Have you ever read one of your captions out loud? 🤔
I practice this with every single private coaching client as they work on writing their copy.
Can you guess what I find?
👉🏻 Huge discomfort…at first! 😰
So how do we work through this? The answer seems simple, but most people don't do it.
Step 1: ✨Your copy should read as if you were talking to someone.
You don't talk for 30 seconds to a minute without taking a breath, do you? So why do you expect your audience to be able to when they are reading your caption?
Step 2: ✨ When you read your caption out loud, you will find places where natural breaks should be taking place, giving you the chance to add punctuation, emojis, etc.
💣Hint: Emojis are a great way to help someone slow down while reading (it mimics a natural breaking or breath point!)
Step 3: ✨ Find line breaks.
Line breaks act as natural stopping points for the reader, allowing them to breathe as they read what you are writing.
Line breaks can be created at the end of thoughts or before you create a bulleted list (or steps just like I am doing here 😉)
Step 4: ✨ Re-Read your caption out loud two or three times before hitting save & publish.
I guarantee that you will write BETTER captions and get MORE engagement from your audience if you practice this role-playing exercise.
If you need help, shoot me a DM saying, "COPY," and we can schedule a call to chat! 📲