The CCP's Evil Axis will bring 4 major changes to the world politics. 1: breaking the CCP's promise of Non-Aligned Movement; 2: Altering the methods of partnership and cooperation of the alliance during the war, through trading of weapons, energy, technology without currency; 3. all three nations possess bio-chemical and nuclear weapons, which can lead to uncontainable disastrous to the mankind; 4. The UN might be out of action, which could lead to World War III.
LIVE - Special Episode with Jeremy Herrell - The CCP, Russia and DPRK's plan to defeat the Free World Exposed by the NFSC | WHISTLE BLOWERS 9.9.23 12pm-06
"China's Top Drone Manufacturer Sells Tech To Iran". The Chinese Communist Party not only provides the technology but the resources and all those things.
"中國頂級無人機製造商向伊朗出售技術"。 中國共產黨不僅提供技術,還提供資源和所有這些東西。
#NFSC #TakeDownTheCCP,
LIVE - Special Episode with Jeremy Herrell - The CCP, Russia and DPRK's plan to defeat the Free World Exposed by the NFSC | WHISTLE BLOWERS 9.9.23 12pm-02
Jeremy Herrell's reaction on what the administration plans to do and what Xi had offered in terms of the three offers.
Jeremy Herrell 對美國、政府計劃做什麼以及習近平提出的三個提議的反應.....#NFSC #TakeDownTheCCP
LIVE - Special Episode with Jeremy Herrell - The CCP, Russia and DPRK's plan to defeat the Free World Exposed by the NFSC | WHISTLE BLOWERS 9.9.23 12pm-01
If you want to get to the root of the evil, you must go to Xi Jinping, the CCP, and the new empire he is building in the east that wants to destroy America completely.
#NFSC #TakeDownTheCCP
中、俄、朝秘密筹划的邪恶轴心有什么影响?1.中共打破了不结盟的承诺。2.非传统合作,规避美元长臂管辖。3.核武器、生化武器扩散。4.架空联合国。#NICOLE看七哥 #消灭中共
#NICOLE看七哥 #消灭中共
Mr. Miles Guo reveals that some CCP kleptocratic blocs' overseas financial plotting goes too far beyond most people's imagination.
Perfect example of CCP propaganda: The Chinese singer who sang the Soviet song "Katyusha" at the Regional Drama Theater in Russian-occupied Mariupol was named Wang Fang. She is one of the CCP kleptocrats, CCP's former head of Central State Security Meng Jianzhu's mistress.This has nothing to do with ordinary Chinese people, who the CCP want to smear upon.
郭文贵先生爆料中共在伊朗,埃及,巴基斯坦以及中东国家建设和香港等级一致的 P3 实验室
Mr. Guo Wengui revealed that the Communist Party of China (CCP) is building P3 laboratories of the same level as Hong Kong's in Iran, Egypt, Pakistan, and other Middle Eastern countries. #nfsc #灭共 #郭文贵
《知无不言》中共打手王秀梅提供的所谓专业意见书是捏造事实攻击抹黑郭先生,法制基金和新中国联邦战友,同时还替中共唱赞歌! #nfsc #灭共 #郭文贵
《知无不言》王秀梅是中共喉舌,策划参与执行与港澳台的协调合作协议项目,说白了就是中共的打手 #nfsc #灭共 #郭文贵
If Xi Jinping is under real pressure, that he might try and escalate that timeline for reunifying or, in other words, invading Taiwan to try and solidify his leadership. So we're going to see even more tumultuous times in China.
如果习近平受到真正的压力,他可能会试图加快统一台湾的时间表,或者换句话说,入侵台湾以巩固他的领导地位。所以我们将##会看到中国的局势变得更加动荡。#nfsc #台湾 #灭共 #习近平
Xi Jinping Reprimanded By Party Elders Over China's Crisis
The patriarchs of the Chinese Communist Party are unhappy with President Xi. A few weeks ago, the patriarchs met secretly in a suburb of Beijing.
9/7/2023【Nicole on Grant Stinchfield Tonight @stinchfield1776】Nicole Tsai: Xi Jinping has orchestrated a secret plan, which is to ask North Korea to send 300,000 to 500,000 soldiers to Russia in exchange for Russia ceding the entire Bolshoy Ussuriysky Island and leasing Siberia to Communist China for a period between 10 and 100 years. We are seeing the formation of a new axis of evil. #CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP 9/7/2023【妮可做客 Grant Stinchfield Show节目】妮可:习近平主导了一个秘密计划,让朝鲜派30万到50万兵力到俄罗斯,从而换得俄将整个黑瞎子岛出让给中共,并且承诺把西伯利亚租给中共国,租期是10到100年。我们正在亲眼目睹一个新的邪恶轴心的形成!#中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共
#习近平 #自我革命 #灭美 #爆料革命 #郭文贵
今天的共产党内只有一个心,谁能逃出去、谁能把老婆孩子钱送出去、谁能活下去谁是赢家!中南坑没有一个人认为共产主义、共产党领导还能坚持十年、百年,包括习本人! 疫苗之后,人类新文明的开始到了一个临界点,理解透“唯真不破”,跟随新中国联邦,坚决消灭共产党,任何事都可以面对!#nfsc #郭文贵 #消灭中共
从什么时候开始,你的钱不再属于你。 加密数字货币的意义!#nfsc #郭文贵 #数字货币
2023.09.06 Ava on Live from America-03
According to Miles Guo’s previous comments, the United States may be involved in a war during the presidential election year because this will give the current U.S. government the power it wants. But no matter which administration comes to power, the United States will have to decouple from the CCP.