Milk and Weight Loss
All of these nutrients contribute to our overall health and wellness, and they can even play a part in weight loss, says Dr. Brian Roy, an associate professor of applied health sciences at Canada's Brock University.
Dr. Roy published a study on the impact milk has on the body post-exercise. While he admits there's some controversy surrounding milk's influence on weight loss and body fat in general, he also shares that recent studies have shown that when milk was consumed by young adults after weight training, they lost more body fat and gained more muscle mass than those who had consumed different drinks that contained the same energy and macronutrients.
"The important message from this is that it is probably important to include multiple servings of milk as a part of your daily diet," Dr. Roy says. "However, simply adding more milk to your diet will add to your total energy intake. So, if you add more milk to your diet, it likely will be most effective if it replaces other sources of energy from your diet, to ensure you are not consuming excess calories."