International Justice against Easter Sunday Massacre

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International Justice against Easter Sunday Massacre Easter Sunday 2019 shook the world with a series of bomb blasts killing 269 civilians.

Experts suggest that the attacks were a result of a grand political conspiracy. We rally here to seek international support to bring the true masterminds to book.


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Supreme Court held that former President Mithripala Sirisena, Defence Secretary Hemasiri Fernando, IGP Pujitha Jayasunde...

Supreme Court held that former President Mithripala Sirisena, Defence Secretary Hemasiri Fernando, IGP Pujitha Jayasundera, Chief of National Security Sisira Mendis and Head of SIS Nilantha Jayawardena are responsible for not preventing the bomb blasts that took place on Easter Sunday in 2019. Accordingly, Supreme Court declared that they have violated the fundamental rights of the Petitioners. Supreme Court further directed them to pay compensation to the victims and former President Maithripala Sirisena was directed to pay Rs. 100 million.


A to Z…😢😢


අපේ රට කලඹා පටන් ගත් ඒ ගමන, මෙදා පාස්කුවෙන් අවසන් වෙවා යන්නයි, කතොලික මගේ එකම පැතුම..!!🙏🏽😢

*පාස්කු ඉරිදා ප්‍රහාරයේ සැකකරුවන් 16ක් ඇප මත නිදහස්* -

*පාස්කු ඉරිදා ප්‍රහාරයේ සැකකරුවන් 16ක් ඇප මත නිදහස්* -

පාස්කු ඉරිදා ත්‍රස්ත ප්‍රහාරය සම්බන්ධයෙන් සැකපිට රක්ෂිත බන්ධනාගාරගත කර සිටි සැකකරුවන් 16 දෙනකු රුපියල් කෝටි දෙක....

Cardinal Ranjith today met Michelle Bachelet, the High commissioner of the UN Human Rights office. The Cardinal took thi...

Cardinal Ranjith today met Michelle Bachelet, the High commissioner of the UN Human Rights office.

The Cardinal took this opportunity to brief the High commissioner about the investigations of the Easter Sunday massacre.



🔹..BOMBSHELL EXPOSÉ by Colombo Telegraph ..🔹

💢..Sonic’s SIM Registered With SIS Officer: Shani Files Bombshell Petition In Supreme Court😳 ශානිගේ පෙත්සමින් පාස්කු ප්‍රහාරයේ Sonic Sonic යනු කවුදැයි හෙළිවෙයි‼️ ..💢

Former Criminal Investigation Department (CID) Director SSP (Rtd) Shani Abeysekera filed a petition in Supreme Court on Friday (18/2), seeking to prevent his arrest in connection with a set of fresh charges the Gotabaya Rajapaksa administration wants to bring against him.

The 36-page petition is a bombshell exposé about investigations Abeysekera led into the Easter Sunday mastermind and his terror cell prior to the bombings in April 2019, and reinforces previous suspicions voiced by no less than the Head of Sri Lanka’s Catholic Church about a political hand behind the terror attacks that killed 269 people.

In his application before the country’s highest court, the decorated CID officer claims that an attempt was being made to falsely implicate him by alleging that he had been derelict in his duties during the investigation into the National Thowheed Jama’aath (NTJ) and the mastermind of the Easter Sunday attack, M.H.M. Zahran.

SSP Abeysekera’s petition to Supreme Court charges that there was an attempt to wrongfully arrest and detain him under the Prevention of Terrorism Act (PTA). Abeysekera claims the B report submitted to a magistrate in connection with this investigation into his conduct of the NTJ probe was prepared for “collateral purposes” and tainted with malice and abuse of process. The intention was to “get revenge” from Abeysekera because he had led probes into “many high-profile cases during the period from 2015 to 2019 which included the investigations against “persons of high ranks” in the present regime, the police and armed forces.

The attempt to throw the super sleuth back into remand stemmed from the Government’s bitterness over Abeysekera’s investigations into the Easter Sunday terror attacks in 2019, and what his probes into grave human rights crimes such as the murder of Lasantha Wickrematunge and enforced disappearance of Prageeth Ekneligoda revealed about President Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s involvement in these and other crimes, Colombo Telegraph learns.. As CID Director in 2019, Abeysekera’s swift work in the immediate aftermath of the bombings led to the identification of the bombers and their movements within hours of the attack. SSP Abeysekera’s investigations have revealed the shadowy hand of state intelligence services (SIS) in the terror attacks and exposed the Gotabaya Rajapaksa regime to the wrath of the Catholic church and its leadership over the Government’s failure to bring the perpetrators to justice.

The cold war between the Government and the Catholic church has led to Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith boycotting the Independence Day event in Colombo and calling off February 4 services at the All Saints Church in Borella. The Church has openly accused the Government of President Gotabaya Rajapaksa and his Intelligence Services of being behind a conspiracy to attack churches before the 2019 presidential elections.

The former CID Director is asking the Supreme Court to intervene to prevent the imminent infringement of his fundamental rights. Less than a year ago, the Court of Appeal tore the police case against Shani Abeysekera to pieces in a bail order, calling the charges a sham designed to ‘prejudice and harm’ the star criminal investigator and former CID Chief by the ‘backers of convicted murderers.”

Colombo Telegraph learns that the CID has stepped up efforts to arrest Abeysekera and detain him under the draconian PTA, to deflect blame from President Gotabaya Rajapaksa who was swept to office in 2019 promising justice for victims of the Easter terror attacks.

Instead the former CID Chief’s court filings tell a damning story of how his department (CID) faced obstruction, obfuscation and interference in their investigations against Zahran and the NTJ from as far back as November 2018. The petition before the Supreme Court reveals that interference came from within the State Intelligence Service, then headed by Maithripala Sirisena loyalist SDIG Nilantha Jayawardane and the Directorate of Military Intelligence.

⭕..Read Shani Abeysekera’s damning fundamental rights petition here..⭕

Explosive Exposés:

I. Failed Taj bomber Jamil & Military Intelligence

For over a year now speculation has been rife about the odd dalliance between the military intelligence and failed Taj Samudra bomber Jamil, who later detonated his explosive device inside a small motel in Dehiwala. In his testimony before the Presidential Commission investigating the Easter Sunday attacks, former IGP Pujith Jayasundara claimed that Jamil had been in touch with an intelligence officer shortly before he detonated his bomb in Dehiwala on April 21, 2019.

Shani Abeysekera’s petition before the Supreme Court makes the following observations regarding Jamil, the CID’s manhunt for him and the facts that make it obvious he was a person known to the Military Intelligence all along.

“The Petitioner further states that later it was revealed that Military Intelligence officers have firstly visited Jamil’s mother’s house in Wellampitiya to find the whereabouts of Jamil, and after that proceeded to the house of Jamil in Dematagoda before the blast in Tropical Inn occurred, without ever informing the CID who were engaged in the investigation of M.C.M. Saharan and NTJ at the time being. In the said circumstances, it can be reasonably inferred that despite repeated requests by the CID for assistance in locating M.C.M. Saharan, military officers attached to DMI had prior knowledge of Abdul Lathif Jamil’s identity, his role in the NTJ and his whereabouts, but for reasons yet unknown they have decided not to share
this information with the CID to help apprehend Saharan and dismantle the NTJ.”

II. Sonic-Sonic and SIS link

The former CID Chief’s filings in court reveal hitherto unpublicised evidence linking the mysterious code-name “Sonic-Sonic” that has been the subject of much speculation, directly to the State Intelligence Service, then led by Sirisena stooge cop, SDIG Nilantha Jayawardane. Abeysekera’s investigations into the SIM card used by the individual known as “Sonic-Sonic” was based on the apprehension of NTJ associate known as “Podi Zaharan” from Matale. His investigations led to a female traffic police officer in the Colombo City Division, who confessed that she had given this SIM card to her lover, another sub-inspector of police attached to the State Intelligence Service (SIS).

The petition details the events that transpired as follows:

“The Petitioner states that through the investigations conducted after the Easter Attacks the CID was able to find out about a person called “Podi Saharan” alias “Matale Saharan” who lived in Matale, who had connections with NTJ. The Petitioner further states that the said “Podi Saharan” was arrested by Police Officers attached to Matale Police station and later on the same day he was again arrested by the CID.

The Petitioner states that while the said “Podi Saharan” was being interrogated by the CID it was transpired that he had communicated with a person called “Sonic Sonic”, thereafter the CID was able to locate the sim of the said “Sonic Sonic” through an IP address. The Petitioner states that upon said revelation the CID investigated the details pertaining to SIM cards and IP addresses used by the said “Sonic Sonic”.

“The Petitioner states that according to the investigations it was revealed that the SIM which was used by “Sonic Sonic” has been obtained under the name of a policewoman sergeant attached to Colombo City Traffic Division. The Petitioner states that consequently, the CID interrogated the said woman police sergeant and she revealed that she has given the said SIM card to one Sub Inspector Bandara who is attached to the SIS, whom she claimed to have an affair with.

“The Petitioner states that the CID proceeded to interrogate said SI Bandara and at that time DIG SIS Sampath Liyanage contacted the Petitioner and informed him to not to proceed with the said interrogation as the involvement of SI Bandara with Podi Saharan is a part of covert operation which is directly connected to the national security. However, the Petitioner refused to follow the request of said DIG and managed to get a statement, but the said Sub Inspector Bandara took the same stand in his statement and refused to divulge any information with regard to his connection with the said “Podi Saharan”.

III. Vavunathivu (Batticaloa) cop killings – November 2018

Two ex-LTTE cadres were initially arrested in connection with the murder of two police officers in Vavunathivu, Batticoloa about six months before the Easter Sunday bombings. Following the terror attacks in April 2019, the revolvers belonging to the cops were found in the possession of a NTJ suspect linked to Zaharan’s terror cell, leading to the conclusion that Zaharan and the NTJ had been behind the murders.

Shani Abeysekera’s fundamental rights petition in court details the herculean efforts made by the Directorate of Military Intelligence to pin the blame for these cop killings on the LTTE and deflect attention away from the NTJ or its affiliates. The CID even suspected that the DMI and the SIS had colluded to plant evidence in order to lead police officers to the ex-LTTE cadres rather than to the real culprits. The details revealed by Abeysekera in court tie directly into assertions by former Terrorist Investigation Division DIG Nalaka Silva, who was ordered by SDIG Nilantha Jayawardane’s SIS to stop his investigations into the NTJ and Zaharan in 2018.

At the time of the Vavunathivu cop killings, DIG Nalaka Silva, who was very much on Zaharan’s trail by that time, was behind bars on false charges of plotting to kill President Maithripala Sirisena. The man responsible for making those claims public which led to Nalaka Silva’s six month long imprisonment, was Namal Kumara, an ex military intelligence officer and employee of Avant Garde Maritime Services, run by Gotabaya Rajapaksa loyalist, Nissanka Senadhipathi.

The petition states the following regarding the cop-killings in Vavunathivu, Batticaloa in 2018:

“The Petitioner states that later, the investigations conducted after the Easter Sunday attacks it was revealed that the said Ajanthan and the ex LTTE member is not responsible for the murder of police officers and that the said Ajanthan and the ex-LTTE member had been falsely framed for the murder of police officers by the intelligence services (DMI and SIS). The Petitioner further states that the DMI and SIS are suspected to have conspired to plant the motorcycle jacket in a school bag, to mislead CID investigations on the murder of two police officers in to prevent them from discovering the real assailants involved in the murder. The Petitioner further states that due to the confusions caused by the SIS and DMI, CID officers discovered only after the attacks of Easter Sunday, that the murder of the two officers was committed by the NTJ terror group led by M.C.M Saharan, which is more fully described in the following paragraphs.”

IV: The Intelligence Officer directly linked to Zaharan

Shani Abeysekera’s petition also reveals that the Director of Military Intelligence directly intervened to remove an individual being interrogated by the CID for his consistent communications with Zahran, based on evidence discovered by the US Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), which was collaborating with the CID in the first days after the bombings.

The petition details the interference as follows:

“The Petitioner states that after the Easter Sunday Attacks, the CID officers became aware through the American Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) about an Internet Protocol (IP) address belonging to an individual who had been in frequent communication with M.C.M. Saharan which was discovered by analyzing computers, mobile devices and internet accounts tied to Easter attackers. The Petitioner states that the CID began interrogating the said individual who refused to give any information about his connection to M.C.M. Saharan or to NTJ. The Petitioner further states that thereafter, the Ministry of Defense through the then DMI Director Brigadier Chula Kodithuwakku prevented the CID from detaining the said individual asserting that that the activities of the said individual were classified as national security reasons as his activities were part of a secret military intelligence operation”

Ranjith has said repeatedly that the country's top law enforcement officers had failed to arrest the true conspirators b...

Ranjith has said repeatedly that the country's top law enforcement officers had failed to arrest the true conspirators behind the bloody 2019 Easter bombings, despite filing charges against some of those directly involved. Instead they were “arresting those who are demanding justice for the attacks,” he said Tuesday.

The archbishop suggested that the country's attorney general and police chief were acting “on the whims of those in the political world.”

COLOMBO, Sri Lanka (AP) — Sri Lanka’s top Roman Catholic bishop on Tuesday spoke out against what he said was the wrongful arrest of an activist, saying that the government

Shehan Malaka Gamage was taken into custody by the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) of Sri Lanka Police under dra...

Shehan Malaka Gamage was taken into custody by the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) of Sri Lanka Police under dramatic circumstances while he was walking on the road. He streamed his chaotic arrest in a video on Facebook. It shows the activist demanding the document warranting his arrest from the plain-clothed men who came in a white van.
Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith of Colombo on Tuesday lashed out at the arrest saying it was an “abduction”. He said the government was targeting those who criticized its failure to properly investigate the 2019 Easter Sunday terrorist attacks on churches and hotels, which killed nearly 270 people and injured at least 500.

Shehan Malaka Gamage was taken into custody by the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) of Sri Lanka Police under dramatic circumstances while he was walking on the road. He streamed his chaotic arrest in a video on Facebook. It shows the activist demanding the document warranting his arrest from the plain-clothed men who came in a white van.
Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith of Colombo on Tuesday lashed out at the arrest saying it was an “abduction”. He said the government was targeting those who criticized its failure to properly investigate the 2019 Easter Sunday terrorist attacks on churches and hotels, which killed nearly 270 people and injured at least 500.
Shehan Malaka Gamage was taken into custody by the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) of Sri Lanka Police under dramatic circumstances while he was walking on the road. He streamed his chaotic arrest in a video on Facebook. It shows the activist demanding the document warranting his arrest from the plain-clothed men who came in a white van.
Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith of Colombo on Tuesday lashed out at the arrest saying it was an “abduction”. He said the government was targeting those who criticized its failure to properly investigate the 2019 Easter Sunday terrorist attacks on churches and hotels, which killed nearly 270 people and injured at least 500.

Sri Lankan Church authorities express outrage over the improper arrest of prominent Catholic activist Shehan Malaka Gamage

බොරැල්ල පල්ලියේන් හමුවූ බෝම්බය ගැන කාඩිනල් හිමියන්ගෙන් විශෙශ්ෂ ප්‍රකාශයක්...!! "පොලිසියට හරියට වැඩෙ කරන්ඩ බැරිනම් යුනිෆො...

බොරැල්ල පල්ලියේන් හමුවූ බෝම්බය ගැන කාඩිනල් හිමියන්ගෙන් විශෙශ්ෂ ප්‍රකාශයක්...!! "පොලිසියට හරියට වැඩෙ කරන්ඩ බැරිනම් යුනිෆොම් එක ගලවලා ගෙදර යන්ඩ" Full video

පොලිසියේ නඩගම් අපි පිළිගන්නේ නැහැSubscribe today for Latest News, Entertainments and Politics videos from Sri Lanka. Follow on:Official w...


State Minister releases 2018 SIS secret report submitted to Govt on terrorist leader Zaharan

Details :

"In Loving Memory of our dearly departed Friends, Families & Loved ones who have gone before us" - May you Rest in Eternal Peace! God Bless Sri Lanka!Music ...


අද හරින්ගෙන් යලිත් රට කලබන හෙලිදරව්වක්..!! සහරාන්ගේ බිරිද සාක්ෂි දිලා බුද්ධි අංශ නිලදාරින් ගෙදරදි සහාරාන්ව මුනගැසුනු බව හෙලිදරව් කලා..‼️ මොන අක්කාට කියලා මට ඇබරැවත් මම බය නෑ..

‘Sonic’ Sallay Orders CID To Expedite Arrest Of Father Cyril Gamini…!! 😢

‘Sonic’ Sallay Orders CID To Expedite Arrest Of Father Cyril Gamini…!! 😢


A series of protests were held at Verona, Milano, London , Negombo and Geneva this month ( October,2021) seeking justice...

A series of protests were held at Verona, Milano, London , Negombo and Geneva this month ( October,2021) seeking justice for our loved ones.. we thank everyone who participated and devoted their valuable time for this cause..


“There is a calling that is yet above high office, fame, lucre and security. It is the call of conscience..”

- Lasantha Wickramatunge -

People have every right to go international if justice is not done in the country, they say 's   have demanded justice f...

People have every right to go international if justice is not done in the country, they say

's have demanded justice for victims of the 2019 as several demonstrations were held in countries highlighting the government's failure to nab the culprits.

Similar protests will be held in the future wherever the leaders of the country go, warned Ven. Sirisumana Thera.

He said that some Buddhist monks were unnecessarily indulging in heated arguments that threatened to destroy the harmony among Catholics and Buddhists.

Catholic people have every right to go international if justice is not done in the country, they say

While president   Rajapaksa was addressing the   the   community in   staged a peaceful protest in   demanding justice f...

While president Rajapaksa was addressing the the community in staged a peaceful protest in demanding justice for the .



Frequently Asked Questions on Hejaaz Hizbullah

Who is Hejaaz?

Hejaaz Hizbullah is a prominent young lawyer and activist. After a stellar career at S. Thomas’ College, Mt. Lavinia and the Sri Lanka Law College—where he excelled in debating, moot court and represented Sri Lanka’s senior men’s waterpolo team—Hejaaz took oaths as a lawyer and joined the Attorney General’s Department.

Since leaving the Department, he gained prominence as a bold and effective lawyer, taking on controversial commercial and constitutional cases.

Besides his regular work, he also appeared pro bono in a number of cases involving minority rights and constitutional law, the most notable of which was his appearance for an Election Commissioner in the ‘Constitutional Coup’ case in October 2018.

Hejaaz was also involved in activism related to peace and reconciliation. He worked within the Muslim community, raising awareness regarding anti-Muslim hate and documenting hate incidents with a view to pursuing justice in the court system. He also pointedly critiqued extremism within sections of the Muslim community, and worked with organizations in which he was involved to further inter-communal harmony.

He is now a remand prisoner in the Welikada Magazine Prison because of his work and activism. He has been named an Amnesty International Prisoner of Conscience.

What are the allegations/charges against Hejaaz?

The allegations against Hejaaz have been changing from time to time.

Immediately after his arrest, there was a targeted media campaign designed to portray Hejaaz as someone involved in the Cinnamon Grand Easter su***de attacks on the basis of 14 phone calls over several years between the bomber Inshaf Ibrahim—the son of Sri Lanka’s largest spice trader and Hejaaz. However, when it was pointed that Hejaaz had since 2015 handled two land cases in the District Court for the Ibrahim family—after the cases which were filed in 2010 were handed over to him by a prominent lawyer and politician—these allegations were sidelined.

Thereafter a fresh allegation was made in the media and by the CID that Hejaaz was the mastermind of the Easter attacks. This too was sidelined before long.

Thereafter, the CID alleged that Hejaaz had received funds from a terrorist organization called “Qatar Charity”.

Curiously, Qatar Charity continues to function in Sri Lanka to date and collaborates with the current government on a number of charity measures.

The last allegation made was that Hejaaz was involved in the indoctrination of certain poor children with little to no formal education from Colombo who were boarded and educated at an Arabic College (Madrasa) in Puttalam. The children were sponsored by “Save the Pearls”, an educational charity in which Hejaaz was a member.

Hejaaz was finally indicted in mid-2021 and the charges in the indictment are that Hejaaz told these children that Catholics are attacking Muslims in Israel-Palestine, and it is only if Catholics are attacked in Sri Lanka that they would cease attacking Muslims in Israel-Palestine. The offences referred to in the indictment are versions of hate-speech prohibitions in the Prevention of Terrorism Act and the ICCPR Act.

It remains to be seen if and when any old allegations against Hejaaz would be resurfaced, or if any new ones would be concocted in the event the charges in the indictment fail.

Are the allegations/charges credible ?

The charges are baseless and false.

There is no substance in the allegation that Hejaaz aided and abetted Inshaf Ibrahim. He only had 14 calls with the Cinnamon Grand terrorist bomber over 5 years, explained by the fact that Inshaf was the contact point for the two civil land cases in which Hejaaz appeared. There is no other evidence implicating Hejaaz in the Easter Sunday attack. In fact, Hejaaz has maintained that the phone calls were primarily for the purpose of following up requests that fees be paid on time.
The allegation regarding terrorist financing and Qatar Charity is also spurious. There is no evidence that Hejaaz received any funds from Qatar Charity.

This aside, Qatar Charity continues to operate at its offices in Colombo, and has collaborated with the Sri Lankan Foreign Ministry on many relief activities including Covid-19 relief. Qatar Charity is effectively the charitable extension of the Qatari government. The Chairman of its Board is HE Sheikh Hamad bin Nasser Al Thani, a senior member of the Qatari Royal family.

The allegations regarding hate speech are even more spurious. For one, Hejaaz was never in the vicinity of the Madrasa when he was alleged to have made the speech. Moreover, the single child upon whose evidence the indictment was purportedly based has made several contradictory statements regarding Hejaaz’s involvement.

In one statement, he identifies Hejaaz as a Hizbullah who stated that he owned a university in Batticaloa – a clear allusion to former Minister Hisbullah who owned such a university. Further, several similarly circumstanced children have petitioned the Supreme Court that they were taken to the CID premises and threatened to falsely implicate Mr. Hizbullah.

Two teachers at the same school have also complained that they were similarly threatened.

How long has he been held in detention?

Hejaaz has been held in custody since 14th April 2020. He has now been in custody for more than 500 days. He has only been permitted to meet his wife and lawyers a handful of times. The Prevention of Terrorism Act prevents bail for suspects until the end of the trial, unless the Attorney General consents to bail. The Attorney General has hitherto not consented to bail.

Why is Hejaaz being targeted?

While Hejaaz’s family and friends cannot be sure exactly why Hejaaz was singled out for persecution, several matters are relevant.

First, Hejaaz was a brave and powerful voice on minority rights and the treatment of Muslims in Sri Lanka. He was unafraid and uncompromised. Such was his involvement that he was involved in almost every court case involving Muslim minority rights or anti-Muslim hate.

Second, Hejaaz was one of the first to publicly speak of the Easter Attack being a conspiracy. In fact, in his first few tweets immediately after the attack he questioned as to why the authorities turned a blind eye to the terrorists despite several complaints to the authorities and law enforcement from those within the Muslim community about the extremism and violence of those involved in the Easter attacks.

Third, Hejaaz was incisive in analyzing the drivers and sources of anti-Muslim violence and hatred. He believed that anti-Muslim violence and sentiment was deliberately created and driven by politically motivated actors, and did not believe that they emerged due to organic factors. He shared his analysis publicly on several occasions.

Fourth, Hejaaz was rapidly gaining prominence as a lawyer and was growing in stature as a public figure. Hejaaz’s family and friends assume Hejaaz’s work and activism made him powerful enemies.


IGP C.D. Wickramaratne offered an extraordinary expression about the examination on Easter Sunday assault a couple of days prior. His story is loaded with allegations against the police and the people who would prefer not to be named.

The IGP accidentally assaulted the dark banner dissent hung on the 27th Friday against the postponement in dealing with the genuine guilty parties of the Easter assault. The assertion was made to show that the mission ade by the Catholic Church and other common society gatherings, including Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith, to end the examination concerning the Easter assaults and deal with every one of those included isn’t right.

It was this Wickramaratne who expected obligations as the Inspector General of Police from April 26, 2019, until Gotabhaya advised him to assume control over the examination concerning the Easter assaults. All areas of the police have been influenced quite a bit by from that point forward. Furthermore is to call attention to that DIG Ravi Seneviratne and SSP Shani Abeysekera, who directed the examination concerning the Easter assault were wrong and to belittle the proof they found.

Thirdly is to eliminate the charges against Nilantha Jayawardena, the top of the National Intelligence Service, and other high-positioning cops who are presently being considered responsible for their inability to make a proper move to forestall the Easter assaults. He stretches to bring up that the CID neglected to see the different equipped exercises did by the Saharan gathering as a solitary interaction.

Fourth is to make the feeling that individuals like Muslim researchers were associated with the Easter assault. He proceeds to say that individuals like legal counselor Hejaz Hezbollah and writer Ahnaf Jazeem were by implication liable for the assault.

Not exactly seven days following the Easter assaults, then, at that point IGP Pujitha Jayasundara work was suspended. Thusly, it was this Wickramaratne who expected obligations as the Inspector General of Police from April 26, 2019, asserting that the Easter assault examination didn’t occur until Gotabaya advised him. All segments of the police have been influenced quite a bit by from that point forward.

The (Acting) IGP gets a day by day report from the Police Special Bureau. As indicated by the IGP, the report ought to likewise incorporate the exercises of the Saharan gathering. For what reason did IGP Wickremaratne neglect to understand that an Islamic radical gathering was working nearby to coordinate with the criminal realities he gotten? Nilantha Jayawardena, the Chief of Intelligence at the National Security Council, has additionally made these claims. Didn’t the IGP need to assemble them then, at that point?

Provided that this is true, isn’t IGP Wickramaratne likewise blameworthy as the Chief? It was from the examination concerning the harm to the Mawanella Buddha sculptures the weapons having a place with the Saharan gathering were found in a camp in Wanathawilluwa. The association between the occasions was starting to show by then, at that point. Additionally, the then Chief of Terrorism Investigation Division IGP Nalaka Silva had acquired a warrant for Saharan’s capture.

Following that, DIG Nalaka Silva was detained by a liar named Namal Kumara a numbskull of President Sirisena, who had all the earmarks of being a pet of the current police, for plotting to kill Gotabhaya. Again Namal Kumara was additionally amidst against Muslim assaults that emitted after the Easter assaults.

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