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The Tender Heart Place Chat with Georgina

HEY GOD ARE YOU LISTENING! Part 3  Turning on her car's engine, she drove slowly out of the parking lot, still shaken fr...


Turning on her car's engine, she drove slowly out of the parking lot, still shaken from the argument with her mother. A never-ending stream of tears blinded her vision. Her mind raced through her childhood. She had experienced a lot of trauma to last her a life time. In elementary school, Linda was always apprehensive about Father's Day and parents' evenings. She had been humiliated by her classmates and teachers on numerous occasions. On one occasion, when everyone made a card for Father's Day, the teacher asked her to make a card for her mother instead. She recalled the children laughing at her. Even at that age, she wished she hadn't been born.

At the end of Elementary School, her school organised a farewell party for the pupils. She watched as her friends were congratulated by their parents. Despite winning the prize for outstanding performance in mathematics and science, she stood alone, no parent or family member to cheer her up. That morning, Daniel had a high temperature and difficulty breathing like other times, so her mother had to take him to the hospital leaving Linda in the care of a neighbor.

She wiped off her tears with the back of her hand and took a deep breath. She couldn't help but think about all the times she missed having a connection with her father. Middle school was not always the best time for her either. Her friends always talked about how amazing their dads were, and it made her ache for the relationship she never had.

The burden she felt as she drove through the busy streets made her longed for a shoulder to lean on. Rather than go home, she decided to drive around town to see if this weird feeling would go away. Moments later she heard a voice, turned but saw no one. The voice got louder with every clock tick. It said to her in a strange voice.

End it, life isn't worth living!

No one understands your pain.

You were abandoned by your father at an early age.

Your mum? She doesn't care about you.

No one does either

It's not worth being around here any longer.

Step on the accelerator!

Take your hands off the wheel, it would be a fast and painless death.

Nobody cares.

Linda was alone in her car. The voice she heard came from her.

She increased the car radio volume, hoping to drown out the voice in her voice. She couldn't make sense of the conflicting emotions raging inside her. On the one hand, she felt a deep longing for a father's love and attention, while on the other, she was consumed by an overwhelming sense of pain and loneliness, feelings of anger and bitterness towards her father. Further feelings of worthlessness and a desire to escape the pains she had experienced all her life. The weight of her circumstances seemed too heavy to bear, and she felt consumed by the idea that no one understood her pain.

Linda sweated profusely despite the cold winter weather. Due to her poor vision, she struggled to focus and parked the car on the roadside. As oncoming vehicles approached, she turned on her hazard lights, to prevent anyone from running into her.

"No, no I don't want to die.

Not now, I am not ready yet. She screamed. Her body was still shaking and sweating after the strange encounter.

She picked up her phone to call her childhood friend but the battery had run out. Everything seems to be in the wrong at that evening.

She braced herself up, started the engine and drove off again.

As she drove past a shopping mall, she decided to stop for some groceries. She hadn't eaten all day. She eagerly anticipated eating the basmati rice and sumptuous vegetable sauce garnished with assorted smoked fish her mother had prepared for dinner. Despite her difficult circumstances, she found comfort in enjoying her mother's meal. She felt comforted eating these meals. Sadly, the evening turned sour.

The event of that evening was significant, a turning point in Linda's life. In the same way as her mother, she hoped and believed that her father would come back one day and be reunited with his family. This hope had now been dashed to the ground. Her desire for comfort and belonging had been met with disappointment and a harsh reality. It further reinforced her feelings of isolation and the idea that no one truly understands her pain.

After driving into the parking lot of the shopping center, she walked into one of the stores. She grabbed a few items from the shop, and as she walked out, a familiar voice called her name.

"Hi Linda. So glad to see you again." A voice called out.

She froze on her feet when she heard the voice. She recognized the voice. Her groceries fell off her hand and rolled all over the floor in that shock. Her mouth dropped open as she stared speechless at the person in front of her.

Watch out for part 4

Hey, God are you listening? Part 2.For years, Linda secretly nursed this pain. As a young child, she saw her mother cons...

Hey, God are you listening? Part 2.

For years, Linda secretly nursed this pain. As a young child, she saw her mother constantly maltreated by her father. Her father hit her mother at the slightest provocation. She wasn't allowed to step out of the house unless she was heading to work. Her father always dropped her off and picked her up when she was done with work. They went to the shops together. She picked up what she needed for the house and her father paid for it. She wasn't allowed to keep any money of her own or own a bank card. She had no friends except her family and church members who rarely visited them. She didn't have a life of her own. Linda saw her mother being beaten even while pregnant but never reported it to the authorities.

Linda's father never failed to remind her mother how he did her a favour by 'picking her up from the gutters, cleaning her up and getting married to her'.

You are a child of nobody! A pesant!

Who knew your family existed before I married you?

I transformed your life and that of your family.

Without me your wretched parents would have died in poverty.

I sent your useless brothers to higher institutions.

You and your entire family members need to worship the ground I stand on.

I brought you to this country and you must do what I say?

Has any member of your family ever boarded a place?

If you ever call the police on me, I will make sure they deport you and send you back to your ghetto life in the village!

He boasted while threatening her.

On several occasions at work, Mummy Linda had gone in with a black eye. Her manager had reported it to the authorities but she defended her husband and refused to speak regarding the incident. People in her local church have tried to help her but she has declined, as she would rather tell them to pray for her husband to change.

"I am still praying and fasting for my husband. He will come around one day."

Mummy Linda would tell members who tried to help her out of her predicament.

Linda's maternal grandparents knew what their daughter was going through at the hands of their son in law, yet they encouraged her to stay and endure.

Men are always men, it's their nature to cheat and misbehave.

Just turn a blind eye when he misbehaves.

"He would change after trying everything outside and seen that the best awaits him at home. Grandma would say.

As for her siblings, they had a different perspective on the situation.

Big Sis, please come back home if this man doesn't stop maltreating you.

We would gladly refund his brideprice and all the money he spent on our education.

Her siblings would tell her.

Linda's father left the home when her younger brother Daniel was born.

Daniel was born with several deformities.

Who knows? Perhaps the deformities were due to the beating she received while pregnant with him.

Linda's father left the home because he could not bear to be called the father of a special needs child. It's a thing of shame, a cultural stigma associated with a child with special needs.

By the way, Linda's father had options. He had three baby mamas in Africa besides being married to Linda's mother. He didn't choose any of them when he remarried.

He had a fresh pick, a young East African lady. A few years older than his first daughter, Linda.

His new catch had just arrived in the country on a visiting visa when they met. He promised to help her get residency if she married him. Although they have been married for several years with two children, he has yet to fulfill his promise.

He always has one story or the other to tell whenever she wants to submit her application for residency to the Home Office. The most recent lie he told her was that his passport was missing. He made all these excuses so she would always depend on him.

Freedom meant trouble for him.

Linda had left her mother's apartment crying. This was the last straw that broke the camel's back. She had nursed the pain in secret for years. Her father's behaviour towards her mother left a deep scar that seemed impossible to heal. Linda disgusts men, they irritate her. She sees all men through her father's lenses. She vowed never to date a man, let alone get married to one. Her father was the reason for the weird decision she had to make. Due to her fear of being treated like her mother, she had never imagined herself getting married.

As she ran out of the house crying, she got into her car and slammed the door. It was dark, and no one noticed the tears streaming down her face. She sat in her car and cried for what seemed like an eternity.

With tears in her eyes, she muttered, "Life is worthless.".

I have lived a sad life that will eventually end in pain. What is the essence of life?

Her traumatic childhood created a deep scar in her heart. The scar bleeds every time she is reminded of her past.

She attended therapy sessions but it wasn't enough. There was a void that needed to be filled. A longing that no one could satisfy.


You can't make progress while clinging on to your past. It might hurt, but you need to let go!

HEALING FROM BITTERNESS.My parents divorced a few months after I was born.My mother resented me, feeling I brought ill f...


My parents divorced a few months after I was born.

My mother resented me, feeling I brought ill fortune to the family at my birth.

My mother constantly abused me. She beat me with whatever she found until I bled.

My brother also sexually molested me on multiple occasions. My mum was aware but she never stopped him.

I grew up suffering neglect. I was a bitter child filled with hate, anxiety, anger, bitterness, abandonment and rejection issues.

I never knew what love meant.

At middle school, I was constantly bullied because I looked unkempt but one day I decided to face the bullies. I beat up a girl like my mum usually does, and she had a large cut.

I was kicked out of school and taken to a juvenile correction centre.

It was such a relief for me, I was free from my mum and brother.

After a while, I escaped from the centre and lived on the streets.

I got introduced to drugs at 12. I sold drugs to very dangerous people.

I was only a child! I resolved to use weapons to protect myself on the streets.

From 12 until I turned 18, I was in and out of juvenile centres for one crime or the other.

I got pregnant twice and my babies had to stay with others while I was at the juvenile centre.

At some point, I decided I was done! I wanted to stay clean and live a normal life. I opted for therapy but returned on the streets.

I didn't have the power, I only knew pain all my life. I couldn't do it alone!

I couldn't quit drugs or street life. They were the reason for my existence.

Soon I was involved in another crime that took me to jail. I was very aggressive and had to be locked up in confinement for two weeks.

The first night, I felt my life closing in on me. First time I prayed. I begged God to help me. My life was horrible.

It wasn't just that I was a problem for myself, but for the whole neighborhood too.

I was wide and could not be controlled, not even by the law.

That night I heard a voice asking me to forgive my mother.

"No way, I cried." "I would rather stop drugging than forgive my mother!"

I was so filled with hatred for my mother and had nightmares about it.

Two nights later, I heard a voice inside me asking me to forgive my mum or remain tormented all my life.

It was the hardest thing I had ever done. As I fell on my face, I let out all the pain I held against my mother out of my body.

When I was done, I felt light.

That day marked the beginning of my inner healing.

By the time I came out of confinement, the officers barely recognised me.

I was very calm compared to before I entered confinement.

I served the total number of years given by the judge. Unlike other times, I didn't break out of jail or fight with inmates.

God allowed me to serve time in jail to learn obedience and respect for laws. Before my jail time, I was uncontrollable. I fought with armed police officers. I wasn't scared of anyone.

I had more encounters with God while in jail. I came out a changed person.

I reconciled with my mother and children, but unfortunately, I could not reconcile with my brother. He passed away while I was in jail.

Jesus found me even though I wasn't looking for Him.

"Listen to the whispers and you won't have to hear the screams."A helpful tip for parenting this year.Come down from you...

"Listen to the whispers and you won't have to hear the screams."

A helpful tip for parenting this year.

Come down from your high horse and listen!
Have conversations with your children, they have a lot to tell you, IF ONLY YOU WOULD LISTERN!

It's important to never get wrapped up in your own ideas or everyday pursuits that you forget to listen to your kids' concerns, complaints, and needs.


I blamed God for my parent's divorce.

As a result of my parents' divorce, I was angry with God. After leaving the church and joining the LGBQT community, I disdained God. However, as time passed, I realized my anger was rooted in my heartbreak rather than in God's fault. I found a way to reconcile with God, and now I see him as a symbol of love and forgiveness rather than a source of judgment.


Healing starts with making peace with your inner child.
Write a letter to your inner child... Apologizing for the pain caused by your traumatized childhood.



Learn to be done!

In life, there are going to be times when you want to give up, throw in the towel, and just be done. It's okay to feel frustrated, disappointed, or even angry sometimes. The important thing is to learn to be done!

Being done doesn't mean you've given up or given up hope. It doesn't mean you're not passionate or dedicated.

One. It simply means that you've reached a point where you've accepted what's happened, let go of any negative emotions, and are ready to move on to something more positive.

Two. Not Mad, Not Bothered
Sometimes, we get so caught up in our emotions that it's difficult to see the forest for the trees. When we let anger or frustration consume us, it takes a toll on our well-being and can affect our relationships with others.

Three. Release any negativity and approach situations with a clearer mind.

Focus on problem-solving and finding solutions instead of getting caught up in our emotions. It's a healthier and more productive way to move forward.

Four. Being "done" might be just accepting that something has come to an end. Whether it's a job, a relationship, or a project, it's okay to accept that it was what it was and now it's time to move forward.

It's important to understand that letting go doesn't mean you've failed or that you'll never succeed again. It's simply recognizing that sometimes, things don't work out the way we want them to. And that's okay!

Finally. It's Protecting your Peace at All Costs.

Once your peace is protected, everything else falls into place.

Your well-being is the foundation of your success and happiness.

Don't let external circumstances or other people's actions affect your inner peace.
Surround yourself with positive influences, cultivate healthy relationships, and prioritize self-care.

Remember, it's okay to be done. It's even okay to be mad or bothered sometimes. But when you know that your peace is precious, you can find a way to rise above it all and find inner strength. 💪✨

  Will you accept a marriage proposal from a woman?   Can you walk up to a guy you admire and ask him to marry you?   Pl...

Will you accept a marriage proposal from a woman?
Can you walk up to a guy you admire and ask him to marry you?

Please read:
I was 23 and he was 35 when we met. Today I do tease him that 'na so e for miss better thing if I didn't take the initiative

Also whenever I tease him about taking long in making a decision he is quick to remind me that's why I met him single

I have never believed that I have to wait for a man to toast me. For what? Limit myself to anyone that comes rather than who I think is a good fit for me? Most importantly I was always okay single. It was the biggest surprise for many when I got married. I was the one that would have been predicted to be single and unmarried.

If you see him and want him go after him and it's also okay for him to say you chased and got him

MAKE EVERY MOMENT COUNT... "Every minute someone leaves this world behind. We are all in "the line" without knowing it. ...


"Every minute someone leaves this world behind. We are all in "the line" without knowing it. We never know how many people are before us.

We can not move to the back of the line.

We can not step out of the line.

We can not avoid the line.

So while we wait in line -

Make moments count.

Make priorities.

Make the time.

Make your gifts known.

Make a nobody feel like a somebody.

Make your voice heard.

Make the small things big.

Make someone smile.

Make the change.

Make love.

Make up.

Make peace.

Make sure to tell your people they are loved.

Make sure to have no regrets.

Make sure you are ready."


Nobody's an island. We all need one another to survive. Women need men in their lives as much as men need women in their lives.


I READ THIS AND WOULDNT STOP 🤣🤣🤣. A typical response for "Silence is the best answer.... "

Woman goes out and sees husband with side chick

Husband is frozen
Wife pretends not to know them
Side chick is unaware and falling all over the man

It's been 3 weeks
Wife has not said a word about it

Husband says she is too deep and planning something really wic.ked.

He says each time he tries to explain the situation, she says it's fine and there is no need to explain.

He is reporting himself everywhere.
Saying she wants to k*ill him.

What really are women expected to do when you catch your husband with a side chick?

Dear woman living in abuse, You may have to save yourself when it gets to the peak.  The only way to survive if help doe...

Dear woman living in abuse,

You may have to save yourself when it gets to the peak. The only way to survive if help doesn't arrive is to flee.

I pray that you heal from the traumatic experience you've been through, and the pain in your heart you've covered with a...

I pray that you heal from the traumatic experience you've been through, and the pain in your heart you've covered with a fake smile.
Feelings you don't talk about because you believe no one will understand.
Have a great day


Most Adults do not understand the impact of a Father's absence in the life of a child.



Abigail covered her mouth with a pillow as she sobbed profusely. She didn't want Ambrose to see or hear her cry. 'It's a weakness' she thought to herself.

Her angry and bold front was just a facade. She appears harsh, aggressive, and mean, but in reality she is the opposite. She does that to scare everyone who comes close to her, especially those who are of the opposite gender. Deep within she longed for touch and care. She wished for a man in her life; a loving and peaceful relationship but 'her demons' wouldn't let her be. Her traumatic experiences with men have left her broken and shattered.

"if my papa no leave me when I bin small, maybe mesef for go school and I for be like all those big, big women I dey see for television. Men for dey respect me too" She murmured to herself amidst her sobs.


Ambrose stood outside the door for a while eavesdropping. He had never seen Abigail cry, but now he was more troubled than when he stepped into her room some moments ago.

"Wetin dey do this girl? Why she dey cry like person wey him papa just die".

He thought of returning into the room to comfort her but feared an outburst of anger from Abigail. He decided to keep quiet and stay in the hallway. After a few minutes, he heard Abigail come out of her room and walk to the bathroom, her sobs still audible. He pretended not to notice her cry, silently watching her every move from a distance.

Besides knowing that Abigail had children with absentee fathers, Ambrose knew little about her. She had been introduced to him by a friend. What they had together was just 'business'. As the marriage was on contract, both partners had to separate at the end.

The downside of an "arrangee marriage" is the lack of prior knowledge about the partner's background, criminal history, or health status. Lack of knowledge about each other's past usually causes insecurity, doubt, and lack of trust between them.

Lo******ng was not part of the contract, but they 'did the do when nature calls'. They only had to show off and act as a couple in public. Abigail gets hurt and jealous when she sees him with a lady or when he arrives back late from work. She treats him the same way the previous men in her life treated her. As a result of her efforts to obtain residency, she was 'used and dumped'.

Ambrose had been advised to get into a relationship with one of the locals but that was the last thing on his mind. He worked two jobs to pay off Abigail and offset the loan his father raised for him to travel to Europe. His friends tried to invite him to the club but he was too scared. Abigail threatened to deport him if she caught him with another woman.

"Ambrose, make we gather go club tomorrow night nah!

You dey miss o, see fine fine Oyinbo gals dey there, any shape and size!

Drinks many full ground." His friends pleaded, trying to convince him to change his mind.

Ambrose's friends were in a more difficult position than he was, but you know how the saying rolls? "Enjoy now and fix your problems later". That was their motto.

Bisi whose nickname is Bisco has been married twice to indigenous women and has had children with them. He is currently living with a third woman who is already pregnant with him. He calls himself a 'typical traditional African man'.

"I bi man nah. Na me suppose bi the boss for house, Woman no fit control me oo. How she go teh me say make I enter kitchen go cook? She wey bi woman sidon, she dey give me list go shop! I no fit oo, see women plenti for club dem dey beg us to marry them and the one we marry for house dey misbehave. I no see my papa for kitchen, men no dey cook for my place, we dey forbid na woman work bi dat" Bisco boosted arrongantly.

A year after having a child with a native, Bisco was granted a residence. However, the police were a regular guest at their house due to constant fights between him and his partner. He was given a restraining order to keep away from his partner and the child. He declined paying child support and has refused to work because the money was been taken directly froim his pay. Unfortunately he hasn't been able to renew his residence after that episode.

He moved to a second partner to regain his right to stay. She had children from a previous marriage and Bisco refused to support her with them. She works full time while Bisco attends language school. Despite Bisco getting home before her, he waits for her to get home to prepare his meal. She kicked him out five months after he moved in with her. He boasted about his prowess in bed. He said she would beg him to come back, but she never did.

He is now with the third lady. She is young and still in love. Waiting to see what the future holds.

Chuk's case wasn't different from the other two. He entered the country to seek asylum but has no good grounds for his claim. Unless he finds a quick solution, he will face deportation. He lives with a woman twice his age, but she isn't ready to make commitments yet. He is more of a bedmate than a partner. He is desperate to find a way to stay in the country and make a life for himself.


Ambrose dozed off lost in his own thoughts, lost in his own world. Life as an illegal immigrant is more difficult and complicated than he imagined. First his father had to sell the family land and take out a loan from the local market committee where he sold his wares. Next he risked his life crossing through Libya for several days with barely food or water. When he thought he had overcome all hurdles, he and forty other young men had to seize themselves into a small flimsy boat to cross the Mediterranean Sea. They had sailed for almost a week without hope of rescue when the security ship found them.

His tongue had stuck to the roof of his mouth for thirst, his skin looked pale and dry, his eyes looked like they would fall out of their sockets for hunger.


Ambrose drifted into a dream while lying on the sofa. He was back on the Mediterranean sea with a couple of other young men heading for Europe. Suddenly there was a huge wave that washed them off their boat into the sea. Some were already drowning. He had no safety buoy, so he tried to hold on to the boat edge. Moments later, he looked up and saw another wave coming in his direction.

He held on to the boat and tried to dock, but fell off the sofa.

He woke up drenched in sweat. He was shocked to find himself lying on the floor. He tried to remember what had happened and realized he had been dreaming.

He breathed deeply and shook his head to get rid of the dream.

He got up, grabbed a towel and headed to the bathroom.

It was almost time to return to work..
Check out my audio book on YouTube:
Taken from the book: MADNESS IN PARADISE by .

***No part of this book should be used for commercial purposes.

Chat with Georgina

AMBROSE MY PIKIN.... PART 3"Bena, if na so e easy you sef enter road make you come hussle nah!Abi you think say e get on...


"Bena, if na so e easy you sef enter road make you come hussle nah!

Abi you think say e get one tree wey dem dey pluck money for this side?


Papa Ambrose stood at the door post and watched Osaro storm off in anger. This time around, it was different. Osaro was patient all the while. His last words echoed the threat of drastic action if the loan wasn't refunded by Thursday evening. Papa Ambrose knew Osaro was serious and determined to find a solution. Osaro had to be stopped from resorting to extreme measures. Papa Ambrose would have to act quickly before it was too late.

He felt a chill run down his spine. He managed to drag his aging body towards the antic armchair by the wall and gently slid his ailing frame into it. He knew he had to do something, but his mind was blank. He needed help, but he wasn't sure who to turn to. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, trying to think of a way out of the situation. He had a million thoughts racing through his head:

"Why my pikin Ambrose no dey answer my call?"

E dey okay so? Na overseas e dey now, shebi dem talk say everything easy for dia?

Pipo dey make plenty money as soon as dem enter dia.

See Osahon daughter, Rosemary wey go overseas some months before Ambrose, she don send moto for him papa and she don almost complete bangalow for her family.

Richard too wey go three years ago don carry all him younger ones enter overseas too. He don even open big shop for him mama for central market.

Ooh Ambrose! So you don see moni kom forget say you leave pipo wey dey suffa here abi? No problem, we sha see!" .

Papa Ambrose gave a deep sigh and starred at the blank space.

Bernard had been eavesdropping from behind the door all this while. He was Ambrose's elder brother. A graduate of Electrical Engineering, he has failed to secure a job in his field. He presently works as a subject teacher in a private school. He walked out of the room pretending he hadn't heard the conversation.

"Epa, I bin dey hear person dey shout, na who bi dat? "

"Hmm Bena my pikin", Papa Ambrose said with a deep sigh.

"Na Osaro come here this early morning dey draw me money. I tell am say make e still give me small time make my son wey dey overseas send me moni, nahim Osaro vex come dey shout put my head. Anyway, I no blame am, no bi him fault at all, na Ambrose nahim I blame. If to say him bi better pikin, e for don send me big money as soon as e enter overseas".

This was the first time Papa Ambrose spoke ill of Ambrose since he traveled to Europe. Papa Ambrose has taunted Bernard continuously since he graduated from university for spending money on an education that did not benefit him or his family. He boasted that Ambrose would make him a millionaire in a few months after arriving in Europe. He told Bernard that Ambrose would assume the position of first son since Bernard earned peanuts and could not improve the family's status with his small income.

"My pikin Ambrose dey overseas... "

Papa Ambrose constantly bragged about his son to everyone he came across.

Bernard left home with the promise that he would help reach his brother after work. As he embarked on the two mile walk to his job, he called Ambrose on Whatsapp but Ambrose did not respond. Ambrose had informed him of his situation in Europe with the promise to keep the information from their father. Bernard felt guilty for keeping the information away from his father and wished he had told him about Ambrose's situation. He sighed and quickened his pace. It was a thirty five minute walk. He didn't want a query from the Headteacher for being late. As he walked along, he thought about their conversation the last time he called him. Their conversation didn't end well and Ambrose felt more frustrated.

"Bena, if na so e easy you sef enter road make you come hussle nah!

Abi you think say e get one tree wey dem dey pluck money for this side?

If I no pay this girl her money complete, she fit block my paper".


After the phone rang, Ambrose could not fall back to sleep. The thought of what might have made his father and Bernard call him so early this morning was on his mind. He worried that something bad had happened to them and that his family was in trouble. His fear and anxiety kept him awake and he found it difficult to fall asleep again.

He summoned courage and walked up to Abigail in her room. Putting on her makeup at the dressing table, she sat by the mirror.

"Babe, abeg i fit ask you somtin" he asked with fear in his voice.

"Na wetin?" She asked without raising her head or looking in his direction.

"Abeg, dem call me this morning from Bongo talk say my Papa dey very sick, dem don carry am go hospital this morning. Dem say dem wan do operation for am today, so I need to send them the money now now! The hospital dey ask for money before them treat am".

He put on a pity look as if he would cry as he said this.

"Na wetin dem say dey do am?" she asked, showing little or no concern.

"Dem say he get liver problem , if dem no treat am e go fit die today" He said.

For a while, Abigail was mute. In the meantime, Ambrose stood at the door waiting for her response. Ambrose's words weighed heavily on her mind. She never had a father figure in her life and understands the pain of not having a father present in one's life. She took a deep breath as she continued her makeup.

"So wetin you want make i do but I not get money to give you o".

"No, i just wan ask weather i fit send dem the money wey i suppose give you this month?

He said while taking some steps backwards as he expected her to lash out in anger.

"Okay" she replied and waved her hand towards the door, a sign that he should leave the room.

Ambrose said, "Thank you" as he hurriedly left the room before she changed her mind.

Ambrose was shocked. He never imagined the trick would work so easily.


Alone in the room, Abigail burst out in large sobs as she flung herself onto the bed. A can of worms had just been opened. The pain she has held in secret all these years keeps returning She buried her face in her hands, her heart pounding and her entire body shaking. She knew she had to find the courage to face her demons and move on, but she wasn't sure how.

***Audio version available on my YouTube channel:

Taken from the book: Madness in Paradise by

A combination of fiction and non-fiction content is available on this channel. A wide range of topics is covered, including entertainment and life issues. Th...




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