Three things I'm not doing that I should be;
I feel like I really made the most of 2 under 2 & I'm super proud of myself for that! Since then the pace picked up and life got busy.. Mostly from projects we give ourselves and the side effect of having 2 very energetic little boys!
I know how to look after myself, but I've put myself at the bottom of the pile to make sure I've got everything else done & meet everyone else's needs first.
Well, of recent months my nervous system has been functioning and I have been TIRED. My body forced me to rest and I had no choice but to listen.. Which made me realise that I've been in fight/flight/freeze mode!
So going forward here are the things I'm doing to take care of me: because despite my 'old' thought patterns-I am more productive when I take some time out!
1. 💤 Sleep. Pretty obvious. But with broken nights and late bedtimes my body is just knacked=less energy. I'm also waaaay more regulated as a Mum when I'm rested!
2. 🧘 Move. Bottom of the pile, until now. I need those feel good endorphins and my body deserves to feel strong!
3. 🌞 Get outside more. Now this one I feel is exceptional since we've had SUCH a wet winter.. Normally we live outside-also missed the van being use able so this one I feel will be an easy one to rectify! Also helps release the serotonin feel good hormone and resets our circadian rhythm which I'm REALLY hoping will help Ruperts sleep 🤞
Resonate with you? Pop a comment below or give me a message to let me know what you're doing to look after yourself!