor to investigate the fraudulent tally sheets which did not match, the actual count.

He could have audited the Dominion machines

He could have called for a Canvass.

Instead, he goes to Davos, the land of corrupt Oligarchs looking for cash!

And now Fani went on junkets with her very special prosecutor. Looking for love in all the wrong places.

Where is the investigation? Don't worry Kemp the oligarchs will tell you what to do!

Gov kemp in jail!

Gov. Brian Kemp (R-GA) appeared at the World Economic Forum in Davos while ignoring calls to investigate District Attorney Fani Willis.

Leftist sock puppets do not realize that their "narratives/talking points are written up at the direction  from DAVOS.Io...

Leftist sock puppets do not realize that their "narratives/talking points are written up at the direction from DAVOS.

Iowa proves that all the games, the lawfare has failed miserably.

68% of Republicans believe their election was stolen! This message is growing not only in the US but around the world and it terrifies the Oligarchs.

My message to leftist sock puppets, stop believing the lies, the oligarchs are laughing at you. You are not part of them. They hate you. You are nothing more than o cockroach to them. Tehy only want to soak your dollars, send your children to be killed in foreign wars and do their bidding.

When they are done with you they will crush you

Donald Trump back in the White House poses a "fundamental challenge" to Europe, leader of BlackRock, the world’s largest asset manager, warned.

DONALD J TRUMP WINS IN A LANDSLIDE!* over 250 million spent against him* Lawsuits against him threatening to take his mo...


* over 250 million spent against him

* Lawsuits against him threatening to take his money and put him in jail for over 700 years

* Denied access to all major networks including the corrupt Fox News

* Fake news headlines

DeSantis is surging!

Then Nikki is surging!

68% of caucus goers believe Biden did not win 2020!

On to New Hampshire!

Live 2024 Iowa election results and maps by county and district. POLITICO’s coverage of 2024 primary races for President, Senate, House and Governors.

Imagine his lead if he were allowed on Fox News more often!

Imagine his lead if he were allowed on Fox News more often!

Donald Trump made history Saturday as he prepares to romp in Monday's long-awaited Iowa Caucus.


Nancy Pelosi belongs in prison. FBI Chief Wray belongs in prison. A huge percentage of Democrat leadership and even Mitch McConnell and even McCarthy belong in jail as Co-conspirators in a Coop. January 6th was a CYOP . The FBI attacked Trump with human sources and wiretapping from 2016 that is not opinion that is according to sworn affidavits. Eric Ciaramella worked for Biden and Obama and CIA Chief Brennan

We need the truth ad the guilty belong in jail under due process of law.


I would like to post this from my dear lost friend David Boulton, who has been corrupted by the swamp!

He believes in the fairy tale even though I have proven him wrong over and over and over again.

David you see has been posting these mindless snark posters from Occupy Democrats.

Now let's begin the name "Occupy Democrats" is actually stolen from the populist revolt known as "Occupy Wall Street but David sadly does not know this or really cares for he has been infected by TDS (Trump deranged Syndrome")

When Schiff said he had a whistle Blower who knew about the call to Ukraine David like a loyal soldier posted it to me, and them I proved to him that Eric Ciaramella worked for Obama and Biden and the CIA! But did he apologize?? NO!

David also posted how Bob Mueller was going to get Trump! Until we saw Mueller testify! ANd then we alll laughed at how stupid and unprepared Mueller was wasting millions of tax dollars and then wiping his staff's phones! Did Davey boy apologize then??? NO!

Davey is lost!

And when I posted about Congressman Devin Nunes and his mountains of evidence that Trump was wiretapped, Davey called me a liar! But he neglects that David Sussman confessed under oath to hiring a company from Georgia tech to bug Trump tower and the White House!

I posted the video of Fulton County tripple scanning ballots yet David refuses to watch!

The headline of his latest flop is "look how many pictures are their showing Trump and Epstein but poor, poor David doesn't realize the pictures comes from 30 years ago at a single public event!

Its lie after lie after lie yet poor David Boulton floats from one con to the next

I pray for David as children are sold at he border into the Child S*x trade under Joe Biden's watchful eye yet David can't seem to comment?

Common] David admit your folly! The truth will let you free

Clearly the 2020 election was stolen and now we have a Manchurian Candidate sleeping un the White House.The patriots who...

Clearly the 2020 election was stolen and now we have a Manchurian Candidate sleeping un the White House.

The patriots who came to protest the stolen election knew what they saw. They were not "crazy" but what we have was following the steal our FBI which is supposed to protect us instead protected treason by entrapping the protesters.

Now Jack Smith seeks to cover up the real crime. He belongs in jail so does the entire January 6th commission that destroyed their own evidence.

It is an uphill climb to get Trump back into the White House but the only way to restore this Republic is to win and then prosecute the evil doers!

Trump shouldn't be allowed to make "irrelevant" claims targeting others during his federal election interference trial, the special counsel argued in a filing Wednesday.


I was thinking about The Colorado Supreme Court ruling and how almost all the talking heads on TV seem to be saying how this was a “stupid idea”

The US Supreme Court might overturn by 9-0

Frank Lintz predicted that Trump’s poll numbers will go up and that Trump thrives on the court rulings

But then I thought was it really a “bad move”???

Then I thought maybe the members of the Colorado Supreme were getting help and advice from the outside?

Then I thought what if the act of throwing Trump off the ballot was a chess move?

In chess sometimes the best move is to threaten Checkmate

Putting Pressure on the king and threatening checkmate forces tension it he game and while a defense to thwart checkmate is often found that pressure does not easily dissipate

Then I thought maybe artificial intelligence is playing the game

What if AI is actually behind the moves? Could our FBI CIA be using AI to defeat Donald J. Trump?

Where is the insurrection?We’ll simply put it’s the swamp that wants to take away your vote!You are not allowed to vote....

Where is the insurrection?

We’ll simply put it’s the swamp that wants to take away your vote!

You are not allowed to vote. for Trump because your betters have decided that he is dangerous

Who is causing the insurecrion? Who is interfering with our elations? Clearly today it’s the Colorado Supreme Court!

The same court that the DOJ refuses to protect from death threats
That threatens to investigate Clarence Thomas and Bret Kavanaugh the same Supreme Court where leftists want to pack with a swarm of leftists

Leftism is synonymous with fascism and history will record that this is where our Republic was most tested

Colorado’s highest court on Tuesday knocked former President Trump off the state’s Republican primary ballot under the 14th Amendment in a 4-3 ruling, making it the first state to block him fr…


Was Joe Biden ever popular?

How could someone who failed miserably in two previous Presidential runs, who finished 5th in Iowa 4th in New Hampshire who could barely draw ten people to an event who literally campaigned once a week win 81 million votes?

If Trump won at least 74 million votes and Biden won 81 million my question is their 155 million eligible voters in this country?

There is 72 million children under age 18 in the US leaving just 258 million people over 18

20 million have been convicted of a felony so that means there is 238 million. There is 51 million who have not registered!!

now we are down to 181 million. So now lets say out of the 22 million who are over 80 cannot vote are catatonic or cannot function lets say half did not vote now we have 171 million.

Now how many moved before election day and while they are "registered" they are ineligible to vote well 30 Million people move every year so lets say half did not have time to register now we have 156 million !

So we had 155 million votes out of 154 million votes!


This re[port makes every member of the January 6th commission guilty of Treason.For corrupt sock puppets who refuse to r...

This re[port makes every member of the January 6th commission guilty of Treason.

For corrupt sock puppets who refuse to read. there is video evidence of FBI assets or agents dressed as Trump supporters "in the Capitol hours before the breach!

There is FBI agents showing up in ghost busses dressed as Trump supporters acting in military fashion.

There are eyewitness accounts. There is surveillance video showing.

Yet David Boulton will run to his safe space, Occupy Democrats

Robert VonBuskirk will not even read he will just start swearing.

Kim Karson will post Twitter snark.

This is how a Republic dies,

Saving the Republic is not up to MAGA its not up to the corrupt establishment who have plotted and schemed to destroy this country. It's up to the sock puppets!

Do you hear me Brenden Kennedy? Christian North? Mike Bucknam?

How do you explain away video evidence?

Eyewitnesses? FBI whistleblowers?

It's time to choose, be a Patriotic American or be a corrupt fascist. There is not in between.

Speaker Johnson has promised the surveillance video. Hey Speaker, where is it? Stop the lies. Stop the excuses. We are big boys and girls we can take it!

Show the video! Let's go to the video tape! The Jan 6 commission saw this video show it! Now!

And let's then prosecute the traitors!


Investigative journalist Lara Logan released the latest episode in her much anticipated investigation into the January 6, 2021 “Fed-surrection” today on in Media website.


I am just wondering if the website “Occupy Democrats” has posted an excuse as to why a company owned by Hunter Biden who received its income from Communist China was sending monthly payments to Joe Biden

Sock Puppets need to know!

Ever see the movie JFK?Or Snowden?Oliver Stone digs dipper and gets to the facts!"How do you know Trump lost?""I trust t...

Ever see the movie JFK?
Or Snowden?

Oliver Stone digs dipper and gets to the facts!

"How do you know Trump lost?"

"I trust the accountants who count votes better than the politicians."

Oliver Stone is telling the establishment that the numbers do not add up!

Listen to the Show on all Podcast Apps "Club Random with Bill Maher" and ...

Step one release the tapesStep to prosecute the liars who covered up our FBI who orchestrated a phony insurrection! That...

Step one release the tapes

Step to prosecute the liars who covered up our FBI who orchestrated a phony insurrection!
That means you Jamie Raskin, Liz Cheney! Bernie Thompson! And the crier Adam Kinzinger!

Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) claimed it would be a "security risk" to release all the tapes from the Capitol riots on January 6.

Only a sock puppet believes the Jan 6 commission was “bipartisan”This blog has caught the sock puppets in lie after lie ...

Only a sock puppet believes the Jan 6 commission was “bipartisan”

This blog has caught the sock puppets in lie after lie after lie yet they still believe their masters!

Robert VonBuskirk, Brenden Kennedy, Kim Kimberly Karson David Boulton this means you

Stop kidding your self

Once again I will catch you and yet it never seems to be enough

Very sad

On Friday Night Speaker Mike Johnson fulfilled his commitment to release the security camera footage from the January 6, 2021 protests at the US Capitol.

Starting in the 1980s and even more so in the 1990s I loved the National Review and its cutting-edge articles. Some of t...

Starting in the 1980s and even more so in the 1990s I loved the National Review and its cutting-edge articles. Some of the best was an article which claimed that Malcome X would have been a Republican had he lived in the 1990s and then there was the article of Mario Cuomo supporting abortion and the contrary views supporting the Pro Life position.

Sadly nobody reads the National Review. It has lost readership and its once powerhous lineup of Robert Novack, William Rusher, William F Buckley and Pat Buchanan has devolved into a group of losers.

Enter their latest attempt to be relevant the pretending their is a Race for President out side Donald J PrPresident Donald J. Trump ArchivedBTW what is the above Donald J Trump archived? Who is leading between Nicky Haley and Ron DeSantis? Are you serious?

We might not have an election in 2024. Or certainly we may have a stolen farce but if we do have an honest election

Donald J Trump will be our next President!

‘Anyone still talking about DeSantis as the stalking horse is not keeping up with the race.’

The Biden economy! Soaring interest rates, massive inflation and much more to follow and wars breaking out all over the ...

The Biden economy! Soaring interest rates, massive inflation and much more to follow and wars breaking out all over the world!


Former Speaker Kevin McCarthy”Hey why does your cite still refer you to as Speaker???Were ever really a Speaker for the ...

Former Speaker Kevin McCarthy”

Hey why does your cite still refer you to as Speaker???

Were ever really a Speaker for the people?

No you lied

Lied about individual spending bills
Lied about subpoenaing The Bidens

Lied about releasing the January 6th tapes

Lied about why you were fired

Former Speaker stop humiliating yourself and going on CNN the official network for loser Republicans who no longer have a following

You were a terrible Speaker like loser Boehner and loser Ryan

Why don’t we all join in prayers for the new Speaker Mike Johnson

PS is it true you are living Frank Luntz?

Where is Mrs McCarthy?

Just asking

Tuesday's special elections have come and largely gone -- and there is a growing contingency of Republicans who would like to see the head of the Republican National Committee go with them. While the GOP picked up wins here and there on Tuesday, most political observers considered it a good night fo...


Speaker Mike Johnson I am rooting for your success and in that vain I beg you to stop going on Fox to deliver your message.

Fox News is a garbage network that was involved in stealing the 2020 election and is refusing to cover Trump in an effort to stop him

Fox News will work to stop your message and therefore you should not enable them with your appearances


And so why is empowering children about true science logic reasoning and faith so important?

Because coming down the highway is more gain of function research and artificial intelligence that seeks to turn man into slaves

These weapons can destroy man and must be confronted by faith logic and reason before it is too late!


Let’s talk about science education to our young people

Our children needed to be empowered as critical thinkers and stop the nonsense fairy tales that are passed off as “science”.

I call it feeding our kids massive garbage data to align with corrupt elites looking to control people

From the beginning of our universe Orr age of our universe of life to Darwin to climate change to how the COVID virus began to the corrupt hidden findings that showed the vaccines to combat COVID 19 that showed the vaccines were garbage need to be exposed!

Our kids need to be empowered and to understand that weaving data into a fairy tales

So why did scientists suggest billions of years? Because they hates organized religion and wanted to guide people away from the truth !

The fact is that there had to be a designer an intelligent being that created tombs world around us in such massive interdependency and and synchronicity that we are foolish to try to explain

We need to teach kids about what we know or at least think we know about nutrición, body chemistry

We need to teach our kids logic and reasoning and the scientific method and to doubt and question and how to observe and think for themselves

We also need to expose the frauds!!!

Frauds like Fauci and Darwin who lied to fool people who were behind massive wealth and evil elite people who sought to profit from the ignorance of man

Attention sock puppetsHow does it feel to wrong that by hating Trump and ignoring the true science YOU are responsible f...

Attention sock puppets

How does it feel to wrong that by hating Trump and ignoring the true science

YOU are responsible for the death of millions!!!!

The French study included 30,202 patients.


Ray Epps was clearly a FBI asset or working for some other government agency his job was to get protestors to


That is what he said captured on video!

The FBI a has under oath admitted that they:

“Lost track “ on exactly how many FBI agents were in the crowd on January 6th

What was called an insurrection.was instead a




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