People are always trying to change the subject when it comes to real topics.
Here on Radio Uproar we're free to discuss those things without interruptions. No bots, trolls, disrupters, threats or any of the junk the prevents real discussions. How do I know this? Because I alone own 100% of the stream so I alone get to decide what content gets aired. I'm not running ads, selling statistical information or profiting in any way. It's just a place for people to discuss issues freely & comfortably.
To prevent interruptions I won't be allowing comments on any of my posts here. What I'm going to do instead is post weekly topics, from there you can record a 5 minute audio segment discussing how the topic effects you personally & I will put it into rotation at my discretion.
Topics will be things like racism/CRT, women's reproductive rights, LGBTQ issues, science, Native American rights, justice reform, education, environment, unbeliefs, refugees/migrants, sensible gun laws, solutions, what words like 'progress' & 'woke' actually mean... you know, all of the things certain people go out of their way to keep us from talking about.
I want to hear your personal experiences, knowledge & points of view.
When I get enough people talking I will bombard politicians with the Radio Uproar stream so they can hear what we really have to say straight from our mouths.
You are free to send the segments anonymously, please no promotional content.
(I run all submissions through an auto screener. Content containing any hate speech, threats, anti-science, conspiracy theories, personal religious beliefs, endorsements of violence or yelling get filtered out before I hear it.)
I'm looking for clear, well thought out points of view to air. I'd like you to keep it as personal as you feel comfortable but please try to include any citations and/or references when relevant.
Be sure to follow me so you can keep up on the topics.
Send all submissions to the email on my page and tune in at the link.
We can finally talk without interruptions everyone, so let's talk.